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Campbell gets stuck in on excess deaths.

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posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: nugget1
Eggs are high in cholesterol. We have known that for decades.

Yes, exactly! That is why I eat so many egg yolks (that is where all the cholesterol is) with my fatty rib eye steaks and beef belly (yum!).

Heart attack is the leading cause of death and has been for 50 years.

Yeppers... but... your comment in context seems to parrot the mainstream decades old LIE that cholesterol is bad for you, or is somehow related to heart attacks and/or CHD/CVD.

Newsflash my friend: it isn't. In fact, all of the studies actually show that the HIGHER ones cholesterol, the LOWER their risk of all cause mortality. Any studies purporting to show otherwise were either poorly designed observational/epidemiological 'studies that can never show causation, outright fraudulent, or the underlying data showed the exact opposite of the summary/claims - meaning, the summary/claims were outright lies.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 03:03 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: nugget1
I just read today that eating eggs is the cause of increased blood clots leading to heart attacks. A couple of weeks ago the SA Deaths were being blamed on artificial sweeteners.

It's good to see something besides the idiotic excuses from 'researchers' and talking heads, yet there are still people insisting the high death count wouldn't be happening if everybody had gotten vaccinated.

Eggs are high in cholesterol. We have known that for decades. Heart attack is the leading cause of death and has been for 50 years.

Dietary cholesterol has an almost zero impact on blood cholesterol levels. Another rediculous myth.

Indeed. Our digestion breaks fats down to amino acids and then our liver produces serum lipids, but they are constructed from those amino acids. There is still a relationship, but fats don't go straight from gut into bloodstream.

Most heart attacks come about due to the body's attempt to deal with inflammation and infection. Areas in the aorta where there is inflammation get 'capped' with cholesterol deposits, which sticks to the walls and isn't typically blood soluble. If these plaques of cholesterol are in place for long periods of time, the plaques harden and become inflexible, while the interior walls of the blood vessels and heart remain flexible. This means that the aged plaques can tear away from the walls, causing cellular rupture, and bleeds. The same issues can also cause blockages leading to stroke.

But when cholesterol plaques break away from the atrial walls, it nearly always triggers heart attack as the inflammation is rapid and extreme. Inflammation interferes with the calcium channels required for conduction of the electrical sinus rhythm across the heart, leading to defibrillation (heart attack) as the synchronization of muscle movement is lost.

So, the reality is quite complicated, and high intake of cholesterol laden foods does have a statistical effect on the incidence of heart attack.

And even if it did, it doesn't all happen right after quackzine rollout.

No, it doesn't.

Heart attack fatality numbers have been reducing significantly for years as diet and medicine improves.

Heart attack deaths in 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 - ONS

Death rate from cardiovascular disease, 1990 to 2019 - Our World In Data

Deaths by heart diseases in the U.S. from 1950 to 2019 (per 100,000 population) - Statista

And additionally, sudden deaths in athletes are not unknown, even before the vaccines were rolled out:

Sudden Deaths in Young Competitive Athletes Analysis of 1866 Deaths in the United States, 1980–2006 - Circulation

Sudden death in young people: Heart problems often blamed - Mayo Clinic

And then there is the outright sensationalist lies used by some online media:

Claims connecting sudden death in athletes to COVID-19 vaccines fall short of scrutiny - Politifact

edit on 27/1/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 03:16 PM

originally posted by: Halfswede

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: nugget1
I just read today that eating eggs is the cause of increased blood clots leading to heart attacks. A couple of weeks ago the SA Deaths were being blamed on artificial sweeteners.

It's good to see something besides the idiotic excuses from 'researchers' and talking heads, yet there are still people insisting the high death count wouldn't be happening if everybody had gotten vaccinated.

And in South Africa, only 48.94 % of the population have currently been vaccinated, according to the Health Department of South Africa. So some of the excess deaths there must be among the unvaccinated.

While a person might feel this way, that isn't how causation or even inference works. If it was nearly 100% unvaccinated, you could make some guesses, but at 50% , there is no way to know without sampling.

It's like saying, " 48% of the population are men, so some of the prostate cancer must be among the women."

While I totally agree, can you see that the OP is taking the reverse case to mine and assuming that the figures are due to vaccination.

My point is not valid based upon no direct or indirect causal link in the data, but neither is theirs.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:29 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Temporal causality is a trusted practical common sense indicator of a problem. So it should be looked at. If it was looked at and the vaccine was found to be the causative factor in the rise in heart attacks. Then the disruption would be catastrophic that's why it is being ignored. But the continuance of vaccination would also be catastrophic, so who wants to make the call?

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 04:55 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: nugget1
Eggs are high in cholesterol. We have known that for decades.

Yes, exactly! That is why I eat so many egg yolks (that is where all the cholesterol is) with my fatty rib eye steaks and beef belly (yum!).

Heart attack is the leading cause of death and has been for 50 years.

Yeppers... but... your comment in context seems to parrot the mainstream decades old LIE that cholesterol is bad for you, or is somehow related to heart attacks and/or CHD/CVD.

Newsflash my friend: it isn't. In fact, all of the studies actually show that the HIGHER ones cholesterol, the LOWER their risk of all cause mortality.

That's an oversimplification.

Both low and high cholesterol have higher all cause mortality. The lowest all cause mortality is in the normal range of blood cholesterol.

Total cholesterol and all-cause mortality by sex and age: a prospective cohort study among 12.8 million adults

Any studies purporting to show otherwise were either poorly designed observational/epidemiological 'studies that can never show causation, outright fraudulent, or the underlying data showed the exact opposite of the summary/claims - meaning, the summary/claims were outright lies.

That's convenient.


posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Temporal causality is a trusted practical common sense indicator of a problem. So it should be looked at. If it was looked at and the vaccine was found to be the causative factor in the rise in heart attacks. Then the disruption would be catastrophic that's why it is being ignored. But the continuance of vaccination would also be catastrophic, so who wants to make the call?

Yes, but you are assuming that the current levels of all-cause mortality are significantly outside of normal fluctuations.

Additionally, despite changes in the disease profile, and improvements in medicine to combat the disease, 526 people still die per day in the US with COVID-19 identified as cause of death on their death certificate (based upon deaths reported in the last 28 days on the John's Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard). So there is a non-vaccine reason for any increase in all cause mortality, right there.

Do you think you might possibly be conflating normal statistical fluctuations, a few widely broadcast cases of alleged vaccine adverse reactions, an ongoing pandemic, and the opinions of a group you are seeking to be 'in' with?

edit on 27/1/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Temporal causality is a trusted practical common sense indicator of a problem. So it should be looked at. If it was looked at and the vaccine was found to be the causative factor in the rise in heart attacks. Then the disruption would be catastrophic that's why it is being ignored. But the continuance of vaccination would also be catastrophic, so who wants to make the call?

Yes, but you are assuming that the current levels of all-cause mortality are significantly outside of normal fluctuations.

Additionally, despite changes in the disease profile, and improvements in medicine to combat the disease, 526 people still die per day in the US with COVID-19 identified as cause of death on their death certificate (based upon deaths reported in the last 28 days on the John's Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard). So there is a non-vaccine reason for any increase in all cause mortality, right there.

Do you think you might possibly be conflating normal statistical fluctuations, a few widely broadcast cases of alleged vaccine adverse reactions, an ongoing pandemic, and the opinions of a group you are seeking to be 'in' with?

Yes the all cause mortality is significantly higher and the 'experts' don't know why. And that's Terry much everywhere. Either here in the US or in the UK or any other country that followed the same patterns during the pandemic.

Dr Campbell who has become a sensation on YouTube and he is from the UK was talking about one of the greatest scandals and this is the scandal of the excess non Covid deaths that have occurred throughout 2022 until now. The way it goes the UK will have more excess non Covid deaths than all Covid deaths put together since the start of the pandemic. The UK has had 217K deaths since the start of the pandemic. The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

What is it? What is going on? The amount of non Covid excess deaths merits a public enquiries and legal investigations. To get to the bottom of this story.

It can't be climate change or the orbital speed of earth or neutrinos coming from the sun or cosmic rays. Could it that it is the Republicans? Not really.

So that leave us with a only a few options.

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 09:05 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Temporal causality is a trusted practical common sense indicator of a problem. So it should be looked at. If it was looked at and the vaccine was found to be the causative factor in the rise in heart attacks. Then the disruption would be catastrophic that's why it is being ignored. But the continuance of vaccination would also be catastrophic, so who wants to make the call?

Yes, but you are assuming that the current levels of all-cause mortality are significantly outside of normal fluctuations.

Additionally, despite changes in the disease profile, and improvements in medicine to combat the disease, 526 people still die per day in the US with COVID-19 identified as cause of death on their death certificate (based upon deaths reported in the last 28 days on the John's Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard). So there is a non-vaccine reason for any increase in all cause mortality, right there.

Do you think you might possibly be conflating normal statistical fluctuations, a few widely broadcast cases of alleged vaccine adverse reactions, an ongoing pandemic, and the opinions of a group you are seeking to be 'in' with?
Yes the all cause mortality is significantly higher and the 'experts' don't know why. And that's Terry much everywhere. Either here in the US or in the UK or any other country that followed the same patterns during the pandemic.

Absolutely "Terry much".

Dr Campbell who has become a sensation on YouTube and he is from the UK was talking about one of the greatest scandals and this is the scandal of the excess non Covid deaths that have occurred throughout 2022 until now. The way it goes the UK will have more excess non Covid deaths than all Covid deaths put together since the start of the pandemic. The UK has had 217K deaths since the start of the pandemic. The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

Wait a minute, 2K times 52 weeks, times 2 years (because the pandemic started small and only infected a few tens of thousands by the end of the first year) = 208K, that's just shy of the number you admit was caused by COVID. Seems you need to review what you just posted?

Here's what I think: Mr Campbell is a fraud who got popular by proclaiming doom-porn. Have you noticed how he always leaves dangling a question at the end of each post? Just what the Qtards do - because it works on the gullible who 'want so hard to believe'.

But here's the true situation:

Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years

What is it? What is going on? The amount of non Covid excess deaths merits a public enquiries and legal investigations. To get to the bottom of this story.

The numbers quoted do not exclude COVID deaths. They are being misrepresented as if they do.

It can't be climate change or the orbital speed of earth or neutrinos coming from the sun or cosmic rays. Could it that it is the Republicans? Not really.

So that leave us with a only a few options.

Go with the nuclear one!


edit on 27/1/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2023 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: [post=26864564]chr0naut[/post ]

If he does not leave a question at the end of a session, he will be banned from youtube for violating its present norms.
Here is another to add to the growing list, under fifteen football star I wonder what caused the lad's demise.

edit on 27-1-2023 by anonentity because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 03:48 AM
Nurse Cambell (He's not a medical doctor) is a fraud. I agree with the above poster on that.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 04:35 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Temporal causality is a trusted practical common sense indicator of a problem. So it should be looked at. If it was looked at and the vaccine was found to be the causative factor in the rise in heart attacks. Then the disruption would be catastrophic that's why it is being ignored. But the continuance of vaccination would also be catastrophic, so who wants to make the call?

Yes, but you are assuming that the current levels of all-cause mortality are significantly outside of normal fluctuations.

Additionally, despite changes in the disease profile, and improvements in medicine to combat the disease, 526 people still die per day in the US with COVID-19 identified as cause of death on their death certificate (based upon deaths reported in the last 28 days on the John's Hopkins Coronavirus Dashboard). So there is a non-vaccine reason for any increase in all cause mortality, right there.

Do you think you might possibly be conflating normal statistical fluctuations, a few widely broadcast cases of alleged vaccine adverse reactions, an ongoing pandemic, and the opinions of a group you are seeking to be 'in' with?
Yes the all cause mortality is significantly higher and the 'experts' don't know why. And that's Terry much everywhere. Either here in the US or in the UK or any other country that followed the same patterns during the pandemic.

Absolutely "Terry much".

Dr Campbell who has become a sensation on YouTube and he is from the UK was talking about one of the greatest scandals and this is the scandal of the excess non Covid deaths that have occurred throughout 2022 until now. The way it goes the UK will have more excess non Covid deaths than all Covid deaths put together since the start of the pandemic. The UK has had 217K deaths since the start of the pandemic. The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

Wait a minute, 2K times 52 weeks, times 2 years (because the pandemic started small and only infected a few tens of thousands by the end of the first year) = 208K, that's just shy of the number you admit was caused by COVID. Seems you need to review what you just posted?

Here's what I think: Mr Campbell is a fraud who got popular by proclaiming doom-porn. Have you noticed how he always leaves dangling a question at the end of each post? Just what the Qtards do - because it works on the gullible who 'want so hard to believe'.

But here's the true situation:

Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years

What is it? What is going on? The amount of non Covid excess deaths merits a public enquiries and legal investigations. To get to the bottom of this story.

The numbers quoted do not exclude COVID deaths. They are being misrepresented as if they do.

It can't be climate change or the orbital speed of earth or neutrinos coming from the sun or cosmic rays. Could it that it is the Republicans? Not really.

So that leave us with a only a few options.

Go with the nuclear one!


You are either mistaken massively or you propagandise. Take a look to what I have posted as it is all over the news: Excess non Covid deaths.

The number of COVID deaths in the UK from the start of the pandemic is around 217,000

The number of excess non Covid deaths since July 2022 is at least 30,000. There are also excess non Covid deaths in the first half of 2022 but I don't remember the figure .

Learn how to read what others say and not to propagandise nonsense or misinterpret and misrepresent what others say.

From my post above

The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

It means clearly that the number of excess non Covid deaths is at least 30K and currently the trend is about 2K+ non Covid excess deaths per week from the start of 2023.

Nobody said that there are 2K excess non Covid deaths from the start of the pandemic. You are completely confused and misrepresenting everything which is said.

As for Dr Campbell, no he is not a fraud. On the other hand your attempts to defame him have failed several times considering your posting history which includes, false arguments and claims, misinterpretations, misrepresentations, propaganda, attacking scientists and experts when it doesn't suit your narrative, maje ad hominem attacks, and engage in vaccine apologetics, denialism of reality and defending of the pharmaceuticals.

It is really ironic, when by your own admission you have no experience or qualifications in any academic field, to try to 'correct' academics who are either experts in their fields, like your attempts yesterday with Kary Mullis, or accusing Dr Campbell for being a fraud.

Stop the propaganda

Edit: And here to entertain you further

More than 35,000 additional people died than expected in the last six months, 11% more than the five-year average, new figures from the ONS reveal.

Even excluding the 8,279 deaths caused by COVID in that period, there are an average of 994 more people dying every week than the five-year average

Can you do the maths for the period July of 2022 until the end of December 2022

Over 35,000 excess deaths
With 8,279 caused by Covid
That makes 35,000-8,279 = 26,721 excess non Covid deaths.

Now include the two weeks in January where there are more than 2K deaths per week and you are over 30,000 excess non Covid deaths since July 2022

edit on 28-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: tanstaafl
That's an oversimplification.

Yes, it was. There are many factors involved. Only looking at cholesterol levels without taking into account other things like triglycerides, blood sugar, and fundamentally, your diet, won't really tell you anything at all.

Both low and high cholesterol have higher all cause mortality.

That's... an oversimplification.

The lowest all cause mortality is in the normal range of blood cholesterol.

That ass-u-me-s that you - or anyone - knows what the normal range of cholesterol is, or should be, and that it can't vary.

Hint: neither you - or they - know.

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: chr0naut

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: chr0naut

Absolutely "Terry much".

Dr Campbell who has become a sensation on YouTube and he is from the UK was talking about one of the greatest scandals and this is the scandal of the excess non Covid deaths that have occurred throughout 2022 until now. The way it goes the UK will have more excess non Covid deaths than all Covid deaths put together since the start of the pandemic. The UK has had 217K deaths since the start of the pandemic. The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

Wait a minute, 2K times 52 weeks, times 2 years (because the pandemic started small and only infected a few tens of thousands by the end of the first year) = 208K, that's just shy of the number you admit was caused by COVID. Seems you need to review what you just posted?

Here's what I think: Mr Campbell is a fraud who got popular by proclaiming doom-porn. Have you noticed how he always leaves dangling a question at the end of each post? Just what the Qtards do - because it works on the gullible who 'want so hard to believe'.

But here's the true situation:

Excess mortality: Deaths from all causes compared to average over previous years

What is it? What is going on? The amount of non Covid excess deaths merits a public enquiries and legal investigations. To get to the bottom of this story.

The numbers quoted do not exclude COVID deaths. They are being misrepresented as if they do.

It can't be climate change or the orbital speed of earth or neutrinos coming from the sun or cosmic rays. Could it that it is the Republicans? Not really.

So that leave us with a only a few options.

Go with the nuclear one!


You are either mistaken massively or you propagandise. Take a look to what I have posted as it is all over the news: Excess non Covid deaths.

The number of COVID deaths in the UK from the start of the pandemic is around 217,000

The number of excess non Covid deaths since July 2022 is at least 30,000. There are also excess non Covid deaths in the first half of 2022 but I don't remember the figure .

Learn how to read what others say and not to propagandise nonsense or misinterpret and misrepresent what others say.

From my post above

The excess non Covid deaths since July of 2022 is at least 30K and the trend is there with more than 2K excess non Covid deaths per week.

It means clearly that the number of excess non Covid deaths is at least 30K and currently the trend is about 2K+ non Covid excess deaths per week from the start of 2023.

Nobody said that there are 2K excess non Covid deaths from the start of the pandemic. You are completely confused and misrepresenting everything which is said.

As for Dr Campbell, no he is not a fraud. On the other hand your attempts to defame him have failed several times considering your posting history which includes, false arguments and claims, misinterpretations, misrepresentations, propaganda, attacking scientists and experts when it doesn't suit your narrative, maje ad hominem attacks, and engage in vaccine apologetics, denialism of reality and defending of the pharmaceuticals.

It is really ironic, when by your own admission you have no experience or qualifications in any academic field,

I have never said that I didn't have any experience or qualifications in an academic field, because I do. This is another of your lies.

Like where you said that I claimed the CFR for COVID-19 was 10%. I never said that. The CFR for COVID-19 hovered around 2% for the alpha strain. Subsequent strains have a lower CFR, partly because they are less deadly and partly because we have developed therapeutics and vaccines.

to try to 'correct' academics who are either experts in their fields, like your attempts yesterday with Kary Mullis, or accusing Dr Campbell for being a fraud.

Kary Mullis admitted to Dr Albert Hoffman (the inventor/discoverer of Lysergic acid diethylamide) that he (Kary) attributed his (shared) Nobel winning breakthrough to the hallucinogen.

I suggest you also read Mullis's autobiography "Dancing Naked in the Mind Field" with particular reference to the chapter "No Aliens Allowed" to give you some idea of his mental state. He wrote it - about himself.

This is from the Wikipedia entry on Mullis: Kary_Mullis - Use of Hallucinogens.

He also died of pneumonia, which is a little unusual for someone who is independently wealthy, living in a 1st world country, and has the immediate availability of modern healthcare.

Stop the propaganda

Edit: And here to entertain you further

More than 35,000 additional people died than expected in the last six months, 11% more than the five-year average, new figures from the ONS reveal.

Even excluding the 8,279 deaths caused by COVID in that period, there are an average of 994 more people dying every week than the five-year average

Can you do the maths for the period July of 2022 until the end of December 2022

Over 35,000 excess deaths
With 8,279 caused by Covid
That makes 35,000-8,279 = 26,721 excess non Covid deaths.

Now include the two weeks in January where there are more than 2K deaths per week and you are over 30,000 excess non Covid deaths since July 2022

I want you to re-read that article. Did you notice that in 1951 and in 1963, there were MORE excess deaths than there were in 2022? Did you look at the fluctuations appearing in the graph? In 41 and 63, there was no adjacent pandemic. Could it be that what you are making a big fuss out of, is simply a fluctuation that happens occasionally, a fact that we can see in the graphs over time?

Here's another concept for you to wrap your head around - We do know that there are often co-morbidities with COVID-deaths. COVID deniers often say the COVID death figures are being inflated that way, and are really for other reasons.

But what is the opposite is true? What if death certificates are being attributed to those other co-mobidities, and COVID, while it is present and being a contributary cause of death, is not being marked as the primary cause of death on death certificates? And therefore, deaths from COVID 'and something else', are not being accounted for as COVID deaths?

As the virus looses its deadliness over time, there will be more and more of that stuff, where a doctor or coroner marks deaths from other things as being the cause of death, even though COVID is present and probably contributory.

It seems to me, that would perfectly explain the apparent non-COVID excess deaths we are seeing.

edit on 28/1/2023 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:50 PM
a reply to: chr0naut
silicon Valley's use of hallucinogens

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

I will answer the rest of your post a little later when I have the time.

As explained to you several times the CFR isn't a poor representation of how deadly a disease is. It is the IFR which is the most valuable number in epidemiology and often difficult to estimate. But many top epidemiologists have contributed and mostly Dr Ioannidis from Stanford who is the probably the most cited scientist in the world.


All systematic evaluations of seroprevalence data converge that SARS-CoV-2 infection is widely spread globally. Acknowledging residual uncertainties, the available evidence suggests average global IFR of ~0.15% and ~1.5-2.0 billion infections by February 2021 with substantial differences in IFR and in infection spread across continents, countries and locations.

IFR of Covid-19 = 0.15%

Before any vaccines were available.

Do you remember when you were claiming herd immunity could be achieved via vaccination?!
That's a debunked claim.

Do you remember when you were claiming that the Cambrian Explosion disproves evolution?!

You are very wrong about your conclusions at the end as you have made them up in your head.

There are thousands more UK deaths than usual and we don’t know why

Since April, there have been 22,500 more deaths than expected in the UK. Health experts are concerned but unsure of the causes – which could include covid-19, population ageing and NHS problems

Obviously the majority of them just as I have shown you above are non Covid excess deaths as already been stated by various sources and the data is available. To try to blame Covid again it's rather hilarious.

edit on 28-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:22 PM
So the UK is an easy place to get monthly deaths, good size population and heavily vacced, so what is it we are talking about here?

edit on 28-1-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
Can you supply a link to where those numbers can from?

edit on 28-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

Can you supply a link to where those numbers can from?

Just UK's official site


posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 03:00 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero
I couldn't find the image you posted on the page you linked.

The image you linked has nothing but numbers....what does each column represent?

posted on Jan, 28 2023 @ 03:18 PM

originally posted by: RMFX1
Nurse Cambell (He's not a medical doctor) is a fraud. I agree with the above poster on that.


wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain.
"he was convicted of fraud"

Please define your description of Dr. Campbell with evidence.

I will hang up and listen.

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