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Is Justin Bieber's Facial Paralysis and Wife's Blood Clots from the JAB?

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posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: ColdWisdom
a reply to: JAGStorm


Where have I heard of this mysterious organization?

Oh yea, I read a paper published by NIH about a decade ago that empirically demonstrated the effectiveness of treating novel corona viruses with Hydroxichlorquine. As a matter of fact, the exact wording was something to the effect of "Hydroxycholoriquine works as an effective cure for novel corona viruses."

Wait... I just remembered something else, too. The paper was authored by some guy named A. Fauci.

Funny, what are the odds that there would be another A. Fauci at the NIH ten or more years ago publishing papers about effective cures for novel coronaviruses?

A whistle blower also released documents showing DARPA knew in April 2020 that ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were curative for Sars cov2. Exactly like how Fauci discovered hydroxycholroquine cured Sars cov 1. It's almost like someone is lying to us.

posted on Sep, 7 2022 @ 01:53 PM
a reply to: ColdWisdom

Is it possible to dig that up online now?

posted on Sep, 8 2022 @ 05:28 PM
Isn't this old news? Pretty sure this was already brought up a while back. Even here on ATS.

Yup. ATS link from June

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