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94 Fresh Graves In Small New Zealand Town Of 13,000 People

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posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:41 PM
A recently released viral video shows 2 people filming while driving by a graveyard in the town of Oamaru, New Zealand, which has a population of 13,850 according to Google. The couple drives around the graveyard and counts each freshly dug grave and even notes that many don't have headstones yet. Of course this would not count anyone who was cremated. I'm not sure about New Zealand's burial traditions, but in the US it seems most people get cremated, so could there actually be way more than 94 new deaths? Have we found the answer as to where are the bodies are burried? This is nearly 1% of the population of the entire town that died recently. It's probably just anti-vaxxer propaganda / climate change. Move along.


edit on 22-8-2022 by v1rtu0s0 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:46 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So no threads about Aliens eh?

Alright....Some graveyards pre-dig plots prior them be sold/used for burial. This is because graves are not simply holes in the ground, actual work and planning goes into them. Some graves take as a little as a day to dig, some up to 3 days depending on the plot of land and the composition of the ground.

I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:50 PM
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% of the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.
edit on 22-8-2022 by KKLOCO because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:54 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% per f the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.

The town is quite rural, the graveyard could also be fore the surrounding communities.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:58 PM

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% per f the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.

I've seen a lot of graveyards in my day but never have I ever seen one full of 'pre-dug' holes. Imagine the liability should someone fall in!

The open the gravesite the evening before or day of services in the US; maybe NZ just likes to be in expecting a rush?

edit on 100000044America/Chicago311 by nugget1 because: sp

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:00 PM

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% per f the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.

I've seen a lot of graveyards in my day but never have I ever seen one full of 'pre-dug' holes. Imagine the liability should someone fall in!

The open the gravesite the evening before or day of services in the US; maybe NJ just likes to be in expecting a rush?

They usually backfill with loose soil

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:07 PM

originally posted by: Axios

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% per f the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.

I've seen a lot of graveyards in my day but never have I ever seen one full of 'pre-dug' holes. Imagine the liability should someone fall in!

The open the gravesite the evening before or day of services in the US; maybe NJ just likes to be in expecting a rush?

They usually backfill with loose soil

Not in the US. I take it you live in NZ?

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Axios

originally posted by: nugget1

originally posted by: KKLOCO
a reply to: Axios

“I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.”

With an emphasis on ‘I think’.

It’s only 7% per f the population (not including cremations). Nothing to see here, move along.

I've seen a lot of graveyards in my day but never have I ever seen one full of 'pre-dug' holes. Imagine the liability should someone fall in!

The open the gravesite the evening before or day of services in the US; maybe NJ just likes to be in expecting a rush?

They usually backfill with loose soil

So they're planning to sell a lot of them huh? Do they come with headstones as well?

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Axios

Every one I've seen dug was fine with equipment.
The yard I used to live near used a CASE 430c, I think

I own a piece of equipment not much bigger than that, it doesn't take ten minutes to dig a hole bigger than a grave.
Might take an hour if you're trying to be picky about the size of the hole, but certainly not days.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:13 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

Headstones with dates of birth and dates of passing, engraved in advance?


posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:14 PM
Strangely, the other 13,758 people of the town have said absolutely nothing about this.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 04:43 PM
Oamaru, New Zealand where 70-79% are vaccinated. So why are so many people dying from covid-19?

Sunday, 7 August 2022
Covid now one of country's biggest killers

News National
New Zealand recently saw its deadliest week of the pandemic.

Covid-19 has been directly responsible for one in seven recent deaths – and has already claimed five times as many lives as those lost in car accidents last year.

But even after New Zealand recently saw its deadliest week of the pandemic, a top epidemiologist fears Kiwis are growing indifferent.

A New Zealand Herald analysis showed that, in the week ending July 17 – around the time this second Omicron wave was peaking – 836 people died across New Zealand.

Of those deaths, 120 - nearly 15 percent - were directly attributed to Covid-19.

Nearly one in five died within 28 days of being reported as a Covid-19 case.

"For the first time, Covid-19 has probably become the leading cause of death in New Zealand," Otago University epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker said.

"Fifteen percent of people dying from Covid-19 is about the same proportion of people who die from ischaemic heart disease, which is currently our single biggest killer.

"It's also twice the number dying from stroke, which has long been number two."

He said it was paradoxical that, at a point we're seeing the highest mortality impact of this pandemic so far, public attention appeared to have dropped to low levels.

There does seem to be a lot of deaths but is it a conspiracy?

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:03 PM

originally posted by: StoutBroux
Oamaru, New Zealand where 70-79% are vaccinated. So why are so many people dying from covid-19?

Sunday, 7 August 2022
Covid now one of country's biggest killers

News National
New Zealand recently saw its deadliest week of the pandemic.

Covid-19 has been directly responsible for one in seven recent deaths – and has already claimed five times as many lives as those lost in car accidents last year.

But even after New Zealand recently saw its deadliest week of the pandemic, a top epidemiologist fears Kiwis are growing indifferent.

A New Zealand Herald analysis showed that, in the week ending July 17 – around the time this second Omicron wave was peaking – 836 people died across New Zealand.

Of those deaths, 120 - nearly 15 percent - were directly attributed to Covid-19.

Nearly one in five died within 28 days of being reported as a Covid-19 case.

"For the first time, Covid-19 has probably become the leading cause of death in New Zealand," Otago University epidemiologist Professor Michael Baker said.

"Fifteen percent of people dying from Covid-19 is about the same proportion of people who die from ischaemic heart disease, which is currently our single biggest killer.

"It's also twice the number dying from stroke, which has long been number two."

He said it was paradoxical that, at a point we're seeing the highest mortality impact of this pandemic so far, public attention appeared to have dropped to low levels.

There does seem to be a lot of deaths but is it a conspiracy?

1,800 deaths total from covid (allegedly).

Population 5 million.

How many people would die in a town of 18k?

Not to mention, with over 80% "vaxx" rate, why are so many dying from the weak omnicron?

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:05 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

There does seem to be a lot of deaths but is it a conspiracy?

Yes. The conspiracy is held by those brass necks who have aggressively promoted one approach over the last year. We all know who these characters are. The ones who would have easily and comfortably risen through the ranks of the gestapo.

The excess deaths are cumulated and shown in the figure below. For the first eight months, cumulative totals fluctuated around 0 in a fairly narrow band (rarely exceeding ±100). But from December cumulative excess deaths rose from -100 to over +300 by the end of February, and then rose more sharply, to +800 by the end of March. The sustained rise in excess mortality from December coincides with the booster rollout.

COVID-19 Boosters and Rising Excess Mortality in New Zealand

This is a mass democide event. One of the biggest mass murders in history. Will a crime of this size ever be brought to account? Not when so many have blood on their hands.

edit on 22-8-2022 by Zenchuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:08 PM

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:14 PM

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So no threads about Aliens eh?

Alright....Some graveyards pre-dig plots prior them be sold/used for burial. This is because graves are not simply holes in the ground, actual work and planning goes into them. Some graves take as a little as a day to dig, some up to 3 days depending on the plot of land and the composition of the ground.

I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.

The OP does raise a lot of threads on the pandemic, of varying levels of salience, sometimes compelling, sometimes less so.

What I find more odd, is your post history showing you turning up in his threads, and doing your best at debunking his premise, also sometimes compelling, but generally less so.

So, why are you fixated on this member's vaccine threads?

Genuine philanthropic concern for potential misleading/false information...

or are you just paid damage control.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:19 PM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So no threads about Aliens eh?

Alright....Some graveyards pre-dig plots prior them be sold/used for burial. This is because graves are not simply holes in the ground, actual work and planning goes into them. Some graves take as a little as a day to dig, some up to 3 days depending on the plot of land and the composition of the ground.

I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.

The OP does raise a lot of threads on the pandemic, of varying levels of salience, sometimes compelling, sometimes less so.

What I find more odd, is your post history showing you turning up in his threads, and doing your best at debunking his premise, also sometimes compelling, but generally less so.

So, why are you fixated on this member's vaccine threads?

Genuine philanthropic concern for potential misleading/false information...

or are you just paid damage control.

Because in general the OP insists on using source like BitChute or Rumble as a foundation for their threads. Those sources very clearly cater to a specific type of content viewer.

Since the tag line for this site is supposed to be Deny Ignorance that applies to both sides of the equation and not just the perspectives that seem to dominate most posters here currently.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:22 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So no threads about Aliens eh?

Alright....Some graveyards pre-dig plots prior them be sold/used for burial. This is because graves are not simply holes in the ground, actual work and planning goes into them. Some graves take as a little as a day to dig, some up to 3 days depending on the plot of land and the composition of the ground.

I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.

The OP does raise a lot of threads on the pandemic, of varying levels of salience, sometimes compelling, sometimes less so.

What I find more odd, is your post history showing you turning up in his threads, and doing your best at debunking his premise, also sometimes compelling, but generally less so.

So, why are you fixated on this member's vaccine threads?

Genuine philanthropic concern for potential misleading/false information...

or are you just paid damage control.

Because in general the OP insists on using source like BitChute or Rumble as a foundation for their threads. Those sources very clearly cater to a specific type of content viewer.

Since the tag line for this site is supposed to be Deny Ignorance that applies to both sides of the equation and not just the perspectives that seem to dominate most posters here currently.

What's credible exactly?

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:29 PM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

It's a cold windy wet place in the winter, with not much sunlight in the winter. They are probably getting the normal colds and flu with the added problem of a stuffed immune system. Still, it would be interesting to know what they were dying of. The brother-in-law had the latest strain, and he had to have a test tell him he had it.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:29 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened

originally posted by: Axios
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

So no threads about Aliens eh?

Alright....Some graveyards pre-dig plots prior them be sold/used for burial. This is because graves are not simply holes in the ground, actual work and planning goes into them. Some graves take as a little as a day to dig, some up to 3 days depending on the plot of land and the composition of the ground.

I think this is more of the undertaker taking advantage of a slow time to dig some more holes to sell.

The OP does raise a lot of threads on the pandemic, of varying levels of salience, sometimes compelling, sometimes less so.

What I find more odd, is your post history showing you turning up in his threads, and doing your best at debunking his premise, also sometimes compelling, but generally less so.

So, why are you fixated on this member's vaccine threads?

Genuine philanthropic concern for potential misleading/false information...

or are you just paid damage control.

Because in general the OP insists on using source like BitChute or Rumble as a foundation for their threads. Those sources very clearly cater to a specific type of content viewer.

Since the tag line for this site is supposed to be Deny Ignorance that applies to both sides of the equation and not just the perspectives that seem to dominate most posters here currently.

What's credible exactly?

It's hard to define what is credible with how divided the world is currently.
For me when it comes to topics in the US as I am neither a Democrat or Republican I try and find multiple sources from both sides of the equation and pull from that. This is a problem because depending on which side of the fence you fall on CNN posts leaning towards the left while TGP definitely posts leaning towards the right. Because of those tendencies certain sites will simply not report on things that dont fit their agenda and that is why I personally try to not use a single source for anything.

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