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Something Is Not Right The Vaccine Is

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posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 12:39 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

Can capsules be used?

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 12:41 PM

originally posted by: DontTreadOnMe
a reply to: angelchemuel

No, I mean EBV

The person I know tested for EBV being reactivated.

And, from what I am reading, EBV can cause or lead to CFS and MS.
lol Maybe I need to start an EBV thread.

The vaccines are having a depressive effect on the immune system allowing for EBV reactivation. A good example of this is Justin Beiber.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 12:48 PM
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe

I doubt capsules work , because the hot boiling water get`s the compounds from the cistus incanus leaves ,and oils . There is liquid cistus incanus extract also available ( small botles with dropper ), i never use that version but it should work if it is just made correctly .

I originally buyed it for covid , which is good as anti-flu remedy .

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 12:52 PM

originally posted by: Grenade
a reply to: incoserv

Me too, I lost some of my oldest friends during the pandemic. Their support of tyranny will never be forgotten. I can forgive but never forget.

Yup, I’ll forgive when they stop doubling down and show some remorse.

There were the pushers and the compliers. The compliers are the ones that will eventually receive my forgiveness. The pushers, like the ones who cheered when people I know lost they jobs, can rot.

Me, and most I know that are like me, are never going to forget.

edit on 11 19 2022 by NorthOfStuff because: Spelling

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I could be wrong, but I thought Beiber was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy..... which is also up=ticking.
Just today I had another therapist contact me as her friends granddaughter has tested positive for Myasthenia Gravis. Nerves don't send signal's to muscles and tissue. First place it hits is the eyes, making you look like you've had a stroke, It can spread throughout the body causing asthenia in the limbs and worse massive respiratory failure as your lungs stop working. No allopathic treatment for it. Except in the case of the Thymus, and this is where it get's interesting if you understand the thymus and our immune system. In some MG cases the thymus expands to 3x its normal size, so an orange. They operate to remove the thymus when this happens, otherwise you're dead.
Oh, and yes, friend's granddaughter is jibber jabbered and also caught 'whatever' after.
I'm beginning to wonder how many of these various neurological problems are going to start getting misdiagnosed.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 01:38 PM
I reckon it was to protect family assets. Kind of diversifying.

a reply to: Kenzo

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 02:26 PM
So true. Same as it ever was unfortunately.

world full of ignorant, paranoid, greedy, selfish and stupid people who are spiritually compromised.

a reply to: CthruU

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 02:35 PM
Can we not attribute the rise in overall mortality and the excess deaths as well as the rise in all illnesses of all types to climate change and the republicans?

After all, climate change and republicans (especially after the house gone red) are much more plausible explanations than the lockdowns and the vaccines.

Only conspiracy theorists argue against lockdowns and mass & mandatory vaccinations.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 02:38 PM
When the deaths get out of hand they will claim Covid is back with a vengeance and force the vaccine onto more.

Be ready, it’s coming.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: DontTreadOnMe
My Epstein Barr has been activated. I get days where I can sleep 10 hours straight. But I've learned to pace myself.
However, from what I know of EBV it sees itself as THE virus on the block and in a weird way will attack other viruses, thus helping our immune system to fight the good fight.
NOTE: I had EBV which gave me Glandular Fever 40 years ago. EBV 'lies dormant' in our system and generally behaves itself like a nice visitor to your home. SO, if EBV can 'lie dormant' for 40 years; and we know if people caught the original SARS back in 2002/2003 already had some immunity against SARS-CoV-2...... then I'm all for my EBV re-igniting and fighting off the dregs/after-effects of C19. Hopefully this is why I get bouts of lethargy and sleep as my body is trying to stabilise it again.
Can't say I've seen any shingles personally in my clients and neither have they reported such to me.

One thing I will say categorically, pre-vax my clients were pretty much healthy as they attend appointments every 4 weeks. However, it is in my vaxxed clients that I have seen health issues that they did not have before, not in my unvaxxed. Yes, unvaxxed caught whatever is doing the rounds, but they all recovered much quicker and had far fewer and milder symptoms than my vaxxed clients.

The vast majority of those infected with SARS-CoV-2 survived primary infection and the main reason is that Infection with this virus results mostly in mild disease or no disease at all.

The infection fatality rate globally is about 0.15%

Infection with the other common human coronaviruses such as 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract.

In addition many of us have had pre-existing immunity because we have been infected with these common human coronaviruses that usually cause common colds. Hence we had some good protection against severe disease when the new virus emerged.

I have created a thread some weeks about the human coronavirus OC43 which was listed above. This one jumped into humans via zoonosis from cattle and is very similar to BCov that affects cattles. It's very likely caused the Russian 'Flu' Pandemic back in the end of the 19th century, in 1889-1890. It has a very similar infection fatality rate and presented similar symptoms mainly to those who were elderly and the clinically vulnerable. It now causes common colds.

The idea that viruses wait for years until they can damage the immune system is something that never had much evidence and certainly there is no proof for it. It's usually a way to say scientists don't know what is going on. When infected with a virus then this little entity doesn't take years or decades to cause disease. This is not how viruses work. If you make a search you will see that EBV is associated with some forms of cancer or multiple sclerosis. Of course these are speculations and there is no proof for these assertions.
edit on 19-11-2022 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 03:03 PM
a reply to: Dalamax

Yeeh who knows....could be also true and makes sense .

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: TDDAgain
a reply to: CthruU

but those of age of consent who ignored that little voice and especially those who then also presented the children i have nothing but contemp.

SO -
1 Serves them right
2 serves them right

but then you write

I've been worried since December 2019 about how to get by in a world full of ignorant, paranoid, greedy, selfish and stupid people who are spiritually compromised.

Yet you seem to be spiritually compromised yourself as you contempt other people for their fear driven behavior.

You sir, are a hypocrite.

It is not fear driven behaviour, a large percentage of the poulation is playing a game of Simon says, they made their choice, they chose evil.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 03:51 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: v1rtu0s0
I could be wrong, but I thought Beiber was diagnosed with Bell's Palsy..... which is also up=ticking.
Just today I had another therapist contact me as her friends granddaughter has tested positive for Myasthenia Gravis. Nerves don't send signal's to muscles and tissue. First place it hits is the eyes, making you look like you've had a stroke, It can spread throughout the body causing asthenia in the limbs and worse massive respiratory failure as your lungs stop working. No allopathic treatment for it. Except in the case of the Thymus, and this is where it get's interesting if you understand the thymus and our immune system. In some MG cases the thymus expands to 3x its normal size, so an orange. They operate to remove the thymus when this happens, otherwise you're dead.
Oh, and yes, friend's granddaughter is jibber jabbered and also caught 'whatever' after.
I'm beginning to wonder how many of these various neurological problems are going to start getting misdiagnosed.

Ramsay Hunt caused bells palsy. Ramsay Hunt is triggered by viral reactivation such as EBV or HHV6. For that to happen you'd need your immune system to be weakened drastically.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 04:03 PM
If a future generation should find this thread and wonder why there are no voices of those (the majority of the population)who have had the vaccine it’s because we are all dead - died of boredom from these constant and fact-less antivax posts.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: musicismagic

People are Killing themselves with these Vaccines . Nicotine Gum Protects you from Covid-19 .

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 05:10 PM
I had the covids back in January/February, it was rough, and it didn't help that I was run down due to being overworked. I'm not vaccinated and don't intend on being, unfortunately all my family are. The biggest issue I have had from covid is indigestion, that strikes from time to time.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: Chuckles55

Work on your vagus nerve

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: BarbaraTheEnlightened1
If a future generation should find this thread and wonder why there are no voices of those (the majority of the population)who have had the vaccine it’s because we are all dead - died of boredom from these constant and fact-less antivax posts.

It's not a "vaccine"

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 05:31 PM
Call me cynical, but when they started encouraging a mix of vaccines I did have to chuckle. Clever. Now which vaccine caused which side effect? Oooh. No way of telling. Ass covering at its finest and most blatant.

posted on Nov, 19 2022 @ 05:47 PM
a reply to: Kenzo

I'll do more research between teas and tinctures.

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