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Active Shooter Michigan State University

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posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:53 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

But what about those who get a free pass on taking down suspects with over the top violence? I'm talking about feds vs regular cops or even armed civilians/ good samaritans.
January 6th DC agent shoots and kill an unarmed woman climbing through a window. No charges. FBI investigating the Boston Bombing shoots and kills a handcuffed person of interest while under interrogation. No charges.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 05:57 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

I agree as well. As I said, I obviously don't have an issue with gun ownership being an owner myself. Although how to resolve it I'm not sure, as I mentioned a few posts above.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 08:13 PM
a reply to: Dutchowl

That problem exists, but it is also slowly going away. Police are now being charged... I credit the George Floyd case with starting that movement. Right now there are 5 Memphis ex-police officers charged with second-degree murder for the killing of a man. As is right and proper.

Police have a greater need to be armed than ordinary citizens in most cases, but that does not give them carte blanche to kill wantonly. The cop that shot the woman climbing through an already-broken window on Jan. 6, 2021, is a murderer. Even if he is never charged, that does not change the fact that he intentionally killed a woman when there was no threat to his life.


posted on Feb, 17 2023 @ 09:44 AM
a reply to: frogs453

Agreed. I love guns. Own quite a few myself.

Unfortunately recent events have proven to me that a small number of people are not mature or intelligent enough to be within 1000 feet of a firearm. There needs to be some limit. But it shouldn't be based on the type of gun - if any reasonable person wants to own a machinegun or rocket launcher, more power to them. But those who are dangerously uninformed or too lazy to get trained and learn the law have no business in my opinion.

I also don't know what the would look like.

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