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The Falcon Lake UFO – Another Unsolved Mysteries Case

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posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 10:59 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
This doesn't really explain his burns and continued rash appearing after the incident. The RCAF officer thought maybe he'd climbed a nearby microwave tower and was burned by that. But didn't really consider it likely. So, if this was all a hoax, instigated by Michalak then how do we explain the burns/rash?

The local police patrol, who was the first person Michalak had encountered after his 'encounter' thought he'd rubbed wood ash into his chest. The hospital who treated Michalak confirmed they were first degree burns (painful but only affecting the outer layer of skin). We have no way of knowing if his claim of weight loss was accurate, either.

Upon further review……

Below are zoomed in color pics of Stephan’s skin anomalies….for comparison purposes I have rotated the grid patterns to a right side up position as much as possible showing the pajama bottom pant line horizontal.

First off….using the word “rash” is not a word I would have chosen to use. Which is the “rash”… the dark colored, almost ashy looking grid pattern circles in pics 1 and 2 (looking at the 3 pics left o right) or the noticeably red “burned” “blotchy” looking skin in pic 3?

I wouldn’t say that a “rash” describes ALL 3 pics combined. If that’s how it is associated, as all 3, then confusion sets in when the word “rash” is mentioned without mentioning either the grid pattern or the blotch. Or am I missing something and “rash” is applied to a different picture I have not seen?

Beyond that……in pics 1 and 2 it appears to me the grid pattern is inconsistent when you associate and assign (C)olumns numbers and (R)ows numbers.

In pic 1 there appears to be a slightly lighter R1 row….in pic 2 R1 is gone…just chest hair.

In pic 1 C4 column is clearly visible… pic 2 C4 is gone…just chest hair.

I can’t rationalize that in any healing process one row or one column would fad faster than the rest of other rows and columns. They either heal together or they don’t….imo.


For pic 3……there is a possibility that he rubbed HOGWEED onto himself causing the red burn looking blotches. Remember….he’s an outdoor guy and would know plants, shrubs, etc. in the areas where he hunts for minerals.

Hogweed is not indigenous to Canada… was imported and has become an evasive plant since it’s arrival.

What does hogweed do to humans?

When giant hogweed (GH) sap, which contains photosensitizing furanocoumarins, contacts human skin in conjunction with sunlight, it can cause phytophotodermatitis - a serious skin inflammation. In brief, the sap prevents your skin from protecting itself from sunlight which leads to a very bad sunburn.

Note: if left untreated Hogweed will lead past the sunburning and then to blistering. I presume it had not got to that stage by the time the RCMP observed him…the RCMP mentioned they saw no sign of blistering.

Keep in mind Stephan did not want to be seen closely……

I lean to Stephan self-inflicting his skin anomalies……even if it caused pain.

I’m not sure…what substance he would have used for the grid pattern circular skin anomaly.

As for the grid pattern……that could have been a template with evenly spaced holes that he placed on his chest and even quite possibly his undershirt (Remember his burned shirt was in the briefcase and didn’t want to show the RCMP).

Here’s a modern example……or for that matter…any other material could have be used as a template…(I laugh to myself because the example I’m showing has to do with heat and burning 😆)

Overall the whole thing appears as HOAX to me…..imo


edit on 21-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: mirageman

In any event like this, there will be things that may indicate it's true and other things it’s not true.
Also, people go by memory and can be wrong.

Maybe he did see a ufo or two, as he says and some of this or all of it is true. We don’t know with one witness.

I looked at the video again and was amused that he called the ufo Yankee boys!
Maybe that’s why they burned him!

Seriously, just like most ufo events, it's based on one person’s testimony. Even though, still, the undershirt and burns on him are on the side of it being questionable.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

You know what?

I will agree he possibly could have seen the crafts decent and even one of them actually land….but beyond that…..the whole walking up to the craft, looking in, wanting to engage with the occupants…..the whole grid burning episode…etc……….it’s a Hoax to me!

edit on 21-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 11:59 AM
It was recounted that Stefan recalled(?) his encounter via hypnotic repression and he stated that he never believed it was of alien origin. Hypnotism, as some psychologists believe, create distorted or false memories.

Hypnosis is "on thin ice" when used to recover memories, as is the case with most other memory retrieval techniques, Green says.,belief%20that%20hypnosis%20acts %20like%20a%20truth%20serum.

Also he was an amateur geologist, so who knows what he was digging up around there - from wikipedia:

"The anomalous readings were subsequently uncovered to be due to a radium vein which was near the site.[3][26]"

As well he was a very ill man suffering from low lymphocyte count, and rashes and weight loss are noted as symptoms and may be indicative of other diseases:

In some cases, low lymphocytes count can cause underlying condition symptoms such as swollen lymph nodes, cough, runny nose, a fever, rash, night sweats, weight loss, or painful joints. What causes lymphocytopenia? In the following, we will discuss the common causes of Low Lymphocyte Count.

It's odd that quite a few of the investigators immediately blamed drunkenness and/or alcoholism regarding Stefan's experiences, so there is that, or infection of the liver via alcoholism/hepatitis.

It was 1967, just how knowledgeable was the medical field at that time? And a second medical doctor ruled out radiation burns, if you read the wikipedia writeup.

Wiskott – Aldrich syndrome
This immunodeficiency disease makes the body susceptible to viral, fungal, and bacterial infections. People who are suffering from this condition also experience abnormal bleeding. A reduced number of platelets causes problems with bleeding. Patients may also develop eczema, a skin disease.

One of his rashes definitely looks like eczema to me.
edit on q00000059131America/Chicago4949America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wouldn't worry about the semantics. I used the word "rash" in the general sense, meaning "a noticeable change in the appearance or texture of the skin". It could be caused by heat or something else. The initial diagnosis in May 1967 was first degree burns. But a later examination at the Mayo Clinic described the markings on Michalak as "obviously factitial" or self induced!

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

You know what?

I will agree he possibly could have seen the crafts decent and even one of them actually land….but beyond that…..the whole walking up to the craft, looking in, wanting to engage with the occupants…..the whole grid burning episode…etc……….it’s a Hoax to me

On probability, it points towards a hoax. Although in the field of ufology no case is ever eliminated as long as there is any tiny element of doubt.

If this was a spaceship (or perhaps as Michalak claimed a form of experimental vehicle) then you could point to the rather overzealous reactions of the RCAF to label Michalak as a drunkard. The huge amount of resources employed in tracking down the supposed landing site and interviewing Michalak and others. Then the involvement of multiple agencies concerned about a source of radiation but eventually claiming there was no real public danger.

You could point to all that and say there was a conspiracy involved there to ridicule Michalak whilst a cover-up was put in place to ensure something hadn't penetrated Canadian airspace and then leaked radiation across the area!!

This is now a "classic" UFO case. Part of folklore and probably a tourist attraction too. I think people prefer it to remain as a bit of mystery. There's no fun in knowing the truth!

edit on 21/1/2023 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:44 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wouldn't worry about the semantics. I used the word "rash" in the general sense, meaning "a noticeable change in the appearance or texture of the skin". It could be caused by heat or something else. The initial diagnosis in May 1967 was first degree burns. But a later examination at the Mayo Clinic described the markings on Michalak as "obviously factitial" or self induced!

It could be the hard shell case not only contained the “burnt” shirt….but also a circular hole pattern template of sorts.

A stiff hole template would hold up better and protected in that type of case, preventing bends, folds, creasing and crunching.…..versus putting the template in a soft materially made Rucksack….

Just a thought

edit on 21-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

….probably a tourist attraction too.

Found this small blurb….

Source: UFOlogists to converge on site of 1967 Falcon Lake encounter

May 2019

Rutkowski will be speaking Saturday night at the Falcon Lake UFO Encounter Weekend, followed by an outdoor, space-themed film. The weekend, he said, also involves visits to the site, a first-of-its-kind ‘UFO social’, and a lot more.

“It’s kind of our own mini Roswell UFO Festival,” he said.



And for thread recording purposes….

edit on 21-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 01:16 PM

originally posted by: mirageman

This is now a "classic" UFO case. Part of folklore and probably a tourist attraction too. I think people prefer it to remain as a bit of mystery. There's no fun in knowing the truth!

Mystery sells!

I'm not sure about the Falcon Lake case, but there are quite a few UFO reports that have been dismissed far too quickly. Some witnesses embellish (or, more innocently, forget) details of legitimate sightings. Just because one or two details are off doesn't mean the whole case is a hoax, but when the details keep getting more and more out of kilter (like in the Falcon case), the more the case begins to look like a fabrication.

I was studying a 1960s case from BC, Canada not long ago in which a family of three witnessed a UFO while standing outside in their driveway, and another one within a month. A First Lieutenant was appointed to interview the family after the son reported one of their sightings to the local newspaper (which, to his dismay, included his name and address). The F/L had the family go into three separate rooms to sketch the sighted objects.
The three sketches differed somewhat, which, according to the report made as a result of this investigation, made the case appear less like a hoax. The report said that the sightings were "unlikely to be complete fabrications as this would have required collusion of all three people involved, and that probably would have led to a much closer agreement in the detail on the sketches."
The sketches made by the son, an 18-year old male, differed the most, depicting lights, windows, etc, whereas the drawings done by his mother and father depicted what looked more or less like UFO-shaped blobs.
The investigator added that the discrepancies may have been due to the over-active imagination of the young witness, reporting details which were not observed.
That said, they considered the report legitimate, and concluded that the family had seen something which could not be explained at the time. (I can link to these reports if you're curious!)

The moral of the story? A few details out of place do not signify a hoax right off the bat. When the discrepancies keep adding up, however, the chances of there being anything significant in a case diminish. Lots of things need to be taken into consideration when investigating any report, from the little details to the big picture as well as similar cases.

On another note, nothing wrong with some good folklore.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: peaceinoutz

You know what?

I will agree he possibly could have seen the crafts decent and even one of them actually land….but beyond that…..the whole walking up to the craft, looking in, wanting to engage with the occupants…..the whole grid burning episode…etc……….it’s a Hoax to me!


I agree. The details seem to be his ego speaking: having the temerity to dare walk up and try to converse with a ufo in 4 languages sounds like a cosmic ego trip.

You make a good point.

A person can have a legitimate experience and still embellish or lie for ego or other self-serving purposes.

posted on Jan, 21 2023 @ 03:37 PM
This reads to me… possibly a final report (6 pgs) on the Stephan case by the RCMP.

Source Final RCMP Report about Stephan?…dated 26 June 1967

A take away I get from this report is what has been documented here from the report….

And what I previously posted….which comes from the same report, linked.

So a drinking issue where a witness tells the RCMP he served Stephan a drink(s)…….and Stephan can’t relocate the landing area…

All this as of the date reported and documented by the RCMP.

You would think a mineral hunter would know basic topography and locations like the back of his hand…..yet something so significant as this….he couldn’t find the landing location? Whatever happened to basic mapping and “X” marks the spot?? I’m sure when he finds minerals or veins….he has no trouble mapping it to return to.

In Stephan’s own words in his initial interview with RCMP……

He has a compass, books, and notes….meaning paper and pen/pencil to write with…..and yet can’t lead the RCMP to the landing site? I don’t buy that he didn’t want the location to be known for fear that a mineral find would be stolen by others (prospectors, etc) ……after all….it’s the RCMP that want to know where the landing site is. Did he not even trust them?

Digest it….for what it’s worth, if anything…..

edit on 21-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 10:17 AM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: peaceinoutz

You know what?

I will agree he possibly could have seen the crafts decent and even one of them actually land….but beyond that…..the whole walking up to the craft, looking in, wanting to engage with the occupants…..the whole grid burning episode…etc……….it’s a Hoax to me!


I agree. The details seem to be his ego speaking: having the temerity to dare walk up and try to converse with a ufo in 4 languages sounds like a cosmic ego trip.

You make a good point.

A person can have a legitimate experience

and still embellish or lie for ego or other self-serving purposes.

IMO…..this portion of the story is a…

edit on 22-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 10:57 AM
Consolidating the Official RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) reports….

The initial RCMP report interview with Stephan Michalak - May 24 1967
1st RCMP report - Stephan Michalak

The follow up report by the RCMP - May 26 1967
2nd RCMP report - Stephan Michalak

The Final RCMP report - June 26 1967
3rd RCMP Report - Stephan Michalak

Note: Other Official RCMP reports related to Stephan Michalak may or may not exist.

Note: For prosperity purposes, I recommend these PDF reports be saved on to your local drive. Access may be denied in the future.

I’m not sure about Canadian law…..hence I don’t know if all RCMP reports, or portions thereof, are considered legally “Sworn” and or “Under Oath” statements….in reference to the timeframe from when the reports were originally written.

edit on 22-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

In reading the last report, I mean heck the authorities really went out of their way didn't they? And the authorities were willing to re-open the case as soon as Stefan found the landing site, so obviously that never happened.

They took Stefan up in a helicopter to locate the site, went with him on foot too but they say he looked as if he was groping around and didn't know where he was going. Stefan said that while he was looking around with the authorities for the landing site he was prospecting ..who would do that during an all-important mission to find the landing spot?

Stefan also said that he had no alcoholic drinks but the bartender said the man who he served drank three beers. Three beers to a normal-size man is nothing, it would not have affected him very much.

The final report also mentions an APRO Organization representative was nosing around there and the authorities got the impression or it was revealed to them that the org. wanted to make money off of Stefan's encounter. But APRO is now MUFON so is it feasible that back then APRO Org. would publish these stories to make money to continue these types of investigations?
edit on q00000047131America/Chicago0505America/Chicago1 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: quintessentone

I’m in agreement with your point’s…….

Perhaps in that region of Canada…..was where the APRO rep J.B. Thompson was assigned to normally and the area had been pretty dead for UFO activity…..the proverbial “it’s been a slow day” analogy.

And so why miss an opportunity to liven up the area? Why not just exploit Stephan and get on the UFO map of incidents? Milk it for what it’s worth.

Nothing is known, that I’m aware of, what the conversation was between J.B. Thompson and Stephan before the RCMP arrived.

I don’t have to really read other hydra takes on the story…..the RCMP reports are compelling enough for me….for the most part. The pic’s analysis’ are the other part.

edit on 22-1-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wanted to search MUFON's database but I have to join and pay money, so nope. If anyone here has a paid membership there maybe you would be so kind as to search this case to see if Mr. Thompson reported it. I would find that interesting.

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I think so too. Unless, of course, the aliens were leaving a message some might think.Those circles, burns, or whatever look artificial, particularly the first one Like the guy with a pyramid on his chest...

The question then is, why would he do that?

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 01:34 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wanted to search MUFON's database but I have to join and pay money, so nope. If anyone here has a paid membership there maybe you would be so kind as to search this case to see if Mr. Thompson reported it. I would find that interesting.

There is an ATS member who represents the Canadian Mufon…..I can’t recall his handle. Hopefully he’ll read the thread and chime in….


posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I wanted to search MUFON's database but I have to join and pay money, so nope. If anyone here has a paid membership there maybe you would be so kind as to search this case to see if Mr. Thompson reported it. I would find that interesting.

There is an ATS member who represents the Canadian Mufon…..I can’t recall his handle. Hopefully he’ll read the thread and chime in….


I would like to learn about how they performed investigations back then with these types of encounters just to determine if their methodology was unbiased.

posted on Jan, 22 2023 @ 01:42 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

There's also a very handy (300 page searchable) PDF over at Black Vault :

Canadian UFO Files FOI with lots of references to this case.

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