Jared Kushner says he's been trying to keep his body in shape because he might one day become immortal
Ok, it might be interesting to delve into this idea of immortality. Not the science its self but rather what it could mean if it might become reality.
If Kushner is making this statement publicly he must be really involved with the idea because on the surface it sounds crazy.
"I think that there's a good probability that my generation is, hopefully with the advances in science, is either the first generation to live
forever or the last generation that's going to die," Kushner said. "So we need to keep ourselves in pretty good shape."
So what of this idea. It's been bandied about now for a decade or two that the advances in science could bring this ''immortality'' about. What if it
is true, that as he hopes we are on the cusp of at least vastly expanded lifetimes? What would it imply.
Would it possibly be available to all of us or would it only be available to those who could afford it ?
How would it affect our political systems ?
We already know that our political system is filled with opportunists who express no remorse at being in an elected (elected, that's a joke) position
for as long as they live. 30 years and 40 years. What about 50 or 60 or a hundred.
What about our sciences ? What if our scientific community was not only ruled by established beliefs but more what it it was run by a throng of people
who gained their positions two or three hundred years ago and still controlled what was studied and discovered ?
And just how long could Tom Cruise remain as boffo box office or how long would Beyonce be drooled over sitting on her glass horse while singing a
variation on the same song for a couple of centuries ?
How would the possible underclasses react if they knew that they were born into and then died while other ''Gods'' lived forever.
I put this in Science and Technology hopefully to keep it in a speculative and non-partisan discussion. The only reason I pointed out Kushner was
because it was he who made this latest public comment on the issue in question.
So if we are willing, can we either expand on any of the questions I have offered or better yet, can we consider and develop other avenues of
speculation that
members may want to consider?
edit on 31America/ChicagoFri, 26 Aug 2022 13:33:12 -0500Fri, 26 Aug 2022 13:33:12
-050022082022-08-26T13:33:12-05:00100000033 by TerryMcGuire because: (no reason given)