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Forgiving the Unrepentant

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posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 03:08 PM
Some things are unforgivable.

Though I'll never understand Chomsky's comments and hostility towards the unvaccinated, there are certain acts which are entirely unforgivable and the individuals who commit such acts should 100% be removed from society.

I'm getting a "The Rover" by Joseph Conrad feeling all of the sudden, there's something about it that is totally relevant to this day & age. Have you ever read that one?

Thank you for posting, love always.
edit on 27-11-2022 by geezlouise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 10:25 PM

originally posted by: zosimov
a reply to: nerbot

This is a very valid point, and especially considering that the nightmare is still in full force for some, and the reimplementation of these deadly policies is looming elsewhere.

The biggest salve in forgiving the unrepentant is not for them, but for yourself. If you hang on to your bitter feelings, they will eat you alive.

I wholeheartedly agree that we should never forget and always treat them with exactly the level of decency and trust they afforded us. I cannot trust and go on blindly knowing what monsters walk in my midst waiting to bite me again.

posted on Dec, 4 2022 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: zosimov

Forgiveness, not for the powerful not for them but, for the people around us who helped create this real pandemic is an issue for the times.

David Martin talks about it in this great interview by Man in America @ 27 min & @ 59 min. that was posted in another OP. I wanted to highlight it because I think it's interesting and helpful to listen to it spoken about. I hadn't given it any thought. David Martin says it needs to be apart of our prepping for what's around the corner.

His powerful quote from towards the end, "The ability we all have to decide what this narrative looks like going forward is entirely dependent on our ability to participate as angel of mercy and grace at a time when we received precious little of it."

I need to think on this because I could easily not care about some.

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 06:38 AM

originally posted by: FyreByrd
a reply to: zosimov

I take it you don't believe in the common welfare as a core principle of the US Constitution.

Anyone who believes that phrase actually justifies tyranny of the majority - especially when it comes to personal sovereignty over ones own body - has exactly ZERO clue about the principles upon which this country was founded.
edit on 5-12-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 5 2022 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: DeathSlayer
My point:

There is more involved in forgiveness than simply repent.

Not really...

Repent doesn't mean 'recall each and every sin and specifically be sorry for each one', it simply means 'to change ones's way of thinking'.

Said another way, it means to 'change your ways'...
edit on 5-12-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 10 2022 @ 06:06 PM
This video is an amazing example of forgiveness. A young man meanly rejected selling ties to a tourist who then chokes. See what happens . . .

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 11:24 AM
Are you asking about the "promulgations" done that destroys the essence of humanity? You know, the covid lockdowns, forced vaccinations, etc, etc?

If so, there truly are lots of injustice done by the government that we strongly support. Still, if you are unvaccinated due to the fear of the 666 mark blah-blah, then that could be something so "truly irrelevant." Without the aid of vaccinations, you will certainly experience lots of hardships during your childhood. Be reminded of the vaccines during your early childhood years.

Now, answering your "forgiving the unrepentant," are you telling us that you are self-righteous beyond this thing? or someone who truly knows the essence of forgiveness?

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: LiKen

Your questions could be for the most part answered by reading the OP.

As for the last paragraph--who is this "us" you're referring to? Some imaginary affinity with the other readership? I'm speaking to individuals with this OP, not some conglomerate mass. If this one doesn't resonate with you, I'm not concerned and neither should you be.

Oh, and welcome to the site

edit on 16-12-2022 by zosimov because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2022 @ 07:58 PM
a reply to: zosimov

None to concern. None to concern.

The "us" you ask? is there even a need to make such pettiness be acknowledged? Are you that petty? Yeah, yeah, yeah, pettiness breeds nonsenseness.

Cheers to that! Where's the wine? Suit yourself.

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