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Texas shooter’s ‘RWDS’ patch linked to far-right extremists

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posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: stevieray

Do explain?

Explain what ? That you just copied DBC’s post as your “response” to him, then copied your own response to ketsuko as your response to me ?
It’s really not that involved, you knew the answer before asking.
I just figured that you who have it all figured out, would be more original.

Sorry, but this is just complete nonsense.

My posts are there for all to see. I copied nothing.

What's your point?

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:24 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

The LACK of Logic and Reason Eliminates by Nature any Claim of an Authority to Pass Judgments on Others .

Mr. Spock , Vulcan Academy of Mental Health , Star Date - 2409
edit on 9-5-2023 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: stevieray

PM me with your explanation if you can't or won't post it on here.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:13 PM
It's so easy to plant people and props in a False Flag, the whole thing has lost any meaning.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: stevieray

PM me with your explanation if you can't or won't post it on here.

I have given it to you twice. Everybody read it.
We don’t need the childish tactic of asking the same question again and again, when it’s been answered already. Nobody likes or respects that.

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 08:31 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

Lol, just like the word racist. It became “whatever I hate or I am mad at”.
And don’t forget “literally Hitler” for anybody who disagrees with me.
How and why and when did the Left fully retard themselves ?

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 11:38 PM
My shock is that I posted an image of the killer dead in his gear, and there appear to be no patches of the sort anywhere on him suggesting RWDS as has been officially stated. Nobody want to expand on that??

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Mahogany

If the time comes where we need to take our country back by force, no identifying patches will be allowed. Because those whom the FBI label as "right wing extremists" will be the heroes who get rid of top-level radical officials...those who ruined America.
You really believe that salvation will come from right wing fascism ?

posted on May, 9 2023 @ 11:59 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

Yet if the shooter had Antifa stuff on his computer & a BLM patch , you would gobble it all up as complete truth of there being an alt-left agenda to the shooting. The guy is a right wing nut just like the left wing nut who shot up a school the other day.
The common theme here is that radicals are horrible in both sides & are exactly the same .
Use logic instead of sectarianism ok ?
Just calling balls & strikes on all .

edit on 10-5-2023 by Whiskermegistus because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 02:34 AM
Hispanic is "His Panic" like History is "His Story"

all designed by churches, politicians for divide and conquer purposes.

Hispanics of The Americas and Hispanics of European decent carry different weight,Differences of Latinos from Latin origin Iberia, Castellanos/Castilian and Celtic order.

Its deeper than you know, look up Crypto Jew.

Spain itself is a ancient Germanic country and once included France, Germany and Italy hence the Term Latin as Speaking Latin. Funny thing "Pig Latin" is making up words such as Hispanic is madeup to represent people that are not really whom you thought...

Deeper than deep!

When native America in "His-Story" refers to the invasion of the evil White Europeans to their native Americas these weren't Whites as what you believe to be the American white man, Cristobal Colon aka Christopher Columbus was Latin as Pedro De Alvarado was, and both bloodline cousins to the Queen of Spain.... too deep to explain so please research.

How did Cristobal Colon become Christopher Columbus.
edit on 10-5-2023 by Talaria because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: Arnie123
a reply to: MrInquisitive
I chose not to engage your ridiculous pendantic post, yet you've doubled down and decided to make ignorant assumptions.
So, sure, I'll engage.

I'm on the left, and I want sensible gun control, which in my case does including banning assault rifles. I'm not for banning all firearms, so your claim is false. Never mind that most state legislatures nor Congress would never go for a complete firearm ban. That's a straw man argument if there ever was one.
False. The progressive lefts view is to ban all weapons, PERIOD. Regardless of whether or not it passes, the proposals are still introduced. It's a political tactic that just basically involves saturation till one day, people start actually voting for it.
As for you being PERSONALLY left, I pity you. More importantly, you being Left doesn't represent the whole, your first mistake.
We call that self attribution bias and its potential fallacies are exactly what you just posted.
Good for you wanting sensible gun control, convince your radicalized brethren of that.

As for your refusal to engage with me regarding my direct responses to your post, which I laid out in paragraph form, i.e. it wasn't a wall of text, that's on you not me. I directed some very specific questions to you, which you chose not to answer. Evidently they went way, way past the comfort zone of your cognitive dissonance.
See Above 🙄

Psyop this, psyop that, and sick people in the shadows, yet you complain about "activists" using buzzwords??? And "they" said this that and the other thing on Twitter about certain alphabet agencies involvement, so it must be true. Really compelling stuff there as well.
I mentioned twitter, as it is just one source. There are many more I didn't list. Another assumption of yours in thinking Twitter is a sole source of credentialed and valuable information. It is but one aspect in many where we have to scrub our information from disino and legacy media bias. I know what I know as a result. ATS being another aspect as well.

And you seem to be stereotyping all Hispanic people in Texas as one monolithic, low-income, mainly Spanish-speaking group in another post of yours, and feel justified in doing so because you are evidently Hispanic as well. Man alive, I wouldn't ever dream of doing so to my own demographic group.
"You seem..." No, you don't know, lol.
Being Hispanic/Native America, I see things thru several lens, raised in a predominate wealthy white area. Whites, Black and Brown, all varying successes, each ascribe to their sociel and economic stratifications.
So when I talk about a certain demographic, there is obviously more to say, however it normally goes without saying.

Course, all in all, leave it to a Lefty to make assumptions and end it with Race.

Pendantic indeed.

Dude, with all due respect, you're really messed up (and I'm saying that in a very polite way). First, you claim that my assertion that I am not for a total ban on guns is false because you say the progressive/liberal view on guns is for a total ban. So much for what you know about progressives and liberals. And you seem to be calling me a liar as well. As for your related comment on my supposed "self attribution bias and potential fallacies" word salad, who are you to talk??? You're attempting to characterize me in all manner of ways and disputing my ideologies, which you know next-to jack squat about.

Then as far as race goes, you are the one who brought it up in the first place, not I. And I brought it up only because you seemed to be saying that since you are Hispanic and a Texan, that you know for a fact that there aren't any white-supremacist Hispanics (ever hear of Nick Fuentes, who thinks Hitler is f'ing cool?). I was suggesting that you were painting with way too wide a brush on the matter. Seems a legit reason to broach the subject. I wasn't making assumptions (that's your bag); I was merely trying to make the point that your being Hispanic and then claiming you know there is no such thing as Hispanic white supremacy might just be wrong.

As for Twitter, uh, you really miscomprehended what I was saying about it. I think very little of it, and generally don't use it as a source of information; certainly no more than with other social media. Guess I should have used the sarcasm flag, but I like to think it is generally obvious contextually.

I do, however, thank you for engaging with me, although, I still am really curious as to your feelings regarding the white dude (most likely heterosexual) who mowed down nine black Christians in a Charleston, SC church back in 2015, in relation to your feelings about the trans-male that killed the Christian kids in the Christian school in Nashville, TN. And for that matter, how you feel about all the mass shootings at schools involving young victims of all walks of like (including Christians, one would imagine), snuffed out by male shooters, and why that doesn't upset you as much as a trans-male shooting Christian kids. That really the crux of what I want to hear from you.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:07 AM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Mahogany

If the time comes where we need to take our country back by force, no identifying patches will be allowed. Because those whom the FBI label as "right wing extremists" will be the heroes who get rid of top-level radical officials...those who ruined America.

i know, rite? so much for staying under the radar.

was the patch sewn on or taped? lol.

and the social media? give me a break.

they can disappear/add/hack anything they want.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: worldstarcountry
My shock is that I posted an image of the killer dead in his gear, and there appear to be no patches of the sort anywhere on him suggesting RWDS as has been officially stated. Nobody want to expand on that??

Actually it looked like he may have had a patch of some sort on his right shirt/jacket pocket, but could not tell for sure, and certainly not what it read.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 03:31 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
It's so easy to plant people and props in a False Flag, the whole thing has lost any meaning.

Yeah, the vast majority of the 11 shootings last weekend, and the 200+ mass shootings since the beginning of this year were all false flag operations. So easy to disrupt schools, churches, businesses, entire communities, involve a lot of law enforcement, paramedics, hospitals and hospital staffs, local news reporters, the scores of crisis actors at each event, and all the fake funerals afterwards -- and that includes fake embalmings as well.

It's particularly easy now since those supposed Sandy Hook parents are getting all of those millions from Alex Jones, and all that money will be funneled into even more such operations, which will in turn beget more and larger lawsuit settlements, which in turn will lead to ever more false flag operations. Rinse and repeat, ad nauseum. Before long, the crypto anti-gun cabal will own most of the wealth of this nation, and they will then be able to enact their even more devilish plan: to chemically and surgically switch the gender of every American and to make all bathroom stall walls, as well as outer walls, out of glass. We'll all be girly-girly men and mannish gals watching each other, one and all, conducting our bodily functions while showing off our surgically-made naughty bits. No conducting your business through your surgically reconstructed conduits privately for you! It will be glorious!!! All hail our trans, anti-gun overlords and underladies!
edit on 10-5-2023 by MrInquisitive because: made it into two paragraphs, so it wouldn't be a pendantic wall of sarcasm

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 04:10 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

This guy was groomed. Apparently he wasn't as crazy as they initially said and his boss for the security company was ex FBI. The neo nazi narrative is total bull#. They should have just stuck to the lone gunman script and not gotten greedy.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: stevieray

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: stevieray

PM me with your explanation if you can't or won't post it on here.

I have given it to you twice. Everybody read it.
We don’t need the childish tactic of asking the same question again and again, when it’s been answered already. Nobody likes or respects that.

Whose "we".

And no you haven't. But never mind, I can't be bothered.

Suggest you try to recognise humour and get a sense of it.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:37 AM

originally posted by: Whiskermegistus

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

Yet if the shooter had Antifa stuff on his computer & a BLM patch , you would gobble it all up as complete truth of there being an alt-left agenda to the shooting. The guy is a right wing nut just like the left wing nut who shot up a school the other day.
The common theme here is that radicals are horrible in both sides & are exactly the same .
Use logic instead of sectarianism ok ?
Just calling balls & strikes on all .

Ima calling bs on your post.

We saw months of left-wing extremists burn, loot, murder, and all we got from the left was excuses and saying that they were "mostly peaceful."

Until the left starts owning all of Antifa's actions, your statements don't mean crap.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Mahogany

I do not understand why if you are on a killing spree and doing harm to others, mostly innocent people, will wear something that identified you as a extremist white supremacist or else.

Do not understand, this, specially when the person doing the criminal deed is not even a white person.

Still scratching my head.

posted on May, 10 2023 @ 11:28 AM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit
a reply to: DBCowboy

Ah , you do Know that there can Only be One Definitive Definition of a White Supremacist which denotes Descendants of Pure Arian Bloodlines going back at Least 20 Generations , Right ? Any Person other than that could Not Possibly be Labeled One .

"White Supremacy" as defined by the left is now anything they don't like.

That's why Asians, Hispanics, even black people can become voices of "White Supremacy".

I hate olives. So according to the evil lefts logic, anyone who eats olives is a white supremacist.

Hitler liked olives. You are now part of the #resistance.

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