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Another Price Shocker

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posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

which on its own would be innocent enough, if it wasn't so infuriating. next time title your thread "boo i can't afford my perfume anymore boo" instead of creating a clickbait for people expecting a serious discussion about the issues society is facing and instead getting thrown into a tantrum of someone so disconnected from reality to think anyone gives a sh.t about their perfume prices.

Firstly, I am more connected to reality than you could ever imagine. Maybe it is you that lives in a fantasy land as you don’t think humans have needs/wants beyond the very basics.
Secondly, people do give a sh.t, as you can see from the amount of people discussing it here. I also provided you historical accounts of the Great Depression, and people then also gave a sh.t and also discussed it.

The topic is perfume, but is it? Maybe your mind is not deep enough to understand this is so much more. This is about us being able to live more vibrantly than the Chinese, or Russians, or Cubans.

I follow this guy on Tik Tok from Cuba that moved to America. He talked about how a single pack of Gum was half a months salary for a Doctor in Cuba. He was almost in tears at the sight of people giving out Halloween candy. He was in tears when he went to Walmart and Costco. Mind you the topic was chewing GUM but he wasn’t really talking about gum!!!!

Lastly, for someone that really doesn’t care about this topic you seem really involved.

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: jedi_hamster

just wait. once you'll have to worry about food and ammo, you'll forget about perfumes, or anything else that won't help you stay alive for that matter.

That’s the thing. No matter how bad things get people will still have to live and what they will crave the most is normalcy. We saw that with Covid, We saw that with the Great Depression.

A video showed people in Ukraine buying cappuccinos, then they were fired upon.
Yes even during the depths of war there were people buying and selling cappuccinos!

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

Aromatics can be distilled. I have been thinking about extracting essential oils and aromatics. I have some fennel I grew and want to extract the volatile oils from it. I have a still, but it's really only good for producing methanol and ethanol, volatile oils and aromatics require a specific type of still and process I have yet to try.

Distillers are expensive if you can’t make your own but would probably pay itself off in a short time as concentrated oils are very pricy.

I have a decent crop of lavender and it dries very nicely and smells wonderful tucked in between fabric. That is one way to transfer the oils/scent. Bee Balm/Bergamot is another, jasmine is another. There is another method that people use with lilac blooms, they layer the individual buds on beeswax. It is incredibly laborious but the scent has to be out of this world.

I grew some lemon mint this season, it smells like a lemon detergent scent. That aroma would be OK for soap perhaps. There is wintergreen growing wild everywhere in the woods, that might work with a chew recipe for the tobacco (not that I chew). Lots of aromatics in the woods, like birch and pine, water mint, field mint, bergamot, plus many more. We have lilacs, that would be great to try. The old 1881 Household Cyclopedia might have a whole section on perfumes. I got to start digging into it now.
edit on 8-11-2022 by MichiganSwampBuck because: Typo

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

yeah, posting about perfume prices in civil unrest forum is the perfect example of how today's snowflake society is connected to reality.

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: MichiganSwampBuck

It wasn’t beeswax I was thinking of when I mentioned lilacs previous, it was coconut oil.
The process is called enfleurage. I wonder how well lemon mint would do with this process.
I love the scent of lemon mint, very uplifting and fresh!!!

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I very rarely wear perfume, but there is one special perfume that I really love.
It is called Shalimar. It kinda smells like an old powdery grandma, oh well, that’s what is smells like and I love it. It is one of the very perfumes that doesn’t give me an instant headache. It is not like the cheaper ones that smell like bug spray. This is the stuff that people used to wear all the time.

It is the real stuff so it’s pretty pricey. I got a bottle before Covid and it was around 150 bucks for a tiny bottle.
I’m almost out and I just looked at it and it is now $350!!!! A bottle, 1 oz!!!!!! Talk about inflation, That is a 135% increase in TWO years!
I think people are really going to be surprised when they shop for Christmas if they haven’t already.

What have you bought or shopped around for that REALLY shocked you? We’ve talked a lot about food and we all know that’s going up, so what are other non food things that just made your jaw drop?

My ticket shocker has been eating/drinking out. I would say on an average about a 40% increase. Prime meats are about 40% increase too. My secret smell good that no woman could resist back when I was in my 20s was to cover my body in baby power after my shower. Women would go crazy over that smell and not really understand why, or really what it was that the most expensive colognes could not even remotely match.

edit on 8-11-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 12:21 PM

originally posted by: jedi_hamster
a reply to: JAGStorm

yeah, posting about perfume prices in civil unrest forum is the perfect example of how today's snowflake society is connected to reality.

What is this category????

Social Issues & civil unrest.

Rising prices are a SOCIAL issue. If prices continue to rise, and we have hyperinflation there will be civil unrest.
Hyperinflation doesn't just happen to food and gas, it happens across the board. You may have no interest in perfume, or such, but it's a topic that I find interesting, like I mentioned before don't like keep scrolling.

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

My ticket shocker has been eating/drinking out.

I told my husband pretty soon they won't need restaurant employees because nobody will be going out.

baby power after my shower. Women would go crazy over that smell and not really understand way

You are a brilliant man! That scent is wired into our brains to create dopamine! That is fresh new baby smell!!!

Prime meats are about 40% increase too

Seafood is outrageous. My husband told me king crab at costco was going for $40lb.
The normal holiday price is closer around 19 or 20, so that is a significant increase.

Oddly, in my area I noticed that beef is really coming down in price but chicken is way up!

edit on 8-11-2022 by JAGStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2022 @ 07:49 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
What have you bought or shopped around for that REALLY shocked you? We’ve talked a lot about food and we all know that’s going up, so what are other non food things that just made your jaw drop?

Well, I recently moved to an apartment from a house I'd leased for a lot of years. The owner sold it. What I found for the same money did "make my jaw drop".

I was in a large 3-bedroom house with a large heated shop, heated storage room, and a heated garage. Now I'm in a 2-bedroom apartment and it costs the same. The square footage is maybe a third of what I'm used to even though it's a large apartment. When we looked at prices it put my jaw on the floor as had I gone with a higher-end apartment I could have paid as much as three times what the rent was on that large house with all the amenities. Rent tripled here in the last 18 years. Wages did not triple.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 04:57 AM
Yea my misses just asked me for a bottle of perfume for christmas... £495. Ive bought her some crack instead.

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 05:23 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm
It's £51.20 for 1oz in John Lewis, in the uk.
Or you can buy 3oz for £92.

edit on 9-11-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 9 2022 @ 06:40 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Just buy some perfume the dancers use that work in the adult establishments with the pole on stage. That will get you some interesting looks.

On not a fan of grandmas perfume, I can smell it now in my head as I’m typing this.

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 11:45 AM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
What have you bought or shopped around for that REALLY shocked you?

It used to be that bacon, and
ham were the cheep meats that
anyone could afford.
Here a 1lb of regular, plain bacon is $9. wtf ! ?
Chicken wings at one time you couldn't give them away,
now they, along with ox tail, fish . . . are wayyyyy over priced.
Bread is heading up to $5. a loaf *shakes head*

Perfume ?
Don't waste your money, have a shower instead.
Tip: pure essential oils are less allergenic.
Commercial perfumes are laced with additives, and
do nothing but make me sneeeeze . . .
You can actually get food-grade essential oil as
sandal wood, lavender, eucalyptus . . .
the list is long, just make sure you dilute it with a
carrier oil.
All Natural is the way to go.


edit on 10/11/22 by ToneDeaf because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: ToneDeaf

Here a 1lb of regular, plain bacon is $9. wtf ! ?

Same here. Oddly our Kwik Trip has bacon for around 5 or 6 dollars, but it feels wrong to buy bacon at the gas station 🤣

The perfume I like is a luxury. I am not trying to cover up a smell, I’m OCD when it comes to hygiene.
There is just something about the scent of that one perfume that I just love, I can’t even explain it as I don’t really like perfume that much. This one has a vanillaish oriental and powdery smell to it. Also I’m calling it perfume, but what I get is really an extract which is the a concentrated form of natural oils. I wish I could share the scent, I think most people would like it. This perfume has been around for 101 years!

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 03:04 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555

originally posted by: JAGStorm
What have you bought or shopped around for that REALLY shocked you? We’ve talked a lot about food and we all know that’s going up, so what are other non food things that just made your jaw drop?

Well, I recently moved to an apartment from a house I'd leased for a lot of years. The owner sold it. What I found for the same money did "make my jaw drop".

I was in a large 3-bedroom house with a large heated shop, heated storage room, and a heated garage. Now I'm in a 2-bedroom apartment and it costs the same. The square footage is maybe a third of what I'm used to even though it's a large apartment. When we looked at prices it put my jaw on the floor as had I gone with a higher-end apartment I could have paid as much as three times what the rent was on that large house with all the amenities. Rent tripled here in the last 18 years. Wages did not triple.

Our rents have tripled (and more) in just the last couple of years, since biden came in.
Apartments that were $900 a month (and that's all they are actually worth!) are now well over $2,700, we are having major problems trying to find something.
Add to that the 'NO pets, NO smoking, TWO months security, CHECKING ACCOUNT debited the first of every month mandatory, NO back yard, NO grilling, $100 MOVE IN FEE (they should be paying ME to move into their dump), $50 credit check, $50 background check', and I just walk out every single time. Let them hassle someone else with their nonsense. To top it off, some of these dumps don't even have closets or storage. Then they roll out pages of who-knows-what for you to sign your life away, all just to rent a few rooms so that someone else can stay wealthy. Insanity!

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 03:05 PM
Oh, and if you actually want their dump painted, you get to do it yourself, and even have to pay for the paint!
I'll keep looking.......

posted on Nov, 10 2022 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: RonnieJersey

I had no issues getting into a decent place with my perfect payment history, it's just that rent has increased by way too much. In fact, I had a great relationship with the owner and the rental agency. They treated me well. The only issue was the prices are too high.

Bad tenants help drive rent costs up. Most landlords are not rich, they are land-poor. Being middle-class is not rich. Many landlords are teetering on the brink right now due to how many people stiffed them for rent after the eviction moratorium from the pandemic was lifted. I know one of them really well and he's nearly penniless. He was well off before the pandemic but all the freeloaders hurt him badly.

I noticed here there are two different qualities of rentals and rent prices. If you have a good history the quality of the rentals is much higher for the same money. Those who rent to people with bad histories charge a lot more as they have to do that to survive.

If you have a pet which we do, the price of that is also caused by bad tenants. I hated paying the extra, but I understand why. I'll get my whole deposit back if I move. I did last time. In fact, after 18 years of a good relationship with the owner, he wrote me a check for enough to cover my move just to say thank you and appologized for the inconvenience. He told the rental agency to make sure we were treated well. They did. It's all about history when it comes to being able to get a nice place.

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