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Vegan mom gets life in prison for starvation death of 18-month-old son

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posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

Because its not just a diet. Its not a belief system either as its pretty simple to be a system of any kind.

Its the notion that its morally wrong and unjustified to use animal products when its unnecessary.

Pretty simple. Most of us don't need to use animal products and doing so creates alot of suffering that could be easily avoided.

Maybe one should stop jumping to exclaim veganism as a crazy cult and question why they participate in a system that creates unneeded countless suffering of beings capable of emotion and pain.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 04:18 AM
a reply to: infolurker

Good the deserves everything she has coming for letting her son die.

And if its nasty food she's after, she's going to the right place, if the food is anything like it is in British gaols.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 04:30 AM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Seems a bit much. I know she's an idiot but damn, she got more time than some rapists and murderers.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 04:40 AM
a reply to: CptGreenTea

Certainly more time than the little one she allowed to die through sheer stupidity and neglect.

Keep in mind there were 2 other children in the same condition(malnourished) and a 4th that was returned to the parental father.
edit on 6-9-2022 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:13 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

It doesn't sound like it was just sheer stupidity and neglect.....

"First degree murder would be confined to: unlawful killings committed with an intention to kill. unlawful killings committed with an intent to cause serious injury where the killer was aware that his or her conduct involved a serious risk of causing death."

six charges — first-degree murder, aggravated child abuse, aggravated manslaughter, child abuse and two counts of child neglect — in the death of Ezra O’Leary.

edit on 6-9-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

Seems like she was charged on six counts.

First-degree murder.

Aggravated child abuse.

Aggravated manslaughter.

Child abuse.

And 2 counts of neglect.

I think it's safe to say the Woman was not doing her job as a parent, which directly contributed to the kid's demise.

Sounds like stupidity and neglect to me, and according to the court and state also first-degree murder.

If you don't feed a baby appropriately there is indeed a serious risk of causing death hence the reason the poor wee soul died i imagine from malnutrition.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:37 AM
a reply to: andy06shake

First degree murder means intention to kill.

edit on 6-9-2022 by Itisnowagain because: Removed premeditated.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:41 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: TzarChasm

Vegetarian is a diet; vegan is a religion.

Yes, but vegetarianism is the gateway cult to the fake-church of anorexia-vegana.

They both completely and utterly ignore ALL of the real, actual science...

Google ‘Why we are carnivores’ and listen to the most excellent speech by Dr. Anthony Chaffee addressing this question, and learn

a) how science has now proven beyond reasonable doubt that we humans - ALL humans - are obligate hyper-carnivores,

b) how fatty meat from large ruminant animals contains ALL of the nutrients needed by humans to flourish and obtain and maintain vital optimal health and longevity,

c) how plants - ALL plants - are loaded with naturally occurring carcinogens (some more than others, but all with more than what may be present from pesticides and other agri-chemicals) and antinutrients (that prevent the absorption of any potential vitamins/minerals that said plants may contain, rendering them useless), and are therefore totally contradicted as ‘food’ for humans, and

d) how fiber is, contrary to popular myth, not only NOT required for good digestion and gut health, it is the root CAUSE of pretty much ALL gut and intestinal diseases/problems, from IBS/IBD, Crohns, leaky gut, and all the rest.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:43 AM

originally posted by: TzarChasm
Yet another "florida persons charged with making ludicrous and easily avoidable life choices" headline.

Betcha this is a liberal in Florida.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:50 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: infolurker

Idiots that have no clue how a vegan diet works,

Yes, there are lots of those...

is plenty of substitutes high protein and fats that can be given to babies.

No, not really, bit even close.

Yes, if you are extremely careful, and extremely diligent, you can come close to some semblance of an approximation of the levels of proteins and fats that one can get easily and effortless;y and in the necessary amounts simply by eating the foods that are appropriate for humans - the meat and fat from large ruminant animals - but you will have to eat 10-100 times as much from plant sources to even come close to the levels required by the body, and even more to fulfill the needs of a growing baby.

And you still will fall well short, especially when it comes to growing babies.

And you will be consuming gobs and gobs of naturally occurring carcinogens, toxic chemicals (lectins, phytates, oxalates, etc) and antinutrients (that prevent the absorption of any potential nutrients in said substances)

No, the only rational choice is to eat the diet appropriate to humans.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:55 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
a reply to: ketsuko

Pretty simple. Most of us don't need to use animal products and doing so creates alot of suffering that could be easily avoided

To each their own, but...

Maybe one should stop jumping to exclaim veganism as a crazy cult and question why they participate in a system that creates unneeded countless suffering of beings capable of emotion and pain.

This is pure unadulterated vegan propaganda, and like most leftist propaganda, reality/truth is the precise OPPOSITE of the propaganda.

Far more animal pain and suffering - and far more damage to the environment and the planet - is caused by large agricultural concerns (growing vegetable/vegetarian 'non-food' crops) than can even remotely be approached even by normal commercial animal husbandry concerns.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:57 AM

originally posted by: Daughter2
This has nothing to do with a vegan diet but starvation and dehydration.

There's 80 million vegans - you can absolutely raise vegan children.

Not healthy children.

No, they absolutely need the meat and fat from ruminant animals, there is no substitute for these from the plant kingdom.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 05:58 AM
a reply to: Itisnowagain

The wean died because she "intentionally" did not supply it with appropriate nutrition and food down to her lifestyle choice.

I imagine that is why the courts came to the conclusion.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 06:08 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
It just takes research and understanding on the parent's part. This lady was doing alot of things wrong including the baby being literally starved as other posters pointed out.

Yes, this - "you didn't do it right!" - is always the charge/excuse thrown at the evil ex-vegans that almost destroyed their health before they finally saw the light and started eating the appropriate human diet.

Veganism isn't a cult.

It is absolutely a cult. It has all of the earmarks of a cult, as it's proponents make abundantly clear every single day.

Its a lifestyle that embraces the philosophy of not using unneeded animal products.

Yes, and this flies in the face of ALL of the real, actual science available today that proves beyond reasonable doubbt that humans - ALL of us, are obligate hyper-carnivores.

Denying such is the epitome of 'Denying Reality'.

Therefore, if babies or toddlers have a rare condition that makes it dangerous to eat vegan then its perfectly acceptable to eat non-vegan.

And what 'rare condition' would that be? The fact that they are HUMANS?

Veganism is considered to be a safe and healthy form of diet at all stages in life by most dieticians.

Dieticians??? You mean those cultists trained in indoctrination centers totally funded by big agriculture and big pharma? The ones whose advice has CAUSED pretty much ALL of the modern day diseases people all over the world are experiencing today, from obesity & diabetes to cancer?

Dieticians??? Rotflmao!!!
edit on 6-9-2022 by tanstaafl because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 06:44 AM
So looking forward to when vegans an the meat eaters go after the omnivores because of there well balanced diet, and fur coat!?!????It is odd though, the vegans should be strong as a water buffalo, an the meat eaters as smart or as cunning as leopard, yet sadly, it ain’t working for civilization like it does the wild life.

I don’t think red meat going to yield the same results as eating plain hay or grass that someone dog probably pissed on.
I could comment an make note of my disdain but hell everyone else is doing it.
edit on 6-9-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-9-2022 by Proto88 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 07:03 AM
This actually has little, if anything, to do with a vegan diet. There was rampant physical and sexual abuse, and intentional starvation on all of their children.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 11:01 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

Not sure why you bothered to reply to each of my statements as every response came down to "vegans are cultists who are in delusion to the fact we need meat". You didnt provide any links.

Have you ever considered perhaps your the cultist? Most scientists, nutrionalists, dieticians agree that whole food veganism is healthy at all stages in life.

So you rather believe yourself or a small percentage of anti vegans with degrees instead?

I see why you have to believe that - because acknowledging its morally wrong to support the torture of animals when healthy veggie alternatives exist means youd have to give up meat.

So you have to believe we all need meat in order to justify torturing animals.

Maybe you're living in delusion, not us vegans.
edit on 6-9-2022 by CptGreenTea because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 11:10 AM
a reply to: tanstaafl

The mental gymnastics you pull. Sure, large agriculture affects animals .

Who do you think most of those crops are for?

Most of it goes to livestock feed.

And nothing you said justifies factory farming. Keep spreading your anti-vegan propaganda though. We vegans have heard it all before and its been refuted a million times.

Vegans just want to reduce animal suffering. What are you fighting for? Your taste buds. Inventing reasons why you HAVE to eat meat and demonizing those who want to change the system.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 11:12 AM

originally posted by: Daughter2
This has nothing to do with a vegan diet but starvation and dehydration.

There's 80 million vegans - you can absolutely raise vegan children.

Why? Shouldn't it be the Child's choice? Oh wait. A Child isn't competent enough to make that choice.

posted on Sep, 6 2022 @ 11:15 AM

originally posted by: CptGreenTea
Vegans just want to reduce animal suffering. What are you fighting for? Your taste buds. Inventing reasons why you HAVE to eat meat and demonizing those who want to change the system.

Really? Why should we change the system? You are perfectly free to make your choice and apparently you've made it. Fine. Please extend me the same courtesy of making my choice. It's not like I'm going to hold you down and jam a steak down your throat.

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