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I believe that the ETs are here

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posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I did not say the Richat was Atlantis.

I thought that was where you were going with it, my bad.

As to it being just a story, well there were the Sea Peoples.

Trying to entertain two weans right now all the same with somewhat of a lingering hangover. LoL

So canny really chat much this evening, but aye its an interesting topic to discuss.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Those secrets re, Heaven=moon, and earth, are hollow, and occupied.

The Earth is not hollow All Seeing Eye, same as its not flat, and that's just a fact proven by science.

You might get away with undiscovered cavern systems or the like.

But no inner sun with the likes of entrances at the poles.

And you base your opinion on, the matrix of lies, science?? Do your homework, research the history of the"Royal Institute of science". It was formed and instituted by a "Secret Society"... And we ignorantly accept the limitations they put before our eyes.

Again, thank you. And the rest must go without saying...

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Most free masons that iv'e seen are just a conservative men's group. If they do know secrets, It's probably only the top 1% that do.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:04 PM
I have met a few different kinds of what most people refer to as "alien's or E.T.'s."

I'm what some call an "Experiencer," which means I have had encounters with different beings who are of questionable origins throughout my entire life.

I, however am more of a replier to threads than an original poster. (many are my replies on A.T.S. over the years.)

They are real, but most are from the future and are deathly afraid of altering history as it is a death penalty from T.C.P.B. - "The Cosmic Powers That Be."

Interdimensional is another matter and probably safer while at the same time more limited.

Most may not know it but the craft they fly operate on bending space-time which can also produce "time-travel."

I'm no expert but some things have been imparted to me..

I do worry about when/if they will think I need silencing a second time...

Maybe they don't worry because the truth is just to hard for most to get their head was for me at a young age i started sublimating my unexplainable and unbelievable experiences.

It all comes back eventually tho....

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:44 PM
The crop circles keep appearing in England every year. They appear in minutes, sometimes at night, sometimes when it is raining. I don´t think it is posible that nobody has seen who made them and they are too perfect and masive to be made so easily. This is a video recorded from an airplane in Wiltshire flying above a crop circle that had been made days ago:

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Scientific methodology is the only tool we have at our disposal that will allow us to attempt to understand the universe and the reality we assume we experience.

And point of fact without science, and the technologies that come from the pursuit and application of accumulated knowledge, we would not be able to have this discussion in the manner we are now doing.

Like i suggest through our Earth is not hollow, nor flat for that matter which has been clearly proven via science nevermind common scene.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 03:33 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Most free masons that iv'e seen are just a conservative men's group. If they do know secrets, It's probably only the top 1% that do.

one bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel

I have known many Masons and taken testimony from some. And for the most the vast majority of the members are absolutely great people, and would do anything they could for you. Its not a problem with the members at the bottom, but, at the top. No member can testify about the character of any other member who they do not know personally, but yet they flock to the defense of any member under assault. Because of the blood oath to the death they take, they are obliged to. Its the institution itself which is corrupt.

So, the 1 or 2 percent at the top are rotten to the core, and by oath everyone below them must defend that corrupt core. And in effect the entire barrel, becomes corrupt...

So a body has cancer, 1% of the total body. You have cancer. Do we just accept the cancer, or do we try to defeat it?

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

My paternal father was a Mason All Seeing Eye.

They are all about doing good work and helping their community and fellow Masons as far as i can establish.

Plenty of Masons here at ATS also.

They are just a fraternity like many others.

That being said there are good and bad people in all walks of life but i don't think the masonic order rules the world or are hiding anything much of interest secret-wise other than their rituals.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

They are here. Have experienced them. Not so sure they are ET. From my perspective whatever that may mean and it a guess for sure they are not at least all of the time ET and share this planet Earth with us and the rest of the animal kingdom. Knowing them and they are here relieves one of the normality and brain washing of living in a state mandated belief system. What I will say on having a CE with them on multiple occasions is don't expect the CE to be a Close Encounters of the Third Kind wonderous experience............................ Yes it's the most amazing incredible and wonderous experience yet IT WILL FREAK YOU OUT like nothing you ever experienced beforehand and will leave you feeling for the first time in your life you are not the superior life form in the kingdom of the animals, indeed you will experience being something medieval in the face of the 23rd century. Whatever they are they are so advanced of us and our technology we must be like a wildlife program or a soap opera or a very amusing game for them

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I understand your point but is it due to being apart of free masonry? or is it just the problem of the rich powerful people at the top across industry and societies that are the issue?

My opinion is that its the latter. The people at the top are the ones minipulating the public, influencing law makers, and hiding truths from the public to keep in power and control.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 07:23 PM

originally posted by: Turquosie
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I understand your point but is it due to being apart of free masonry? or is it just the problem of the rich powerful people at the top across industry and societies that are the issue?

My opinion is that its the latter. The people at the top are the ones minipulating the public, influencing law makers, and hiding truths from the public to keep in power and control.

That is the way it is used, yes. The Royalty and bloodlines, global elite, use the brotherhood , pull the strings. And the masses of the brotherhood do not see the connections, or how they are manipulated, and ultimately used.

It was a Mason that showed me the hidden shame he carried. And he was one of the best people I ever met. He knew. The entire institution is formed in such a way that, that framework will naturally draw the most corrupt in order to exploit its built in secrecy, network. It is a Organized Crime magnet.

The Matrix of lies is formed over a network of Secret Societies, of which, the brotherhood is the largest, and most used when it comes to the judiciary and policing agendas. I know this first hand as I witnessed it in action, face to face. More masons would come forward with the damning truth but dont because they know most of the people in power are part of it. So they keep their mouths shut. No matter what level of the web they are in.

Yes, the global elites exploit the network for the reasons you mentioned, with a addition. Hide all information, pre flood. Or for that matter, anything that could unite, humanity..

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 07:29 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I would hope that we see the truth of our world within our lifetimes. However, I don't see the power that be letting go of their grip on this world. There would have to be a world-changing catalyst.

Perhaps if benevolent ETs were to decide to intervene and force the elite controlers of this world to relinquish control.

It feels like that is our only chance; if that is even a possability. Iv'e also heard of the theory that one day humanity will be transcend into 4th/5th dimensional beings. And then we will remember the truth of this world and no longer be subject to the control system and matrix of Earth.

But I fear that's all a pipe dream as the world is still in as much turmoil as ever.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 07:30 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline
I've had many ideas about that , only to figure out that if they were here then it's not that they need any of earth's resources.

To me it would be having unseen power , maybe even hiding technology inside our planet for other extraterrestrial threats because it's maybe hard to enter certain regions te retrieve their technology?

Maybe biology itself is an interesting but rare evolution on certain planets like ours to mess around with but maybe completely irrelevant on other planets or moons to sustain.

Or maybe we actually can produce technologies that they think suitable for their own purpose and further studies to them.

If they are around they don't give a darn thing about us and merely want to control us to whatever use we may bring to them.

Doing business here out of our sight is what they need to stay in power so we always think it's humanity itself that created this world.

That gives them also the advantage to leave without a trace when they're done here...

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 07:39 PM

originally posted by: infolurker
a reply to: Blackfeline

I could go into a long post about fallen angels and the coming great deception of our "saviors or brothers from outer space" but these should explain it quite well.

Hear! Hear!
Worthy of multiple re-posts, due to it being the truth!

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 07:43 PM
Some of the supposed mythological figures were real as can be and instead of extraterrestrial, they were probably superterrestrial from a different dimension. Poseidon/Enki/Prometheus/Lucifer and those given the godlike technology and hidden knowledge spoken of in Enoch, th Enuma Elish, Greek Myth, and so on, we see in the Masons' most essential and core belief...that there are two species calling themselves man in this world and that while some are just weak, helpless humans, the Masons are part human and part Elohim/Djinn/Angel/Interdimensional being/Annunaki/god/Nephelim and those two species are fated to clash in their reaching opposite ways for the immortal goal.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 11:10 PM
a reply to: Turquosie

There would have to be a world-changing catalyst.
At this point, agreed.

Perhaps if benevolent ETs were to decide to intervene and force the elite controlers of this world to relinquish control.
Im guessing they, the benevolent, have always been here attempting to keep the playing field level. Seems about 25 or so years ago they took it up a notch.

They have a strict non intervention policy. They have bounds they may not pass so expecting them to directly intercede is probably out of the question. And I also believe the malevolent ones know this and exploit it.

It feels like that is our only chance; if that is even a possability. Iv'e also heard of the theory that one day humanity will be transcend into 4th/5th dimensional beings. And then we will remember the truth of this world and no longer be subject to the control system and matrix of Earth.

If Im not mistaken, we upon death, transcend. It might be the reason their is no real effort to intervene into this world.

I still keep the faith that one day justice will return..

posted on Feb, 5 2023 @ 03:11 AM
a reply to: Blackfeline
You are probably correct but here's the kicker... how do you know your not yourself a "ET". A product of your Mum's strange sleep paralyses event????
My own mother alluded to such an experience on her death bed, my "father" in prison for fiddling the VAT before and after my birth. She began to explain about a strange figure that one late night entered her room but was then shut down by one of my brothers...
Another strange thing is I look like my father, so much so like a clone, he also has a strong Precognicance ability but in his time it was treated with religious ignorance and intolerance but the kicker here being he was in prison well before and after my birth and no conjugal visits.
So how would you know who was or who wasn't and if you yourself were or weren't. Wouldn't it be the most perfect invasion.

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