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Did Hynek & Vallée Play a Part in Driving Paul Bennewitz Insane?

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posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 01:36 AM
a reply to: Direne

Raël has an established reliigon. Of course, it is way out there, but he didn't go too far off the deep end of a suicide or murder cult.

Yeah, Vallee does somewhat support the ID theory, I believe. He definitely doesn't buy the ET thing anymore.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 04:06 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
For what it’s worth……

Source: Friday, April 29, 2022 Bill Moore and UFO Disinformation Accusations

”…………………..Moore also told Bishop about Jacques Vallee being involved (possibly designing the alien decoder computer program). However, out of his veneration of Vallee, Bishop chose to not to publish that accusation. The book contained no mention of Vallee, except for citing Messengers of Deception in the bibliography.”…

Yes this was linked in the OP. Glad you took the time to read over it. Curt went into a lot of detail there. All roads appear to lead back to Bill Moore when it comes to Hynek and Vallee's involvement.

Bishop was fine including the accusation against Hynek, but lacked the testicular fortitude to include Vallee in his books. Why? Probably because Vallee was and is still alive.

Yet no one seems to want to ask him about Moore's assertions while he's still alive.

What was 'Frere Jacques' involvement in the Bennewitz case?

Additionally, no one appears to have asked him what he was doing when negotiating a contract with MUFON on behalf of BAASS [Bigelow] as part of AAWSAP back in 2009.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 04:39 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Further exploration of that document [p26 of the pdf and 115 on the document itself] also reveals....

...Regarding the Paul Bennewitz affair, NASA was actively watching him and monitoring activities. (Refer to Jim Lorenzen of APRO for more detail on this.) Apparently Bennewitz is on to something but doesn’t realize it. Bennewitz was gullible, and they discredited and neutralized him by feeding him disinformation and letting him hang himself with it. He never did know what it was he was on to, and neither do I. NASA got copies of all his photos and much of his instrument data. Doty has urged me on a couple of occasions to get in touch with Bennewitz, but I have resisted this. Documents and communications regarding this case are classified Top Secret. I have seen one...

So we have the Air Force involved in feeding Paul false information, the NSA over the street from his house monitoring and possibly beaming signals into his home and NASA watching him too. That's a lot of alphabet soup being brought to heat.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 09:53 AM
a reply to: mirageman

So we have the Air Force involved in feeding Paul false information, the NSA over the street from his house monitoring and possibly beaming signals into his home and NASA watching him too. That's a lot of alphabet soup being brought to heat.

Yeah, at that point, he was like a caged animal.

I hope this is a lesson to ALL ufologists.

Do NOT ever go to the government for anything related to this ufo mess.

The UFO syndrome often casts spells on ufo buffs who turn into Don Quixote warriors who want to take out---as Bennewitz, called them---the alien.

The alien always wins, particularly when he's not even there.

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:17 PM
Another issue regarding this is what happened to Myrna Hansen. I’ve looked into it a bit but found nothing on her, but a few comments when I googled her, one about she renounced the story or something like that.
Does anyone have any info on what became of her and her story, the very thing or one of the turning points in this Bennewitz saga?

Main watershed events in the Bennewitz story:
Bennewitz, I refer to as PB from now on

1-PB investigating cattle mutilations. He went to a cattle mutilation event in 1979 and believed The Alien was responsible. Also, then he interfaced with Gabriel Valdez, who subsequently got in touch with him during the Myrna Hansen event.

2-Seeing strange lights and vehicles at Kirtland base in September 1979 and started taking pictures and film of them

3-The Myrna Hanson abduction period—related to cattle mutilations. Here PB started to really get paranoid over the Hansen alien abduction experience and her hypnosis. Leo Sprinkle tells of PBs growing fear about the Alien attacks on him. Sprinkle recalls PB uttering: “…the aliens can come swarming over the walls and attack at any minute…threatening his family and Myrna Hansen….”

4-PB going to the AF base to report his “findings.”

5-briefing of Kirtland officials in November 1980

6-Contact with William Moore in 1981

...From there, it went only downhill

What I'm trying to really get at is the possibility of knowing exactly when the IC started working on him.

Though the proof indicates this all started when Doty got involved, IMO we can't eliminate anything, even the remote possibility that PB was guided even back to the Myrna Hansen incident on this train of deception.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 04:03 AM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

The original AFOSI papers were released via FOI here : Link

Nothing about Hansen. But two Senators were also poking ttheir nose in wondering what AFOSI were doing about what looked like a breach in security on the base. And Mr. Doty was right in the middle of it all.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:25 AM
a reply to: mirageman

A pity you did not go to Blackpool MM. You could have confronted the old boy.

You could go to Manchester in October though.

edit on 26-9-2022 by Baablacksheep because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 09:50 AM
a reply to: mirageman

It’s odd she just dropped off the map. No word from Sprinkle or the other hypnotist who treated her for PB.
Many times, not all of them, such folks get into the ufo circuit. Maybe the lady, if this was legit, just wanted to get away from it all.
I guess we’ll never know everything about this affair.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

It would appear that Hansen did just drop off the map. Chris Lanbright hints, without saying, that she was another cog in the machine to target Paul.

...To my understanding, it was through contact with one of the law enforcement agencies in northern New Mexico that she [Hansen] was referred to Officer Gabe Valdez, the same State Police officer Paul had met in mid-1979. Valdez, knowing of Paul's interest in that area, referred her to Paul. As anyone might have guessed, at that point Paul brought her straight to Albuquerque where she reportedly spent some time in his home. On the surface it seems purely circumstantial, and perhaps it was, but the fact is that she appeared at the perfect time and with a story perfectly framed to bolster—and amplify—Paul's beliefs about aliens on the Archuleta Mesa. It is, in my opinion, a thought provoking coincidence, to say the least.

Paul had been near the Archuleta Mesa several times, a fact that was not necessarily a secret. But after meeting Myrna Hansen and hearing her story, the Archuleta Mesa was back on the front burner, with ideas of an underground base Her description of an underground facility with vats containing bodies or body parts, a description only elicited under hypnotic regression, would be played up by others in years to come. Her story diverted Paul's attention back to that area and, along with the Air Force helicopter flights he would be treated to later, drove home the idea that there really was an underground base. beginning to flourish.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 02:17 PM
That’s what I was ruminating over, whether she was part of the op.
And on that site, you linked too, or maybe another one, I don’t recall just now. It was said that AFOSI was at the cattle mutilation conference before all of this started, and there sized PB up.

Not a lot of proof, but it fits.

Most likely, the lady just got in the wind after dealing with PB's odd actions, that is, if she had some kind of experience or was just delusional.

posted on Sep, 27 2022 @ 03:38 PM
Isn’t Paul Bennewitz considered the father of the Tin Foil Hat?

He was spooked enough to want to metal shield Myrna Hansen from having the Aliens beam into her head while doing hypnosis sessions with Sprinkle.

edit on 27-9-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:22 AM

originally posted by: Ophiuchus1
He was spooked enough to want to metal shield Myrna Hansen from having the Aliens beam into her head while doing hypnosis sessions with Sprinkle.

The Sprinkle connection is one reason why I wonder if two operations crossed over in Bennewitz. Or maybe split off is more like it when Bennewitz started recording tests at Kirtland.

If memory serves, Sprinkle and associates have been associated with IC shenanigans along the littered highway of the ufological past. That whole hypnotism angle is a larger subject than just false memories. Or, rather, one man's false memories are another man's psychological weapon.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 12:43 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Does a tin-foil hat protect you against inter-dimensional beings? What does Vallee says about it?

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: The GUT

Funny….when I first saw your post ….. I was in the middle of listening to a podcast featuring Sprinkle.

As I listen to the entire interview, Sprinkle doesn’t come across as possibly part of the IC community, in his tone of voice. He comes across as a humble person. Below is the interview. It starts at min 00:20:00 into the vid. He speaks of an assortment of things …. abductions, hypnosis, free energy, and other topics. Never does he speak or is questioned about Bennewitz or Hansen (if he did, I didn’t catch it) …. An interesting man with points of views nevertheless.

It’s my understanding that Sprinkle walked away from continued hypnosis sessions with Hansen because of Bennewitz’s craziness. I don’t think an IC person would do that if the goal of the AFOSI and others, was to continue feeding nutz to Bennewitz turning him into a nut.

edit on 28-9-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 10:11 AM

originally posted by: Direne
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Does a tin-foil hat protect you against inter-dimensional beings? What does Vallee says about it?

I don’t think PB was into ID theory. At that time, it wasn’t that popular yet. PB was into, as he put it: The Alien—plural.
I think Vallee speaks on this subject but not about his potential involvement in it.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

According to Project Beta, he didn't walk away from it. PB, at one point, didn't want him anymore, so he went to another more believing hypnotist.

posted on Sep, 28 2022 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Thanks for an alternate view, I'll check it out. Admittedly, I'm going off some rusty memories and well could be off base.

However, wittingly or unwittingly I believe Sprinkle was used in the past. I'll try and find the reference or debunk my own memory.

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 04:09 AM
I doubt we'll ever get to the full truth of what happened in the PB case. There had been rumours going back decades with alphabet agents infiltrating UFO groups [sometimes overtly], or meddling with contactees going back decades. Perhaps even in early abduction cases too.

But the PB case is one of those rare moments when the IC shenanigans in the UFO topic were exposed directly. One man appears to have been in the middle of it all.

As the story goes he left the Air Force after demotion in the late 80s and found a job as a police officer. But then He rears his ugly head again in the 2000s, neck deep in the SERPO hoax with some fluttering friends. One or more never seem far away from this business. As we know, they were also involved in AAWSAP shenanigans and then the TTSA fiasco and fallout. This may just be their last desperate push before they slip away for good. Who knows?

They appear to be both manipulators and manipulated themselves. Leaving things as ambiguous as they ever were.

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: mirageman

Perhaps there IS a story in what you state……”As the story goes he left the Air Force after demotion in the late 80s and found a job as a police officer.”…..

What was the cause(s) of his demotion?

Was there an internal investigation on him on how he treated Bennewitz and perhaps finding that Doty went far and beyond and maybe a little bit rogue on his methods used? Eventually contributing to driving Bennewitz insane?


Doty has said ….. on a personal basis, he was getting to, and liked Bennewitz. Perhaps Doty started to, or felt sorry for Bennewitz and was starting to resist doing the bidding of the AFOIC …..meaning starting to go against the orders he was given in handling Bennewitz?

In any event, internal documents and details of Doty’s Demotion may never be known and or denied in a FOIA request.


Btw……where’s is there any PROOF, suicidal or otherwise, of what Bennewitz died of? An autopsy report?

If a person is insane and in an institution….. being insane is not a physical cause of death, unless the insanity causes a suicidal act. An insane person would usually die of old age and natural causes, or accidental.

Did Doty or others (IC personal) have visitation rights or special or covert access to Bennewitz while in the institution?

I’m reminded of the suspected murder called a suicide of Forrestal while he was in a hospital. The leap or push out of the window incident. Emphasis on murder…….not that Bennewitz went out of a window too.

There are other devious ways to murder.

edit on 29-9-2022 by Ophiuchus1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2022 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: Ophiuchus1

Cant Isaac Koi answer this in some way, he was busy dealing with Doty at one point? I recall bringing this up before. I would think Isaac may know more re the Doty situation than most?

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