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I believe that the ETs are here

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posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:23 PM
There are many secrets in this world that are above Top Secret. For example, you prob have no idea what the real reason is for the world weather/climate getting so crazy now.
And unrelated, You prob thot that the tusami that took out Fukushima was just a random act of nature, right? Things like these should not be called Top Secret. They should be called World Secret. No one will discuss these things with you. At least you are starting to learn about the ETs, and how they interact with us. This is a good start for you. There are other World Secrets that would be real eye openers for most people. Not all of them are related to the activity of the ETs, tho.

originally posted by: FamCore
a reply to: Blackfeline

Japan was using Fukushima to develop neutron b0mbs? Dang, that's a new one for me, do tell more!

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:37 PM
I think that youy reply was very good. I think aliens might be watching us also but you are spot on about mining not happening. I think we may be a very intertaining ant farm I hope they can keeps from destroying ourselfs.]

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:38 PM
First of all, I respect your opinion. Which is more than you can give me. Sounds like you are the scientific type. So I ask you, How many solar bodies are there in the Universe? Counting the ones that we cant see for numerous reasons, maybe a few billion?
What are the odds that planet Earth is the only planet in the the whole Universe that harbors "intelligent" life?
I think that many scientists do not wish to find any other intelligent beings in the Universe. They love knowing that, as far as they know, they are the only form of intellegent life in the Universe. I guess you could argue that as far as we know, there is no intelligent life known to inhabit the Universe.

originally posted by: Thrumbo

originally posted by: Blackfeline
I, for one, believe that the ETs are here.

Probably because you find the idea of ETs exciting and cool. Naturally, you'd want fantasy to be reality because that makes it real. Not only that, but in your lifetime you might actually see it with your own eyes and that would make you very happy because you want it to happen.

Thus, you believe what you want to be true. It's kind of like election fraud in that regard, if I can stretch my arms a little bit. No concrete evidence, but alot of emotions and passion.

I'm just as open to the possibility that Earth is literally the only place in the universe that life has evolved in any way, shape or form. Do you feel the same way or does this idea fundamentally bother you? If I claimed it as a matter of fact, would you feel emotionally inclined to argue or debate with me about it to prove that I'm wrong? That's the first sign of your vision being impaired by your feelings.

We've got to evolve from that behavior and start looking at things for what they are, not what we want them to be.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:42 PM
If aliens are real or really here, they're afraid of us.

Any human being is potentially a murderer or can be a serious threat to an alien. That’s why they don’t interfere freely --it’s dangerous.

If we went to another world and saw that it had potentially deathly pollution, wars, slavery still rampant, massive crime, constant strife, starvation, and poverty worldwide, wouldn’t we be weary of interfacing with such a world?

Humans are responsible for this misery, injustice, oppression, and what we call evil.

And they may know our history and see we're not getting much better than that history, maybe worse.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:44 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
No need to come down to the arse end of our star's gravity well to mine such when they are in far greater abundance in the belt.

Why bother to mine materials if humans can do it for you?

Then you only need to transport refined materials.

Business is business regardless of location.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:50 PM
They have been introducing themselves to us via Roswell and other Top Secret communications with world leaders. It is the governments that keep these secrets from you. In many countries, the presence of UFO's, ET's are not kept secret from the citizens. Everyone has a right to thier own views, tho.
I am not out to try and prove anything. I just shared my beliefs. I got mine, you got yours. Cool.

originally posted by: TEOTWAWKIAIFF
a reply to: JAY1980

Sorry, I couldn’t help myself!!

Funny how people try to ascribe actions to what an alien may or may not be doing!

Seriously. If you have ever encountered one, and have some memories of that experience, then you would really understand what “other intelligence” means!

It is because you have no frame of reference to put it in. Your instincts are the only thing that you have (Whitle Streber was asked by Them, how they could calm him down so he would stop screaming!! I was at a near breakdown after I had a “close encounter”, and that was me keeping my eyes shut the whole entire time!!)

I, uh, opine, that They are interested in our nuclear activities. I saw the photos of a UAP/FO thingy around Fukushima before the first reactor blew. But it seemed to be monitoring events not interacting with intent/cause.

Which seems to be what They are doing: watching us. I, literally, stumbled across a group of Them, a couple of different times before I was visited. Being quiet and having a blank mind has its rewards (if you can call a “crystal wand” crunching your forehead into unconsciousness a reward!).

It is time They introduced themselves to humankind!!

Not just the Greys but the Nordics and the others as well. Maybe they can be the “parents” and make us clever, naked monkeys clean our ship up!! (See what I did there??)

I have a solution to the contaminated water: shove it down an oil well with CO2 captured from the atmosphere!!

Two birds…

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 06:59 PM
I hope you dont get so many negative replies saying, Prove it!

originally posted by: argentus
a reply to: Blackfeline

I also believe that the ETs are here. I think they have been here since before human written history.

I think their agenda might not be consistent with our survival.

Agree that some of them have been here to test and view us experimentally. We on Earth tag various creatures to study them and compile data. I think "they" do the same, but on a grander scale.

I think it is likely that "ETs" are of a varigated species: I think there are likely creatures on the bottom of the ocean which are different from us. I think there are likely creatures from neighboring planets which are different from us, and have explored the Earth. I think there are likely creatures from distant planets/close star systems which are exploring the Earth. I think there are creatures form a different vibrational system/different dimension who are here to explore/exploit who we cannot perceive in regular life.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

You are entitled to your beliefs, and many might agree with you. No one will deny you that. But it's a debate forum, and expect to be challenged. Unfortunately, everyone doesn't do that respectfully, and they should.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:07 PM
I have my evidence. I am not trying to prove anything. Just sharing my views after studying Roswell and the ETs for many
many years. I wouldnt waste my time sharing my evidence with you anyways. Sounds like you already know everything about extraterrestrial mining, etc.

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: Blackfeline

Others may be here mining important minerals and gasses to them.

The asteroid belt is full of minerals and materials.

No need to come down to the arse end of our star's gravity well to mine such when they are in far greater abundance in the belt.

As to the rest of your post, i would have to ask why you believe these things?

And what supporting evidence you have that made you come to such conclusions?

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:07 PM

originally posted by: Thrumbo

originally posted by: Blackfeline
I, for one, believe that the ETs are here.

Probably because you find the idea of ETs exciting and cool. Naturally, you'd want fantasy to be reality because that makes it real. Not only that, but in your lifetime you might actually see it with your own eyes and that would make you very happy because you want it to happen.

Thus, you believe what you want to be true. It's kind of like election fraud in that regard, if I can stretch my arms a little bit. No concrete evidence, but alot of emotions and passion.

I'm just as open to the possibility that Earth is literally the only place in the universe that life has evolved in any way, shape or form. Do you feel the same way or does this idea fundamentally bother you? If I claimed it as a matter of fact, would you feel emotionally inclined to argue or debate with me about it to prove that I'm wrong? That's the first sign of your vision being impaired by your feelings.

We've got to evolve from that behavior and start looking at things for what they are, not what we want them to be.

I'm not the OP but want ETs to be here as well, as humans 'suck' to say it mildly. I'm sick of humanity.
I would also wish election fraud to actually not be real, but too much evidence is there that it's real (compare Trumps rally attendance number with Biden rally attendance numbers ). If election fraud were not happening there would be hope for a better outcome next time, but corruption is rampant at all levels so no hope there.
Aaand you had to bring in politics in a non-political thread. Why???

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:10 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

I don't worry about that. I expressed my opinion. "Prove it" falls into another strata. ;o) I can only provide evidence. "Proof" is a condition established in court.

edit on 2/2/23 by argentus because: spellin'

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:14 PM
Yeah no.

Show me some proof and I'll be on board. 👍🏼

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:17 PM
a reply to: Albert999

Proof of what?

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: argentus
a reply to: Blackfeline

I don't worry about that. I expressed my opinion. "Prove it" falls into another strata. ;o) I can only provide evidence. "Proof" is a condition established in court.

I believe they're visiting too. Not so much the mining thing but I'm pretty sure someone's poked their head through this door, you get what I'm saying?
There are lots of real things that don't have proof. You don't have any proof that I'm typing this from a desk on an isolated hill in bumfrick nowhere, but guess what, I am! (under roof of course)

I've just seen enough evidence to form the opinion that they've been hanging around. I have no proof either. I don't think half or more "alien" sightings are legit, but I'm certain at least 1/4th to 1/2 of them are at least partially legit... ok maybe I'm making those numbers up on the spot, but basically I'm sayin' for every 10 hoaxes, there are probably (maybe!) around 3 to 4 alien or even interdimensional encounters. The evidence is out there. Proof? Meh. Evidence? Heck yeah.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 07:59 PM
Robert Oppenheimer invented the atomic bomb. The concept of atomic fission was known for decades by physicists before an explosive device was created.

The Fukushima disaster was what they said it was. It was caused by an earthquake. Why the Japanese built it on a fault, unknown. Maybe they have issues with space on their island.

The first transistor was invented by three scientists at Bell labs 1947. Only after it was figured out how to miniaturize them electronic computers came into being.

Sorry, no ETs.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:06 PM
a reply to: Blackfeline

The last US Director of National Intelligence said the UFOs scare the daylights out of the military and intelligence communities.

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:13 PM
i like the idea that ET caused an earthquake/tsunami to take out Fukushima specifically because weapons were being developed [not what reactors are for but we'll give it a pass here] , only to watch gigalitres of irradiated water poison the pacific and they're like "nah our job here is done"

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:17 PM
I’m sure there here toooooooo

Here’s the proof…..

Doesn’t that look for realzzzzz?

I’m told there’s a pic showing Clinton with an Alien



posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Are the always naked? What sex? (Asking for Bill Clinton)

posted on Feb, 2 2023 @ 08:25 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Are the always naked? What sex? (Asking for Bill Clinton)

edit on 2-2-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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