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A relative feels her doctor betrayed her about the vaccine

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posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: ColeYounger

I was once prescribed Gabapentin for sciatic nerve pain. Normally, I would thoroughly research anything before taking it, but I had spent months in excruciating pain, with a baby, a yoddler and a job, with very little restful sleep.

And so, I simply asked the GSM-V reader (most I don't consider deserve the title of "doctor" anymore), what the potential side effects are.

His answer: "you might feel a bit tired."

After 5 days, I stopped taking it - my wife and I both thought I was going to die if things progressively got worse.

In actuality, it decimates the immune system. I have a scar on each hand from what would normally have been barely-noticeable scratches. I wasn't healing from minor bumps and scrapes, I felt sick, had tremors, my hands and feet were beet-red and swollen, my urine had turned orange-brown.

When I told the so-called doctor, his answer: "those side effects aren't common."

I didn't ask what's common, d-bag! I would have never touched it. Thankfully I stopped the day the symptoms really took hold. It took 2 weeks to recover from 5 days on the poison.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 03:38 PM

originally posted by: ColeYounger
I have a 35 year old cousin who has always been very healthy. She was forced to get the vaccine for her job. She had no choice. Get the vax or get fired. She wasn't about to leave a high-paying management position. She has bills and a mortgage. So she got the vax, and then was required to get the booster. Her employer didn't consider an employee "fully vaccinated" unless they got the booster too.

My cousin said she wasn't that concerned about it. She thought the anti-vaxx chatter was "mostly hype".
The first vax went OK, but the booster made her very sick for about 24 hours. The day after the booster, she said she slept 14 hours. Her doctor told her all that was normal. My cousin's doctor is a woman about my cousin's age. My cousin has seen her for almost 10 years, and trusted her implicitly. She considered her a friend. The doctor assured her the vax was totally safe, tested, and "they wouldn't be giving it to people if it wasn't safe".

For months, my cousin has had painfully inflamed lymph nodes. She's gone to see her doctor about it, and was told it will subside. It recently became quite severe, so she went back to the doctor and told her the pain in her underarm was getting really bad. She wakes up every morning to serious pain.

She asked the doctor if she knew of other people who are having this side effect from the vaxx. The doctor said "it's rare but it happens". At that point, the doctor "became a different person" according to my cousin. The warm, friendly, caring person was gone. She became really cold, and seemed annoyed by my cousin. My cousin said "You assured me it was safe". The doctor snapped back at her: "You knew it was an experimental vaccine."

A neighbor of ours had the vaccine, was fine, then had a booster -
Well she said she had 'covid arm', the arm where she got the booster shot was in pain for 9 months!
After the pain went away she decided to get the second booster, which is silly I would think -
I don't trust any of it, now that there are repercussions with this vaccine, suddenly the medical field turns the tables on us, 'you knew it was experimental', what a thing to say!

edit on 21-8-2022 by RonnieJersey because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:01 PM
I went to an eye doctor a few years ago for the first time.
This doctor was nice as pie to me, and explained that though my eyes are fine, I could use a procedure that would cost $1,000 but I had to pay IN CASH ONLY.
You should have seen his complete attitude turnaround when I said I didn't need it and wasn't going to pay for it.
Nasty is the word that comes to mind, I couldn't believe the change, it took about one second.
No, I don't believe a word they say.

posted on Aug, 21 2022 @ 04:25 PM
a reply to: ColeYounger

So, she's alive and well? Congratulations

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 05:52 AM
Sorry to hear about your fam. I have a client who is not vaccinated but had several major ailments. She started taking Hydrogen Peroxide (medical grade) by diluting with water. She was cured of everything and she swears by it. I have not tried it as Im in pretty good health but in researching it intravenous H202 seems to have alot of promise to aide the body in increasing the oxidative response in the body that helps a myriad of ailments. Of course when you google it the media poo poo it as a remedy.

More Info

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: CptComa88
a reply to: ColeYounger

So, she's alive and well? Congratulations

If that's your takeaway after reading his post, you really must be in a coma.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 09:38 AM
I really hope she gets a second opinion. The fact that her lymph nodes are still painful and swollen after all this time is a very very bad sign. I worry she could have an accelerated cancer or immune issue now.
Sending prayers.

posted on Aug, 22 2022 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Menesses
I really hope she gets a second opinion. The fact that her lymph nodes are still painful and swollen after all this time is a very very bad sign. I worry she could have an accelerated cancer or immune issue now.
Sending prayers.

Thank you for your concern. It is greatly appreciated.
I spoke with her this weekend. She has had some tests done recently.
Some blood work and a mammogram. Thankfully, everything looked OK.

posted on Aug, 24 2022 @ 02:00 PM

originally posted by: hombero
Smart people that don't want to be flagged on a government honeypot website keep those sorts of violent fantasies to themselves.

a reply to: Middleoftheroad

Feel free to keep your opinions to yourself and I'll continue doing me.

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