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Woman dies 7 minutes after bivalent Covid shot from 'natural causes'

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posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:41 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

1 in 550. I’m going to let you pick a number between 1 and 550 three to four times a year every year. If you pick the same number as me I get to shoot you in the head.

We good?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:46 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
Can you explain where the '1 in 550' numbers came from please?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:53 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
Can you explain where the '1 in 550' numbers came from please?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:54 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

1 in 550. I’m going to let you pick a number between 1 and 550 three to four times a year every year. If you pick the same number as me I get to shoot you in the head.

We good?

1 in 550 have not died as a consequence of the vaccine though

But put another way, every single person who died last year did so within days - usually hours - of coming into contact with dihydrogen monoxide. Every single one of them!

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
That link you provided says 12.5 per 10,000...... that's 1 in 800.

1 serious adverse reaction per 800 vaccinees!!!

The vaccines are still in use eventhough the serious adverse reactions is a massive 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinees.

edit on 4-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:59 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
It's 12.5 per 10,000...... that's 1 in 800.

My bad, holding a baby. Close. Does it really matter?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:05 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
It's 12.5 per 10,000...... that's 1 in 800.

Does it really matter?

Yes......honest discussion depends on it.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:06 AM
Sounds good. I support the right for these people to be good little social media followers and buy into that narcissistic stuff. Knock yourselves out (quite literally) with the juice, just shut up about it and leave those that don’t want it the F alone

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:15 AM
I realize I’m posting in such a thread but is it a coincidence that every day this topic keeps coming up one way or the other? As a country, we need to give all talk of vax and coffid a rest for about ten years. Maybe bring it back up as an interesting point I’m history of what not to let your government do to you

How about all talk of covid is replaced by talk of naked women. We all owe it to ourselves after these past four years of coffid nonsense

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:19 AM
If we arbitrarily declare people “winners of all things responsible in society” and give them a blue check or something, will they shut up about pushing vaxxes on others finally?

Here goes… boy o boy you guys were smart to get that shot! What a sense of societal contribution you have. It’s just amazing! You won that game fella!

Now will you shut up?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:23 AM
a reply to: AndyMayhew

You may have missed my post earlier.

The same thing can be said about Covid itself and the virus that could cause the disease SARS-CoV-2.

The vast majority of those infected with SARS-CoV-2 have survived the infection. As the matter of fact if you are under the age of 50 and with no co-morbidities the chances you die from Covid are miniscule.

The infection fatality rate of Covid-19 is 0.15% which was estimated long before the vaccines were available. Hence the survival rate is 99.85%

You are making a mistake when addressing serious adverse reactions.

1 in 800 is a massive number as you want to vaccinate billions of people with the mRNA products and billions of people have been vaccinated already with these products. You will be having millions of serious adverse reactions. And here we only discussing the short effects from these products. You don't know the medium or long term effects at all.

The Rotavirus vaccine was withdrawn for example because of serious adverse reactions in 1-2 per 10,000 vaccinees.

edit on 4-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:27 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

1 in 550. I’m going to let you pick a number between 1 and 550 three to four times a year every year. If you pick the same number as me I get to shoot you in the head.

We good?

1 in 550 have not died as a consequence of the vaccine though

But put another way, every single person who died last year did so within days - usually hours - of coming into contact with dihydrogen monoxide. Every single one of them!

Serious adverse reactions.
Everyone has had Covid. Everyone.

783700000 people in the world

6700000 died of Covid (with the system in place to count every death that occurs within 3 months of testing positive)

1 in 1169 dies.

1 in 800 have a serious reaction to the vaccination.

By our cdc numbers, the best in the world, their numbers say about only 6 percent of the total numbers of Covid deaths have died from Covid alone. 268,000 died from Covid alone, world wide by the cdc estimation.

1 in 800 serious adverse reactions to the virus
1 in 29,242 chance of dying of Covid. Using the 6 percent cdc numbers.

Now keep in mind they want you taking those shots 4 times a year. I’m not a stats guy but that 1 in 800 is for 1 shot. If you take four of them in a year what’s that 1 in 200? Two years 1 in 100. 3 years 1 in 66. Now keep in mind they are wanting you to top that off with some flu shots.

See where we are going? This shot is going to get you sooner or later and the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:27 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3
Dihydrogen water....h20.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:31 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
It's 12.5 per 10,000...... that's 1 in 800.

Does it really matter?

Yes......honest discussion depends on it.

Vaccines have been pulled for 1 in 100,000 the statistical difference between 550 and 800 is irrelevant when considering 1 in 100,000.

No it doesn’t matter.

Or in other words do you think 1in 800 is acceptable?

Don’t be obtuse.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:36 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: Itisnowagain

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
It's 12.5 per 10,000...... that's 1 in 800.

Does it really matter?

Yes......honest discussion depends on it.

Vaccines have been pulled for 1 in 100,000 the statistical difference between 550 and 800 is irrelevant when considering 1 in 100,000.

No it doesn’t matter.

Or in other words do you think 1in 800 is acceptable?

Don’t be obtuse.

No I don't think anyone here says that 1 in 800 is acceptable. But it's better to be precise with the literature as the vaccine apologists and denialists of truth will try play any inconsistency in their favour. Although they have been refuted several times because of their beliefs and lack of knowledge.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:37 AM
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
Of course 1 in 800 is not acceptable.

But I don't think anyone should be using numbers that are incorrect doesn't help.

At least my query got you to link to the relevant study that AndrewMayhew may not have previously thank you for that

edit on 4-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I don't know..."natural causes" does seem a bit of a stretch!

From the link:

The daughter added that she was told by the doctor that her mother “dropped dead before she hit the floor” while still in the drug store where she got the shot.

Really doesn't sound like anaphylactic shock...I mean...they were in a drug store...surely epinephrine was around...which if administered immediately will reverse the worst of the symptoms of anaphylactic shock.

Very few poisons have that rapid of an onset...cyanide maybe!

Besides...isn't the jab an intermuscular shot...not an interveinal shot...that in itself should take some time to be absorbed into the blood stream?

I don't know...I'm not a doctor...but it sounds fishy as it gets!

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:44 AM

originally posted by: Salamandy
I realize I’m posting in such a thread but is it a coincidence that every day this topic keeps coming up one way or the other? As a country, we need to give all talk of vax and coffid a rest for about ten years. Maybe bring it back up as an interesting point I’m history of what not to let your government do to you

How about all talk of covid is replaced by talk of naked women. We all owe it to ourselves after these past four years of coffid nonsense

No we don't need to give Covid and vax a rest for ten years. This could be one of the greatest of not the greatest medical scandal in history.

This is where the real story begins and when we can see indictments at a massive level as well as convictions.

The question we should be asking is can we afford as society to rely on the pharmaceutical industries?

So no! For once more. This conversation isn't coming to an end. And of course we don't need vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality or defending of the pharmaceuticals.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: iwanttobelieve70
Of course 1 in 800 is not acceptable.

But I don't think anyone should be using numbers that are incorrect doesn't help.

At least my query got you to link to the relevant study that AndrewMayhew may not have previously read.

My point is it’s statistically irrelevant when you consider what we normally pull vaccines for. That is also a fact.

Point being the number is way to high and it needs to be pulled and those that have taken it need to be monitored and those that have been affected need to be compensated by the pharmaceutical companies. Everyone fired needs to be rehired with back pay x 3 for damages.

It needs to be so severe that this doesn’t happen again. And it’s going to. They made too much for it not to. Just think. With the right marketing we could count every death that occurs within 3 months of catching the flu and do this twice a year on top of Covid.

Covid was and is a complete scam. This vaccine is not dangerous it’s f*&$#ing dangerous.

Congress passed a law saying that them and them alone was exempt from taking it but they fired you and me, we couldn’t Tavel, couldn’t see our dying relatives.

Come on people we are better than this.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 07:47 AM

originally posted by: jerryznv
a reply to: Asmodeus3

I don't know..."natural causes" does seem a bit of a stretch!

From the link:

The daughter added that she was told by the doctor that her mother “dropped dead before she hit the floor” while still in the drug store where she got the shot.

Really doesn't sound like anaphylactic shock...I mean...they were in a drug store...surely epinephrine was around...which if administered immediately will reverse the worst of the symptoms of anaphylactic shock.

Very few poisons have that rapid of an onset...cyanide maybe!

Besides...isn't the jab an intermuscular shot...not an interveinal shot...that in itself should take some time to be absorbed into the blood stream?

I don't know...I'm not a doctor...but it sounds fishy as it gets!

I don't know either what 'natural causes' means in this case.

I have created a number if threads in the past where the actual cause of death was indeed the vaccine. But there was an autopsy performed. It's not clear that an autopsy has been performed in this case and there have been calls by citizens and poliricians for a second opinion and and an investigation.

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