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Parents May Face Felony ‘Child Abuse’ Charges for Disagreeing With Kids’ Gender Identity

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+4 more 
posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:36 AM
So, the Democrat Progressive's new plan, Throw YOU in jail and give you a felony record if you do not allow the activist teachers, activist councilors, and LBGT groups in the schools to persuade and convert your child. That's right. If they persuade your kid to identify as something and you resist or refuse to allow your 8 year old to control your speech and parenting rights then YOU will have the hammer of the state come down on you.

They lust to have the power to indoctrinate your children and spread their tyranny into your entire household and family.

This is where we are going. It is time to take a stand.

Groomers are using the power of government and law to shut you up and force you to stay inline. This is like a religious cult legalized.

Leftist have been screaming about a "Theocracy" for decades. Now we are getting it through you while you cheer as you enforce your sick morality religious practices and doctrine on everyone else through force. If you blaspheme or commit heresy against the LGBT+ doctrine or commandments, you will pay the price.

Heretics will be punished. You will submit... or else.

Va. parents could face abuse charges for not affirming their LGBTQ child under new bill


Virginia parents could face a felony or misdemeanor charge if they do not affirm their child’s sexual orientation and gender identity, according to a state lawmaker with plans to introduce the legislation in Virginia's upcoming legislative session.

Her bill would expand the state’s definition of child abuse and neglect to include parents who do not affirm their child’s gender identity or sexual orientation.

“If the child shares with those mandated reporters, what they are going through, we are talking about not only physical abuse or mental abuse, what the job of that mandated reporter is to inform Child Protective Services (CPS),” Guzman told 7News. “And then that's how everybody gets involved. There's also an investigation in place that is not only from a social worker but there's also a police investigation before we make the decision that there is going to be a CPS charge.”

“As shocking and evil as this is, it is not surprising,” Ian Prior, executive director of Fight for Schools, told The Daily Signal on Friday. “Schools in Virginia are keeping parents out of the loop when their children tell staff that they … identify as a different sex. The very reason schools are doing this is because they believe that parents’ failure to affirm is ‘abuse.’”

“Guzman’s bill is a natural progression from what the woke Left is pushing,” Prior warned. “But make no mistake: They will lose this fight. Politicians that push it will be defeated. Organizations that try to separate children from caring parents will be prosecuted and sued. The sick and twisted agenda of these activists will be a relic of the past. And they will join the ranks of history’s villains.”

“Delegate Guzman’s proposed policy is breathtakingly audacious—and unconstitutional,” Nicole Neily, president and founder of Parents Defending Education, told The Daily Signal. “Sadly, she is well within the mainstream of her profession on this issue—which has been a concern of parents across the country, who have watched the actions of school counselors and psychologists with growing alarm.”

Neily added: “Parents have a clearly established right to direct the upbringing of their children—and should this appalling policy be codified into law, it will be challenged in court immediately.”

'Utterly horrifying': Virginia Democrat ripped for plan to criminalize parents opposed to gender transitions

"Democrats’ message for Virginia is clear: embrace far-left gender theory or they will take your kids away from you."

News Video Here:

Utterly horrifying.

These zealots think they are your children’s parents, and they’ll put you in jail if you disagree.

edit on 15-10-2022 by infolurker because: (no reason given)

+1 more 
posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:41 AM
as with any great performance, there must be a crescendo, an apex, the stunning conclusion. I believe this is it for clown world. "People" will eventually realize that anyone who thinks like this, is mentally ill, and should be institutionalized rather than applauded. No, parents who keep their kids from making the dumbest mistake of their lives don't need to go to jail, they need to be applauded for caring enough to stop this lunacy.

When you are grown, play dress up and lop off your body parts, but when you are a kid, be a kid, grow, learn, evolve.

And take off that stupid red nose.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: infolurker

A law should be immediately put into effect - a child cannot possibly have the life experience to know exactly who or what they are, and upon reaching the age of 18, they can then be allowed to decide if they are male, female or whatever.
And if I had young children I would enroll them into a first rate private school, away from all this locker room nonsense, because that's what it is.
Putting ideas into impressionable children's minds should be the crime, not trying to protect them from these pervs.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:46 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Like Godsovein stated in another thread:

"groom the masses into developing each individual proper Personality Disorders.

That's the broader picture to this whole groom kids into being 'gay', to use one simple word for it. Where the mechanism therein is, to sexualize them. Them, including kindergartners."

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: network dude
as with any great performance, there must be a crescendo, an apex, the stunning conclusion. I believe this is it for clown world. "People" will eventually realize that anyone who thinks like this, is mentally ill, and should be institutionalized rather than applauded. No, parents who keep their kids from making the dumbest mistake of their lives don't need to go to jail, they need to be applauded for caring enough to stop this lunacy.

When you are grown, play dress up and lop off your body parts, but when you are a kid, be a kid, grow, learn, evolve.

And take off that stupid red nose.

I think this train of thought only works for logical people. As we have seen, there is nothing logical about the sexuality religious zealots which are now numerous in our society, especially in the educational and healthcare sectors. They are entrenched and embedded.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:48 AM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
a reply to: infolurker

A law should be immediately put into effect - a child cannot possibly have the life experience to know exactly who or what they are, and upon reaching the age of 18, they can then be allowed to decide if they are male, female or whatever.
And if I had young children I would enroll them into a first rate private school, away from all this locker room nonsense, because that's what it is.
Putting ideas into impressionable children's minds should be the crime, not trying to protect them from these pervs.

Ummm, NO.

Normal, non-mental cases children KNOW they are boys and girls, when not groomed by perverts.

That law of your should apply only when they want to change gender, and then only after counselling by NORMAL people.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:49 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Yeah this is beyond the pale.
Leftist mental illness fantasy island is encroaching on the normal world and it needs to be #ing stopped ASAP.

(post by PurpleFox removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
a reply to: infolurker

A law should be immediately put into effect - a child cannot possibly have the life experience to know exactly who or what they are, and upon reaching the age of 18, they can then be allowed to decide if they are male, female or whatever.
And if I had young children I would enroll them into a first rate private school, away from all this locker room nonsense, because that's what it is.
Putting ideas into impressionable children's minds should be the crime, not trying to protect them from these pervs.

Ummm, NO.

Normal, non-mental cases children KNOW they are boys and girls, when not groomed by perverts.

That law of your should apply only when they want to change gender, and then only after counselling by NORMAL people.

Ummmm, what did you think I was saying??
Children should not even have to hear any of this nonsense.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 11:56 AM
Whatever happened to going outside to play hopscotch, pin-the-tail on the donkey, volleyball, jax, soccer -
now these poor kids have to hear about gender confusion, bi, gay, male, female, whatever?

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: infolurker

Their Defense should be what it says on the Kids Birth Certificate . Case Dismissed .

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:05 PM

originally posted by: RonnieJersey

originally posted by: M5xaz

originally posted by: RonnieJersey
a reply to: infolurker

A law should be immediately put into effect - a child cannot possibly have the life experience to know exactly who or what they are, and upon reaching the age of 18, they can then be allowed to decide if they are male, female or whatever.
And if I had young children I would enroll them into a first rate private school, away from all this locker room nonsense, because that's what it is.
Putting ideas into impressionable children's minds should be the crime, not trying to protect them from these pervs.

Ummm, NO.

Normal, non-mental cases children KNOW they are boys and girls, when not groomed by perverts.

That law of your should apply only when they want to change gender, and then only after counselling by NORMAL people.

Ummmm, what did you think I was saying??
Children should not even have to hear any of this nonsense.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:22 PM
We went through this exact same thing with gay kids.

They couldn't be out at home.

Their sanctuary was school and acceptance by their teachers and peers.

We never seem to learn anything.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:27 PM
a reply to: infolurker

You do realize, I hope, that parents have alternatives to government schools? They get nailed on this, its on them for poor planning. Bottom line is, don't have kids you can't afford to educate.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:31 PM
The inmates really are running the asylum.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:36 PM
Sane people know this is all BS and is rightfully being pushed back on !

On a more practical note, for parents whose kids have fallen prey to this ‘Fad” and are just simply rebelling, as most kids do, maybe use their silly pronouns. Now, hear me out, lol, the stipulation would be, “ you’re free to explore these feelings and figure them out, BUT absolutely NO puberty blockers or surgeries until you’re an adult ! Explain the risks and research with your kids. Explain to them it’s your duty to keep them safe and healthy and the reasons for your concerns, followed by I Love You enough to be the bad guy if need be.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Sane people know this is all BS and is rightfully being pushed back on !

On a more practical note, for parents whose kids have fallen prey to this ‘Fad” and are just simply rebelling, as most kids do, maybe use their silly pronouns. Now, hear me out, lol, the stipulation would be, “ you’re free to explore these feelings and figure them out, BUT absolutely NO puberty blockers or surgeries until you’re an adult ! Explain the risks and research with your kids. Explain to them it’s your duty to keep them safe and healthy and the reasons for your concerns, followed by I Love You enough to be the bad guy if need be.

That's what a parent is supposed to do, so yes!

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 01:02 PM
a reply to: infolurker

No way that Bill passes.

Looks to me like the leftists are shooting themselves in the foot here.

If this doesn't motivate Virginians to get to the polls and vote these psychopaths out, nothing will.

+2 more 
posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 01:19 PM
a reply to: Annee

gay kids.

Kids do NOT have a concept for sexuality. No matter how hard you try and want this to be to justify your lala world.

posted on Oct, 15 2022 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: TonyS

These schools are public and state run, by taxes. Are you out of your mind to suggest that it's the parents fault because they use what they pay for?

This is the argument you bring up to justify? "Send your kids to private schools instead" Weak.

And don't say now that public schools are bad anyways, that's just moving the goal posts.

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