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Woman dies 7 minutes after bivalent Covid shot from 'natural causes'

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posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 02:16 AM

While anaphylactic shock is a known side effect of vaccines, and people with a history of allergic reactions are urged to exercise caution regarding COVID shots, Carol was, according to her family, perfectly healthy prior to her bivalent vaccine.

The Saskatchewan coroner’s service has investigated this instance and determined that the person died from natural causes, said Dale Hunter, communications consultant from the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health in an email to Sask Today.

Pearce’s daughter disagrees. “I do not believe this was caused from natural causes. My Mom had no health conditions. I believe had she not gotten that Covid shot then she would be here with us today,” she said. “She left for her appointment happy and energetic.”

The daughter added that she was told by the doctor that her mother “dropped dead before she hit the floor” while still in the drug store where she got the shot.

People in the drug store were traumatized by the event. Sask Today quotes one lady they call “Heather” whom they “agreed to let . . . remain anonymous . . . as she fears losing her job.”

It looks like another sad case of sudden death, this time in Canada, a few minutes after the victim was injected with the bivalent Covid shot. Here the coroner said the death was due to 'natural causes' and it was not related to the vaccine. However this case, as well as other cases in Canada, has created a massive reaction with the involvement of citizens and politicians who dispute what the coroner has said.

There is no explanation yet as to what has caused the death of the woman and 'natural causes' could be anything. But there must be something specific that has caused the death and there must be an underlying reason no matter how suddenly one dies even if they are healthy with no health conditions.

The conclusion by the coroner is disputed by politician Nadine Wilson and others. In her statement Mrs Wilson said the following

Wilson disagrees with Sask Health's claim that there haven't been any COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths.

On Thursday, Wilson called on the provincial government to open an independent public inquiry into all aspects of how Covid-19 was handled in this province.

“There are seven vaccine-related deaths reported according to the Saskatchewan Health Authority’s (SHA) own information which I published on my website on Aug. 23,” said Wilson.

“In that report, there are 1,229 adverse reactions documented, many of them life threatening such as Anaphylaxis, Myocarditis, Pericarditis and a host of others. Just as shocking, in many cases, the patients were still scheduled for more boosters even after their reactions. This is not the standard we have allowed for any other vaccine in history."

The Ministry of Health report was obtained through a request by Sask Alliance under the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. An analysis of the report by an experienced Canadian physician with training in virology, public health and data analysis, is also available. Both may be found at

It seems that the integrity of the Ministry of Health is under question as well as the report from the coroner. There have been calls for a second coroner to re-examine the cause of death of the woman who died a few minutes after receiving the Covid booster.

The cause may indeed be not related to the vaccine but under the circumstances and the timing of the death as well as the reaction to the case, there should have been a second and a third opinion as to what has caused the death imo.
edit on 4-1-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 02:33 AM
Letter by an American Journalist in relation to this case

By Stephanie Brail

I am an American journalist and I am writing a story on the death of Carol Pearce of Saskatoon, CA, who collapsed and died within 7 minutes of receiving her covid vaccine booster.

Common sense would tell us that the vaccination was a likely contributing factor to her death, given the timeframe, and that any other explanation would be on par with a very amazing coincidence.

Yet, the Saskatchewan coroner claimed this death was due to "natural causes." This is a vague proclamation that seems to fly in the face of common sense.

Perhaps you can provide more information as to why this diagnosis absolutely rules out vaccine involvement?

Further questions:

Who was the coroner who did the autopsy and what are their qualifications? Because of the high-profile nature of this case, did you have a second coroner also do a review in the interest of finding the truth? Are any of your coroners competent or experienced in identifying medication or vaccine adverse reactions? Are coroners in general trained to look for these potential causes of death?

What exactly is meant here by "natural causes"?

According to an article by Alexander Fitzthum, MD:

Simply put, a “natural” death is one that occurs due to an internal factor that causes the body to shut down, such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes. It means there was no external reason for the death, such as a traumatic injury.

So this begs the question: Was the death a heart attack? Stroke? Diabetes? What was the diagnosis?

If this death was due to a sudden heart attack, how can the coroner absolutely rule out vaccine involvement?

We know for a fact that the mRNA covid vaccines are correlated with myocarditis, which is an inflammation of the heart. Even highly pro-vaccine public health authorities have had to concede this point. While it's true that the myocarditis risk is higher in younger people, this does not rule out the possibility of myocarditis or a massive inflammatory reaction in the heart in a senior upon taking the covid vaccine.

According to Johns Hopkins, acute myocarditis "can develop suddenly." Although it is usually caused by a viral infection, we also know the covid mRNA vaccines cause myocarditis. Therefore, any heart attack should be considered under this lens.

I would also like to ask: Are you aware that the response of health authorities to covid vaccine concerns is actually lessening the trust the public has in you in general

That by quickly coming out and giving a vague statement of "natural causes" - instead of promising to do a thorough investigation - you are giving a lot of people reason to believe governments are just "covering things up" when it comes to vaccine adverse reactions?

The end result is an erosion of trust. Your lack of thorough investigation of Carol Pearce's death does no good - because the dismissal of concerns does not actually help people become more confident in the covid vaccine program. It in fact makes them less confident.

Furthermore, it appears that this undermining of trust, due in large part to your brushing off of citizen's concerns, is likely going to impact your ability to direct public health for years to come.

With this in mind, it might be helpful if your coroner provided some additional information as to this diagnosis of death by "natural causes." Any further information you can send me would be greatly appreciated, and I will publish your comments and information on my Substack

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 03:37 AM
That is some horrified news to start the new year off.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 03:41 AM
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

+10 more 
posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine


+11 more 
posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 03:59 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

And so do the vast majority of those who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2

The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 before the vaccines were made available was 0.15%

Hence the survival rate 99.85%

There is no point in your argument. The severe adverse reactions and deaths is a real issue that must be addressed accordingly. No need for vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 04:04 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
That is some horrified news to start the new year off.

The incident happened in September 2022 and I think around the 14th of September. But is no less serious and merits an investigation imo

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:12 AM
What are these 'natural causes'?
Surely, she must have died from something. What is it? Heart attack? Stroke? The case become 'mysterious' if the deceased had no underlying health conditions.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:19 AM

originally posted by: nerbot

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine


Let's hope it doesn't come true.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:25 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

1. every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination.
2. people die every second, suddenly, and there are a thousand possible reasons why.
3. where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any.
4. i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences.
5. in the end, it's not about covid or vaccinations, they only serve as a vehicle for anti-democratic and destructive efforts. the same goes for climate change, gender, sexuality and abortion. the actual topic doesn't matter, as long as you can exploit it for your own purposes.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:27 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
What are these 'natural causes'?

A phrase used by a "communications consultant".

There's nothing in the story to indicate the actual cause of death (as would be noted on the death certificate - assuming Canada works similar to the UK). But the assumption is therefore it wasn't a car accident, gunshot or stabbing .... Beyond that, could be anything. We simply don't have enough information to say. Which, obviously, means some will speculate in accordance with their preconceptions.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:40 AM
a reply to: malte85

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

1. every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination.
2. people die every second, suddenly, and there are a thousand possible reasons why.
3. where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any.
4. i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences.
5. in the end, it's not about covid or vaccinations, they only serve as a vehicle for anti-democratic and destructive efforts. the same goes for climate change, gender, sexuality and abortion. the actual topic doesn't matter, as long as you can exploit it for your own purposes.

Why has the UK been experiencing 1000 excess deaths a week since May 2022?

If there is risks with every vaccine then everyone should be entitled to say no thank you......but many lost jobs or were coerced without informed consent.

There's a good video from yesterday on GBNews (yt) titled:
'We need an independent public inquiry as excess deaths average more than 1000 deaths a week / James Wells'.
edit on 4-1-2023 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:49 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew

originally posted by: Asmodeus3
What are these 'natural causes'?

A phrase used by a "communications consultant".

There's nothing in the story to indicate the actual cause of death (as would be noted on the death certificate - assuming Canada works similar to the UK). But the assumption is therefore it wasn't a car accident, gunshot or stabbing .... Beyond that, could be anything. We simply don't have enough information to say. Which, obviously, means some will speculate in accordance with their preconceptions.

When the death has occured within the first few minutes of the booster shot then the shot becomes an obvious reason for investigation. It doesn't prove that the shot has killed the woman however it is still a real possibility.

The coroner has decided that it was due to 'natural causes'. But what are these natural causes?

There seems to be a lot of reaction to this case which merits an investigation.

In my other threads I have discussed actual cases of people who have died as a result of the Covid vaccines. But there was an autopsy performed and so on. I wonder whether an autopsy has performed in this case.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

1. every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination.
2. people die every second, suddenly, and there are a thousand possible reasons why.
3. where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any.
4. i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences.
5. in the end, it's not about covid or vaccinations, they only serve as a vehicle for anti-democratic and destructive efforts. the same goes for climate change, gender, sexuality and abortion. the actual topic doesn't matter, as long as you can exploit it for your own purposes.

Did you know the short, medium and long term effects of the Covid vaccines??

For part 3 you are very wrong. You need to have a look at the available literature and peer reviewed publications as well as the articles that have discussed about this matter. But again very wrong.

You should not engage in vaccine apologetics and denialism of reality.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:04 AM

originally posted by: Itisnowagain
a reply to: malte85

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

1. every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination.
2. people die every second, suddenly, and there are a thousand possible reasons why.
3. where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any.
4. i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences.
5. in the end, it's not about covid or vaccinations, they only serve as a vehicle for anti-democratic and destructive efforts. the same goes for climate change, gender, sexuality and abortion. the actual topic doesn't matter, as long as you can exploit it for your own purposes.

Why has the UK been experiencing 1000 excess deaths since May 2022?

If there is risks with every vaccine then everyone should be entitled to say no thank you......but many lost jobs or were coerced without informed consent.

There's a good video from yesterday on GBNews (yt) titled:
'We need an independent public inquiry as excess deaths average more than 1000 deaths a week / James Wells'.

It seems we have another round of vaccine apologetics, defending of the pharmaceuticals, and denialism of reality.

Look at part 1.
'every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination'

Conveniently trying to dismiss the server adverse reactions and deaths on the basis of side effects that every medication has.

'where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any'

He/she probably haven't read anything and propagating an official narrative by engaging in wrong conclusions based on personal opinions.


'i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences'

And we also know so many who have been infected and nothing happened to them as the infection fatality rate is so low for Covid-19


I don't know what he is trying to say here. But there is some discussion about gender and sexuality.
The three things I have criticised and shown to be morally and scientifically bankrupt several times are

1) The climate change ideology
2) The vaccine ideology
3) The gender/transgender ideology

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:14 AM
I shot her. Two minutes later she has a heart attack. Natural causes. Sure I gave here a “potentially” deadly bullet but you can’t prove she wouldn’t have had the heart attack anyway.

God, some of you people are a new level of stupid.

I have now seen two post in as many days about the bills player in threads that have never talked about the vaccination say “so many young athletes with heart issues these days. It’s tragic. Prayers sent”. Every vaccine apologists then immediately comes out of the would work. They are scared they f’ed it up, they are worried they are next, they know what caused it.

Yea natural causes.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:23 AM

originally posted by: AndyMayhew
It's worth pointing out though that tens of millions of people have not died after getting a covid vaccine

YET !!
1 in 550 are time bombs unfortunately.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:28 AM
a reply to: fotsyfots
Where did that figure come from?

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:29 AM

originally posted by: malte85
a reply to: Asmodeus3

1. every vaccination carries risks, everyone knows that and everyone is told that before the vaccination.
2. people die every second, suddenly, and there are a thousand possible reasons why.
3. where are the reliable statistics that show that vaccination causes an above-average number of deaths? you won't be able to provide me with any.
4. i know countless people who have been vaccinated and none of them have died. but i do know people who have died from covid or who suffer or have suffered from long-term consequences.
5. in the end, it's not about covid or vaccinations, they only serve as a vehicle for anti-democratic and destructive efforts. the same goes for climate change, gender, sexuality and abortion. the actual topic doesn't matter, as long as you can exploit it for your own purposes.

My God man this is parody, isn't it ?
If not then congrats as I'd say you are a shoe in for 2023's most gullible fear porn connoisseur & only 4 days in.
That is impressive but quick hurry back to your TV.

posted on Jan, 4 2023 @ 06:35 AM

originally posted by: iwanttobelieve70
I shot her. Two minutes later she has a heart attack. Natural causes. Sure I gave here a “potentially” deadly bullet but you can’t prove she wouldn’t have had the heart attack anyway.

God, some of you people are a new level of stupid.

I have now seen two post in as many days about the bills player in threads that have never talked about the vaccination say “so many young athletes with heart issues these days. It’s tragic. Prayers sent”. Every vaccine apologists then immediately comes out of the would work. They are scared they f’ed it up, they are worried they are next, they know what caused it.

Yea natural causes.

Completely agree bro. Man that voice in their head must be maddening to I'd say a good portion of the fools.

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