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Scientists Discover Unusual Toxic Components In mRNA Vaccines

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posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Sounds kind of Like those " Alien Implants " some People that Claim they were Abducted and had them Inserted in their Bodies . Hmm... Any Connection there ?

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: whiteblack
a reply to: AaarghZombies
Why do you keep advocate covid vax how safe and effective they are? Sounds like you want to depopulate on planet. I don't, I cares about people. I saw it with my own eyes. I have lost people due to jabbed. I tell them do not take covid vax. I consider you are volunatry manslaughter, along with other covid vax supporter. So sick of your posts.

The answer is some, the science says that the vax is safe and effective, and there is data to back it up.

You, on the other hand cannot prove that these people were alive, let alone that the vax killed them.

LOL, I can't even understand at this point this kind of rhetoric. Are you saying that you believe this vaccine is "safe and effective?" Are you saying no one has died from it? Are you saying that even though we were told it would prevent Covid, that it was not intended to? Did you not know that the emergency use authorization by the FDA was BASED on it being effective at STOPPING transmission and that this is STILL in effect? All of this info and not one question about it?

Then sorry, but you are hiding under a rock, quite willfully.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 12:10 AM
I am vaccinated and this is worrisome. Before the vaccine I was borderline von willebrands with a 32-34 hematocrit base level. After? I’m type one with a 27 and considered at risk for any and all massive lacerations that result in blood loss including childbirth or anything else that would need blood transfusions. And that’s pretty strange to me. Vaccinated partially in July of 21 and fully in October of 21 and status of von willebrands changed after I was concerned over random hematomas popping up on my legs and arms. Really odd there’s a blood connection there if you ask me.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 11:25 AM
In related news I remember them saying magnets stuck to certain injection sites.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 10:37 PM
edit on 25-8-2022 by Roedeer because: Somehow it failed to include the person that I quoted, so it makes no sense.

posted on Aug, 25 2022 @ 10:45 PM
a reply to: Roedeer

' It called me to this post. Did you have a question?

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 03:32 AM

originally posted by: bastion
Sadly it's not just the Tories doing privatisation via stealth, the Blair years saw the rollout of PFI/PPP disaster and introduction of companies like Virgin operating under the NHS name (NHS Care IIRC).

Indeed, Blair was Tory though and through in as much as he proved to be no less a servant of big business than any Tory before or after. He and Brown’s bank bailout in 2007/8 was something that even Thatcher might have thought twice about.

New Labour’ is a huge grift and unfortunately the U.K. is back in that New Labour vs Tories no win scenario with an opposition fronted by yet another servant of big business and protector of the UK’s criminally inequitable status quo.

But the U.K. public get what they deserve after falling for the tptb’s propaganda machine and it’s BS media assassination of Corbyn. He offered the first opportunity for social justice in many decades, but the media crucified him and the dumb mob took the bait, throwing stones and spitting curses.

posted on Aug, 26 2022 @ 03:48 AM

originally posted by: bastion
Sadly it's not just the Tories doing privatisation via stealth, the Blair years saw the rollout of PFI/PPP disaster and introduction of companies like Virgin operating under the NHS name (NHS Care IIRC).

Indeed, Blair was Tory though and through in as much as he proved to be no less a servant of big business than any Tory before or after. He and Brown’s bank bailout in 2007/8 was something that even Thatcher might have thought twice about.

New Labour’ is a huge grift and unfortunately the U.K. is back in that New Labour vs Tories no win scenario with an opposition fronted by yet another servant of big business and protector of the UK’s criminally inequitable status quo.

But the U.K. public get what they deserve after falling for the tptb’s propaganda machine and it’s BS media assassination of Corbyn. He offered the first opportunity for social justice in many decades, but the media crucified him and the dumb mob took the bait, throwing stones and spitting curses.

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