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I believe that the ETs are here

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:37 PM

originally posted by: continuousThunder
i like the idea that ET caused an earthquake/tsunami to take out Fukushima specifically because weapons were being developed [not what reactors are for but we'll give it a pass here] , only to watch gigalitres of irradiated water poison the pacific and they're like "nah our job here is done"

Who said the ETs caused an earthquake? Hmmmm...

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 09:11 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Love those posters/memes.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 10:31 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

y--you did?
in your op?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: nerbot

In answer to the question.

The abundance of the materials in the asteroid belts puts pale to anything we have down here on Earth buried deep in the ground that primitive humans could acquire.

And if you require semi-intelligent monkeys to mine, instead of being able to automate the process using machines, then chances are you won't have the ability or level of technology available to cross the vast distances between the planets and stars.

What is it that you think they were mining for that could not be had just about anywhere else in the universe apart from Earth?
edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:01 AM
No I didnt. I just mentioned that the ETs tipped us off about the situation. You dont think that we are capable of causing an earthquake? Shame on you...

originally posted by: continuousThunder
a reply to: Blackfeline

y--you did?
in your op?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:10 AM
Apparently you do not understand that some elements are only available on certain planets/moons. Certainly not available anywhere and everywhere, as you write. Interesting how little some folks know about extraterrestrial mining, and, at the same time, how much they think that they know about it.
I dont see how these know it alls can learn much about anything. They are just here for social media. They will write anything. Mostly fiction writers.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: nerbot

In answer to the question.

The abundance of the materials in the asteroid belts puts pale to anything we have down here on Earth buried deep in the ground that primitive humans could acquire.

And if you require semi-intelligent monkeys to mine, instead of being able to automate the process using machines, then chances are you won't have the ability or level of technology available to cross the vast distances between the planets and stars.

What is it that you think they were mining for that could not be had just about anywhere else in the universe apart from Earth?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:10 AM
a reply to: Blackfeline

Tipped who off, and where is any sort of proof Fukushima was directly linked to the production of neutron bombs?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: Blackfeline

Apparently you do not understand that some elements are only available on certain planets/moons.

Which elements to be precise?

Stars and supernovas form elements mate(heavy sorts) with the lighter sorts aka hydrogen and helium formed during the creation of the universe aka the big bang.

Planets and moons are made of them.

You do understand how the periodic table functions?

You see although there are some elements we have not yet made or found in nature, science already knows what they will be, and thus can somewhat predict the properties of said unknown elements.

Any aliens able to cross the vast distances between the stars would also have access to such information and most likely be able to synthesize and produce the elements and materials they require via technological means.

Certainly not available anywhere and everywhere, as you write. Interesting how little some folks know about extraterrestrial mining, and, at the same time, how much they think that they know about it.

So fill in the blanks please?

Since you claim we know so little, you must be privy to additional information.

I dont see how these know it alls can learn much about anything. They are just here for social media. They will write anything. Mostly fiction writers.

Bordering on bad manners now Blackfeline, but please praytell how you are any different?

Most of us are here for the banter crack and debate.

And my guess is that's why you are also here bumping your gums.
edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:41 AM
a reply to: TrulyColorBlind

Also, gold is like the only (?) element to not decompose or rust.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Copper, brass, bronze, platinum, and silver spring to mind also.

Because there is no iron, or only negligible trace amounts, there is no way for oxidization to take place.

They can tarnish all the same(I remember having to polish silver and brass as a kid).

And have great electrical properties just like gold aka their ability to conduct.

edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Blackfeline

Do you have a source or any evidence for, like, anything?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Dilithium crystals is my guess.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:23 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: Blackfeline
I, for one, believe that the ETs are here.
I believe that most of the ETs are friendly, or at least neutral. Some of them are here to observe us scientifically. Others may be here mining important minerals and gasses to them.

Naaa!, we're here to confuse you.
Well that's certainly, not, odd...

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Blackfeline
There are many secrets in this world that are above Top Secret. For example, you prob have no idea what the real reason is for the world weather/climate getting so crazy now.
And unrelated, You prob thot that the tusami that took out Fukushima was just a random act of nature, right? Things like these should not be called Top Secret. They should be called World Secret. No one will discuss these things with you. At least you are starting to learn about the ETs, and how they interact with us. This is a good start for you. There are other World Secrets that would be real eye openers for most people. Not all of them are related to the activity of the ETs, tho.

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: Blackfeline

Japan was using Fukushima to develop neutron b0mbs? Dang, that's a new one for me, do tell more!

Well that's for sure...

For instance the greatest secrets are those Enki declared mankind would not be made aware of. "The Secrets of Heaven and Earth", which are actually physical attributes of the world we live in, and nothing to do with "Who" resides here, or where...

Hint.. Heaven=moon.......

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:32 AM

originally posted by: Albert999
Yeah no.

Show me some proof and I'll be on board. 👍🏼

Its proof that is not published in any books, nor peer reviewed anywhere. You must find the proof for yourself, or, take the word of some deep diving crack pot. Not a great choice, but the only one you have..

The proof is spread out over thousands of years and many countries, languages. How good are you at solving puzzles?

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

And yet the ancient Sumerians managed to write it down on clay cylinders which the likes of Zecharia Sitchin translated for his own purpose aka selling books.

As to the accuracy of his translations, well that's the real crux of the problem.

Take for instance the fact that "Annunaki" is not even a Sumerian word but is derived from "Annuna" which is apparently Akkadian in origin.

And that's just one of the many inconsistencies where Sitchin's translations are concerned.
edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 10:48 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
They have been here for 1000's of years They don't come from up there they come from the Oceans and deep lakes .

The only way anything could go galaxy to galaxy is dimensional travel unless time is no factor for the visitors .

You are very close to one of the "Secrets". Yes, some live in the deep blue sea, always have. But we arrogantly assume all sea life are non intelligent. We demand "Alien" life conform to our standards of intelligence, experience. Probably the greatest failing of our kind, species.

As far as the timeline, that's debatable. It can range from millions to thousands because our dating process is flawed. Using our standard method of dating, the oceans themselves are only 70 million years old. The problem for science is, they cant explain this, and demand you believe all that ocean water has always been here. But the evidence flies right in their faces. The oldest water beds, are not that "Young" and could not have existed at the same times. In other words, the oldest water beds were only the size of large lakes. If, the oceans were always here, their beds would be hundreds of millions of years old, but, they are not. So, the only logical conclusion is, the water, somehow, was ADDED! And that "alien" intelligent species just doesn't want you t figure that out........

There are "Other" unknowns hidden from us, that reside in areas that are also being "Hidden" from us. And as George Carlin stated. "Its a big club, and you ain't in it" lol lol

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

And yet the ancient Sumerians managed to write it down on clay cylinders which the likes of Zecharia Sitchin translated for his own purpose aka selling books.

As to the accuracy of his translations, well that's the real crux of the problem.

Take for instance the fact that "Annunaki" is not even a Sumerian word but is derived from "Annuna" which is apparently Akkadian in origin.

And that's just one of the many inconsistencies where Sitchin's translations are concerned.

I am fully aware of Zach's covet intentions, to misled. He has everyone looking for something that just doesn't exist. Nibiru translates to "Crossing" especially of rivers. Turns out the "Rivers" transiting are the original biblical rivers.

"Anunnaki" translates to "From Heaven to earth". And if you bore into those ancient writings you find that Heaven was the seat of Anu, the Head god. The only accepted or allowed religion in those days was "Moon Worship"!! Anu's throne!!! The inescapable conclusion is, Anu, is the man in the moon. And if the term Anunnaki is correct, then the ancient gods, came from the moon!!!!

Now, does the following relief make sense??

Z Sitchin was given his script by his "Secret Society" he was a loyal member of. And this too is symbolized in that relief.

Though, fiction, just like good disinformation, must contain verifiable bits of truth in order to be "Sold" to the public. And these bits are in Zech's works, as they are in many other works(Bible, Etc). You just have to pull them out, clean them up, and attempt to reassemble them in the proper order.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

My understanding being "Anunnaki" translates as "those who Anu sent from heaven to earth".

Which could just as easily mean royalty or people of royal lineage as opposed to aliens.

And again why come here to mine gold when there are the likes of asteroids with the metal in far more abundance than down here buried in the ground on Earth same as water or just about any other material.

Ile happily entertain the possibility that aliens exist All Seeing Eye but not for the daft reason we have come away with throughout history and/or in pseudoscientific fiction or religion for that matter.
edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

My understanding being "Anunnaki" translates as "those who Anu sent from heaven to earth".

Which could just as easily mean royalty or people of royal lineage as opposed to aliens.

And again why come here to mine gold when there are the likes of asteroids with the metal in far more abundance than down here buried in the ground on Earth same as water or just about any other material.

Ile happily entertain the possibility that aliens exist All Seeing Eye but not for the daft reason we have come away with through history and/or in pseudoscientific fiction or religion for that matter.

You, are correct in my opinion.

"Gold" is fiction. They did not come here to mine gold, but, they did come here, to "Save" their atmosphere.

Deeper in the writings you might stumble onto the "Lost book of Enki", another of those "Works". It it much is revealed to us, and much, disinformation. Enki states their was a great war in which a planet was destroyed. And Enki himself states this war happened a very very long time before, and is lost to mythology. But even in this the pearls of truth are still there. The planet destroyed was "Tiamat", he even goes into how it was destroyed. But the main point is, Tiamat, was a water world. And because of all the references that the Anunnaki come from the water and associated with water, oceans, then it is logical to assume, they, are at least a semi aquatic species. Note the fish suits in the relief I shared.

The evidence for such a war is right there, mis interpreted by science, the Asteroid Belt. It is not out of the realm of possibilities that this is the remains of planet Tiamat. But what of the "Waters"? Enki tells us they made a few trips through the ateroid belt going to and from their planet, originally clearing a path through the belt using nukes, but later converted to a "Water Cannon" of sorts, where they could clear a path using a steam of, water. Where they get the water??

Since their "Celestial Chariot" was in essence a self contained living environment( Water), time, was not a issue. I strongly suspect the reasons, true reasons, was to "Salvage" their Atmosphere", that, being water. They were making timely trips back and forth collecting the water from the destroyed planet, using their celestial chariot, or, heaven (Water has been discovered on the surface of the moon). This water was then added to the new planet, earth. This is why our oxygen content fluctuated as the waters were added here. This would also set the timeline for the destruction of Tiamat, and the timelines of our ocean beds, 70 million. And as a result of adding such large volumes of water at a time, our wildlife was flooded, destroyed, death of the dinosaurs. It wasn't a asteroid that killed them, they were drowned..

So if you take all of this into consideration you are left with the inescapable conclusion that, they destroyed their own planet, and in essence, moved here, with little regards for the life, that was already here.

Simply put, they came here for their own survival. The real gold to them, is the water. Im not sure about Mars as it too may have been involved in the war. There are obvious signs it had water as their are rifts which indicates water was acting on the surface. It may have been that they also grabbed the water and brought it here too. Wont know more until we get there and gather evidence.

Ile happily entertain the possibility that aliens exist All Seeing Eye but not for the daft reason we have come away with through history and/or in pseudoscientific fiction or religion for that matter.

I can definitely understand your position. It is where I come from. I dont expect you to trust or believe me, all I ask is that you look in the direction I provided. If you want to know where their earth bases are, look to the deepest parts of the oceans, you will find them. Deepest, most hidden part of our world, protected from, our prying eyes........

Happy Hunting....

P.S. That "Water Cannon" Enki referenced in his lost book, is also the same mechanism used to destroy the Ringed City.

Like a Octopus, these Anunnaki are full of deceptions......
edit on PMFridayFriday rdAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago28212 by All Seeing Eye because: (no reason given)

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