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Did Hynek & Vallée Play a Part in Driving Paul Bennewitz Insane?

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posted on Oct, 6 2022 @ 09:45 AM
a reply to: Caver78

The catch-22 is that the thing that wants to discover something doesn’t have the capacity to do it: human nature as it is.
So, there’s only one solution to that dilemma which will remain form me---unspoken.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 05:29 AM
a reply to: Caver78

...The only way out of this UFO Groundhog Day is to start digging from a different starting/data point. Every time we look back thru Ufology's history it ends up being a epic circle jerk an we end up back at He Said/She said ,still knowing squat for all the time & effort...

Yes. What seems to have happened to ufology over 70 years is that it has been hijacked by numerous other self interested groups.

So what was once "the study of unidentified flying objects" has become a confusing mix of fringe beliefs. New Agers, cultists, occultists, fantasists, psychedelic shaman, hucksters, grifters and mentally ill people.

In the recent past a buzz word "consciousness" has now become the trend. Yet we don't even understand "consciousness" fully enough to proclaim how it causes UFOs to appear in the skies or crash to Earth.

The result is a mess. One most academics and serious science chooses to snub. Especially when they are attacked with vitriol by blind believers for daring to challenge their precious beliefs with hard facts.

....As much as I'd love to take the easy way out drinking the current Kool-aide it bothers me there is something going on all pervasive enough to keep ALL People across the board clinging to secrecy...

Information is power. There's no law preventing people telling you there are aliens. But there are laws against revealing national secrets. We have a culture of concealing what governments know and also what governments don't know. But even individuals like to play these power games too. Using inference, that then becomes speculation and imagination.

I don't have an answer for how ufology (whatever it actually is these days) can move forward. But I've always maintained that every case should be taken on its own merits instead of a nebulous, superficial approach to explain the topic overall.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: mirageman

So what was once "the study of unidentified flying objects" has become a confusing mix of fringe beliefs. New Agers, cultists, occultists, fantasists, psychedelic shaman, hucksters, grifters and mentally ill people.

This is a no-brainer, though.
It’s the nature of the beast. Look at how religion has become sect-filled cultlike madness, and even the conventional religions have bred utter lunacy over the ages. And, of course, the craziness of politics. What could we expect anything different from UFOlogy and that phenomenon not also bringing out the crazies, frauds, cults, and the like?

But just like religion and politics has sober, honest, and sincere people, ufology has honest, more sober people.

posted on Oct, 7 2022 @ 11:31 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

……..”The problem holding everything up thus far is that Homo sapiens is an innately dysfunctional species.”……..

Source: We recommend “The Meaning of Human Existence”, de Edward O. Wilson


posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 06:21 AM
To bring this all back to the main topic of the thread before it disappears into the bowels of ATS for good.

One of the original threads referenced in the OP made some alarming but unsubstantiated claims....

Wendelle Stevens wrote this as a forward for a book of his published in 2006.

...Paul Bennewitz was arrested on rather ridiculous charges, referred for psychiatry treatment, unnecessarily, but to intimidate him, was found perfectly sane then released...He was later rearrested again and referred for treatment again, until they could make a case that they began to treat him for aberrations, and finally with electric shock treatments so as to derange his memory so that he could no longer recall what he had seen.

Wendelle Stevens was convicted on multiple accounts of child molestation, furnishing obscene or harmful items to minors and charges relating to illicit films and pictures of minors. Hardly someone I'd consider trustworty and upstanding.

....I would like to describe some of the ways disinformation has played into this affair. The true investigation of Paul Bennewitz was of an alien invasion and base location in northern New Mexico that provided all of the furnishings for alien creatures to produce their hyrbids and take earth life elsewhere throughout the universe.

Those in the Air Force and counterintelligence (CIA,NSA) worked extremely hard to provide a story told to the public of Dr. Paul Bennewitz who founded Thunder Scientific Corporation in 1966. They hired people who don't seem like agents and recruited them to be 'disinformation agents' ... They placed real agents in the house next to Bennewitz in order to suggest to the public that his UFO electronic transmissions ...were coming from the agents.

You will hear disinfo today stating that Hynek helped with the transmissions but the truth is that Hynek and Bennewitz saw a UFO together in Paul's backyard, then Hynek told Bennewitz the truth regarding abductions and that he was still a cover for the government, ...

They were truly successful, all the hard intelligent work payed off - the whole world thinks exactly want the government wanted them to think when they started everything in September of 1980. Why would Bennewitz even care that everyone turned their back on him, his proceedings in getting to know the aliens lead him to being an actual abductee himself. The security commander who saw the proof was promoted and shipped off to Germany, not before he aided in talking to the Air Force headquarters in Washington on Paul's behalf, and 'blew up' at them when they lied over it and gave Paul the cold shoulder. One lie after another, still being continued to this day.....

The above sounds like yet more 'hearsay' and obfuscation. Beyond Bill Moore's claims. Although the meddling of the IC was exposed in the PB case we have only really seen the tip of the iceberg.

edit on 8/10/2022 by mirageman because: ...

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 06:29 AM
a reply to: mirageman

And this .

Guess there's a special place in hell for some.

posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

Years from now, that list of deviants would probably be updated with members of the current crop of UFOtainers whose skeletons in their closets will emerge.


posted on Oct, 8 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: Baablacksheep

I'm sure when the ET empire takes over, these types will be severely dealt with, along with many characters wearing red hats!

posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 09:33 AM
For me… closing out…..if the expectation is that some day anyone of these people below will be charged in the complicity, or contribution to the demise of Bennewitz …..imo….it ain’t gonna happen.


posted on Oct, 10 2022 @ 10:16 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Not going to happen .

Here's a very long article re Vallee.

edit on 10-10-2022 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 07:15 PM
I got a hold of the mccampbell and bennewitz interview, but i was fortunate enough to come across a cache of bennewitz material and one letter in particular has something interesting compared to another photo that I cannot say for sure whether its grom Paul or not. If it is then I can only imagine what other photos would show, but if its not it looks similar and i would like to know if anyone else has seen it. It won't let me upload from my phone so will have to do it from the laptop. If anybody has any bennewitz material I'd love to see it if possible.

posted on Nov, 25 2022 @ 08:07 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:48 AM

originally posted by: mirageman
a reply to: Caver78

What happened back in the 80s and 90s (at least Stateside) was a complete change in ufology. Towards a more sinister narrative of abductions, underground bases, MJ12 and the re-invention of Roswell. Mainly by a small group of people.

Doty, conned Linda Moulton Howe around the same time he was manipulating Bennewitz. But instead of realizing it and cutting her losses, she joined forces with him to become a muck spreader and make $$$. Even stealing art work and stamping her own copyright on it!!! (Yes I can prove it).

We also had the madness of John Lear, and his BS. He always sounded insane to me. But is for some reason revered for his wild stories. Or Knapp, who cultivated the "I bleev Bob Lazar" crowd. Then the Bigelow mob arrived and a generation later TTSA, Tom and Zondo appeared. The links between them all are close and the mythology they created still lingers. Because they are still pushing it and people continue to want to believe it.

But they've proved nothing.

These are great points. Especially that the nature of UFO studies and research took a decidedly more ominous, sinister turn around the early 80's. And that's also when you started getting the really crazy theories. Everything from abductions, cattle mutilation, and convoluted alliances between government and various alien entities. Wilder, bigger, grander. Compare this to the 50's and 60's when contactees and UFO cults were all the rage. While the stories and claims from the contactees were laughably nutty, they were also relatively benign. Just messages from "Venusians" and "Saturnians" warning humanity that nukes are bad, and we should just all get alone and form drum circles instead to ascend or whatever. Typical mystical hippie BS just being recycled from earlier mysticism movements. Goofy fantastical crap, but generally, more benign and organic in scope. And then you had the more grounded beliefs of normal researchers who believed that while the government knew about the existence of UFOs, they denied and ignored them because of fear of potential societal disruption and chaos, as well as national security implications. But that was about as far as they went.

Fast forward to the 80's. Suddenly, the picture not only changes, it gets darker and more convoluted. This is where we go from hippie aliens inviting contactees to cosmic enlightenment and free trips to Jupiter, to sinister, inhuman aliens abducting unwitting people, performing creepy and disturbing reproductive experiments on them, screwing with their minds and memories, mutilating cattle, and creating hybrids to colonize the earth and replace humans. Not only did the government know about aliens, they were in cahoots with them. We were reverse engineering their technology, and letting them experiment on people in exchange.

This change in tone seems to center around Bill Moore and associates. And then the other kooks came along. Lazar. Leer. Greer. And others. And then the narrative started going everywhere.

I used to have a much deeper interest in UFOs, and read almost every worthwhile book on the subject. I did not realize Hynek was involved in the Bennewitz affair. And Vallee's suspicions on the matter shed some light on some other issues.

Great thread.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

hese are great points. Especially that the nature of UFO studies and research took a decidedly more ominous, sinister turn around the early 80's. And that's also when you started getting the really crazy theories. Everything from abductions, cattle mutilation, and convoluted alliances between government and various alien entities. Wilder, bigger, grander. Compare this to the 50's and 60's when contactees and UFO cults were all the rage. While the stories and claims from the contactees were laughably nutty, they were also relatively benign. Just messages from "Venusians" and "Saturnians" warning humanity that nukes are bad, and we should just all get alone and form drum circles instead to ascend or whatever. Typical mystical hippie BS just being recycled from earlier mysticism movements. Goofy fantastical crap, but generally, more benign and organic in scope. And then you had the more grounded beliefs of normal researchers who believed that while the government knew about the existence of UFOs, they denied and ignored them because of fear of potential societal disruption and chaos, as well as national security implications. But that was about as far as they went.

Fast forward to the 80's. Suddenly, the picture not only changes, it gets darker and more convoluted. This is where we go from hippie aliens inviting contactees to cosmic enlightenment and free trips to Jupiter, to sinister, inhuman aliens abducting unwitting people, performing creepy and disturbing reproductive experiments on them, screwing with their minds and memories, mutilating cattle, and creating hybrids to colonize the earth and replace humans. Not only did the government know about aliens, they were in cahoots with them. We were reverse engineering their technology, and letting them experiment on people in exchange.

This change in tone seems to center around Bill Moore and associates. And then the other kooks came along. Lazar. Leer. Greer. And others. And then the narrative started going everywhere.

I used to have a much deeper interest in UFOs, and read almost every worthwhile book on the subject. I did not realize Hynek was involved in the Bennewitz affair. And Vallee's suspicions on the matter shed some light on some other issues.

That is a very astute observation.

Indeed, the late 70s and early 80s is when the government disinformation squad was turned loose on ufology. Something the Air force and CIA particularly hated.

It all started decades earlier in the 1953 Robertson propaganda CIA panel's FAKE ufo investigation, where they recommended, through the control of that panel's CIA bosses, the direct debunking and control and surveillance of ufo organizations and the control of the public view of ufos.

It didn't work too well, so they updated this in the 70s and 80s and brought us into the bizarre ufo era started by the AFOSI through the Doty/Moore scam on Benewtiz, which opened up the pandora's box of ufo lunacy.

So we know these two: CIA and AF intelligence( AFOSI) were behind all of this in those years and still today, no doubt.

This is a plot all to make it look ridiculous and turn people off at the expense of creating a field of ufo madness on the MKultra type of psychological harm as typified in Bennewitz.

There without a doubt, were very sinister acts they did we'll never know about in the 60s and 70s.

ALL OF THIS should come out in any congressional investigation, and some should be called to account for their actions. But of course, that won't happen.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:46 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

The good ol' Robertson panel. It always comes back to that. People forget how significant that whole affair was. It marked the government going from a "lets try to ignore the subject" to an actively antagonism and direct disinformation/misdirection. Which is not really a stretch for them, considering the panel was held the same year the CIA started MKUltra. The tactics used against the UFO community are eerily similar to the ones developed and used by MKUltra.

Unfortunately, as far as accountability goes, everyone involved in the Robertson panel is likely already dead, or close to it, and those involved in the Bennewitz affair are already old people.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 07:33 PM
a reply to: Skadi_the_Evil_Elf

You’re right… I really didn’t mean it as a revenge thing, but the nation should know what they did, just like other past crimes that are worse than ufo coverups.

posted on Nov, 30 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Eventually we will. Like, as soon as everyone involved is dead. Because that's how they usually work.

But given that the government has been outed for far worse crimes (MKUltra, Tuskegee, COINTELLIPRO, ect) it's not going to shock anyone, or blow anyone's mind. Driving a mentally unstable man to suicide is potatoes compared to some of the other crap the government is involved in.

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