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Lost Roman Map has ATLANTIS at Eye of Sahara Africa! (Richat Structure)

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posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:06 AM

originally posted by: bloodymarvelous

During the ice age, if the area between Cape Horn and Antarctica were frozen, then the American continent would reach all the way from the North pole to the South pole.

Probably not. It took the Europeans 3 centuries to finally map/see the entire coastline of the Americas (from 1492 to 1791), i.e., you wouldn't know it was a vast continent for some time.

Would navigators know that the East and West coast of the Americas were actually East and West of each other?
Or would they think the area enclosed by it all was an ocean wholly contained within a giant outer continent that holds the water in so it won't flow off the Earth?

Well the Greeks knew the world was round circa 500 BCE and Plato showed up a century or more later but prior to that perhaps considered it flat - don't know. Atalante might know as he has studied all the old documents looking for hints to Atlantis.

5th century BCE

3rd Century BCE

43 BCE

150 AD


One of the first appearance of 'Americas' on a map

edit on 5/1/23 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak
I really don’t need to explain anything , as Platos writing are quite clear .

No it isn't which is why people keep discussing it

He says you can reach the Americas from Atlantis, as Atlantis is in the middle of the Atlantic. From there , there are other islands you can island hop to, then reach the Americas .

So you are dropping the Richat theory then for Atlantis being an Island/continent in the Atlantic?

Those present plainly do not know of the geography being described , that was given by an Egyptian priest .

Do you understand the term 'hearsay'?

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:26 AM
If you are a geologist, or someone interested in geology, then you would have heard about this natural structure.

The argument that the narrator "has not heard of this before" just means that he's learning what loads of people already know.

The Richat structure is not Atlantis, no matter how many tenuous facts he tries to introduce to make the fantasy come alive. It is a geological feature that is understood by geologists. Contrary to what the narrator asserts, there are other - similar structures - found else where, so the structure is not even unique.

God, please educate the ignorant.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:52 PM
a reply to: paraphi

You also miss the point that everything upon the surface of the earth is natural yet we build city's on natural features all the time and use them for our own activity's and volcanic and meteoric features are no exception.

Just to name one off the top of my head (the volcano and city are NOT upon my head this is a figure of speech haha) Edinburgh Scotland built upon a volcano or rather the remains of a volcano.

Humans also enhance natural features to suit there own uses.

As a Creationist the only problem I have with Atlantis is that it would have to be a PRE adamic civilization, i.e. Humans whom pre-existed Adam but even then I have an answer there are two creations of man mentions in the genesis account of the bible BUT that is a hotly debated matter and it is an area that has some ethical baggage as bad men used it to justify slavery when in fact it in no way did justify it but they needed some excuse to carry out there vile practice, let's be fair though slavery never went away it still exists today in many parts of the world and arguably wage slavery is just another form of slavery anyway keeping people from being self sufficient and tied to jobs and a currency system in order to keep them in there place and profit from there energy which is of course translated into money and so shifted through financial consolidation into the hands of a tiny elite of scum bags whom to use a common English phrase, could not pull you out of bed (they are weak and useless but cunning - not more intelligent just devious and slimy - and in control).

But back to my counter point, nice raised islands as they would be if this area was partially flooded barring tilting of the terrain so also if the terrain was flat because the circles ARE raised about what would correspond to the Canals even assuming those canals have been filled with sediment following a cataclysmic event, this in turn would have made those ring's of concentric islands desirable habitation surrounded by fishing areas and safer from many predators that would have been found upon the surrounding mainland, this in turn assuming it was stable for a time would have given any such primitive culture the chance to develop and build up into a larger society especially if trade was also present.

Remember new research suggests that much of the Sahara was actually wet until as recently as four or five thousand years ago.

Of course there is NO proof that there ever was a city there barring some extensive archaeological digs which due to resistance to the idea such as yours will be put off again and again except for those outside the mainstream because they do not want to be associated with crack pot ideas and have there funding threatened so they would rather go and dig somewhere safe and tidy like a cave in Tanzania looking for monkey bones or stone tools or some crap like that which they can then claim is proof that Bob who lives in Islington is the descendant of a hairy chimp that could bang two stones together that lived in ancient Africa without even having all the jig saw pieces to prove that the unconnected jig saw pieces they are presenting as a valid picture actually go were they are saying they do OR are even part of the same jigsaw.

So no offence but that is a flawed statement.

And who is ignorant here, the one claiming to KNOW because some self entitled moron says that it is so or the one SEEKING KNOWLEDGE because they are actual thinkers and seekers and don't just take it as it is spoon fed to them by so called experts that often don't know there elbow's from there arse but CLAIM it is so because some OTHER expert told them it was so ad infinitum.

That is not to say all Sceptics are idiots as that would be utter nonsense but in fact scepticism is only valid when it is NOT one hand clapping but has something to debate, all other forms are simply BELIEF rather than debate and knowledge.

Let's put it into legal term's, Third hand knowledge is inadmissible in a court of law except in some nations that is or as supportive statements but not as Evidence.

When you are told something by someone that claims they are an expert and you accept there teaching despite the fact they learned what they are supposedly expert in from OTHER so called experts or often from quite often outdated, biased or otherwise flawed textural sources (of course many textural sources are perfectly accurate and fine but when theory is taken as fact that is a problem in and of itself, talk about idiots building there houses on sand), well you get my gist on that point, it is in short THIRD HAND Knowledge which would NOT be admissible in a court of law (at least in MOST advanced legal systems) as Evidence but could be used as supportive statements and used to support the prosecution or the defence.

What that means is Maureen goes into court and points at the defendant and says HE did it.

The Defence cross examines her and asks how she knows.

Barbara told me.

You mean you don't know but you have already decided he did it because this Barbara told you?.

Judge I move to have this witness statement struck from the record as there is no substance and it is merely opinion.

Now it is fine to believe that Atlantis was a fairy tale, no problem there as even if it was real what does that have to do with your or my daily life, it wont' pay the bill's and wont' fix our problems.

But it is an interesting subject and in one sense it is important, we learn from past cataclysm's and see the danger that may return as the earth goes through cycles, these cycles can affect everything from weather, global temperature etc to geological stability as our planet is NOT static but is in fact very much alive geologically speaking, yellow stone national park for example and it's potential to some day erupt which is fine if it is a small eruption but could also turn into a north American decan traps if it is a major eruption, it too may be affected by the earth's cycles and being a super volcano as you know is probably formed over a deep thermal plume or it may be a tectonic feature I am not privy to know what the theory to that one is only that if it had a MAJOR erupted it would be at least as bad as nuclear war on not only the US but much of the northern hemisphere depending on how far the ash cloud spread.

Yet the only reason that there is not a major city built there today is probably because one of the former US presidents saw fit to declare it a national park.

However there are city's built upon volcanic features all over the world often active ones or very close to them such as the Damocles sword that Naples in Italy has hanging over it, the profit is rich soil but the downside is that they risk becoming a new Pompeii or Herculaneum.

If by contrast you live somewhere like were I do in West Lancashire in the UK the only geological activity we ever seem to see is when some bloody idiot starts fracking which risk's our homes and city's due to the fact most of our county (the WEST were I live) is built on loose deposits and soft material that if there is enough geological activity caused by natural OR artificial sources (Such as Fracking) will almost definitely suffer massive subsidence, but I digress my point is that many people unlike me or probably yourself live on a knife edge and there are reasons such as the people of Naples know, fertile soil in there case (and beauty).
edit on 5-1-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: paraphi


The fringe is quite capable of forming an expedition, paying for it also - to end the debate about the Richat. They absolutely refuse to do so - even though they have lots of money to spend. They'd rather make Youtube videos and yell alot.

Until they do that the issue will remain - no evidence supports Atlantis being there...or anywhere actually. A couple hundreds thousand is all you need.

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 12:26 AM

So you are dropping the Richat theory then for Atlantis being an Island/continent in the Atlantic?

You obviously like to waste peoples time on here .
Obvs haven’t read my posts or position.
here we go again :
I don’t support the Richat theory , im interested in testing Platos written account against modern science we now know about, but didn’t before
Stuff like the YD, Comet research group , meltwater pulse 1b , isostacy of land and sea floor . All at the time period Plato states huge earthquakes and catastrophe rocked the world .

Ah. That ‘opposite continent ‘ that they shouldn’t have known about eh?
What a sticky little point it is for you .
Scrabbling around to find some kind of response?
Yeh what another amazing allegory he just came up with .

So should we also celebrate Plato for being the first Greek to ‘discover’ the Americas? Or formally announce them?
How did he know, if, apparently , the Egyptians didn’t know about it either, yet told Solon things they didn’t know ?!?!!!
Allegory again, huh? Good old allegory .

“Yes, nothing to see here, move along please , we have no answer to how Plato knew about the Americas , he just made it all up . Shush now .”

Notice that Plato states also that the Atlantic ‘was navigable then’ suggesting it had been navigated .
Navigable also implies knowledge of where to go .
A ‘power’ that came forth out of the Atlantic. a reply to: Hanslune

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 02:28 AM

no evidence supports Atlantis being there...or anywhere actually

What a grandiose , ridiculous statement .

What does exist , where Plato said Atlantis was, are the geological mechanisms for such an event to occur, at the time period he states.
That’s undeniable .
a reply to: Hanslune

posted on Jan, 6 2023 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: LABTECH767

You also miss the point that everything upon the surface of the earth is natural yet we build city's on natural features all the time and use them for our own activity's and volcanic and meteoric features are no exception.
I agree with virtually everything you shared, after the above, Ill try to explain..

The facts of the matter actually are, we build on the surface of a planet that is not "Natural". If our planet surface were natural, it would still be semi smooth, no mountains, no water, no atmosphere, and no life. Planets are sterile after their molten formation. But since no human eye witnessed the events as to how the "Changes" came to be, it, the train of thought does not exist in our concept of "reality". In other words, we are born ignorantly into a world we assume, is natural.

I dont expect you to accept this, or for that matter "Believe" what I share. All I ask is to put it in the back of your mind, and occasionally consider its possibilities. And to go with it, consider a group of "people" for lack of a better term, work tirelessly to conceal the evidence of the above. We have some of them right here...acting, ignorant

It appears that the artificial manipulation of the surface started in ernest some 70 million years ago. Long before the written word was used..

Forgive the intrusion..

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I personally am a Creationist but IF I leave that and just go with standard MODERN mainstream THEORY's (or rather the tales they tell us and want us to accept because either they DO or they have a reason for not wanting us to look any deeper and see that they are often very wrong) about our history,.

(Which is actually based on a mindset dating back from roots before the 17th century that was actually NOT unbiased but was very biased against the Church, to be fair the Church had burned several free thinkers at the stake so it takes two to tango we have to admit but much of this hatred was based on the feeling by a small elite rather than the greater majority that the church had too much power since of course THEY Wanted the power and the Church was in their way and this gave rise to secret brotherhoods, sect's etc some even dating back to century's earlier such as the fourteen hundreds etc and perhaps even before that but in general they hated the church and waged a war against Christianity under the false illusion that once they had disposed of Christian belief by undermining it they could then do the same to any other religion that got in there way OR adapt any other religion to there own use giving themselves the power that they coveted over humanity, out of this several sects that worked to control information arose, some even claim that the Catholic church also has been involved in this but we have to wonder if so whose side was this sect of knowledge hiders within there rank's working for since it seems to be counter to the sword of truth to try to sheath it out of sight?).

There is a theory, not universally accepted by the geological community about an age in the earth's history known as the Snow Ball earth period, this period roughly believed to date from between about 2.2 billion years ago to about 650-550 million years ago is believed to have made the current ice age (the Quaternary glaciation which we are still in marked by periods of glacial expansion and warmer interglacial periods such as we are currently in of glacial retreat) look insignificant, indeed it is believed that several times during his period the entire surface of the earth actually froze right to the equator and there is a geological problem that this is partially used to explain.

This problem is the so called great nonconformity a layer of missing stratification that may be between one to two miles thick over the majority of the globe that may have been erased by glacial activity during this period.

Now of course you have heard of the Klerksdorp Spheres that most sceptics put down to being nothing but natural formations despite there often three groove's and the often mysterious dimple in the well preserved ones that remind one of iapetus a moon of Saturn and several other features of the solar system, these vary in size but are said to have some very peculiar property's, some are said to be solid while others are said to be filled with a white material that turns to dust when they they are cut in half.

There are many mysteries that can not be explained away or denied but will be by those that simply want to deny them.

The potential that another ancient race (or even an ancestral race of humanity - AND several other races such as may be living in our planets mantle and perhaps even in the mantle of mars and Venus - extremophiles adapted to conditions we could not survive but whose ancestors may have been very much like us once upon a time) once fled earth to the then possibly more habitable Mars and perhaps even Venus which at that time may have been very earth like with continents and a planetary ocean in a younger solar system under a younger and cooler sun.

But without actual evidence we can only postulate fantasy based on the fact we know that there IS a cover up and denial of information partially orchestrated by some very corrupt and actually rather evil esoteric and secret organizations, control is like always power and even if they do not have a practical use for such information someone, somewhere may have decided to hoard the knowledge and control what they want the human race to know as a means of control and manipulation with the foot soldiers that do there bidding often being misguided and idiotic fools that think they are doing something good by hiding evidence.

But as a creationist and a Christian I would say the two edged sword, the sword of Truth should NEVER be sheathed, we all have something to fear yes but think how much better the world would be if the TRUTH rather than lies, manipulation and the agenda of control by a few scumbags was the norm of society.

So I believe the entire truth should be known, some would fear what they would learn but others would be set free by it.

Here is where it get's awkward for truth seekers on all sides of this table, truth is often subjective and often not clear, some BELIEVE they know the truth and are not willing to accept that there ARE other truth's beside their own.

edit on 7-1-2023 by LABTECH767 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 11:25 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

no evidence supports Atlantis being there...or anywhere actually

What a grandiose , ridiculous statement .

What does exist , where Plato said Atlantis was, are the geological mechanisms for such an event to occur, at the time period he states.
That’s undeniable .
a reply to: Hanslune

Geological mechanism are whole world wide affair not just related to Atlantis - they aren't anything but a mechanism not evidence something might be there. That something could possibility have happened is not evidence it did happen.
edit on 7/1/23 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 11:32 AM

originally posted by: bluesfreak

Ah. That ‘opposite continent ‘ that they shouldn’t have known about eh?
What a sticky little point it is for you .
Scrabbling around to find some kind of response?
Yeh what another amazing allegory he just came up with .

Its a comment from afictional book about a fictional event it is not evidence of anything. The Greeks knew the approximate size of the earth. They could speculate on other continents (oh you might want to look up the ancient Greek word that translators used for continent in English). Do you believe his comments about the various gods means the gods existed?

Notice that Plato states also that the Atlantic ‘was navigable then’ suggesting it had been navigated .
Navigable also implies knowledge of where to go .

Of course it was navigated - by the Phoenicians and others well prior to when Plato was born. The Cornish tin trade was based on moving tin either around the Iberian peninsula or taking it to France and a complicated use of the rivers to get it to the Med.
edit on 7/1/23 by Hanslune because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 11:46 AM

originally posted by: LABTECH767
a reply to: All Seeing Eye

I personally am a Creationist but IF I leave that and just go with standard MODERN mainstream THEORY's (or rather the tales they tell us and want us to accept because either they DO or they have a reason for not wanting us to look any deeper and see that they are often very wrong) about our history,.

...and who would these 'Theys' be? Why would they remotely care about hiding history? So, who is stopping you from looking deeper into history? How exactly are they doing that?

Now of course you have heard of the Klerksdorp Spheres that most sceptics put down to being nothing but natural formations despite there often three groove's and the often mysterious dimple in the well preserved ones that remind one of iapetus a moon of Saturn and several other features of the solar system, these vary in size but are said to have some very peculiar property's, some are said to be solid while others are said to be filled with a white material that turns to dust when they they are cut in half.

The specimens vary widely in shape, from noticeably flattened spheres to distinct disks. As illustrated by Heinrich,some of the Klerksdorp spheres are interlocked with each other, like a mass of soap bubbles. The observations and figure refute claims that these objects are either always spherical or isolated in their occurrence. Heinrich argues that even grooved spheres are not perfect spheres and some consist of interlocked spheres.

Heinrich, P.V., 2007, South African concretions of controversy: South African Lapidary Magazine. vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 7-11.

Heinrich, P.V., 2008, The Mysterious "Spheres" of Ottosdal, South Africa. National Center for Science Education Reports, v. 28, no. 1, pp. 28-33.

They were debunked decades ago as intelligently manufactured

There are many mysteries that can not be explained away or denied but will be by those that simply want to deny them.

Sure lots of mysteries but no evidence they are signs to support Creationism or lost civilizations.

But without actual evidence we can only postulate fantasy based on the fact we know that there IS a cover up and denial of information partially orchestrated by some very corrupt and actually rather evil esoteric and secret organizations, control is like always power and even if they do not have a practical use for such information someone, somewhere may have decided to hoard the knowledge and control what they want the human race to know as a means of control and manipulation with the foot soldiers that do there bidding often being misguided and idiotic fools that think they are doing something good by hiding evidence.

Again we know what suppress of history looks like - it's done in dictatorships - it very easy to see it being done and the organizations doing it - yet the one you are most worried about cannot be seen and no organization is known? Creationism is well known also and has various organizations and many people in a failed attempt to corrupt knowledge and suppress knowledge.

We know they exist and can see them doing it. Other religious groups and political groups do the same thing.

We know about them - so who are these folks we don't know about?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 11:50 AM

originally posted by: All Seeing Eye

It appears that the artificial manipulation of the surface started in ernest some 70 million years ago. Long before the written word was used..

or any people or intelligent being (that we can detect), so who was doing this?

...and your evidence for this is?

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 01:28 PM

Its a comment from afictional book about a fictional event it is not evidence of anything.

..say the self appointed guardians of our knowledge.
You can just pretend it has no significance , wave it away with a flick of your overconfident hand.

Plato still talks about the Americas , before any other Greek, you can’t erase that.
I would imagine that the great Greek philosophers would have written much about those who try to deny humankind the right to explore, speculate , search for truths or history in myth, fable, oral history and worldwide related stories.

Plato obviously is describing a celestial event with the myth of Phaeton story ( he says so too) and he also describes a geological event , huge earthquakes , a large island disappearing beneath the waves , and the subsequent shoal of mud outside the pillars of Heracles due to this subsidence that made the sea impassable there .

That triple plate junction in the Atlantic which the Azores plateau is part of has the mechanism described by Plato, and is where Plato describes this large island.

If you were up to speed on just how much isostacy has occurred in all these plates since the end of the Pleistocene you wouldn’t make such sweeping statements of denial that the mechanisms Plato describes exist on the mid Atlantic ridge . Fact .
You don’t sound like a very well rounded academic to me with these flat , very sweeping statements you make , like “ he made it up “ “ there was no Atlantis “ etc , like you KNOW!! When nobody does. But you pretend it’s fact.
I’ve never said I believe Atlantis existed, im very interested in the people who want to test the story against reality.

The reality is, the ‘end’ of the world Plato describes at 11,600 bp DID exist, and DID change drastically, and most likely through existing evidence , was hit by multiple events above and on the North American ice sheets and possibly beyond .

I think there’s a lot you need to get up to speed on, regarding the comet research group for starters and the YDIH, because if you were up to speed, you wouldn’t talk like you do .

You a reply to: Hanslune

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 01:36 PM
a reply to: LABTECH767

First, thank you, thank you for sharing.

We are in agreement.

Yes, the truth. Its ugly, vulgar, distasteful, and, eternal. It can be hidden, tormented, twisted, covered up, for a time. But in the end, its a truth we all must face.

The group you allude to that hide the truth, have its genesis just prior to the flood. Before that they walked openly on the surface of this planet, but from the records seem to have a genesis from elsewhere. After the flood they left a contingency to rule over the "Creation". And as you point out use the idiots of the secret societies to do their bidding.

We mistakenly believe life on the exterior surface of a planet to be the norm, when in fact, is the exception. And in all manner of creation, we, are also, an exception.

I suppose it all starts with the planet and how its formed. Science try's to teach us all planets form from whirling dust clouds that form into planets. Well, of course its the secret society sciences that teach this. Another theory is that planets, in a molten state spin off from the sun to take up their place in the elliptic. All manner of the elements are included in this white hot mix. As time passes like materials come together, rock, minerals while at the same time the globe starts to spin, lighter materials to the inner, heavier materials to the outer. But at its absolute center is a core that does not move from the elliptic, and is not part of the mix and remains separate. The lighter materials, mainly gasses, start to form around that core until the white hot mix is no longer in contact with the core, and a internal void is produced. This allows the white hot mix to spin freely about the core. As the gas pressure increases the void increases, so in essence there is a bubble created around the core that eventually will be called the Crust. No biological's can survive this process, and must be "implanted" by other means.

It really doesn't matter if our "Reality" is computer based or supernatural, both must follow a rigid set of guidelines, rules. If its a software program, it must follow the written code, from beginning to end. There may be openings or entrances we are not aware of, or privy to. But so too are our own minds. Do not give me (us) a mind, if it is not intended to be used.

But since the great flood mankind has been handicapped by a very short learning period (life) that before that was quite long, comparatively. I believe this to be the true reason for the flood, we were becoming like them (gods), knowledgeable. We, posed a threat to their "superiority", their way of life. Though one thing is certain, we, posses something they do not. Otherwise they would have left. Something they think they need from us.

No, they never left, they simply left our view, and left that evil control system here, in their place. Though I suppose they feel a ownership over us and a right to do as they please with us. They may control our world, our physical bodies, but what of our souls? That, is something they will never control! So that is why they hide, trying to trick the soul.

As far as other intelligent mindful species, why not? Considering all the pre flood and genesis information of our planet have been hidden, would they not conceal this as well? The only question then would be, are they too under the control of the hidden ones?? Or, are they part of the elaborate con job. I do not posses enough information to conclude one way or another.

Here is where it get's awkward for truth seekers on all sides of this table, truth is often subjective and often not clear, some BELIEVE they know the truth and are not willing to accept that there ARE other truth's beside their own.

Maybe so. But my truths are built off of others, truths, as I'm sure yours are. Of course the best evidence is to see or experience truth first hand but even then there are some who would not accept it. We must seek unbiased corroboration. And that is one of the tricks the "Secret Societies" use against us, bias corroboration. Unknown to us, they will plot in advance to carry the same story, backing each other up, supporting one another. And we, ignorantly absorb the lie.

I for myself accept that their are other truths I do not know, and am not privy to. In that Realm I am woefully ignorant. Not because I have not tried, but because they choose to remain, umm, Anonymous. How can one interrogate, corroborate, any info they offer? I have very strong suspicions of certain situations I do not write or speak of, and it concerns secret societies. Look at the world we live in and ask yourself, is it getting better? Has anything changed for the good? We take 2 steps forward in exposing the truth, and are forced 3 steps backwards in our liberties. It just seems we are loosing ground. The "Hopium" has exhausted itself.

So I believe the entire truth should be known, some would fear what they would learn but others would be set free by it.
Yes, I believe the same. Even if it were to expose the sins of the world, mine included. But in saying that, forgiveness would be a easy thing to accomplish if the truth of the depth of the corruption were allowed to be known... Before, we die.

There is a theory, not universally accepted by the geological community about an age in the earth's history known as the Snow Ball earth period, this period roughly believed to date from between about 2.2 billion years ago to about 650-550 million years ago is believed to have made the current ice age (the Quaternary glaciation which we are still in marked by periods of glacial expansion and warmer interglacial periods such as we are currently in of glacial retreat) look insignificant, indeed it is believed that several times during his period the entire surface of the earth actually froze right to the equator and there is a geological problem that this is partially used to explain.

My first thoughts are, bias corroboration, SS trying to muddy the research waters. Prior to 70 million years ago earth had a fairly consistent 35% oxygen content. Life flourished, especially, trees. It declined rather quickly at the same time the dinosaurs died out, and the beginnings of our oceans as recorded in the sea beds themselves. Until this "event" is finally discussed, debated, there is no point in going back further in time.

This problem is the so called great nonconformity a layer of missing stratification that may be between one to two miles thick over the majority of the globe that may have been erased by glacial activity during this period.

Or, was never there, in the first place. I suspect prior to 70 mil, the world was a completely different globe, smaller, with 3 main bodies of water. One on the coast of present day Japan. One split down the middle off the present coast of North America. And, the Mediterranean. 2 were consumed by the oceans, and one remained, basically in tact. Strata are produced by MASSIVE amounts of moving water. Land based strata are not the same as ocean based sediments. Land based strata can not be aged like ocean sediment as the formations are dissimilar. Ocean strata (sediment) does not require moving water to form. And looking at our land based strata it was formed by REPEATED flooding of MASSIVE amounts of water.

Again, thank you for sharing..

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 01:40 PM

Of course it was navigated - by the Phoenicians and others well prior to when Plato was born. The Cornish tin trade was based on moving tin either around the Iberian peninsula or taking it to France and a complicated use of the rivers to get it to the Med.

Now I know you’re an idiot .
Coast hugging tin export is NOT the same as traversing an ocean. Cornish tin miners here DIDNT export to the Americas,did they, you can bet they didn’t have capable enough boats and didn’t know it existed.
Awful counter argument.

Plato knew though, didn’t he? a reply to: Hanslune

edit on 7-1-2023 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: bluesfreak

NOT getting involved as I never read the comment to which you are answering but you make an interesting point.

But a counter argument is that SOMEONE was mining a hell of a lot of copper in north America and Copper plus Tin of course Equals bronze.

The Mormons make use of that to support there beliefs BUT it could have been native american's who for whatever reason simply used the copper themselves and there is ample argument that North America may have been home to some pretty advanced native cultures BEFORE there existence and evidence of it was removed, story's of a giant in one of the mounds for example buried in a full suit of COPPER armour etc.

But since the old argument for Isolationism is mostly thrown out of the window especially with Genetic evidence proving it is almost completely bollox if you don't mind my language there we have to then accept that Diffusionism despite the very foundation of the likes of such institution's as the US Smithsonian being founded by a firm believer in Isolationism is in fact probably the truth, this in turn means that long before Columbus whom himself may have been following an old Portolan made by someone long before his own time or for that matter Amerigo Vespucci (Columbus as you know NEVER discovered America he discovered Hispaniola or as we today call it Haiti an event that led to the enslavement and wiping out of the native culture that lived on that island and that apparently traded with Mainland America using LARGE ship's/Canoe of there own and later it was old Amerigo/America that discovered the mainland further west of the island it is therefore likely that not only could previous pre-existent trade for example with the Phoenicians of Carthage or even an African civilization whom may have inspired the Olmec Heads or even someone from the Americas themselves may have been indulging in cross Atlantic trade long before modern paradigm allows.

As for Cornwall, we all know that Cornish TIN was vitally important to the early and mid bronze age cultures of the western classical world, Europe and the Mediterranean society's including north Africa and that TIN mined in Cornwall maybe even reached China and indeed it remained vitally important until the Iron age got into full swing, we know little of that period but we do know that both Coastal trade and River trade of Cornish mined Tin throughout the classical western world and beyond even into the hinterlands of northern Europe and Eurasia was very well developed, ancient trade network's existed long before the rise of Rome and probably even existed before the rise of the Celtic Culture.

So given this and the fact that in British waters alone the vast trade networks not only use for the mined Tin and the finished Bronze good's but also even predating the Tin mining we have to recognize that ancient cultures even those that look extremely primitive to us were actually very well connected and indeed so important was tin to the ancient world and so important was Cornwall since it produced so much of the ancient worlds tin during those times we could imagine it as a kind of western silk road of sorts but not as defined of course, however the analogy to the Silk road is an interesting one as it shows how important and widespread trade in desirable items can be and Tin like Silk was a very desirable resource.

posted on Jan, 7 2023 @ 05:59 PM
BUT! Have pottery, houses, or ship, or weaponry relics or any related signs of a city been excavated at the site?? a reply to: 727Sky

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 04:24 AM

Do you understand the term 'hearsay'?

Hearsay , you say?
You mean that same type of hearsay from Herodotus about the GP being built in 20 years , that you believe in fully.
Hearsay, mate .
Even though it was total hearsay as not one Egyptian text refers to how long it took , or how they even constructed it.
Merers Diary says nothing of the time span or of any building techniques either .

Straws? Clutching?

You are literally the very thing you despise, except you are sat on the other end of the scale, blind, self-aggrandising and unable to see yourself : defending narratives that have NO PROOF.

I think the class deserves at this point, to hear from you the actual proof you have that allows you to back Herodotus’ Hearsay claim , against Plato’s ‘made up’ story, when Platos account of climate turmoil at 11,600 bp is slowly backed up by many fields whose work crosses over due to strange data at 11,600 and thereabouts .
By ‘discovering’ the Americas, even though he never went, Plato surely has more clout then Herodotus, as Plato is relating a truth, yet Herodotus GP claim , for example , is pure hearsay.

Being on the literal opposite end of the scale from those you despise doesn’t make you correct.

But please Hans, do continue with your attempt at controlling how others should think, explore, surmise, speculate, test, as the black and white manner in which you exist, your sweeping grandiose statements, as if you are telling dumb plebs the truth, are bloody hilarious .

You and your psuedo-academic mate Harte are in no way as smart as you believe people think you are on this forum.
Talking to people from a position of authority , when you have none probably doesn’t help your cause .

Ps- my ‘upload’ page is consistently blank, anyone got any ideas why? Unable to upload anything for days now .
Anyone else got that?

a reply to: Hanslune

edit on 8-1-2023 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2023 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-1-2023 by bluesfreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2023 @ 06:10 AM

Again we know what suppress of history looks like

Yes, we do don’t we. It looks like when your ‘team’ didn’t want Graham Hancock to look around Serpent Mound because they don’t like his ‘ideas’.
You yourself posited that he wasn’t allowed on-site for fear of any damage he might do.
Where is the evidence of Graham Hancock EVER damaging a site he has visited? Zilch . Zero. In fact , he shows them all utter reverence .
Not a good look for your ‘team’ at all.
And we all know why .
a reply to: Hanslune

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