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Why Are People So Mad about the Biden 10K forgiveness

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posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:49 PM
I want to hear it.

Why are you upset?

Is it because someone is getting something you didn't? Well, that's life isn't it. Lots of people get stuff others don't.
Is it because it's a Democratic President giving it away? Why wasn't it a problem when PPP loans were given out?
Is it because he said it would do it and he did it and now that has empowered Democrats?
Is it because you are responsible and others aren't, yes, that one stings, but again, that's the unfairness of life.
Is it because of our national debt.......well, that's been going up exponentionally for a very long time.

So here is where i'm at with this. Our government is corrupt. They buy votes with favors. Sometimes those favors go to
businesses, sometimes to people. If it were me we would have the most fiscally conservative government the world has ever seen, and the most
socially liberal! Since I don't run the government I have to deal with what we have and i've learned to live with it and not get too worked up.
I vote and vote locally. That is where you can actually see at least a little differece.

The 10K to kids going to college is a drop in the bucket in the overall sceme of things. I personally would rather help college kids starting out vs sending money to other countries or illegal aliens. We always hear, why aren't our kids getting help. Well here is one time they are and everyone is up in arms over it.

My husband and I both went to college. I was living in real poverty when I was in school. We didn't have help from our parents. I worked three jobs at one point and went to school on and off. It was horrible and I hope nobody has to go through that. Even though college was very cheap at the time so was pay.

+27 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:50 PM
It's basically an attempt to speed up the controlled demolition of the economy.

(post by PurpleFox removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:55 PM
a reply to: PurpleFox

As I said in another thread, my future children will no longer be able to afford college.

I think this is the first solid action to show college isn't affordable right now.
It can go in two directions..

Some countries have a system that after high school you take a very intensive test to see if you should go to college. If you pass, you go to college for "free". It seemed to work well and be well accepted.


College will only be for the rich. I think right now for most areas that means people earning around 400K or more a year.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:55 PM
I am not upset. I chose to go to college knowing full well that I had to pay my own way. Worked 40 plus hour weeks while going to school full time. I wouldn’t trade it in for the world. It made me who I am today. And I paid off my student loans as well. Those kids today getting a small break on their loans will never learn the lessons I did. a reply to: JAGStorm

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:57 PM
Because colleges have become 'for profit' institutions. The endowment fund interest earnings alone for most major colleges could pay all overhead AND tuition for every single enrolled student each year for decades.

If they made colleges 'not for profit' institutions there would be no need for student loan forgiveness.

This isn't about helping a select few; it's about buying votes, and uncle sam always puts in a backdoor to recoup whatever they 'give' away, plus profit.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:01 PM

originally posted by: TacoLoco75
I am not upset. I chose to go to college knowing full well that I had to pay my own way. Worked 40 plus hour weeks while going to school full time. I wouldn’t trade it in for the world. It made me who I am today. And I paid off my student loans as well. Those kids today getting a small break on their loans will never learn the lessons I did. a reply to: JAGStorm

I don't want any of my kids to have to learn the lessons that I did. That working 3 jobs when you are young will equal regret when you are older. That no money in the world can replace health and youth.

This cycle has happened many times before. The overworkers, the people reaping some of those rewards but still have to work, and then the selfish and reaping all the rewards. We are at that third phase right now.

+4 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
I want to hear it.

Why are you upset?

Is it because someone is getting something you didn't? Well, that's life isn't it. Lots of people get stuff others don't.
Is it because it's a Democratic President giving it away? Why wasn't it a problem when PPP loans were given out?
Is it because he said it would do it and he did it and now that has empowered Democrats?
Is it because you are responsible and others aren't, yes, that one stings, but again, that's the unfairness of life.
Is it because of our national debt.......well, that's been going up exponentionally for a very long time.

So here is where i'm at with this. Our government is corrupt. They buy votes with favors. Sometimes those favors go to
businesses, sometimes to people. If it were me we would have the most fiscally conservative government the world has ever seen, and the most
socially liberal! Since I don't run the government I have to deal with what we have and i've learned to live with it and not get too worked up.
I vote and vote locally. That is where you can actually see at least a little differece.

The 10K to kids going to college is a drop in the bucket in the overall sceme of things. I personally would rather help college kids starting out vs sending money to other countries or illegal aliens. We always hear, why aren't our kids getting help. Well here is one time they are and everyone is up in arms over it.

My husband and I both went to college. I was living in real poverty when I was in school. We didn't have help from our parents. I worked three jobs at one point and went to school on and off. It was horrible and I hope nobody has to go through that. Even though college was very cheap at the time so was pay.

because its gonna cause more inflation and make tuition even more expensive, why should people dumb enough to take loans that they know will take decades to pay off be given relief, they made the choice to get those loans of their own free will, they should pay what they promised to pay. dont want debt dont go to college until youre older and can pay for it or avoid it all together. live within your means, honestly more parents shouldve taught their kids such a simple thing.
edit on 25-8-2022 by namehere because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:02 PM
People are mad because they keep seeing special treatment for people that already have special treatment. 🧀

And then the special people who have their loans taken care of already get zonked by zonkers better off than they might be 🧀

So who likes a Bentley Limo better than a Cadillac Limo ?? 🧀

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:04 PM
Government created a problem by making college "affordable". Now the system is broken but this doesn't address it.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: namehere

because its gonna cause more inflation, why should people dumb enough to take loans that they know will take decades to pay off be given relief, they made the choice to get those loans of their own free will, they should pay what they promised to pay. dont want debt dont go to college until youre older and can pay for it or avoid it all together. live within your means, honestly more parents shouldve taught their kids such a simple thing.

AND people that started businesses should have known the risk. It's the same story. I didn't take the risk of the business, you didn't yet we are all going to pay. That's what I'm saying.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:05 PM
College kids getting help? No.

Teaching them loans don't necessarily have to be repaid.

Throwing money at the college tuition problem will only make tuition increase.

Just a one time 'fix' to an ongoing problem that doesn't fix anything.

Raising taxes to pay for others 'kids' to go to college, including rich ones.

Putting more money into a high inflation economy to make it go higher.

Something needed to be done but not this.

+5 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:05 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

It's against the Constitution.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: ketsuko
Government created a problem by making college "affordable". Now the system is broken but this doesn't address it.

Lol, you got it, anything government touches turns to 💩

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Buying votes. Plain and simple.

+3 more 
posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Because it's a payoff for the regimes indoctrination apparatus that the average American will cover the bill for.

This isn't very difficult to understand.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge

Something needed to be done but not this.

I absolutely agree, and think this is a bandaid. I do think it's a start to an ongoing problem that we can't just

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

The money should have went to Ukraine and

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Is it because someone is getting something you didn't? Well, that's life isn't it. Lots of people get stuff others don't.

Unfortunately, the "life isn't fair" adage doesn't hold water when we are talking about a singular branch of govt doing anti-constitutional things.

Is it because it's a Democratic President giving it away? Why wasn't it a problem when PPP loans were given out?

Interesting comparison although they aren't a direct correlation. For instance, the gov't didn't force loans or anyone to go to school. State govt's did force layoffs and firings by closing businesses. for which those states turned to the fed gov't for financial assistance. I don't agree with it either, but to attempt and hold them in correlation is disingenuous IMO.

Is it because he said it would do it and he did it and now that has empowered Democrats?

If the RvW ruling and the mar a lago raid didn't pump their poll numbers, I'm doubting this one will either. D's aren't happy, R's arent happy.

Is it because you are responsible and others aren't, yes, that one stings, but again, that's the unfairness of life.

If gov'ts are setting the table unfairly, that has another term. Discrimination.

Is it because of our national debt.......well, that's been going up exponentionally for a very long time.

While the national debt is of course a problem that no one working within the halls of congress cares to address, more importantly we are going through rampant inflation. I fail to see how this addresses that, and you can say that it's not supposed to, fine, but this only adds to the fire.

This is vote buying. It doesn't address the root problem in any way and the loans are still being made at predatory rates.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 01:11 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

I went to college, I know a lot of people who have or are going.

Majority of these people are no longer (kids) they very often go and then never use their education at all including myself, science major. The taxpayers money spent for naught!

I know one woman with 3 degrees, all paid for and her living expenses. She got those degrees because the state paid all expenses for years as she lived a kids life style and avoided all responsibility but passing tests. After that she became a full time "witch" growing herbs and making potions to sell.

I have a Family member whos child became a lawyer through the best schools, Mom and Dad saved through her whole childhood and then took out two loans on their home, mortgages they are still paying years after she has become successful at her job. Will they get any of that money?

How about all the many cheap loans provided to foreigners while the US students never got the same breaks.
Student loans going to be for non US students too?

People who could never send their kids to college will pay out for those who got loans and went.
People who have no kids will be paying for other peoples kids higher education.

The country is is dire straights the last thing that will help at this moment in time is more People leaving college and not finding jobs.

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