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400 Doctors from 34 Countries Declare “International Medical Crisis” Due To C-19 Vaccines

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posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

20-40% rise in non-COVID mortality across the entire highly vaccinated Western world

As per the sources in my previous post on this subject. Which I know you've seen because you responded, most of those deaths were caused by people with comorbidity and covid, where the comorbidity got them. Most of the rest are caused by rising poverty and this trend started before covid. So it cannot be vax related.

See your own response to my previous comment for links.

So you are willing to say comorbidity is a mitigating factor for vaccine deaths, but for two years you protested constantly that COVID deaths were still valid even when we knew most of them had 3 or more comordbidities? This is the problem with not being honest and not following science. You contradict your own bs all the time.

You can keep ignoring children dying from vaccination and my very simple logical reason for it being true, the same logic Denmark has used to halt vaccinating young people, but it only further weakens your asinine claims it's poverty. They are at virtually no risk of death or serious illness, which are the primary "benefits" officials claim they provide.

Children and adolescents rarely become severely ill from the Omicron variant of covid-19.

From 1 July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first injection and, from 1 September 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.

A very limited number of children at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill will still be offered vaccination based on an individual assessment by a doctor.

Denmark guidelines
Until you can admit that you were wrong, that my logical analysis is correct, and that healthy children should not be getting subjected to life-threatening risks, you have zero credibility and deserve not to be taken seriously. There was never any evidence that children were at any risk of serious illness or death, hence no justification. You supported it, which was excusable when data was less available. It is no longer the case, evidence is plentiful, and you persist in advocating a morally reprehensible vaccine narrative.

originally posted by: Kurokage
a reply to: Ksihkehe

They're no longer filled with data because none of you have anything left except to attack the data that disagrees with what you want to, in spite of a preponderance of evidence, believe is true.

There is anywhere from a 20-40% rise in non-COVID excess mortality across some demographics in much of the heavily vaccinated West. This seems particularly bad in people under 25,

You make comments about no data and at the same time post outlandish claims that 20-40% mortality from the vax' with no data to back it up?!?!

I see AaarghZombies has already answered you so there's no point in reposting any of the data previously posted because I know you wont read it....

I didn't make the claim this was all on the vaccine, that's you making up things to harm my credibility because you have no real evidence that contradicts my statements or provides an explanation for it. I gave you a list of easy to verify information that is found all over the place and can even be derived from direct data. All cause non-COVID mortality is up from 20-40% in multiple demographics across the highly vaccinated West, largely in a demographic (males under 25) that are also at an acknowledged increase risk of adverse COVID vaccine events. Cancers are well above any background increases that can be attributed to delayed treatment. A rational scientist would wish to examine that correlation without the preloaded bias that "it's not the vaccines".

Denying that it's a worthwhile inquiry is not very scientific. Getting pissy when people bring it up doesn't change that it's a dumb position based on false "debunking" absent any other explanation.

You can refute my actual claims and evidence that the officials lied and children are being given a useless therapeutic for no clinical benefit, but as Denmark said above my logic is valid. You do not give children a risky experimental vaccine for no clinical benefit.

As I already stated and you ignored, there are hundreds of millions being spent of spreading the disinformation pushed by authorities. How you find taxpayer funds being used to lie to the public and cover for government failure to properly investigate vaccine safety, somehow, less problematic than a person posting conspiracy on a conspiracy forum is a real baffling mystery. A baffling mystery much like healthy young people dropping dead, which has been reported widely and blamed on ridiculous things like climate change, sex, and stress. You seem to not consider these ridiculous claims as conspiracy in spite of there being no actual evidence these things have caused it. It's a double standard, but worse it's a double standard being applied to people that are not obligated via their employment to uphold the very ethical standards that officials have violated.

We have significant rise in unexplained deaths and you all have no answer except "it can't be the vaccines". Trust "The Science". 95% effective, no serious side effects, cloth masks prevent transmission, social distancing stops the spread, "The Science". All are known lies, admitted to now by the officials that made them.

I don't post Bitchute videos. I don't make claims that can't be easily verified unless I provide the evidence. None of the people still providing vocal support of the pro-vaccine narrative without admitting the egregious violations of basic medical ethics involved in vaccinating children for no benefit are interested in any kind of serious unbiased discussion. It's not science to dismiss very real unexplained jumps in mortality, cancer, and other known side effects of vaccines without proper investigation. Doctors signing their support for investigation are not shills, they're some of the few people willing to risk their careers to bring attention to the gross negligence of the Western medical establishment and it's anti-science authoritarian response to COVID.

If you don't like the threads and don't want to entertain the possibility that the vaccines, with a laundry list of adverse effects ranging from severe immune system dysfunction to death, are a possible cause of at least some of them then don't click the threads.

Just accept that you feel dead kids is an acceptable cost for blindly defending pharma profits and move on with your day. Easy peasy, but don't expect to be taken seriously while you continue to side with the people that advocate for it. It's not a heroic stance to support a socially acceptable narrative that is causing kids to die while their parents are lied to about the risks and benefits.
edit on 9/14/22 by Ksihkehe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:21 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

And they amount to, what 0.0001 percent of relevant people?

Ahhh my favorite form of arrogance.

Exactly what percent of 'relevant people' are expendable for a virus with >99% recovery rate?

Clearly my 44 year old best friend who had a heart attack in his recliner shortly after taking the vaccine was expendable for your sense of safety.

Clearly the 23 year old union worker in my wifes crew who had a stroke while working setup for the Emmys this week was expendable to save your grandma as well.

So please, show some moral fortitude and tell us exactly what percentage of people are expendable for your sense of security?

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:28 PM
a reply to: WhatDoesDJKhalidSay

Welcome to ATS.

We need more "anecdotal evidence" of folk dropping dead of the shots.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: TonyS

Meanwhile there are some here who would dedicate their lives to defending talcum powder as perfectly safe despite the fact its proven to cause ovarian cancer.

They don't know anyone it happened to and it was only a small percentage of 'relevant people' so clearly there is nothing of concern there either. Big pharma would never put a poisonous product on the market.

Doctors would never lie to the public en masse, forget all about the details of the oxy crisis or the 30 years doctors said smoking wasn't harmful. Those things never happened.

When you realize this is their standard for defending big pharma and what they consider safe or who they consider expendable their fervent beliefs make more sense, what still doesn't though is WHY they are so emotionally and physically invested in defending multi billion dollar companies on conspiracy websites. It's about as rational a use of time as it would be showing up at a little girls tea party and demanding she acknowledge the tea isn't real.

A. If the vax were safe, the multi-billion dollar company's wouldn't need these white knights stanning for them on conspiracy sites.

B. If the vaxes aren't safe for a percentage of the population, you're spending all day and night defending the idea people should be forced to play Russian roulette with their lives.

Either one is a brilliant life choice.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:42 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: WhatDoesDJKhalidSay

Welcome to ATS.

We need more "anecdotal evidence" of folk dropping dead of the shots.

I've been around long enough to know I'm not sticking my head in the sand to engage with you on your level.

Cute how you ignored the actual point and focused on the secondary information.
edit on 14-9-2022 by WhatDoesDJKhalidSay because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:44 PM
Shot out to everyone here who could drop dead with the needle still in your arm and would argue with your maker there is no way it was the vax.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:46 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

You're just wasting your time... but very well written none the less.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:51 PM
a reply to: WhatDoesDJKhalidSay

You mean, not engaging with any actual evidence for your claims?

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 04:53 PM
a reply to: WhatDoesDJKhalidSay


Your claim, you prove it.

That's it. Simple.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:02 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 06:28 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: WhatDoesDJKhalidSay


Your claim, you prove it.

That's it. Simple.

Kids are being killed by unnecessary vaccination for COVID and you have no answer for it. Neither you nor any of the people that claim to be representing science can provide one.

You can't provide justification for it, but you refuse to acknowledge it's true because anything that goes against the vaccines is automatically wrongthink.

Until the vaccine supporters can leave their unipolar world where only "vaccine good" is acceptable science you cannot be taken seriously. There is no version of sound science that presupposes one side is correct and argues for it in spite of evidence.

For some reason it's easier for you to ignore dead kids than to admit even a single portion of the vaccine narrative was fraudulently foisted upon innocent children. Like a religious zealot you've somehow tied COVID narratives to your ego, judging anything that challenges it heresy.

It perfectly illustrates for the readers exactly how little any of you care about science or public health. Public health and science do not say you give kids experimental therapeutics for a disease that doesn't present any risks to them. Sound science doesn't ignore basic logic and medical ethics. It's very telling that not a single one will make even a tiny concession.

It is not stubbornness. It is not an opinion. It's willful support of harming children without any pretense of providing a benefit to society. It's disgusting that none of you can even admit this was a mistake even as thousands of professionals, including those on the FDA advisory board, have stated that it's not justified. All this just to avoid admitting you were wrong about one thing on an anonymous Internet forum.

When you're clinking your champagne glasses to cheer victory with "The Science" don't forget to spill a little for the kids that had to die along the way.

posted on Sep, 14 2022 @ 09:19 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Didn't you know? We have to shoot up the kids so the old folks can feel safe.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:14 AM

originally posted by: tacoman101
a reply to: Ksihkehe

...very well written none the less.

(I second that. Very well put and written, Ksihkehe. Cheers.)

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:18 AM

originally posted by: MaxxAction
a reply to: AaarghZombies

I guess in some alternate reality...

that logic pretzel you just set out makes sense.

That rising poverty levels under Obama caused a rise in obesity, drink and drug abuse, and suicide that spilled over into the Trump era?

What about this seems logical to you?

Or do you just hate trump that much that you will ignore the elephant in the room?

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: AutomateThis1v2

Yes, and while you're at it, make men wear condoms so women won't get pregnant, and make sure you check your mirror before reversing.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 06:43 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

So you are willing to say comorbidity is a mitigating factor for vaccine deaths

You clearly didn't read my post.

The deaths are due to a combination of rising poverty rates and people whose comorbidity finished them off after they'd had covid.

It's why the rise in deaths began before covid started.

And... Source for literally everything else you said.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

So you are willing to say comorbidity is a mitigating factor for vaccine deaths

You clearly didn't read my post.

The deaths are due to a combination of rising poverty rates and people whose comorbidity finished them off after they'd had covid.

It's why the rise in deaths began before covid started.

And... Source for literally everything else you said.

Clearly you don't know what "mitigating" or "factor" mean, which both fully recognize your asinine premise on poverty.

Source for everywhat? My only response to you was about the evidence that Denmark applied the same standard I have been using since the start and have explained to you a few dozen times. The link hasn't changed from the last post. Denmark's guidelines for children

Children and adolescents rarely become severely ill from the Omicron variant of covid-19.

From 1 July 2022, it was no longer possible for children and adolescents aged under 18 to get the first injection and, from 1 September 2022, it was no longer possible for them to get the second injection.

A very limited number of children at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill will still be offered vaccination based on an individual assessment by a doctor.

That's the evidence that shows not only do you advocate killing kids for no reason, but you also now know that I'm right about it.

Denmark just exposed the entire scam just by returning to the science, that has remained the same since the start, and posting it publicly. Kids were never at any real risk.

In spite of this direct evidence you continue to argue in bad faith, while ignoring the topic of vaccine safety, in order to disrupt other genuine participants. Do you find it odd that your entire profile is COVID related, your signature, your avatar? When would you say you first became radicalized to believe killing healthy kids wasn't a big deal? Was this clear from when I first told you over a year ago or is this a more recent development after it's been proven with data and a direct quote from a government?

Psychologists are going to study Internet posts from this era trying to figure out how people became so puffed up on media fear campaigns and self-rightous virtue crusades that they became incapable of accepting minor facts. You literally can't acknowledge what a soveriegn nation has said about vaccinating children for COVID. You have have been subliminally castrated by a media narrative and are now incapable of deviating from a unipolar view.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Where was the scam exposed, I must have missed that part of the page??

People aged under 50 are generally not at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill from covid-19. In addition, younger people aged under 50 are well protected against becoming severely ill from covid-19, as a very large number of them have already been vaccinated and have previously been infected with covid-19, and there is consequently good immunity among this part of the population.

A very limited number of children at particularly higher risk of becoming severely ill will still be offered vaccination based on an individual assessment by a doctor.

The site just says people under 50 who have had a jab and covid have a better chance of not getting severely ill if it's caught again.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: HamburgerLady

The rich elite will ultimately replace the middle and lower classes with A.I. that can do what we do but at a blistering fast rate with more efficiency. At least this is the data that is being trickled down to us via youtube mainline/social media IV drip.

Everything except driving the wheels of the economy, which is what gives the rich and powerful their wealth and power.

Unless they can find a way to make an Ai that like to shop on QVC the elite will find out quite quickly that pocket calculators and easy bake oven make good products to sell, but make terrible consumers.

posted on Sep, 15 2022 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

the evidence that shows not only do you advocate killing kids for no reason, but you also now know that I'm right about it

Source for even a single dead child, plus literally everything else you said.

Surely you must be able to find the name of one dead child, just one?

These names must be all over the media due to the outrage that it would cause. What parent wouldn't be hammering on the door to Congress to personally present a petition to end childhood vaxxing.

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