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New Zealand American and English embalmers talk calimari clots.

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posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 11:18 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
This is an interesting get-together from a New Zealand channel, that has been under attack, as they are keeping it very quiet in New Zealand. It does not look like any of the undertakers were very interested in undertaking the jab. The Cremation rates are taking off, and the silence on the Calimari clots from official sources is still deafening. The kiwis were mandated, and now the powers that be are saying that you had a choice. Either way it seems that these undertakers are seeing the same thing from different corners of the jabbed


Hot off the presses..

Researcher Claims Anti-vaxx Groups’ Fear Mongering and Scare Tactics Cause Vaccine-Related Adverse Events, Like Blood Clots and Heart Attacks.
Excerpted from: nts-like-blood-clots-heart-attacks/

According to Dr. Palmer, Vaccine Fearmongers are responsible for catastrophic Covid-19 vaccine complications. I guess he wants everyone to just shut up and let Pfizer and Moderna continue generating more patients for his profession.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 09:21 AM
a reply to: anonentity

Thanks for the vid in your OP. I was wanting to see a more focused vid by the funeral / embalmers industry other than the additional conspiracy tangents shown in the Died Suddenly vid.

Imo, all we could do is hope for the best……for our own families and our closest of friends.

And hope that research pins down definitively, what is the exact cause of these fibrous clots.


edit on 25-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 10:02 AM
a reply to: Caled

Thank you for the info. What popped out to me wasn't just the lack of normal components, but the presence of a large amount of tin and phosphorous. Tin in particular... the lowered chlorine level suggests that stannic choride is being formed. Stannic chloriode tends to form crystals when anhydrous (dissolved in water). These could be crystaine structures; if so, it is conceivable that they could be growing at an accelerated rate in the absence of a normal heartbeat.

Some organotin compounds are also quite toxic.

Is tin in these injections? Has anyone actually checked them for tin? I know tin is a component in many preservatives, so I wonder if the clot-shot manufacturers are using a tin-based preservative? As far as I know, tin is not one of those trace metals we actually need to survive and rarely exists inside the body.

Hopefully some other chemistry nerds on here will join in and we can maybe figure this out.


posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

So, who could these "Calimari Clots" get so big before causing death?

No way could they get to anything like that size inside a living vein.

Veins are pretty small.

And fragile.

I'll try to give my take on that question. You're right that a blood clot breaking free is quite dangerous. One took my father down when I was young. One blood clot turned him into a vegetable.

I don't think we're looking at blood clots per se. These fibers look different than clots and the chemical makeup is quite different. A typical blood clot like you experienced is essentially dried blood surrounding a fibrin weave. It's very similar to the scab that forms on a cut, but it is inside the blood vessels. It's hard, not soft and elastic.

Arterial clots breaking loose are super-serious. The normal flow of blood has the arteries getting progressively smaller and smaller until they turn into capillaries, then into veins, which in turn become larger and larger until they return to the heart. While many veins are small and quite fragile, larger veins are not.

In your case, it seems you had a clot get hung in one of those valves that prevent one's blood in their legs from back-flowing. Those are pretty fragile arrangements and a hard clot can easily damage them.

In this case, though, these are not hard clots. They appear pretty elastic, even referred to as "rubbery." Such a fiber could exist inside a blood vessel, allowing blood flow around it, until it got quite large. The pressure from heartbeats would tend to keep it from actually blocking the vessel as the flow of the blood under pressure would work against the crystallizing process (this is assuming they are crystalline in nature, as appears probable at this time). Once the body dies and the heart stops, they could then grow tremendously for a short time. But even if some blood flow is getting through, it might not be enough to support critical organs well.

I know that in my state, which is caused simply be the heart being unable to pump sufficient blood, it is quite easy for me to have certain things suddenly cause issues over being overworked... I can easily get mental fatigue, my eyes have this tendency to try and lose the ability to focus for more than a second, my legs can become so weak I cannot remain standing, my digestive system can slow down and have issues processing food... all due to low blood flow. On the other hand, if I am rested well, I am fine for a short while.

So it is quite possible that these fibers are forming, just not easily able to immediately become life-threatening. They could become life threatening after a short time, however, leading to the type of phenomena that is being claimed. People would just start experiencing fatigue in areas served by the affected vessels, until those vessels became too clogged to operate. If that fatigue were to an internal organ, it would be quite difficult to diagnose unless one knew exactly what to look for.

Most people try to ignore fatigue. I know I did. I was apparently having circulatory issues for several years before the heart attacks started; I just ignored them. No one cares if someone feels 'tired,' but that's what fatigue is: a debilitating tiredness and weakness that doesn't ever really go away. "Being tired" is normal... until it isn't.


posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 11:14 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

So far no Tin as I can identify…..

Perhaps the ingredients listed are themselves made of other ingredients… which Tin may be part of.

edit on 25-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 12:24 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The tin had to come from somewhere...


posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 01:09 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The tin had to come from somewhere...


Perhaps the Tin is incorporated into the mRNA Lipid Nanoparticles (LNP’s) of the Nanotechnology being used by Phizer or Moderna in their vaccines.


posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 01:42 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

I didn't see any chemical names that indicated tin. Normally, the chemical name would include the word "tin" (as in an organotin) or "stannum" (Latin name) (as in stannic chloride).

The thing is, that much tin would be difficult to absorb through diet, so either there is something going on with the absorption process in some individuals, or the tin was introduced via injection.

Maybe it's an impurity? Or maybe an undisclosed ingredient? i would sure like to get my hands on a vaccine sample to test qualitatively for tin.


posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 08:23 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

You mentioned possibly an absorption problem…..

Consider the fact that In Phizer and Moderna….the Lipid Nanoparticles is used as the delivery method.

Below is a screenshot of sample search links of associated Q&A and synopsis answers…when googling about Lipid Nanoparticles and Nanoparticles in general.

Nanoparticles could be the problem….ultimately as the catalyst for harmful side effects…

Bear in mind that it is the first time that Lipid Nanoparticles is being used as the delivery method for the mRNA vaccines.

So far, Nanoparticles are shown to possibly affect DNA, Heart, Lungs, and breach the Blood Brain Barrier.

….” Can nanoparticles damage DNA?
Some nanoparticles, if they're based on certain metals, can interact with the hydrogen peroxide that is present in every cell, and convert it to a hydroxyl radical, which can enter the nucleus and then you potentially have DNA damage.”…….

…..” Can nanoparticles cause lung damage?
Nanoparticle inhaled exposure to animals may cause long-term or acute lung injury. These changes eventually lead to some types of lung diseases including asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), emphysema and mesothelioma and maybe even lung cancer in animal models [10,29,30].”……

……”Abstract. Nanoparticles are small sized (1-100 nm) particles derived from transition metals, silver, copper, aluminum, silicon, carbon and metal oxides that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and/or produce damage to the barrier integrity by altering endothelial cell membrane permeability.”…….

Imo, Nanoparticles could be doing more harm than good in the human body…

…..” Once inside, the particles will move with the circulation into all the organs and tissues of the body. Nanoparticles injected into the bloodstream of laboratory animals are found in organs including the liver, spleen, heart and brain.”….

There are four types of Nanomaterials as mention in the screenshot searched results. One of them…the inorganic Nanomaterials is …metals based.

Imo ….Could the wrong type of Nanotechnology Nanoparticles have been used in vaccine batches by accident?

Or, intentionally…for human Guinea Pig purposes……one can only hypothesize without scientific research….to try and show Malevolent intentions.

The Tin aspect you are hypothesizing could be a new side effect or byproduct that has not been discovered or studied to point in that direction as the possible cause to the fibrous clots.

You might want to search for yourself….Nanoparticles pros and cons in greater detail.

Above I mention things that are known or theorized as potential harmful effects of using Nanotechnology Nanoparticles.

I realize Nanotechnology is a new frontier in the medical world…….and so potential benefits are touted more….but the research of this technology is young…..and already shows signs of potential problems.

How many times do you see remedies for ailments….advertised on TV…..but then they gone on to mention a long list of side effects….and sometimes, rarely….they mention verbally, the remedy can cause death….or it’s in the small fine print at the bottom of the ad …..but giving you no time to read it.

edit on 26-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 03:32 PM
maybe compression socks and

blood thinners are in order after the

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 06:11 PM
a reply to: sarahvital

Here is a bit of an update from the embalmers association, it seems these fibrous clots are being seen throughout the industry. When asked they had all seen them in the time periods in question.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 06:34 PM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: sarahvital

Here is a bit of an update from the embalmers association, it seems these fibrous clots are being seen throughout the industry. When asked they had all seen them in the time periods in question.


thanks for the link.

posted on Nov, 26 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Nanoparticles could be the problem….ultimately as the catalyst for harmful side effects…

That's like saying plants can be poisonous... well, yes, some are, but we still eat plants quite a bit.

A nanoparticle is any particle made of anything that is 100um or less in size. That includes oxygen, carbon dioxide, practically all elements, and most of your smaller chemicals. I could rewrite your statement above to say

"Small things could be the problem….ultimately as the catalyst for harmful side effects…"

The idea of nanotechnology has taken off primarily due to science fiction. Star Trek Voyager had a character who was an ex-Borg human and thus had "nanobots" inside her to maintain her implants. It's a great fantasy... this race of beings that are comprised of many races, all bound together and controlled by cyborg technology and represent this immense danger to purely organic life. I love the show! I love Jeri Ryan (the actor who plays 7 of 9, the human ex-Borg). But it's all fantasy.

Enough people, though, have latched onto this fantasy so much that they have come to believe it is real. Some are approaching minor celebrity status, so they have that platform to push their beliefs. None of that makes it true. It's still a fantasy.

But it just so happens that it is a fantasy that is derived from scientific attempts to create simple "machines" at the atomic scale... nanotechnology. These simple "machines" are not nanobots or anything close to that sophisticated... they operate chemically instead of purely mechanically, and they can only do simple, simple tasks. A machine need not be a black box that performs some miracle thing; a machine can be as simple as a screw, a level, or an inclined plane. Nanomaterials are no more a danger in themselves than screws are a danger for being a screw. I can use a screw to stab someone, but it works better to attach two things to each other or to move something along an axis.

Please keep that in mind when discussing "nanoparticles." Elemental tin metal is composed of nanoparticles, just as a molecule of oxygen is a nanoparticle.

That said, mRNA technology is the first technology to attempt to get something inside a cell that the cells might not want inside them: the mRNA molecule. So we use lipids to do that, and they have to be small enough to enter the cell... so they are nanoparticles. The lipids are still organic; if not, if they were not recognized as food by the cells, they wouldn't enter the cells.

Now, is there tin inside these lipids? Does the mRNA molecule itself use a tin atom or two? Maybe... I would think not, but I don't know. I do know some tin compounds have been used for preservatives in non-ingested materials, but I would be surprised of such a compound were used on something to be injected. Even if it were, tin does not beget tin... I doubt there could be enough tin in a vaccine dose to begin to create these fibers.

Yet, there is tin there, and a lot of tin, in these fibers.

It's not that I am really zeroing in on the tin itself (although I guess in a way I am); it's that the tin is many times the normal concentration in the body and has few if any actual biological uses inside the body. It simply shouldn't be there in anywhere near these quantities. Tin is an element, so it didn't come from something else. It had to come from something that had tin in it, even if that something was a tin-containing compound.

In short, it is a major anomaly that accompanies the fibers. If we find out where the tin is coming from, we likely find out what is causing the fibers to form.


posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 01:52 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Suppose the vaccines are somehow preventing tin …..that enters the body by several ways…..from being eliminated from the body normally, such that tin builds up abnormally over months and incorporates into forming the fibrous clot material in the bloodstream?

A general article on ….. Tin (Whole Blood)

…….”When you eat tin in your food, very little leaves the gastrointestinal tract and gets into your bloodstream.”…..

…..”Your body can rid itself of most inorganic tin in weeks, but some can stay in your body for 2-3 months.”……

edit on 27-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 02:32 AM
To me this tin anomaly sounds just like a thing that has links to genetic manipulation-- How many ingredients in the jabs are "proprietary" or even classified for that matter. If it was made intentionally as a bioweapon then it isn't surprising that any kind of bizarre thing is discovered about it. After all, it's still being tested experimentally on billions. Human trials are long from being concluded.

Pfizer's occult magic and alchemy straight out of Josef Rudolf Mengele's cook book and private note book.

Yeah I'm serious, and no it isn't close to funny or far fetched when you face reality and watch like everyone else the whole thing turning southbound like it has been headed.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 04:33 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The thing is, the human gastrointestinal tract is not designed to absorb tin. Very little gets through. One has to eat so much tin to raise the amount in their bloodstream to these kinds of levels, they would be in agony from stomach pains. I would think that instead of there being a mechanism to stop elimination of tin, it might be possible that the spike protein (or perhaps the result of the spike protein after it breaks down/is neutralized by antibodies) may be creating a non-stannic seed.

Crystallization occurs because of electrostatic forces. A seed has surface electrostatics based on the positon of the electrons in the outer shells of the seed's structure. Other atoms tend to stick to specific spots due to these electrostatic forces, and they then form covalent bonds. That's the gist of how a crystal grows. It is not completely necessary for a seed to be of a specific material; some crystals can grow using one element even though the seed is something else.

It's a wild shot; most crystal growth requires a seed of the identical material as the crystal. But the tin is there and we have no other plausible explanation. What was that Sherlock Holmes once said? "When one eliminates all the other possibilities the possibility left, no matter how improbable, must be correct."

Something like that anyway.

Of course, we haven't completely eliminated the possibility that tin is used somehow in the vaccine. It seems improbable, but the only way to tell for sure would be for someone completely independent of Pfizer/Moderna to run a qualitative analysis on a sample of the vaccine.


posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 09:54 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

The point from nocorruptionallowed of “Proprietary” ingredients is well taken as a possibility of such ingredients not transparent in the brands literature …. and so your point of getting samples of vaccine to analyze independently should , and agreeably, be the quest for truth.

From here on out, I’ll have to hope there will be medical science sleuths that will take on the challenge to acquire vaccines samples to analyze. Reverse engineering ingredients for any proprietary formulas will be challenging i.e. the Coca-Cola and Kentucky Fried Chicken recipe ingredients….etc…etc.

Below….are links for knowledge consumption

In general

Lipid nanoparticles for mRNA delivery

This one below is interesting as it speaks to the way of elimination of Nanoparticles from the body…..

Elimination Pathways of Nanoparticles

The past few posts have highlighted Tin…..but it’s just one element of other elements of the analyzed normal blood vs fibrous clot, that have increased and decreased quantities.

My gut feeling still leans towards something about the nanotechnology used in the mRNA as being the culprit behind the fibrous clots.

Here’s another interesting notion…..

From my understanding, the mRNA is coded (programmed) to do the delivery. Could the problem be that the program coding got corrupted and buggy reeking havoc and unintentional consequences in the human body? Or intentionally somehow got re-programmed coded for malevolent means and or human experimental means. Just a thought…….

edit on 27-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 12:03 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

From my understanding, the mRNA is coded (programmed) to do the delivery. Could the problem be that the program coding got corrupted and buggy? Or intentionally somehow got re-programmed?

The "programming" label is a bit misleading, if accurate. In its most basic form, programming refers to a set of instructions encoded somehow. That's how a computer works: the instructions are binary coded commands in the computer memory that tell the computer what to do next. Computer programs are very fleeting... they can be changed at any time. I can be reading ATS in the Firefox program one minute, then the next minute be updating a spreadsheet in Excel.

Realize, though, that my computer cannot be programmed to drive a nail with a hammer. That is simply beyond its capability.

mRNA works similarly: the mRNA molecule is itself a set of instructions for the cellular mitochondria to produce proteins from amino acids and chemicals that exist within the cell. The actual protein itself can be almost anything as long as the elements needed to produce that protein exist within the cell. Under normal circumstances, sections of the DNA are activated, creating an mRNA molecule that causes the mitochondria to produce the needed protein. This way the cell can produce whatever protein it needs when it needs it.

What it cannot do is make a molecule that contains elements that it does not have access to... like tin. Just like my computer cannot be programmed to drive a nail with a hammer (it does not have that physical ability), so cellular mitochondria cannot create any molecule if it does not have the needed elements. All of the proteins normally needed for protein creation exist in the cellular contents, so that is normally not a problem.

If the needed element is tin, then that can be a big problem. Tin only exists in trace amounts in the body. That's why I picked up on it. Phosphorous is also elevated in the fibers, but phosphorous does exist in small amounts inside the cells. It would be hard to pin down a source for where phosphorous came from. Tin is different. Tin can barely be absorbed through digestion, so any large amount must have gotten into the bloodstream another way. Tin is also an element; it is not possible to make tin by combining anything else. Creation of tin is a nuclear process, not a chemical one.

The programming you are referring to cannot be changed on the fly. The mRNA molecule itself is the programming. In order to change the programming, one must change the molecule.


posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

The difference between vaccinated blood and unvaccinated blood is that the vaccinated blood shows clumping and badly formed red blood cells. So something in the vaccination is causing theoretically the iron in the blood to polarise, my cousin's iron levels plummeted after the jab, and she had to go on iron tablets. The clumping in the small arterioles is happening in the brain and heart. Which is dropping the efficiency of the organs. The healthy cells end up dying because of a lack of nutrients. So basically they are now waste which has to be removed, so perhaps these fibrous clots are waste products just clumping and filling up the artery or vein as the body has no means left to handle the die-off, simply because the type two phagocytes are diminished.

posted on Nov, 27 2022 @ 08:20 PM
For documenting sakes….I’ve added to the Clot Analysis ….the percentages of increases and decreases to the table of elements …..

edit on 27-11-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

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