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The Falcon Lake UFO – Another Unsolved Mysteries Case

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posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 01:42 PM
And about that metal.....

... A claimed visit to the site by Mr. A and another associate a year after the alleged sighting, at which time they discovered massive pieces of radioactive material in a fissure of the rock within the "landing circle." This material reportedly consisted of two W-shaped bars of metal, each about 4.5 in. long, and several smaller pieces of irregular shape. These items were said to have been found about 2 in. below a layer of lichen in the rock fissure. They were later analyzed as nearly pure silver. The results of the analyses of these pieces of metal were sent to the Colorado Project by Dr. Peter M. Millman of the National Research Council of Canada. The analysis of the report by Mr. R. J. Traill (Head, Minerology Section, NRC) showed that the two fragments each consisted of a cental massive metal portion which was not radioactive. One of these was 93% and the other 96% silver. Both contained copper and cadmium, and had a composition similar to that found in commercially available sterling silver or sheet silver. The metal was coated with a tightly-adhering layer of quartz sand, similar to that used as a foundry sand. This also was not radioactive.

The radioactivity was contained in a loosely-adhering layer of fine-grained minerals containing uranium. This layer could be removed readily by washing and brushing. The minerals were uranophane and thorium-free pitchblende, characteristically found in vain deposits.

Mr Traill's conclusion was:

I would interpret the specimens as pieces of thin sheet silver that have been twisted, crumpled, partly melted, and dropped into, or otherwise placed in contact with, nearly pure quartz sand, while still hot. They have subsequently been covered with loosely-adhering radioactive material which consists of crushed pitchblende ore, much altered to uranophane and containing associated hematite. These naturally-occuring radioactive minerals are found typically in the uraniferous deposits of . . . [River x] area and in parts of . . . [camp X].

In view of the thoroughness of earlier searches of the site for radioactive material, it is improbable that the particles discovered a year later would have been missed had they been present when the earlier searches were made.


If Mr. A's reported experience were physically real, it would show the existence of alien flying vehicles in our environment. Attempts to establish the reality of the event revealed many inconsistencies and incongruities in the case, a number of which are described in this report. Developments subsequent to the field investigation have not altered the initial conclusion that this case does not offer probative information regarding unconventional craft.

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
Consolidating the Official RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) reports….

The initial RCMP report interview with Stephan Michalak - May 24 1967
1st RCMP report - Stephan Michalak

The follow up report by the RCMP - May 26 1967
2nd RCMP report - Stephan Michalak

The Final RCMP report - June 26 1967
3rd RCMP Report - Stephan Michalak

Note: Other Official RCMP reports related to Stephan Michalak may or may not exist.

Note: For prosperity purposes, I recommend these PDF reports be saved on to your local drive. Access may be denied in the future.

I’m not sure about Canadian law…..hence I don’t know if all RCMP reports, or portions thereof, are considered legally “Sworn” and or “Under Oath” statements….in reference to the timeframe from when the reports were originally written.


I’ve located yet an additional RCMP report dated 10 August 1967 that addresses the location of the purported landing site found……….and the radiation aspects of the entire story….imo.

4th RCMP report - Stephan Michalak

Below is the last page of the report. Before reading the linked document from the beginning …. note the statements I’ve outlined in red. Then read the full 10page document. Quite an interesting read indeed.

I’m glad I chose 2) Part hoax part truth…..


posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 03:57 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

So what's your own conclusion Ophi?

posted on Jan, 24 2023 @ 05:06 PM
a reply to: mirageman

In terms of the radiation that may have come from a Cancer Clinic and was radioactive waste dumped in an area that Stephan may have stumbled into…..sounds probable only because the RCMP….mentioned the Clinic as if the Clinic may have done something like that before but the RCMP didn’t want to open a can of worms, and so left some other department to look into it.

When I look at the piece(s) ….what if the metal came from the strapping or frame of sorts part of a carrier for radioactive waste and just left behind and eroded over time? It’s a stretch……..

It’s not like Stephan reported that he actually saw pieces of the craft break off and fall anywhere. If he did say that…then I missed it.

Hmmmm an advanced race of aliens with a poorly built jalopy spacecraft…….I don’t see it.

Otherwise….overall I stick to elements that are part hoax and elements that are part truth.

edit on 24-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 07:29 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

There are certainly some elements of truth to the story. There is usually in any story of this type. But what we really don't know is that if this was all a hoax, then why did Michalak do it?

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 08:35 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

There are certainly some elements of truth to the story. There is usually in any story of this type. But what we really don't know is that if this was all a hoax, then why did Michalak do it?

Indeed. It would be very interesting to know of Michalak's years thereafter, well up until he passed on from this realm. His story, his life, as it played out. Of course, at best, he was off the radar, so to speak, in the decades thereafter, but it would be interesting to know his life course and if there were any punctuations to it.

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: BiffTannen

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

There are certainly some elements of truth to the story. There is usually in any story of this type. But what we really don't know is that if this was all a hoax, then why did Michalak do it?

Indeed. It would be very interesting to know of Michalak's years thereafter, well up until he passed on from this realm. His story, his life, as it played out. Of course, at best, he was off the radar, so to speak, in the decades thereafter, but it would be interesting to know his life course and if there were any punctuations to it.

Well the prominent Ufologist, Chris Rutkowski with Stefan's son Stan Michalak wrote a book together, here is the summary:

What happened in the Whiteshell Forest near Falcon Lake on May 20, 1967? For the first time in 50 years, the many facets of this astonishing tale finally come together. Noted UFO researcher Chris Rutkowski opens his vault of documents and images, gathered over several decades of inquiry, and presents a comprehensive picture of what became the most investigated UFO case in Canadian History. Stan Michalak, son of the man at the centre of this story, offers an inside perspective of what was happening in the Michalak home immediately following his father's extraordinary encounter. Join him as he eavesdrops on the daily struggles of his family while they deal with his father's injuries and the endless stream of investigators and media. Released after years of planning, this once-in-a-lifetime book describes every aspect of what happened "when they appeared." hris+rutkowski%2Caps%2C195&sr=8-5

Anyone interested in reading it and reporting back to us?

Here's an interesting comment from the Amazon comments of this book:

Who knows if this is real but it's darned unlikely he would have burned himself that many times. As to what he saw??? Please explain how you generate lift without a working fluid or a gas turbine? They were working on nuclear jet engines around that time so maybe that would explain the bright light and gamma rays but they didn't as yet have very good control theory or microcomputer control.


The ‘fall out’ from his experience was life long, for both himself and his family. A detailed, powerful and evocative exploration of a compelling UFO close encounter, and its myriad ‘after-effects’— not the least of which, a whole spectrum of uninvited ‘visitors’!

edit on q00000015131America/Chicago5858America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

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posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: mirageman


Of Chris’s closing opinions in this 34 page document authored by him linked above….he states….

“Another possibility is that Michalak had a real encounter with something, but someone else decided to improve the evidence so that the case seemed better. Given the number of people involved in both the military and civilian investigations, this is much more likely than a solo hoax attempt on Michalak's part. The problem is in the elimination of suspects.”

I lean in favor of that opinion.

IMO, the “suspect” is APRO’s J.B.Thompson!

The bottom line ($$$) of J.B. Thompson being Stephan’s….Handler….after the purported incident, drives this case….imo

As for your question……”then why did Michalak do it?”

That will continue to be an “Unsolved Mystery” 😉 which entails getting into someone’s mind…..I think it, at this point…at this time, so many years past….is impossible to do. There’s no value in prolonged guessing what his thoughts might have been. No one left alive, probably, to say they knew him so good, he revealed to them why he did it.

Certainly, at least not yet, no one here on ATS is coming forward to say they knew him…and his thoughts.

Even if someone was still alive to reveal that they knew him and was told by him, why he did it……let’s just say your not going to get a fresh word for word verbatim account…..the mind fades over time….and subject to exaggerations and embellishments. And this is not knowing the state of mind of the person try to tell you the re-account of what Stephan might have told him.

This will always be, imo, a cold case without ALL the answers…..

edit on 25-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 10:43 AM
Curious how closely the authorities looked into this claimed encounter, and how along the way, Michalak was essentially minimized by a mere claim, true or not. Is it possible that the event did occur but Michalak's pants weren't all the way up, so to speak? And if so, does it erase the claimed encounter to the satisfaction of any unseen hand, behind the tech or trying to cover-up something they can't explain or what they have no control of?

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 12:21 PM
I don't think further picking at this case will answer many more of our questions.Not on this forum anyway.

But until I watched this very old show and then started doing a bit of digging, I was totally unaware of how well documented a case this was. And also the lengthy investigations by various authorities.

This seems unprecedented for a single witness case with no other corroborating evidence. Except for that radiation!

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: mirageman

Well was it not concluded the radiation was from that vein of radioactive material (pitchblende?), so do we have all the answers to the radiation part and all other parts of the story are still questionable?

posted on Jan, 25 2023 @ 01:03 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
I don't think further picking at this case will answer many more of our questions.Not on this forum anyway.

But until I watched this very old show and then started doing a bit of digging, I was totally unaware of how well documented a case this was. And also the lengthy investigations by various authorities.

This seems unprecedented for a single witness case with no other corroborating evidence. Except for that radiation!

Yet another report…..dated September 13 1967 ….the hunt for the source of the radiation in detail 5pgs.

5th report - Stephan Michalak

edit on 25-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 12:36 AM
Why did they take this case seriously? Probably because someone was injured. Unlike most UFO sightings, where no contact is experienced by the witness, getting injured by them is relatively rare. The nature of the object wasn't the concern for the RCMP, but that a potential unknown is operating on Canadian territory and possibly causing harm to their citizens. Consider the time period. the 1960's. Cold War, fears of secret Soviet weapons, these would have been on the cops' minds, not aliens.

As for the shirt, I would have to see how the shirt fit on his body to make a conclusion there. While the pattern appears higher on the shirt than the chest, I also have known men to wear old shirts and worn out undergarments that no longer fit well, and often hang loose and lower on their bodies, especially when pinching pennies. Don't know if that's the case for Stefan here or not.

Everything else? Certainly worth consideration, although I actually agree with Michalak's assesment that the object seemed to behave more like a military test vehicle than E.T., especially if he heard people talking inside. Would also fit the time period.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

The authorities would certainly be concerned about intrusions into their air space and any danger to the public. Not only was there a Cold War, the Space Race was also in full swing too.

But if Michalak really was injured by an unknown object (foreign, alien or friendly) then why did no one else notice it?

- The forest watchtowers were manned and none of the rangers noticed anything.
- The direction the object(s) flew off would have taken them within sight of a golf course, where there were hundreds of people. No one reported anything unusual.
- Radar observers at three other locations (60 mi. NW of the claimed sighting, 85 mi. W, and 40 mi. E) reported nothing unusual.

You have to go through an implausible sscenario where large amounts of people are silenced into denying they saw anything whilst the authorities are investigating the case. To my knowledge, no one has claimed any such cover up.

So the alternative is that Michalak was hallucinating about the craft, or he created the story for reasons unknown. The nature of his burns remaining another mystery.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:03 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Those are valid points, and the possibility he hoaxed the whole thing is not out of the question. Those are parts of the equation which have no sensible solution other than x+y=BS. I was just pointing out some parts of it which don't seem that unreasonable to me.

I do remember this case, although I never delved that deeply into it. It was listed in briefs alongside other cases. When you look more into the details, it does lose its luster.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 07:36 AM
a reply to: mirageman

The other alternative is that the craft was only visible to the intended observer or that it then disappeared, as has been mentioned by Vallee in that many reports have the object disappearing in a flash, not necessarily rapidly accelerating away but giving that impression. It wouldn't have been seen by others in those scenarios.

Who knows and there are things that don't add up in the accounts but there are other alternatives, it could have played out just in his mind and the burns etc be psychosomatic.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 08:32 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

So the alternative is that Michalak was hallucinating about the craft, or he created the story for reasons unknown. The nature of his burns remaining another mystery.

At least, one of the many Doctor’s consulted on the case….felt Stephan should be seen by a shrink…..

From the 5th Report - Stephan Michalak

Had Stephan been seen by a shrink……all questions of the “why” might have been revealed in the answers.

Besides a psych evaluation, he might have even been hypnotized.

But alas…we will never know.

edit on 26-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: mirageman

So the alternative is that Michalak was hallucinating about the craft, or he created the story for reasons unknown. The nature of his burns remaining another mystery.

I just can't let go of thinking that vein of radioactive pitchblende? played a part in Stefan's chest burns. I was looking around at tools prospectors might use and it just makes sense to me that Stefan would need a sifter or some sort. If he was sifting sand/dirt with a radioactive substance, and if the sifter was metal, would it not become radioactive? And, a long shot speculation, but if he was drunk (as officials thought he would most likely be) or in such great fear that he passed out on the radioactive sifter, maybe this is how those burn marks were made. (?)

Pic of treasure seekers sifter for discussion:

The holes on this scooper are 5/8" but I suppose they might manufacture them with different size holes.

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posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 10:54 AM
Is the supposed landing location known today, and if so, are there any pictures of it? Earlier, an astute member posted a newpaper clipping naming a "Michalak" as somebody who had pinned another person to a car. Further back, was it true that Michalak was with the Police department in Poland? These are points that I was previously unaware of.

The hot exhaust and the brushed aluminum finish ping me. The exhaust comes off as so "worldly" and of our type of vehicle, whereas many many other encounters have a sort of less conventional, dreamlike quality to them.

Living in Ontario, just north of me there is a populated residential area that, in 1967, a saucer landing was witnessed by a number of campfire types about a quarter mile away. This was back long before the area was developed. The saucer was reported as a similar brushed silver and the occupants that exited were wearing silver suits of a sort.

Not the stuff of covert operations, regardless of where it or Michalak's vehicle originated. Of the stuff of Lost in Space, a popular show of that period.

posted on Jan, 26 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

I just can't let go of thinking that vein of radioactive pitchblende? played a part in Stefan's chest burns....

This sounds like a plausible theory. But the physician who checked him out that same day stated..

"...his clothes and blood were checked for radiation and found to be negative"...


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