posted on Oct, 22 2022 @ 12:46 PM
I'm sorry but this is a phoney war being orchestrated by both Russia and the West. They're both pulling the wool over our eyes. Nothing adds up. And
they are both implementing the reset together.
You don't have to be a mathematical analyst to realise this is all crap. On paper even before this crap all started how did Russia's military leaders
& Putin himself (a supposed fairly decently educated ex-KGB intelligence man) - conclude that they could take a fairly large country of 44 million
with an army of 200,000. On paper when you attack conventionally you need a 3 to 1 possibly 4 to 1 majority. With the Ukrainian homeland-defending
spirit, and their ability to replenish losses quicker, you probably need closer to a 6 possibly even 7 to 1 majority. The Ukrainians off the bat
already had 200,000 in their army, but they also had another 100,000 in militarized police and customs & border guards etc - so 300,000 already under
arms. Which meant let's say at the least with a 3 to 1 majority Putin should have hit Ukraine with an army of 900,000 better a million. If a 7 to 1
ratio he should of hit them with 2.1 million. Also, Putin, being an intelligence man, should have known looking back on the Soviet invasion of
Afghanistan that the West would do the same as then by supplying weapons and arms.
I'm pretty convinced this is all being staged and I feel very sorry for both the Ukrainian and Russian people. And with the current hawkish Western
rhetoric, I think they're either trying to crash the world economy or I fear worse - a possible fake world war is about to be implemented...
Power and the internet will be turned off globally, and soldiers in our respective countries will tell us to stay inside as a "world war" is
occurring. We will run out of food pretty quick, mass starvation. Martial law will be in place, if you attempt to go looking for food you will be
shot. Then after a substantial die-off, somehow the lights will come back on and a great reset (global government) will be offered to those lucky
enough to have survived the fake ruins of this fake catastrophe.