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Scientists Discover Unusual Toxic Components In mRNA Vaccines

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posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 06:45 AM

originally posted by: vNex92
a reply to: PerfectAnomoly

You had Pfizer which tried to hide their own documents for 55 years..

No, you had pzizer which won a court order protecting it from FOIA spam

The 55 years isn't how long they can keep records secret. It's an estimate of how long it would take 22 people to release all of the documents in batches of 55,000 pages a month.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:01 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Given that bottom two images are clearly algae and bacteria, I'd say that you've been hoaxed.

Didn't anyone here do this in biology?

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:33 AM
a reply to: bastion

You are aware that testing blood takes money they don't just take a vial of someone's blood and run a full spectrum. They often only test for specifics related to a diagnosis. Your platelids will only be your platelids count not your vitamin D, b and K, t-cells etc.

This is why most people don't get diagnosed with HIV til they become gravely ill.. because even STD screens don't include HIV screenings unless specifically requested.

Blood tests are very specific. They don't "fish" for diagnosis.
edit on 23-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:38 AM

originally posted by: BlackArrow
a reply to: bastion

You are aware that testing blood takes moneym they don't just take a vial of someone's blood and run a full spectrum. They often only test for specifics.. your platelids will only be your platelids count not your vitamin D, b and K

I'm from the UK and have to have regular (every six months) full blood screenings due to medication (epillepsy) like a few million other people.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: bastion

Reread I added more,. Yes and you only get screened for conditions that relate to epilepsy. Your epilepsy blood tests say nothing about your HIV status, or your vitamin level counts.

Because over testing means over billing and over billing is grounds for a lawsuit. Not to mention a clear cut case of mal/fraudulent practice.

Are you aware how much money it cost to blindly look through someone's blood actually costs? More then your house man, they don't do it.

Then even if they do run a full scan tell me here where they run your blood in a black light? What about HIV diagnosis? Vitamin deficiency? None of that is added unless the doctor asks for it specifically.

Your tests are limited to platelids, kidney and liver conditions involving epilepsy. There's nothing there about the other organs in your body, like heart or even something as simple as clot scans. These aren't included, and even if they were the doctor doesn't even look at ANY other panels outside of liver and kidney for damages relating to epilepsy.

This is why so many diseases and ailments go unnoticed for years. Unless you start prescreening early for "Specifics" like cancer.

epilepsy blood tests full spectrum scanning

See you could have a high white cell count and by default they will think it is an infection in the kidneys and liver due to your preconditions that allows you to be susceptible to that ailment. The chances you will be screened for CANCER off a said "infection"(high white cell count) is next to none. So you will be given a course of antibiotics and be on your way. Despite the fact large amounts of white cells can easily indicate early stages of cancer.

So by natural design no doctor will "fish" around in your blood work to find out what is wrong with you without a previous diagnosis. Blood work is then use to confirm said diagnosis. Not the other way around.

Now there are some drs who actually have their own lab equipment. Not many, some places can do testing on site and not have to ship your blood to another facility. Sometimes, while it's rare a doctor actually takes an interest in their actual patient for more then their paycheck. Again this is rare, and depending on the rules of said clinic or hospital they may or may not investigate further in their own time.

Usually older doctors if they notice a weird trend and want to publish a paper which is beneficial to their careers(Young drs will never do it. They work for the system. Not for you, nor do they care about papers and the meetings Drs get to go to once a year.).

If they notice a weird trend with their patients, or have a super rare conditions will sometimes do extra research again mainly to benefit themselves. Epilepsy is far from a "rare conditions" to go exploring in your blood work. Same with almost every ailment out there.

There is 1 disease I know of specifically Drs will dig through blood work, scans and everything else to find the cause, ITP. That is because there is NO KNOWN cause.. which means any Dr who can identify what causes it naturally gets a Prize and serious recognition.

I am sure there is a few other rare diseases the more experienced doctors looking to make a name for themselves will root through various tests. But honestly, not many are actually left without an identifying marker that doesn't have a root cause. But those that do pay for it either out of pocket, or have you sign a paper to be studied during treatments.

So when these little things do appear in news or media. It's not only smart to pay attention and take note. But realize that "discovery medicine" has been dead for at least 10-15 years. So while it's good to have a cautious view. You should still pay attention to it. Because "discovery medicine" is not only rare but expensive.

If you ever had an issue they couldn't diagnose or treat, then you know exactly where I am coming from. Including the part where your complaints go unheard, or testing is bare minimal. Then you live your life suffering. (This happens to be the case for many migraine sufferers who aren't cured by medications that are out there - that is just one of the more notable groups I am talking about, but there is way more then that.)
edit on 23-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:43 AM

originally posted by: whiteblack

originally posted by: PerfectAnomoly
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Who's to say the items found were contained in the vaccine?

Last year Japan did find stainless steel particles in covid vaccines


From the needles being pierced through rubber stoppers on vax phial.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 07:46 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Can you tell me the names of the people who wrote this report, or explain why its hosted on a free Web service and not an aceademic or group website?

Can you read pages 31 and 42 and provide a TLDR for them to show that you understand what they are saying!

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 08:00 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

That's not how it works in the UK. The 'overbilling' stuff would only apply in the US as the rest of the 1st world has national health services.

There's a full blood count, vitamin level, wbc count, etc...there's only two boxes on the form not ticked as I'm male, not female). HIV/AIDS would be evidenced in the WBC/IgGB screening part of FBC. If counts are abnormal further tests are run.

It's far cheaper to pro-actively screen blood and detect conditions than try and treat/medicate after they've progressed.

Why would it need a blacklight? If such things were present they'd show up in the FBC
edit on 23-8-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 08:18 AM
a reply to: bastion

Mmhmm, just out of curiosity when was the last time you met someone who was undiagnosed and suffering in agony? Because there is over a billion undiagnosed sufferers world wide. Which each of them prove a billion times I am right.

I also think it's wrong to expect your treatment is the same as someone else. Even if they have the same condition. That right there shows a very biased and unhealthy view, because each person is different genetically.

Just to prove a point this one is from LONDON.
https:/ /

This one is from the CDC on diabetes osed-undiagnosed-diabetes.html

And that is just two ailments there is thousands. Treatment you get isn't the same as someone else even if they live right next door.

Undiagnosed conditions are a problem world wide and aren't limited to third world nations. There are a lot of people in your back door with the same conditions you have that don't get screened. They collapse to he floor oh it's just a seizure it will pass.

Healthcare is far from equal even within the same zip code. What your insurance covers, is a lot different then what someone else's will cover. In fact a lot of places are biased on the wealth of their customer. From the way you are treated to the conditions of the clinic you get to go to.

So never ever fool yourself into thinking healthcare has this code of conduct where treatment is equal across it's patients. That would be the biggest mistake you will ever make.

One of my friends is extremely overweight, she suffers from migraines. Her doctor no matter who she goes to refuses to hear anything she says until she loses weight.

Another friend was in a car crash, doctors refused to x-ray his wrist until his diabetic screen came back which took 3 weeks and cost him his job when he finally got the scan it was a sprain, even though they said it was broken without a scan.. Even though one had nothing to do with the other. Treatment varies drastically..

edit on 23-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 08:32 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

I remember watching a presentation a year ago when the covid jabs were rolled out, I also remember that a group of nurses noticed something odd too, that the batches were not the same and the numbers were different in the vials.

The presentation showed the same thing, that some batches had weird stuff in it, while others did not, this is a good example of what experimental vaccine is all about, this how the victims of the jabs has been kept quiet and in low range, some people where lucky while others did not.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 08:41 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Yep, and because of that people who are suffering often have to jump through precondition hoops before even beginning to have anything else checked out.

Not everyone is lucky enough to change doctors for a record reset. Where they get to do a full scan/screening. Sadly I think only those people are being discovered.

It's been a lot of people over the past two years, but people toss out evidence because it's small groups at a time without understanding how the medical system works. How rare discovery medicine is.. how rare it is to have a patient start fresh like they were born yesterday.

So there will always be resistance in the favor of the vaccines because of those facts alone.

People think prevention medicine is what big pharma wants..

Oh it saves money, bitch plz they would milk you for all your worth of the law let them.
edit on 23-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 08:44 AM
a reply to: bastion

Here is a question for you? What company is out to make less money? Cause it definitely isn't big pharma and hospitals or the fact it cost 2$ max to sterilize 100 surgical knives yet they charge you 1200 for a fresh one every time you have surgery. Everything from the tray to the utensils to cut you open has never been used on anyone else.

Curing your disease and ailment means less money for them.

They would have you and everyone else past their deathbed expiration date indefinitely if the family could afford the bills. At 10,000$ a night, course they would.

If they cured you for everything that is wrong with you, you would be cured and not have to go see them right? Now what if I told you epilepsy was cured over 60years ago? What about the cancer cure BOOM. (10-15 cures in two years time all banned).

Unlike a dentist who wants to pull all your teeth out, stick weak ones in, pull those out and do it all over again.

Pharma realize cures are bad just as bad as being to aggressive with treatments, treat only a diagnosis never cure and don't go digging for the real reasons a person is sick.

They look at the distrust of a dentist despite both wanting the same thing and they have a different approach. Theirs is slow and steady,. How many people hate going to the dentist? How many people are "inconvenienced" by going to a doctor. Most people might hate they have to take the time to go there. But realistically more dental appointments are skipped then doctor appointments.

It isn't fear either. It's the fact that dentist are paid per tooth pulled, that's where their big money comes in. Essentially a commission. Most have a quota to fill and are fired or transferred if they don't make the quota. (aggressive practices).

You should hear about the 4yr old who had to have ALL his teeth pulled for zero reason. Or adults who get told the same and get a second opinion. Aggressive practices like these exist in the dental world.

Drs have a different quota to make. Theirs is diagnosis and prescription. If they can't diagnose you with something within 5 minutes your appointment is over.

I had an older doctors quite a few times who seen the changes between caring about the patient and caring about the cash. They all say/said the same thing, and none of them prescribe medication unless it's absolutely necessary.

Especially any medication that will physically alter your body's chemistry.
edit on 23-8-2022 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: marg6043

Link to presentation, please. Or at least enough information to search for it ourselves.

Unsourced anecdotes are next to worthless. Can you even tell us what year it was, or which country?

Was it a live presentation like a whitehouse briefing or was it a clipshow on bitchute where someone compares footage from different sources.

It's possible that you simply saw clips from to different sources that had vax from different manufacturers.

The Japanese contamination turned out to be from the tips of needle where improperly trained people were sticking them through the seals on the phial.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

I live in the UK and while not perfect our health system is free at the point of deliery, better quality and costs less than half the US system per person.

US healthcare is dictated to by Big Pharma to make personal profit while Nationalised systems provide the cheapest, safest most effective healthcare for the country. I've never paid a penny/cent

I think the US profit seeking model is the reason the CDC didn't approve AZ jab as it was a not-for-profit vaccine and would harm Pfizer who made huge profits from their vaccine.

I have seen a youtube documentary on the dentist I think you're referencing IIRC he permanently disfigured a lot of kids for personal enjoyment and profit.

edit on 23-8-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 09:30 AM
a reply to: BlackArrow

I know exactly what you mean, it becomes very scary when some doctors want to push as many pills as the can and jabs when you go for your yearly physical, the walls within the rooms that patients are kept waiting to see a doctor are very thin.

I can hear how elderly people are eating nothing but pills all day long and wondering why they do not feel good.

I remember counting the medications I could hear been named while waiting for my turn, one old littler lady had 15, while another I stop counting because I lost track.

Even my mother before passing from liver cancer, at one time was on 9 different medications, I always wonder if all that crap was not the cause of her getting an aggressive cancer that took her within months.

I always make sure I tell the doctors that I do not do good with medications and that is a the truth.

Thankfully I got a new doctor that is great and is not a pill pusher.

Pharma does not want cures they want to keep you hook on medications as a milking cow for life, as always one size do not fix all and pharma do not even work on making medications that will be good for individual needs.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 09:35 AM
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Then nurses' observations, were taken out of the internet and never to be seen, remember this was in the beginning of the jab rollout.

The presentation on the weird things in the vials are similar as the OP posted but one year ago.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: bastion
Everyone pays for the NHS straight out of their pay packets.

Watch 'The Great NHS Heist' documentary on yt.

And then:
"Psychiatry and Big Pharma: Exposed - Dr James Davies".

edit on 23-8-2022 by Itisnowagain because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 11:21 AM

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Then nurses' observations, were taken out of the internet and never to be seen, remember this was in the beginning of the jab rollout.

The presentation on the weird things in the vials are similar as the OP posted but one year ago.

That's awfully convenient for you. I suppose that you've forgotten every single detail that could be used by us to confirm that the presentation even existed, like the names of the people involve, whether it was a corporate presentation or a public service message, did you see it online or on TV, what language were they speaking?

Well, I'm pretty sure that I saw a presentation that proved 100 percent that everything in your presentation was a hoax, but ... it seems to have been deleted too.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 11:26 AM

originally posted by: AaarghZombies

originally posted by: marg6043
a reply to: AaarghZombies

Then nurses' observations, were taken out of the internet and never to be seen, remember this was in the beginning of the jab rollout.

The presentation on the weird things in the vials are similar as the OP posted but one year ago.

That's awfully convenient for you. I suppose that you've forgotten every single detail that could be used by us to confirm that the presentation even existed, like the names of the people involve, whether it was a corporate presentation or a public service message, did you see it online or on TV, what language were they speaking?

Well, I'm pretty sure that I saw a presentation that proved 100 percent that everything in your presentation was a hoax, but ... it seems to have been deleted too.

Holy sh# you're desperate.

posted on Aug, 23 2022 @ 01:37 PM
Does it glow in your veins under black light and turn you into a fridge magnet?

I seem to recall a similar thread that ended up in the LOL bin?

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