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Embalmers Baffled After Finding Long, Fibrous Clots Inside Corpses

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posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 08:06 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies
What a huge surprise, more nonsense and lies.

How many children do you actually think died from this vax, in the entire world, 100, 1000, 10,000?

Can you name any of them?

No, names are protected health information under HIPAA. If you weren't an ignorant and disingenuous agenda poster you'd not ask that. As far as I'm concerned one child dying for an unnecessary science experiment is too many.

How many is too many? You still haven't given me a number Dr. Mengele.

I'd show you the statistical analysis for the demographic breakdowns and how children fare, but we both know you wouldn't understand it and wouldn't acknowledge it if it disagreed with your script. Statistically children are at an increased risk of mortality after COVID vaccination and at a greater risk of acquiring symptomatic COVID. They are universally at higher risk from the vaccine than they ever were from COVID even without any additional long term effects becoming apparent.

Sources in my signature show the exact opposite,

It's actually pretty pathetic that the entire narrative has moved well beyond this and you're still clinging to this debunked nonsense based on an old study. The only ones still clinging to this are astroturf bots and NPC morons.

It doesn't prevent illness.

It doesn't prevent transmission.

These facts are both widely acknowledged by the officials and experts.

Then there's the demands being made by the teaching unions, who say that unvaccinated chidlren are a danger to their memebers.

Teachers unions making requests is not a scientifically sound reason to give children an experimental therapeutic that can kill them. Trump's White House opinion wasn't a scientifically sound reason either, even when he was actually in office.

It's killing kids for no reason and, like a sociopath, you're asking me to name dead kids and citing year old data to justify it.

I'm not bothering to read your second post. You shouldn't be taken seriously while you continue to support killing kids. It's disgusting indifference to the lives of children without any scientific justification.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

No, names are protected health information under HIPAA. If you weren't an ignorant and disingenuous agenda poster you'd not ask that. As far as I'm concerned one child dying for an unnecessary science experiment is too many.

Not if the parents post them on facebook they're not. If these children are dying, why aren't their parents speaking out?

I'd show you the statistical analysis for the demographic breakdowns and how children fare, but we both know you wouldn't understand it

Given that I'm the one here who posts statistics, you know for a fact that I not only understand them but that I'd see through it if you tried to manipulate the data.

. As far as I'm concerned one child dying for an unnecessary science experiment is too many.

How many have died?

A rough figure will do.

Statistically children are at an increased risk of mortality after COVID vaccination

Of course, you're going to post those stats, right?

It's actually pretty pathetic that the entire narrative has moved well beyond this and you're still clinging to this debunked nonsense based on an old study.

Link to debunk, please.

t doesn't prevent illness.

It doesn't prevent transmission.

These facts are both widely acknowledged by the officials and experts.

No vax does, they simply reduce the risk of infection and the severity of illness.

Teachers unions making requests is not a scientifically sound reason

Never said that it was, which was why I used it as an example of public pressure effecting government policy. Which you should know if you'd read my original comment.

It's killing kids for no reason and, like a sociopath, you're asking me to name dead kids and citing year old data to justify it.

Except that you can't prove that it is killing kids, and the fact that you can't find their names is proof of this. What parent wouldn't post their kids name all over social media if the vax had really killed them.

Can you prove that even one child has died from the vax? Just one. A single child anywhere in the entire world?

Can you demonstrate that a single child who can be shown as having been alive before covid died due to the covid vax?

Now, this isn't me saying that no child has died, or that no child could die, it's me challenging you to demonstrate that one has. Nothing more, nothing less.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 09:40 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

No vax does, they simply reduce the risk of infection and the severity of illness.

Can you post any evidence of that?

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Jesus you're a liar. I'm not posting a bunch of things you're just going to ignore and lie about. I have no intention of trying to convince you of anything because we know that you have vested interests in keeping this charade up. I'm merely ensuring everybody knows you're a fraud and liar with absolutely no intention of engaging in honest discussion.. I'm not answering the entire specious gish gallop, but I will address a few of your lies and contradictions.

No, you wouldn't understand the statistic because you don't even understand the simple logic I've presented to you multiple times. I gave you the statistics on children and COVID a year or more ago and you responded TLDR. You are not the "one" who posts statistics. You're the one that uses old statistics that you like and ignore or disregard any that you don't.

These are the facts one more time. It's a very simple logic problem that requires no complicated reasoning. The standard for approving a therapeutic requires a benefit. In addition to having benefit that benefit must exceed the risk. In the absence of benefit no risk is acceptable. This is the FDA standard that the advisory board rightfully followed when they did not recommend approving the vaccine for healthy kids.

FDA makes its decisions based on its analysis of the benefits and risks for the intended population who will receive the vaccine

1. Healthy children are are at virtually no risk of serious illness or death from COVID.

2. The COVID vaccines do not prevent transmission or illness. For some reason you contradict yourself by first asking me to prove this, but then later claiming that no vaccine does this. Which is it? You're arguing two opposite positions. You want me to provide a link to debunk that it prevents illness and transmission, but you also state later than no vaccine prevents illness or transmission.

Pro tip: It's a lot easier to keep your story straight if you don't just fabricate what sounds good to you. Either way I posted the quote from Dr. Birx and the video is quite easy to find in my last thread, right in the OP.

3. The COVID vaccines provide no benefit to healthy children because they are at virtually no risk of serious illness or death and they provide no benefit to the public at large because they do not prevent transmission.

You still have given me no scientifically sound reason to subject children to a potentially fatal vaccine for no clinical benefit. Public pressure is completely irrelevant and we don't kill kids to appease ignorant beliefs. You can't provide me a single benefit, yet you want children to face potentially fatal adverse events from it and you don't care that parents are not being provided full informed consent. It doesn't matter how many deaths I can prove because one is too many without a benefit. It's basic medical ethics.

Except that you can't prove that it is killing kids, and the fact that you can't find their names is proof of this.

No, that doesn't prove it. This is absurd reasoning that I'd expect from a child. You don't believe VAERS, but you want me to give you news from Facebook posts? Total clownery. We know you're asking for names because you know that VAERS doesn't have them and no studies do either. We also know I don't base anything on Facebook and if you claim to believe I do you're not only lying to me, but to yourself.

No vax does, they simply reduce the risk of infection and the severity of illness.

That's a lie. This is flat out intentional disinformation, willfull attempt at deceit. You're starting to come off as a pathological liar rather than just a regular liar. Earlier in the post you asked me for a link to prove the COVID vaccines don't prevent illness or transmission and now you're saying no vaccine does. Which is it?

Pro tip: Don't LARP as an expert and you won't look like a clown getting caught making contradictory points in the same post.

posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 11:42 AM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: AaarghZombies

No vax does, they simply reduce the risk of infection and the severity of illness.

Can you post any evidence of that?

Do you want a general statement, or an individual link for every vaccine ever made?

Generally speaking, the benchmark that any vax is expected to reach is 80 percent. Anything above that is considered to be a bonus. But you already know this as it was mentioned many many times in Trumps Whitehouse briefings.

Here's some sources Find one that floats your boat


posted on Sep, 11 2022 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I'm not posting a bunch of things you're just going to ignore and lie about.

Or anything with any sources, apparently.

, you wouldn't understand the statistic because you don't even understand the simple logic I've presented to you multiple times.

I explained why you were mistaken, which is why you've stopped posting things that I can fact check you on any more.

I gave you the statistics on children and COVID a year or more ago and you responded TLDR

Link, please.

Healthy children are are at virtually no risk of serious illness or death from COVID.

Which isn't in dispute. If you'd listened to Trumps whitehouse briefing you'd know that the main reason to vax children was so that there would be less chance of them infecting other people.

The COVID vaccines do not prevent transmission or illness.

No, they simply reduce the risk. As was explained to you previously.

You're arguing two opposite positions. You want me to provide a link to debunk that it prevents illness and transmission, but you also state later than no vaccine prevents illness or transmission.

As above, I said that they "reduce" the risk.

The COVID vaccines provide no benefit to healthy children because they are at virtually no risk of serious illness or death and they provide no benefit to the public at large because they do not prevent transmission.

As with the previous two times that I've answered, you vax kids to protect adults. Repeating this isn't going to change it.

You still have given me no scientifically sound reason to subject children to a potentially fatal vaccine for no clinical benefit.

fourth time now, you vax kids to protect adults. Source on even a single child death, please.

Public pressure is completely irrelevant and we don't kill kids to appease ignorant beliefs.

Not to politicians chasing votes it isn't, and again source on even a single child death.

We know you're asking for names because you know that VAERS doesn't have them and no studies do either.

Have you tried looking in your local newspaper?

Surely if children were dying all over the place at least one parent would be in the newspaper holding up a picture of their dead kid?

Which is it?

You actually quoted me on that one right above this. It reduces the risk.

Pro tip:

Pro tip: source everything.

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

These white fibrous things are getting some attention. They don't have the chemical composition of clots

posted on Sep, 12 2022 @ 03:09 AM

originally posted by: Thrumbo
a reply to: madmac5150

About the multiple sclerosis..

I have a weird problem with my right leg. Certain times of the day, it hurts to the touch, literally. Like if I just barely put my hand on it, a nerve pain shooting through the entire leg. Sometimes if I even touch my left leg or stomach etc, itll send a pain into my right leg.

Does this sound like MS? Nerve damage? My aunt had it but I didn't think it was hereditary, rather caused in some people by events in life.

Could be but the only way to know for sure is mri. Maybe you should speak to your doctor and ask for a referral to a neurologist.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 06:54 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

LOL, keep asking for a name. That desperation adds a certain timbre to your posts that betrays your lack of good faith.

I'm not posting sources anymore because you ignore them and there's plenty of readily accessible information now. Now that Fauci and the WH are being sued for colluding to violate the 1st there's less censorship. You also have never fact-checked anything I posted anyway. Like many agenda posters you seem to only have a vague recollection of the people you're responding to. You create narratives that are scientifically illiterate to explain the data away if you don't ignore it entirely. All the true things you've posted are tainted by the lies, half truths, and creative writing that have been sprinkled throughout.

All the evidence I need has been provided to you with links here and elsewhere. I'm not providing evidence beyond what I need to fully validate my statements. Additional "evidence" beyond that is merely more for you to quibble over. Without any risk from COVID in healthy children there is virtually no acceptable level of risk from an experimental vaccine. This isn't complicated, just basic medical ethics.

I don't care how many times you bring up Trump's briefings and vaccinating kids to prevent them from spreading it to other people. That was before we knew it doesn't prevent transmission. It's completely moot now.

I already explained to you that naming kids that died is completely irrelevant because we know there are adverse events including death. Myocarditis alone is 1 in 5,000. You do not give thousands of kids cardiac complications for no reason. If we mass vaccinate 75 million kids multiple times many thousands will get those effects. That is just one of dozens of adverse effects listed and many could be latent for years. I only cite the "official" data, but the reality is there are significant signs that it's worse than that. Remember when you insisted that there were only very rare and mild adverse events? That aged well. Instead of simply acknowledging you're wrong it's backpedaling and excuses.

It harms your credibility more to deny being wrong when shown than it does simply being wrong and accepting it. I believe you know this, but this is some bizarre game to you.

You advocate killing children for a political agenda or some perverse personal satisfaction you get from cheerleading on the Internet. Everybody sees through this when you keep asking for me to name kids that died and refusing to offer a scientifically sound reason to vaccinate them at all. Trump's briefings do not explain why you still advocate, when the current data is quite clear, for killing and maiming children.

You could have been a functioning member of the forum, occasionally accepted when you were wrong, consumed the information people have been good enough to provide you in good faith, debated points without bias, and not had your entire persona tied to "The Science" that you were too lazy to thoroughly vet. Every time you comment you just keep digging the hole, posting things as evidence that you don't understand, refusing to accept valid data, continuing to deflect with ridiculous questions, and fabricating things to fill gaps in the incomplete picture "The Science" provides you.

You are not a victim of disinformation, but a volunteer and cosponsor. You can stop anytime you choose. The COVID narrative has hundreds of millions of dollars behind it on socials and forums. This forum is one of the few places these discussions can happen. It doesn't need you to pollute the threads with pseudoskepticism and bad faith arguments. Your media incited outrage was never truly in defense of science, but has now become an even worse abject denial of science. Nobody should take you seriously while you continue to hold an indefensible position.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

The parents of a child who died after swallowing a battery launched an international campaign. His name and photo were all over the news media for weeks.


Yet in the entire world you cannot find one single example of a parent doing the same in regards to the vax?

Surely if there were millions of dead kids, or even hundreds, at least one set of parents would post about it on social media.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 07:48 AM

originally posted by: anonentity
a reply to: Ksihkehe

These white fibrous things are getting some attention. They don't have the chemical composition of clots

They're also apparently not being found by any trained professionals.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies
a reply to: Ksihkehe

I didn't see any justification for what we KNOW will result in dead and injured children for no clinical benefit.

The names of the children who are or may become injured by a COVID vaccine are irrelevant. We know that the vaccine has potentially fatal adverse events. We know it doesn't stop children from transmitting the virus. You refuse to acknowledge basic facts that have been widely presented here, at official briefings, and in televised interviews, and the very clear logical conclusion that it results in harm to children.

You are morally reprehensible.

Keep asking for names and arguing in bad faith. As long as you don't have a name any dead or injured kids from unnecessary COVID vaccination don't matter, right?

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 10:32 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

They're also apparently not being found by any trained professionals.

There is one from South Africa willing to talk out. Finding these clots in people still alive.

Dr. Jane Ruby: Worldwide Exclusive – White Clots Removed From Living 32 Year Old

Heard about another case about a week or two ago. Was very painful for the person, legs swelled up bad. Removed some of the clots. As for getting them all?

Not always easy getting medical data, lot of private sensitive information. Big corporate cover up going on as well. Lot of people kicked of social media when talking about problems with the vax.

posted on Sep, 13 2022 @ 12:58 PM

originally posted by: kwakakev
a reply to: AaarghZombies

They're also apparently not being found by any trained professionals.

There is one from South Africa willing to talk out. Finding these clots in people still alive.

Dr. Jane Ruby: Worldwide Exclusive – White Clots Removed From Living 32 Year Old

Heard about another case about a week or two ago. Was very painful for the person, legs swelled up bad. Removed some of the clots. As for getting them all?

Not always easy getting medical data, lot of private sensitive information. Big corporate cover up going on as well. Lot of people kicked of social media when talking about problems with the vax.

Since these are obviously nematodes - worms in the blood, something that is known to medicine and science, where is the professional credibility of these purported 'doctors'?

edit on 13/9/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 20 2022 @ 10:13 PM

originally posted by: RazorV66
a reply to: misterE12

I knew my decision not to get the fake vaccine would pay off.

RED ALERT 9.20.2022

For those (like me) who have never seen the actual evidence, take a look at what Embalmers/Morticians are removing from the arteries and veins of people who were Covid-19 vaccinated before they died.

Very Sad, but a Must Watch:

No wonder the White House and U.S. Congress exempted themselves from being injected with these hideous Covid-19 vaccines!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 12:12 PM

originally posted by: misterE12
Hello ATS, recently I came across this story on two separate websites and it peaked my interest. The story goes embalmers across the country are finding fibrous clots during the embalming process and while the article did not specifically mention covid vaccines being the cause it did lean into that direction. That's basically the summary of said article but I will link it here if your interested in reading it.

Now I will admit I don't really buy into the story I cannot find much else on it besides the article and two interviews from the embalmer. I didn't see much talk on it here I thought it might still be a interesting read regardless.

Thursday, November 24, 2022 - Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Due to BLOOD CLOTS, AL ROKER wasn't able to host the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade this morning.

First absence in 27 years.


There's a REASON why Congress and the White House EXEMPTED THEMSELVES from the Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate for all government employees.

THE MORE YOU KNOW, the healthier you (and your family) can be and the longer you (and your family) can live!

posted on Nov, 24 2022 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

You might be on to something they don't like you taking dewormer.

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