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I believe that the ETs are here

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posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I can definitely understand your position. It is where I come from. I dont expect you to trust or believe me, all I ask is that you look in the direction I provided.

Well either way the conversation is appreciated.

As to the direction in question, well I've been looking that way since the beginning of the 1990s.

Its all very interesting, yet actual proof of the conclusive sorts never seems to materialise, and/or is simply open to interpretation.

I would love it all to be true, if that helps, but that simply does not make its so.

The trick by my guess is simply not to fall down the rabbit hole too deep All Seeing Eye.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 12:59 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

I have my evidence. I am not trying to prove anything. Just sharing my views after studying Roswell and the ETs for many
many years. I wouldnt waste my time sharing my evidence with you anyways. Sounds like you already know everything about extraterrestrial mining, etc.

Your not providing any evidence just making claims of the unsubstantiated sorts.

And what a childish response.

Sounds like you could be doing with learning some manners.

As to your evidence well again that remains to be seen.

You do understand how the burden of proof works around these here parts?

See the onus is on you to provide evidence to support the claims you make.

For example, The Fucshima Nuclear reactor in Japan: I believe that the ETs tipped us off that the reactor was secretly being used to develop nuetron bombs.

Please provide evidence that "ETs" tipped us off regarding the ""Fukushima"" accident and/or evidence as to them developing ""Neutron"" bombs if you don't mind or at least a link to back up your spurious claim.

The ETs are especially interested in all nuclear activities and sites.
Finally, I believe that the ETs gave us nuclear technology during the 2nd world war, to help us defeat Germany and Japan.

You do understand that it was people like J. Robert Oppenheimer, Leo Szilard, Hans Bethe, Klaus Fuchs and Glenn Seaborg, who were lead scientists on "The Manhattan Project" which was somewhat of a rather large undertaking during World War II, that produced the first nuclear weapon of this era.

Again if you have evidence to the contrary i suggest you provide such.
edit on 3-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 01:13 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

Dont miss the P.S.

As to the direction in question, well I've been looking that way since the beginning of the 1990s.
I started my quest in 1978, or so. Gathering those pearls of truth.

Its all very interesting, yet actual proof of the conclusive sorts never seems to materialise, and/or is simply open to interpretation.
The actual proof, has been before our eyes the whole time. But wee could not see it for what it was because of the influence of those Secret Societies muddying the research waters, such as Zeck. They have been at it since the great flood. We see the world they created for us, to see, not what is actually there.

I would love it all to be true, if that helps, but that simply does not make its so.
Throughout those 40+ years I was careful not to follow any one Pied Piper, or mindset. Just, gather the pearls. I had love nor hate for what I discovered. Like a prospector with a metal detector I would at the end of the day take all the little treasures I discovered and placed them on the table. Examining them individually, turning them over and over exploring each new view. Cleaning and examining each one for their own value. Each one, having its own story to tell. Each one having a color that was no longer there, but if examined slowly and closely, you might find it. Etc.

For me its immaterial whether true or not. I'm just, a collector. And what I shared with you, is what I have found. Its up to you to find your own pearls. Believe me, they, are there........


The trick by my guess is simply not to fall down the rabbit hole too deep All Seeing Eye.

Too late for that. lol

Did you know the NSA has in house Psychiatrists/ Psychologists? It seems sometimes some of those highly intelligent analysts looses it when the truth hits them on the side of the head. Its the moment when they realize our agreed upon "Reality" is really, fake. Hard to deal with it so they give you a "Rent a Buddy" to help you through those troubled times. But in reality, who are they? The ones given to us to help us deal with life? They, are at the core. Psychology, the word, is probably the most misspelled word in the English language. Why? To make the subject so complicated, confusing, that the common mind will not consider it, or its ramifications. Psychology is the primary, and oldest tool used to control us. And the Aununaki are expert in its use. But even at that, it would be powerless without their Secret Society members who use, manipulate, the tool.

Thank you for the warning but, I have some protection. A gift, if you will
The fear of death, is not before my eyes...

In the Anunnaki mind there is no concept of a lie. Only, fabrications. They live above the law, because in their minds, they, are the law..............

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 01:26 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Personally, I'm not seeing any actual proof All Seeing Eye or anything that amounts to much other than speculation which is again open to interpretation.

The stories are top-notch all the same, and there are indeed plenty of unanswered questions pertaining to the history of the human race.

As to the oldest tool used to control us, by my guess that would be organised religious practice, which is all about control and has existed long before what we would consider to be the modern interpretation of psychiatrists or psychologists.

Its Friday through so I'm off out for a pint, check back later and see whats what, cheers for the convo all the same.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

As to the oldest tool used to control us, by my guess that would be organised religious practice, which is all about control and has existed long before what we would consider to be the modern interpretation of psychiatrists or psychologists.

You answered your own comment. Psychology, Religion, are one in the same... Just a different face.........

edit on PMFridayFriday rdAmerica/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago5721 by All Seeing Eye because: missing info

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: andy06shake

But unlike those metals gold keeps its form over time and doesnt get a patina or corrode. silver corrodes, bronze and brass corrode.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

I did say they could "tarnish" but brass and bronze do a good job of resisting corrosion aka oxidisation depending on what kind of atmosphere they are exposed to over time.

What you saying is true all the same unlike most other metals gold never corrodes or tarnishes, same with platinum.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 02:41 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

They can indeed be synonymous with one another and they both deal with the nature of truth and reality.

No doubt about the relationship between religion and psychology on some levels.

However, where religion explores the meaning of life, psychology is more about attributing meaning to individual lives.

They are tools of a sorts, thus can be put to both good and bad purpose depending on intent.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

One should see the original Gaslight 1940 film to understand how gaslighting became a rage…..and now manipulated into our everyday lives.

edit on 3-2-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 04:49 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

One should see the original Gaslight 1940 film to understand how gaslighting became a rage…..and now manipulated into our everyday lives.


I have seen the movie and took mental notes. My only point is, we, didn't invent "Gaslighting". We didn't invent religion. We didn't invent science, or governments, etc. And if anyone doubts this just read the ancient works.

Yes, your correct, we live in a gaslit world. A Matrix of lies.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: servovenford

Completely agree. Don't know if "they" come from beneath the ocean floor or from one of Jupiter's moons. "They" could come from the Dark Side of the Moon. It could happen.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:38 PM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Don't know if "they" come from a timeline abberant from ours. I sorta care, but don't really know where those entities who apparently influence our lives come from.

posted on Feb, 3 2023 @ 08:41 PM
There are a LOT of visitors on this planet.

Some soul travel and incarnate, some are interdimensional.

It's interesting watching the different dynamics at work.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: argentus
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Don't know if "they" come from a timeline abberant from ours. I sorta care, but don't really know where those entities who apparently influence our lives come from.

As far as our timeline here on earth, our solar system, there has only been one timeline. It has not folded over itself or been stretched. It runs all the same. Its our perceptions of time that get distorted. It can not be traveled in because its not of substance. Its a flow of events nothing more. But, you can travel in the now using teleportation.

When I speak of We or Them I speak of the physical natures, not the spiritual. Physical, we must come from somewhere. Spiritually, we must come from, some time. And since I have never read of anyone incarnating from the future I must assume we spiritually, must come from the past. With a major exception.

In Enki's lost book he speaks of keeping the secrets of heaven and earth from mankind. And I believe this is why we have the "Gas lighting" secret societies here, keeping us in the matrix of lies. Those secrets are at the "core" of our dilemma. Prior to the most recent great flood those secrets were common knowledge to our ancestors.

There was a time when the Anunnaki were educating mankind. We, were sponges soaking up that knowledge, and in my opinion how it was suppose to be. At any rate, the Anunnaki turned on us as they saw great potential in us, intellectually, and became frightened at the prospects.

At any rate, the Aununnaki, the Biblical Giants, and the Spirituals all have their own timelines that seem to converge, here. Those "Secrets" Enki was keeping from us is key to understanding this. Its our collective glass ceiling.

Those secrets are, Heaven=moon, and earth, are hollow, and occupied. And, have their own timelines (Events) that flow at the same time ours does. And every time we see a UFO or hear of a abduction, we are painfully reminded of this.

As far as the spirituals, well, its us before and after death, not from this universe. And they have, all the time in the world, and then some.

The physical origins of the Anunnaki, I suspect, are from the core of this galaxy, billions of years ago. They were equipped for deep space travel, and a tweaked self defense that would ensure they would survive, to complete their mission. But, in my opinion, it has been so long for them that they themselves have forgotten their instructions and as a result rely on their instincts for survival.

Putting all that aside, I also believe, we, are visited "Here" on a Daily basis, checking up on us lol lol

PeekaBoo, I see you lol lol lol

We, also, didn't create "Controlled Opposition".......

For this exercise, presently, they come from within the moon, within the earth, and from within the oceans. And since they have their own timelines, events, it could appear they come from the future, because we, are really still in the stone age comparatively speaking.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 01:58 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Its all very interesting, yet actual proof of the conclusive sorts never seems to materialise, and/or is simply open to interpretation.

Proof? Evidence? There it is. Plato told us the truth. The ""Ringed City" was, and is, Real! But just like everything else put into the wrong context, timelines..

Enki's home town...

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 02:05 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

Lads, get long now, dont bthther for the dip.

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 04:41 AM
They're here and they have an agender, and they must LOL the heck out of us, like we do to "Florida Man".

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 05:32 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Plato told us a story buddy repeated from Solon who learned it from an Egyptian priest.

Never play Chinese whispers?

Also, the eye of the Sahara/Richat structure is not exactly anywhere near where Plato claimed Atlantis to be.

So again it's not any sort of conclusive evidence.

As to Enki's hometown, well Poseidon was responsible for the creation of Atlantis, not Enki.

The Richat structure is an interesting place that requires further study and excavation, but to claim its definitively the site of the fabled Atlantis is still just that aka a claim and not unequivocal proof.
edit on 4-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 05:43 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Those secrets re, Heaven=moon, and earth, are hollow, and occupied.

The Earth is not hollow All Seeing Eye, same as its not flat, and that's just a fact proven by science.

You might get away with undiscovered cavern systems or the like.

But no inner sun with the likes of entrances at the poles.

edit on 4-2-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 4 2023 @ 12:00 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

Plato told us a story buddy repeated from Solon who learned it from an Egyptian priest.

Never play Chinese whispers?

Also, the eye of the Sahara/Richat structure is not exactly anywhere near where Plato claimed Atlantis to be.

So again it's not any sort of conclusive evidence.

As to Enki's hometown, well Poseidon was responsible for the creation of Atlantis, not Enki.

The Richat structure is an interesting place that requires further study and excavation, but to claim its definitively the site of the fabled Atlantis is still just that aka a claim and not unequivocal proof.

I did not say the Richat was Atlantis. I said, it was the Ringed City, the Capital City. Atlantis was the name of an allotment that covered a area, similar as country's do today.

Enki = Poseidon. Each of the following cultures throughout time had their own names for those ancient annunaki gods.

Poseidon (Neptune), lord of the sea, wields the trident. When angered he can cause earthquakes and turbulent waters; and when propitiated properly he can prevent or calm the same. He is associated with horses and bulls. He protects both Greeks and Trojans.Ea (Enki) is Poseidon’s Babylonian (Sumerian) counterpart. Ea, however, is lord of all waters, both salt and sweet, that come from deep below the earth’s surface. Ea’s wisdom and devotion to human well-being are more characteristic of Athena than Poseidon.

Plato told us a story buddy repeated from Solon who learned it from an Egyptian priest.

The funny thing about the truth, a pearl. It can be lost, become buried in mud and forgotten. But can never be destroyed. And as inconvenient as it is, can one day be found, cleaned up, and given back to the rightful inheritors. Do you see the "Pearls" sticking out of the second ring, that follow the radius of the ring? In as far as their origins, it will be the people of the world who decides if Plato was just, telling a story, not you, not me, not any secret society.

The Richat structure is an interesting place that requires further study and excavation

You, have this exactly right. And I suspect. its on the way...

As to Enki's hometown, well Poseidon was responsible for the creation of Atlantis, not Enki.
Didn't you say, its just a story?? Yes, a story, a story with pearls of truth within. And it is the Pearls of Truth, that shall free mankind. Don't you agree? Let me give credit where credit is due.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Even this is out of its original context, but none the less true.

Thank you for your time and patience in this topic. And I mean that most sincerely.

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