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Moment Of Contact ~ The Movie

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posted on Nov, 16 2022 @ 06:07 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Look at post 5 in this thread…..

Good Luck 🍀

edit on 16-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 02:56 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Look at post 5 in this thread…..

Good Luck 🍀


Thanks. Strange, one has to put that in the favorites twice for it to take.

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: peaceinoutz
Thanks. Strange, one has to put that in the favorites twice for it to take.

For iPad Safari…..I only use two clicks in sequence ….one for the main ATS first (very important)….then to open the upload page second.

Well I’m glad something works for ya…

edit on 17-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 17 2022 @ 03:18 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Well, I put in three separate favorite locations the first time I saw you post that, and none of them showed up…when I did it twice, they showed.

Maybe an alien or an MIB is hacking me.

posted on Feb, 22 2023 @ 06:08 PM
And then there’s this……

Appears to be hiding behind a wall and only the side profile of the head is seen….looking to the left…in the pic.

edit on 22-2-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 07:51 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

That's pretty interesting. What do you think that might have been. When I first looked at it I thought it was some kind lump on a cobblestone road but when I realized that it was a stone wall and the thing was behind it it became much more intriguing.

posted on Feb, 24 2023 @ 08:47 AM

originally posted by: wtbengineer
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

That's pretty interesting. What do you think that might have been. When I first looked at it I thought it was some kind lump on a cobblestone road but when I realized that it was a stone wall and the thing was behind it it became much more intriguing.

I don’t know what it is …..or if the picture is legit.

One of the purported eyewitnesses said the following description of the top of the head…..

"It wasn't a man or an animal -- it was something different," said one of the women, Katia Andrade. The being had oily, brown skin and rubbery limbs, she said. Three rounded protrusions sprouted from its oversized head.

Clearly the previous posted b&w pic shows a single protrusion.

Most artists rendering’s are shown with the three protrusions….

Now is it a possibility that the witness was mistaken and the creature actually just had the one protrusion and not three?…….hmmmmm


posted on May, 2 2023 @ 10:44 AM
Finally watched this yesterday, Fox makes good docs and the interviews were compelling. Obviously there is no proof though.

FYI I found it for free on a streaming channel called Crackle. There are a few ads but not bad. Crackle app is one of many in my Comcast cable box but you should be able to access it on your PC or whatever

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:18 PM
a reply to: vlawde

I just watched it last week on Crackle also. IMO the witnesses seemed extremely credible. The man who saw the ship crash in the field seemed overwhelmed with emotions when he was brought back to the location many years later. The 3 girls, now women who encountered the so-called Alien seemed convincing as well. I also found it interesting how many of the witnesses described a horrific smell that lasted for days. A sulfur or ammonia type of stench.

posted on May, 3 2023 @ 10:47 PM
a reply to: Enzo954

Not replying directly to this but trying to find a place to fit in.

Carl Sagan said there were 3 possible life forms: carbon based, silicon based, and ammonia based. The problem of ammonia is it likely requires high pressures and everything about it is toxic to us.

There is a reddit thread here that has some nice biological details: reddit

posted on May, 4 2023 @ 10:52 PM

originally posted by: inert
Carl Sagan said there were 3 possible life forms: carbon based, silicon based, and ammonia based.

Here’s a British movie about Silicon creatures done way back 1966.

From wiki…

Paying a visit to Phillips' lab reveals that he and his colleagues are just as dead (and boneless) as Ian Bellows. Reasoning that whatever it is must have begun in that lab, West, Stanley and Landers gather up Phillips' notes and take them to study them. From them they learn that in his quest to cure cancer, Phillips may have accidentally created a new lifeform from the silicon atom.

Thinking the doctors are at the castle, Constable Harris bikes up there looking for them to tell them about the discovery of a dead, boneless horse, only to wander into the laboratory's "test animals" room and be attacked and killed by an offscreen tentacled creature, the result of Dr Phillips's experiments. The creatures are eventually dubbed "silicates" by West and Stanley, and kill their victims by injecting a bone-dissolving enzyme into their bodies. The silicates are also incredibly difficult to kill, as Landers learns when he tries and fails to kill one at the castle with an axe when they first encounter them.

Enjoy 🍕🍺🍿


posted on May, 4 2023 @ 11:06 PM
Listen to him on Rogan the other day, what a COOL story and his story about the Kids in the desert with the filmed UFO no one has access to is really cool too!

If im not mistaken our old friend "Springer" knows this gentleman as well
edit on 5/4/2023 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 5 2023 @ 12:27 AM
a reply to: inert

Another Silicon based creature….


posted on May, 5 2023 @ 08:12 AM
a reply to: inert

Given the year’s produced……I would say that the writers of Star Trek were inspired by the Silicon Based blob creature from the Island of Terror movie.

Ok….I’m done beating this horse (blob) of Silicon Based lifeforms in SciFi

edit on 5-5-2023 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:40 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: inert

Ok….I’m done beating this horse (blob) of Silicon Based lifeforms in SciFi


I probably meant to say methane.

In any event, this story is not over. The people are still alive and Brazil does not have the aura of secrecy like the US government has. Jamie Fox, last week, mentioned he's in touch with people that filmed the creatures while they were still alive. He also pointed to an old Art Bell interview where a Dr. Roger Leir (?) was interviewed about the topic. He had went to Brazil to talk to the Doctors that healed one of the aliens. UFO Joe has a transcript that you can read here Further down is a clip that you can listen to and even further down is Jamie Fox's comment with a link to the full interview. Enjoy...

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: inert

I’m sure you meant James Fox……not Jamie Fox ….. 😆


posted on May, 8 2023 @ 07:44 AM
I did not like it very much..

I know it was not meant to be entertaining
it is a documentary but the fake cut scenes
and dialog were just weird..

Re enactments always put me off..

If you enjoyed it I am glad.

It just was not entertaining to me bottom line
nothing to do with believable or not
or the facts or not just pure love of the alien docs
and this one was boring to me .

posted on May, 8 2023 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
a reply to: inert

I’m sure you meant James Fox……not Jamie Fox ….. 😆


Mea Culpa! Not my best week.

In any event...the discussion with the Dr. was very interesting when he asked if the alien said anything to him. Why do they always feel sorry for us being totally detached from our spiritual self and we have powers we do not realize?

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