a reply to:
The Christ I know is very loving and forgiving except in the most serious offenses and blasphemes against the Holy Spirit.
I am not God, so I don't know what His position is on this performance.
Jesus said to Love One Another and he hung out with the dregs of society and the disenfrachised.
I know where God stands on sexual immorality, but I didn't see any such thing in that performance.
I saw a performer celebrating Grace and her love of God.
Sure, it was a little unconventional, but not what I would consider perverted or immoral.
I try not to judge as a general rule of thumb (Judge Not, Lest Ye Be Judged) but I'm also an imperfect and foolish human being and try to do the best
I can to remain nonjudemental and nonviolent in accordance with my upbring and understanding of Christ's Ministry.
I have seen examples of drag performances that are wholly disgusting to me for a variety of reasons I won't get into, but aside from the short skirt
of this particular performer, I thought her celebration and expression of faith was pretty tame and respectful given the environment.
I have seen drag performers in other Churches who make the performance a glorification of themselves and I find that somewhat arrogant and distasteful
personally, as we should put God first and foremost front and center during service, but honestly I didn't get that impression from this particular
I honeslty felt she was celebrating as being a creation of the Creator and giving Him praise and Thanks during her performance as an expression of
Thanks and Grace.
In other words, an Innocent.
I can't say that for other examples I have seen, as they tend to focus on a celebration of themselves first and foremost, drawing attention away from
God and diverting it to themselves with wholly inappropirate soundtracks, but I may just be biased in that regard.
First impressions and all that.
I dunno, but condemning an entire church of individuals to death for daring to invite a drag performer into the Church as an act of goodwill and
tolerance seems a bit heavy handed to me.
But that's just my flawed human opinion on the matter.
I am not the Hand of God.
I will reserve Judgement and Punishment to Him, should He see so fit.
edit on 12/14/22 by GENERAL EYES because: corrected spelling errors again