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The Belgorod Was Done By Ukrainian Forces Dressed Russian militia

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posted on May, 22 2023 @ 09:02 PM
What happened in Russia's Belgrorod Region.

Wasn't an operation by any Russian Separatist militias instated it was by Ukrainian Forces.

Ukrainian Forces came near by Russia's Belgrorod Region border with tanks and hmmvs were caught on videos recently.

A number of Ukrainian soldiers were either killed or captured.

Ukraine sent about 50 men dressed as Russian militia
In vid it shows the American made hmmvs and several other armored vehlics positioned.

Attacks Inside Russia, Belgrorod

Captured Ukrainian vehlics.
Vehlics captured

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 10:32 PM
Even if they were born with Russian citizenship, it would have been revoked by the Russian government for being terrorists.

(post by Allaroundyou removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 10:45 PM
There's supposedly a captured MaxxPro with the usual Ukrainian German wannabe white cross marking which was used by Germany army in WW2.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:02 PM
LOL, it was pretty much alluded to in the other thread on this subject that this was a possibility among a number of possibilities.

The problem is all sides have been caught in half-truths and outright lies who are you gonna believe?

LOL ironically the last thread basically ended with that assertion, everybody lies, and it's all BS.

regardless,how it is your Twitter source is considered legit when a cursory search sees plenty of tweets like below.

edit on 22-5-2023 by putnam6 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:06 PM
It sounds like the situation over there is getting ugly, hm. Maybe Ukraine needs to create a demilitarized zone in Belgorod to protect civilians. The People's Republic of Bilhorod might request Ukraine to protect them against Russian Nazis, what do you think? Have to see how this develops.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:08 PM
a reply to: Cutepants

Russia is CSTO country. No doubt CSTO will be triggered if Ukrainians do not withdraw from Belgorod. Also, China being a neighbor of Russia and a China's policy is an attack on a neighbor of China = an attack on China itself. No doubt China will be threatened and join CSTO if Ukrainians do not leave Russian territory.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:12 PM
a reply to: ChinaDragonAwakens

CSTO doesn't appear to do anything about this. Ukraine has been in Russia for months. Don't you remember that Donbass is now a Russian oblast

And what are you talking about? Bilhorod hasn't even requested Ukraine to send their troops yet.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:15 PM
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:32 PM
a reply to: ChinaDragonAwakens

But what do you think about the need for a demilitarized zone to protect ethnic Ukrainians and Russians in Russia?

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:37 PM

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

So Russia needs China to save its bacon, because 80 "Ukrainians" stormed the border?

Does Russia's Super Power card get revoked? Obviously, China has over taken Russia completely at #2.

Id suggest Russia needs Chinese troops and Chinese weapons, and Chinese leaders

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: putnam6

And nothing China sends Russia will come without "strings" attached.

China will demand "payment", in one form or another,

Whether Russia wins, or not.

posted on May, 22 2023 @ 11:57 PM

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

So Russia needs China to save its bacon, because 80 "Ukrainians" stormed the border?

Does Russia's Super Power card get revoked? Obviously, China has over taken Russia completely at #2.

Id suggest Russia needs Chinese troops and Chinese weapons, and Chinese leaders

It seems like Russia is the baddest bad asses on the planet. How much aid has been sent to Ukraine?

How many weapons? How is Russia still taking cities ?

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 01:53 AM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

So Russia needs China to save its bacon, because 80 "Ukrainians" stormed the border?

Does Russia's Super Power card get revoked? Obviously, China has over taken Russia completely at #2.

Id suggest Russia needs Chinese troops and Chinese weapons, and Chinese leaders

It seems like Russia is the baddest bad asses on the planet. How much aid has been sent to Ukraine?

How many weapons? How is Russia still taking cities ?

If you say it enough I guess that makes it true, right?

98 Million population difference
47 million available manpower difference
631,000 active military difference
200,000 paramilitary difference

52 billion difference in military expenditures

Russia is so good the Global Military Index has them at 2 while Ukraine is 15th

Are you referring to Russia shelling an 80,000 pre-war population town into the mud as taking a city?

somewhere Vasily Chuikov yawns and rolls his eyes

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: vNex92

My only surprise at this thread is that it took you so long to post it.

And even if it was a Ukrainian attack - which is very, very debatable - can you blame them?
Bear in mind, Russia has invaded their country. killed literally thousands upon thousands and is wreaking havoc throughout their land.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: putnam6

People often use the analogy of the wars in the Middle East for the US. I think that’s unfair considering it was projection on a different part of the globe. Battle wise, it was incredibly swift. The idea of setting up a western style governance there proved to be our folly.

A more proper comparison would be a hypothetical. How would the US handle Mexico. Not that we should, it’s just a thought experiment.

I can’t imagine a year and some change later for a few hundred miles gained we’d be ecstatic of the results.

Compare the Russian losses in a year to the total losses of the US in all post WWII conflicts, and I’d say it’s troubling. I mean, many of us Americans would agree our foreign policy was incredibly costly in lives, and for what. And we’re more than double their population.

Weird to see so many play contrarian so hard they can glorify the dichotomy that is objectively worse than what we have.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:19 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
What happened in Russia's Belgrorod Region.
Wasn't an operation by any Russian Separatist militias instated it was by Ukrainian Forces.

When was the last time Russia told the truth? They tell some many lies it's difficult to find truth in anything that eminates from Russian "media" or "sources".

I mean, if they were Ukrainians dressed as Russians, then why drive non-Russian vehicles? Ukraine has warehouses full of Russian made trucks et al. When your lie is so obviously brokem, why bother? But, I guess you just need a few to believe.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:29 AM
Looked at your links. Where's the proof that the video or the pic of the captured vehicle were involved in the Belgorod operation? For that matter, I'd imagine that these purportedly Russian units would have been equipped by Ukraine, so they could have some American vehicles.

I do understand that some Ukrainian sabotage unit crossed the border as well. So what? It's agains the law for Ukraine to attack across the Russian border? LOL

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:40 AM

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
a reply to: Cutepants

Russia is CSTO country. No doubt CSTO will be triggered if Ukrainians do not withdraw from Belgorod. Also, China being a neighbor of Russia and a China's policy is an attack on a neighbor of China = an attack on China itself. No doubt China will be threatened and join CSTO if Ukrainians do not leave Russian territory.

I don't think so. Pakistan attacking India would not cause China to attack Pakistan.

And the current CSTO countries are not going to be doing anything to help Russia, as Russia hasn't helped in the conflict between CSTO members Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, or in the The Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict.

And then there's this:

Russia-led CSTO is facing its end amid various conflicts

Russia's version of NATO is crumbling, with even some of its closest allies frustrated by Putin's war in Ukraine

And there is the fact that China is currying favor and building influence in the central Asian countries to the detriment of Putin's Russia.

posted on May, 23 2023 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: soundsofmadness

originally posted by: putnam6

originally posted by: ChinaDragonAwakens
Belgorod is extremely heavily defended. It's a good thing Ukraine invade Belgorod. It's a good place for Russians to attrite Ukrainian military equipment. Russian PM arrived in China today. No doubt asking for weapons because Ukraine invaded Russia. Chinese weapons will tip the balance in Russia's favor considering China is in a state of civil war since 1946 and therefore China has built up a huge stockpile of weapons and a huge military industry.

So Russia needs China to save its bacon, because 80 "Ukrainians" stormed the border?

Does Russia's Super Power card get revoked? Obviously, China has over taken Russia completely at #2.

Id suggest Russia needs Chinese troops and Chinese weapons, and Chinese leaders

It seems like Russia is the baddest bad asses on the planet. How much aid has been sent to Ukraine?

How many weapons? How is Russia still taking cities ?

They're the baddest bad butts in Russia, and only barely at that.

Sure, a fairly significant amount of western aid has been sent to Ukraine, but the supposed amount of equipment Russia has still outweighs that, although said equipment is generally not as good.

How is Russia sill taking cities? You mean, how come it takes Russia 7-10 months to take a city of originally 70,000, don't you? Russia is barely taking any territory, countryside or town/city. And the little territory they are taking they are paying for dearly.

How can you claim Russia is the baddest bad butt on the planet? Their military has become a joke, and it abuses and slaughters its own soldiers.

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