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China in a state of revolution

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posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: ThirdEyeofHorus

Color me suspicious. But suddenly China goes into gridlock, and the workshop of the world was getting shaky now it is worse, any food supply problem with this level of unrest will become direr for the Chinese citizens.. The ramifications for complex countries reliant on this supply chain will be more impacted. But places like Thailand which still have open markets and local supply chains will be less impacted. All on the eve when Europe is on the cusp of an energy and food crisis mostly of their government's own making. How many countries around the world are in social crisis with their governments oblivious to the common citizen's plight? If it continues we should see the cities emptying fast as they are no longer fit for purpose,

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:10 PM
a reply to: anonentity
Remember that Obama took a 7 trillion-dollar loan from China? Two months later they started turning that debt to land. Right now, we see only the propaganda from the US side, and they see it from their side. The media is most likely painting America as the homeless, drug abusing zombies that we catch glimpses of on YouTube or the like, making America seem sick and weak, a picture like we were given about Sadam Husein or Bashar Al Assad. They are being riled up. We go to war with their ally Russia, and they can invade and collect the land that they paid for. We are Here in America are in deep doo doo.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 10:51 PM

originally posted by: Jamey
a reply to: anonentity
Remember that Obama took a 7 trillion-dollar loan from China? Two months later they started turning that debt to land. Right now, we see only the propaganda from the US side, and they see it from their side. The media is most likely painting America as the homeless, drug abusing zombies that we catch glimpses of on YouTube or the like, making America seem sick and weak, a picture like we were given about Sadam Husein or Bashar Al Assad. They are being riled up. We go to war with their ally Russia, and they can invade and collect the land that they paid for. We are Here in America are in deep doo doo.

threatening a american with a exscuse to kill and get away with it isnt very smart I would say to the chinese.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: yuppa
Surely you don't think we can fight on two or three fronts with a negative GDP.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 10:01 AM
JOE BIDEN is on the CCP Government's side.

Fl Gov RON DESANTIS is on the side of the Chinese People.


Biden = U.S. Traitor for real?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 10:06 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Sadly it has happened to those still in the DC jail with NO bail and no trial set either. America has now an American style Chinese dictatorship in the Oval Office and them wimps in the DC champers are all talk and no action for the freedoms of all Americans.

On a side note, all is fine in Hong Kong.

The difference is it can change in America with each election cycle and numbers count like the 2 million in China compared to 20 in America.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 10:09 AM
China's Guangzhou city relaxes COVID rules in several districts

Is this a death blow to our tiny revolt in the state of permanent revolution?

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 11:40 PM

originally posted by: Jamey
a reply to: yuppa
Surely you don't think we can fight on two or three fronts with a negative GDP.

Oh sure..the red necks,texans, gangs,cartels are all just gonna roll over for chinese paratroopers and invaders. Wrong country. We dont always need to rely on the military to defend ourselves.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 10:00 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

Oh sure..the red necks,texans, gangs,cartels are all just gonna roll over for chinese paratroopers and invaders. Wrong country. We dont always need to rely on the military to defend ourselves.

We have around 400 million guns in civilian hands... And not just pew pew pew type guns either. I was at a thanksgiving party and one of the guys there who is a airlines pilot has this below as one of his many guns.

A precision guided firearm (PGF). The PGF lets the user choose a target in the rifle’s sights while the weapon decides when it is the best time to shoot – compensating for factors like wind speed, arm shake, recoil, air temperature, humidity and the bullet’s drop due to gravity, all of which can affect accuracy.

He says he can go 2000 yards...

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Ahh th eoffshoot of the cheytech system. yeah th earmy was going to equip all soldiers with that scope at one time.

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 04:17 PM

originally posted by: yuppa

Ahh th eoffshoot of the cheytech system. yeah th earmy was going to equip all soldiers with that scope at one time.

The military is moving away from .556 and replace it with 6.8mm

posted on Dec, 1 2022 @ 09:41 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

well they could use that sight with the new calibers as well they just need to update the hardware/software

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: yuppa

well they could use that sight with the new calibers as well they just need to update the hardware/software

The new 6.8mm seems to be a little more powerful than the 300BK, but can handle the shorter barrels too used today where the .556 was originally designed for a 20 inch barrel and many units today can use even a 10.5 inch that drastically drops the performance of the .556.

posted on Dec, 2 2022 @ 11:49 AM

posted on Dec, 7 2022 @ 02:15 AM
Look`s like CCP was forced to back off ...

China announces rollback of strict anti-COVID-19 measures

BEIJING (AP) — In a sharp reversal, China has announced a series of measures rolling back some of its most draconian anti-COVID-19 restrictions, including limiting harsh lockdowns and ordering schools without known infections to resume regular classes. The National Health Commission in a 10-point announcement on Wednesday stipulated that COVID-19 tests and a clean bill of health displayed on a smartphone app would no longer be required, apart from vulnerable areas such as nurseries, elderly care facilities and schools. It also limited the scale of lockdown to individual apartment floors and buildings, rather than entire districts and neighborhoods. People who test positive for the virus will be able to isolate at home rather than in overcrowded and unsanitary field hospitals, and schools where there have been no outbreaks must return to in-class teaching. The announcement follows recent street protests in several cities over the strict “zero-COVID” policy now entering its fourth year, which has been blamed for upending ordinary life, travel and employment while dealing a harsh blow to the national economy.

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