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The Calvine UFO Image is finally out

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posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: alldaylong

If the analysis by Sheffield Hallam Uni is correct, they determined the size of the object as 60-100 feet in length.

You are perfectly aware a toy model suspended in front the camera can truly make you think of a real object with such and such dimensions, even when your toy model is just some centimeters long and width.

a reply to: DartFrog44

it was the missile commanders brain that brought down the 1117 as well as the poor mission planning on the USAF's side

Yes, that contributed to the final outcome, but remember that the expensive ultra-modern stealthy aircraft was shot down using a mere 1950’s era Soviet SA-3 surface-to-air missile battery, and that NATO radar-warning receivers were not calibrated to detect the long-range surveillance radar used by the Serbian defenders when tuned down to the lowest possible bandwidth.

This tells the story of a quality test team unable to figure out all possible environments the aircraft would face, and it tells the story no matter how advanced a UFO is it can still be shot down using a slingshot. Underestimating human creativity to destroy things is a classical error of the design teams. This also applies to those securized computer platforms that underestimate old-school hacking techniques and come out being defaced or penetrated by guys using just an old Amiga computer.

In the defense industry we only trust those toys that have been combat-proven in various complex combat situations, under the most demanding circumstances, and always expecting what we call the slingshot effect.

there are no normal control surfaces in use in this picture

Yes. It is just a rigid paper toy model used by the pranksters.

it was either a rigid ISR stealth blimp type thing or a drone

That statement assumes the photograph shows a real military platform and an aircraft, and not just a rigid-paper or polyspan model. That the British military authorities decided to give back to the Daily Record all the pictures means they knew the picture was harmless and useless. My concern is that it took them some time to realize what was happening, most likely because only a few knew about the real platforms, blimps, and aircraft: those with the right to know.

I also agree with mirageman that nobody else except for the two pranksters witnessed the encounter, which calls for a clearly suspicious story.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 11:55 AM
I have been following the thread and want to throw out that after thinking about this photo for a few days that the photo that was released unfortunately is such bad quality we have no idea what we are looking at.

It could be anything.

Maybe those other accompanying photos (that we will never see) might help to clear up some questions.

But overall it is another terrible overhyped blobsquatch photo that proves nothing.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 12:18 PM
I'm glad the picture is finally out, I've always been curious about this case, so well done to all involved. Just a guess, could it be something like the Lockheed "Hopeless Diamond" Experimental Stealth Concept? Or a stealth blimp which the US airforce was supposed to be testing in the mid 80's? Or is it the mysterious "Companion" aircraft that apparently helped the f117's with target designation in gulf War 1? Or maybe even the "pointy" looking aircraft that malfunctioned on the runway at boscome down (my former brother in law was on base at the time), or was it just the plain old aurora, that nobody has ever seen but plenty have heard? I don't know, alien? Na, not for me, I remember some yanks telling me once that Britain was referred to as "the landing strip" and they all chuckled about it, it must of been some sort of inside joke I guess

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 12:24 PM
a reply to: Direne

You are perfectly aware a toy model suspended in front the camera can truly make you think of a real object with such and such dimensions, even when your toy model is just some centimeters long and width

That is why I said that if the chaps at Sheffield Hallam Uni are CORRECT with the estimated length being 60-100 feet.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 12:26 PM
Thinking about it, it could be a hoax also, let's hope the photographer comes forward to maybe clear things up a bit.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Direne

a D notice is a legal document from the very top of the UK government

IF and i don't think it is a fake but if it is the pranksters nailed a secret project to the point of military involvement.

how many Hoaxes here do you think get a visit by the NSA/AFOSI or the MOD?

how many people saw the recent fly off in Scotland?

1-3? and no pictures made it out.

What more probable

that the picture or what is represented as the picture is of something in the US or UK's black bag.

saying it is a hoax is an easy out for something unexplainable. Again how many hoxes get serious government ire to the point of stealing negatives from the news paper? that would be like the NSA/OSI nuking ATS because of a hoaxed post.

makes no sense

Secret aircraft and drones fly everyday and no one see's them, so the argument that only a few people saw it so there for it is a hox doesnt hold water.

also if the black triangles exist why cant this?

i have seen a BT with my own eyes so that kind of set the bar for what is possible pretty darn high

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 02:20 PM

originally posted by: TheGeneral33
I'm glad the picture is finally out, I've always been curious about this case, so well done to all involved. Just a guess, could it be something like the Lockheed "Hopeless Diamond" Experimental Stealth Concept? Or a stealth blimp which the US airforce was supposed to be testing in the mid 80's? Or is it the mysterious "Companion" aircraft that apparently helped the f117's with target designation in gulf War 1? Or maybe even the "pointy" looking aircraft that malfunctioned on the runway at boscome down (my former brother in law was on base at the time), or was it just the plain old aurora, that nobody has ever seen but plenty have heard? I don't know, alien? Na, not for me, I remember some yanks telling me once that Britain was referred to as "the landing strip" and they all chuckled about it, it must of been some sort of inside joke I guess


the the nighthawks Shadow is a real Pandora's box but 110% exists

just watch some of the recently released photos from GW1

it was even seen on the runway and actually made it on a documentary in the background before the show was burred so deep it is essentially gone.

the reason the person who took a photo of this craft haven't come forward is the USAF or MOD paid for the rights to the picture.

there for4 the picture can only be authenticated and released by the MOD/USAF

They pay well, trust me, for pictures of black projects as well as a long interview

edit on 15-8-2022 by DartFrog44 because: .

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 02:42 PM
a reply to: alldaylong

Yes, that's what you said. But if the report is correct, and it is, then it is fair to quote the exact conclusion of it, which is point 8th of the Summary, where it is written this (verbatim):

It follows that this is either a genuine unidentified flying object in the sky OR that any construction or manipulation used to create this effect occurred IN FRONT of the camera and NOT in the capturing of the scene on film nor in the subsequent processing and printing of the image.

That is, the report only leaves two possibilities: either it is a flying object in the sky or it is a construction or manipulation that occurred in front of the camera, also known as the Billy Meier trick.

Therefore, let's accept Mr. Robinson (the author of the report) conclusions regarding the photograph (and only the photograph), which are the only conclusions we can draw from just one picture.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 03:02 PM
a reply to: DartFrog44

also if the black triangles exist why cant this?

Because the RAF guy having the original photograph is alive, instead of being dead with a bullet in his head for having taken sensitive material home when he retired. But to be honest, I ignore if the two chefs who went to the hill are alive or their corpses are somewhere in the hill.

i have seen a BT with my own eyes so that kind of set the bar for what is possible pretty darn high

I don't doubt your claim. And you can even listen to their call signs (Sienna, Vega, Altaris...) if you happen to tune in the right frequency, which is not big deal. But what I never witnessed is a slow-moving, soundless, otherwordly-looking, no-windows, triangle-shaped aircraft hovering over a field. The ones I saw were just aircrafts, noisy ones. Beautiful from the technological point of view, no doubt, yet I find more beautiful jelly fishes, mantas, and rays.

These ones do really look slow-moving, soundless, otherworldly-looking, have no windows, and make a wonderful sighting when they swim over the coral reef. And they have no call signs.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:49 PM
Mentioned in Mirageman's sister thread (authored before the latest news), in 2021 a poster on Reddit claimed one of his parents was a life-long friend of the man who developed the six photos in a local shop for the police (who, upon initially hearing a weird story, had no reason to suspect the story would be this big). The hyperbolic poster claims the case is ultimate proof of ET, blah-blah, but beyond the noise, maybe some elements are useful NOW. I won't quote from another forum, so I'll briefly summarise (believe me, it saves you a headache):

In Feb 2021, the developer revealed that, upon seeing the pics, he was initially warned by police and British intelligence that this was a serious matter, and to stay silent for 30 years. Now it gets weirder...

The developer was told about the incident by an alleged THIRD witness on a hillside, unconnected to the others, who somehow located the developer and said an object "around the size of Hampden park" suddenly appeared rapidly from a distance and hovered above the two chefs, completely silent, before accelerating upwards and out of sight. This third witness said the experience felt otherworldly and 'wrong'.

The time between photos was around six seconds, and the first five pics were of the object alone until the jet(s) arrived. A startling aspect was the UFO's ability to go from extreme speeds to absolute zero in a single moment without noise - presumably referring to the witnesses seeing the arrival above them and its swift vertical exit. The overall impression was of a cat-and-mouse game between the jet(s) and the UFO. Hmm.

That's the gist of the Reddit poster's contribution in 2021. What can we glean from it? Is he a swivel-eyed crank? Or is his parent genuinely a long-time friend of the developer who was told the story by a third hitherto unknown THIRD witness? With the release of the photo, elements of the poster's story are clearly OFF - eg, the object's size estimate of nearly 350 feet (the length of Hampden Park), three and a half times the estimate of Clarke's photographic expert. I think the "third" witness who allegedly spoke to the developer is a cover for the photographer's mate, since the poster seemed obsessively protective of his contacts. Or his pants are on fire.

In the real world, RAF Press Officer Craig Lindsay, despite the six pics, was initially dismissive of the entire story whilst acting as a go-between for the two witnesses, until the lack of sound from the object was mentioned. That's when he cranked into action.

But are we missing something during Lindsay's transition from "Pfft..." to "Wow!"?

More generally, one of the strangest elements of the entire saga is that throughout Dr David Clarke's investigation, not one single person in the area remembered the incident, including the hotel where the witnesses worked; not even the local newspaper that started the story rolling! Which is why it's such a shame the editor died in 2015. Typical, huh?

Basically, the whole area turned into a collective extra from a Hammer Horror Film - "Ochhhh, means nothing to me, I don't know nuthin', sir..."

edit on 15-8-2022 by ConfusedBrit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 06:53 PM

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Mirror article from 10 Oct 2020 so this is not new.

A secret dossier that details one of Britain's most famous UFO sightings is to be kept secret for another 50 years.

It apparently contains incredible colour photos taken in 1990 that allegedly show a 100ft craft hovering over Calvine in the Scottish Highlands.

Two hikers were walking in the area when suddenly they say they saw a diamond shaped aircraft over the landscape before speeding off into the distance.

You should view the image at full size by opening it in another tab if you're on a PC.

This photo is higher quality than the one in the newer article and shows good detail.

Enlarged only, no other manipulation...

Looking at the older version before it was manipulated the object is clearly close to the camera and small. I'd say the detail is actually printed on the surface of whatever the lighter-than-air toy or kite it is.

Odd they forgot it was already out there. I smell a hoax. Just my opinion of course.

Looks like it has some form of " Tail Appendage " on the Right side of the Object . What could that be ?
edit on 15-8-2022 by Zanti Misfit because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: Direne

you also have to take into account WHEN the picture was snapped.

i have ZERO doubts we could build and fly something that looks exactly like this today, heck a high school tech club could.

but back then when the hottest thing on the block was a F14 and the starts of the programs we see today.

the way what ever in that pice is constructed it looks very human built.

the fact there is no glass anywhere tell me that this is some sort of drone or blimp, the fact is no one in the world had enough satellite bandwidth and speed to remotely fly anything.

maybe even a helper for that harrier. using a slow lighter than air ECM package that could jam an area indefinitely would be very useful, make it stealth doubly so.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:03 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

Looks like it has some form of " Tail Appendage " on the Right side of the Object . What could that be ?

That is NOT the newly released photograph being discussed - it's an old Pope mock-up.

But yes, there is a vaguer hint of a "tail appendage" in the actual photo - which has many scratching their heads.

Personally, and I may be alone in this, I still wonder if we are looking at a 'starfish'-shaped object with a 'wing' jutting towards the camera, the tip being the dark spot towards the middle section. Or perhaps my eyes are bending my imagination, or vice-versa!

You need to refer back to the real pic to see what I mean, though, Zanti.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:14 PM
a reply to: ConfusedBrit

Ok , but considering the Date of the Original Photo , I to seem to think that looks like some form of Dirigible .

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 07:51 PM
it would need HUGE tricycle landing gear

no space in there for that

but i too think we are not seeing the actual shape
edit on 15-8-2022 by DartFrog44 because: .

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 08:40 PM
That airplane is so obviously fake.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 09:59 PM
This is an artists recreation not a real photo. That's why it looks so good.

posted on Aug, 15 2022 @ 10:05 PM

originally posted by: Zanti Misfit

originally posted by: Blaine91555
Mirror article from 10 Oct 2020 so this is not new.

A secret dossier that details one of Britain's most famous UFO sightings is to be kept secret for another 50 years.

It apparently contains incredible colour photos taken in 1990 that allegedly show a 100ft craft hovering over Calvine in the Scottish Highlands.

Two hikers were walking in the area when suddenly they say they saw a diamond shaped aircraft over the landscape before speeding off into the distance.

You should view the image at full size by opening it in another tab if you're on a PC.

This photo is higher quality than the one in the newer article and shows good detail.

Enlarged only, no other manipulation...

Looking at the older version before it was manipulated the object is clearly close to the camera and small. I'd say the detail is actually printed on the surface of whatever the lighter-than-air toy or kite it is.

Odd they forgot it was already out there. I smell a hoax. Just my opinion of course.

Looks like it has some form of " Tail Appendage " on the Right side of the Object . What could that be ?

People keeping referencing this.

This is computer generated artist composition. This was released before the photo was released.

This is not ok to reference.

This is not equal to the blobsquatch that was released.

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 03:41 PM
a reply to: DartFrog44

....a D notice is a legal document from the very top of the UK government

It's a century old 'compromise' that maintains the freedom of the press. Media organizations are asked to 'voluntarily' protect national security by not reporting on matters that would be seriously detrimental to the UK's national security or UK nationals.

Whether the photo is a hoax or not is still undetermined to me.

The MoD were certainly intrigued enough to have experts look at the photos and prepare government ministers for the expected press story in the Daily Record.

But this was instigated by Nick Pope's predecessor. Someone that occuped a relatively junior supervisory role in the civilian branch of the MoD. Not necessarily someone briefed in on top secret projects. The available documentation from official sources is also sparse.

I can't speak for anyone else. But the jury is still out for me on this one.

There are still a lot of unanswered questions.

posted on Aug, 16 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: WakeUpBeer
Thing that gets me is it’s a harrier jet . Very slow and not an interceptor . I would imagine jaguars would be used for interceptors as that was their role
Edit . After a bit of digging around RAF LEUCHARS was transitioning from phantoms to tornados in 89-90.
4 squadron RAF were flying harriers and although based in Germany at the time 4 aircraft were stationed at RAF LEUCHARS conducting low level training
edit on 16-8-2022 by da pickles because: (no reason given)

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