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Sex - Why the control

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posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 06:15 PM

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: olaru12
I'm always astonished how much interest the Conservative Religious Right wing have with the sexuality of others.

So it's the covservative religious right who are into teaching children all about how to masturbate, choose their own gender, get on puberty blockers, etc. before many of them learn how to tie their own shoes?

People are born with an inate sense of sexuality and gender (the two are separate, and may, or may not correlate to the sex of the body they are born into).

People are not born wearing shoes.

Stop it. No babies are not born with a sense of sexuality. And sex/gender is the same. ScIeNcE matters, not the mentally ill opinions pushed by the woke progressives.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 06:18 PM

originally posted by: shaemac

originally posted by: Mantiss2021

originally posted by: ketsuko

originally posted by: olaru12
I'm always astonished how much interest the Conservative Religious Right wing have with the sexuality of others.

So it's the covservative religious right who are into teaching children all about how to masturbate, choose their own gender, get on puberty blockers, etc. before many of them learn how to tie their own shoes?

People are born with an inate sense of sexuality and gender (the two are separate, and may, or may not correlate to the sex of the body they are born into).

People are not born wearing shoes.

Stop it. No babies are not born with a sense of sexuality. And sex/gender is the same. ScIeNcE matters, not the mentally ill opinions pushed by the woke progressives.

OK, you were far more blunt about it, but it's thinking like that that leads us to the point where we are asking our infants if they consent to having their diapers changed.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:04 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021
Yes indeed, that case can be made and I think has. It would also makes sense that monogamy could also come into practice with the advent of agriculture with the building of permanent dwelling spaces and a growth of specialization of skills where a person with a specific skill would want to protect the tools used for that skill that helped provide for that persons rank within the tribe. And protect and isolate from other men the bearer of his children.

And as with the Big Man, men skilled in specific aspects of tribal necessities would have their sons to pass on those skills, but you mostly said that already.

And yes, years ago when I realized there was a place called Crete and wondered at the name my grandfather always called my brother and me, I looked into it but do not recall mention of the why it was conquered, so thanks for that.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 08:28 PM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher
I ask why do Humans or at least the ones in control . .
OMG a teacher had sex with a 16 year old Why is sex so taboo ?

Ass-backwards you seem to be.
'We' HUMANS are NOT trying to control sex, far from that.
'We' HUMANS ARE trying to control the mentally corrupted.
Criminally minded, who are predatory in perverting,
grooming others, and THEIR families.
I ask YOU,
why your gas-lighting ?
Is YOUR sex so bad that
you feel a need to target 16 year old's ?
See a psychologist instead of inflicting your personal
issues onto us HUMANS.
*If you overstep, you will learn the
hard way, guaranteed*

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:04 PM
Power-mongers use sex to control YOU.

How else can they package some foul-tasting crap and market it, except with jiggling cars and crashing boobies on the screen?

Once you get regular sex, it quits having the hold over you. You realize that it’s just 45 minutes in your week. Sure, it’s great to scratch that itch,... but then what? Afterward, You’re still poor, bored, and painfully sober. You realize that the same lizards are still running your prison-planet.

From a definitely “outsider” viewpoint, the most subversive thing about the Christian church is the claim that your sexuality doesn’t define you as an individual. Turns out the same “subversive” attitude is in Islam, it’s in Buddhism, it’s wherever people are trying to WAKE THE TRUCK UP from this nightmare tinker-toy civilization.

And it’s the primary gripe against religion, this idea that you are not an ape who “has a soul.” Rather, you are a soul that temporarily “has a body.” And the really meaningful things are not the fleeting shadows of power/sex/fame. The Real things are the eternal ones: truth, goodness, harmony, everlasting love.

This life is just a game, a version of monopoly where you weren’t born owning park place OR board walk; where even the winners will come the the end of play. Then we will scrape up all the houses and hotels and paper money. We’ll fold up the board and put away the pieces, and then REAL LIFE will begin.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:10 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

2000 years of changed standards and practices. The Hellenistic lifestyle became detestable by Constantine.

Roman society was a bacchanal. Lust for blood, lust for flesh.

Christian tenets took over the status quo. Eternal punishment for perversion became way more a thing by the time Sheol was a distant memory now called Hell.

Today an average aristocratic Hellenistic era male would be subject to Megan's Law. A client of that island dude grooming his paid for fluff boy.

That culture today would be walking by a fountain in the downtown plaza and seeing dozens of people of breeding age having a massive orgy in it. Glory to Bacchus and/or Dionysus. Christians don't have a revered drunken sex god in their canon.

And until that is culture again sex will be largely lensed through the christian status quo and controlled.

Unless your culture hasn't been Chtistianized or otherwise normalized against the behavior, like tribal Africa. Some places in that part of the world the status quo is still every male 13 or older attacks the rival tribe and rapes or mutilates every female for dominance.
edit on 31-7-2022 by Degradation33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:48 PM
a reply to: tovenar

From a definitely “outsider” viewpoint, the most subversive thing about the Christian church is the claim that your sexuality doesn’t define you as an individual. Turns out the same “subversive” attitude is in Islam, it’s in Buddhism, it’s wherever people are trying to WAKE THE TRUCK UP from this nightmare tinker-toy civilization.

And it’s the primary gripe against religion, this idea that you are not an ape who “has a soul.” Rather, you are a soul that temporarily “has a body.” And the really meaningful things are not the fleeting shadows of power/sex/fame. The Real things are the eternal ones: truth, goodness, harmony, everlasting love.

If what you say is true and we are all just souls inhabiting meat bags, then how is it subversive to think that your sexuality doesn't define you? After all, the meatbag is what has/needs the sex in order to produce more of itself. If we are just souls, then we have zero need for sex in any form. That's contamination by the meatbag impulse.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 09:48 PM
Controling sex is necessary, there are some bad diseases that are sexually transmitted. Also there would be more incest and young kids hurt if there was no control.

That is my belief, diseases caused by sex are not new, some of the policies of Christianity recognized this and the Jewish and muslim religions also recognized the connection going back thousands of years ago.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

So I ask why do Humans or at least the ones in control doing the teaching want to control what sex is What is the ?

Age limits

Because children do not have a sense for sexuality and children that got raped -and that's the only fitting term- struggle their whole life because of different reasons. Ask me.

Where it can take place
Whatever you do do not show anything in public even tho guys can go topless

Because it's an intimate act and should not be exercised in public for all to see.

How it should take place

Consensual, always. Everything other is rape, looping back to your question why age restrictions. Children can not consent in an informed way, why we call it abuse and rape when it's done to children.

You really need that explained? I am worried.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:29 PM
Well, fate gets technically sealed for one, control one thing, dominate another, secondly. Last but not least, it so natural an simple, has tons of implications, that it is just complicated.

posted on Jul, 31 2022 @ 11:51 PM
a reply to: TDDAgain

I'm thinking alot of teens are able to give consent from a mental point of view... But legally not so much, still they have that authority in almost all other instances. Sex is handled like harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, heck they can give conset to wreck their brains with beer at the age of 16 yet sex it's 18...

Any of you chastity belt producers what exactly is harmful about consensual sex, appart from the guilt instilled?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 12:00 AM
Sex is a very powerful procreative act, see Crowley's concept of Sex Magicks.

Even when not done for procreative purposes.

It's a powerful driving force of our existence.

Those who would seek to control us will naturally use our inate biological psychology to their advantage.

Be it Puritanical, or Hedonistic.

Sex sells.

edit on 8/1/22 by GENERAL EYES because: spelling

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:20 AM
a reply to: Terpene
Age of consent is 14 in Germany. This also includes certain business deals and that they are accountable by law when they become 14. And we have a rough rule for who can engage with them, to protect the younger part. The other part would be in trouble here if a certain age span is overstepped. There is the "age:2 add 7 rule. This is to separate the different stages of puberty.

And it's not about 16 year olds, it was about age restrictions in the OP "age limits" in general and that includes children.

Any of you chastity belt producers what exactly is harmful about consensual sex, appart from the guilt instilled?

So you tell me I could give informed consent with 10 year old to a 45 year old? I didn't even understand sexual feelings. What it does to the victim is preventing a healthy relationship to sex, as all these concepts only build up after hormonal change set's in. What happens is hypersexualizing the victim as sex becomes a normal thing like reading a book.

It's buried deep inside the victim and this is why the sick pedophiles "MAP" *PUKE* want this to be okay, so they can influence little children and make them their sex toys. Anyone that supports this MAP # is inflicting harm via proxy to innocent children. When I see the LGBTQ crowd being inclusive to them it turns my stomach and makes me angry, if someone had the audacity to defend them in my face I don't know what I would do.

Probably punch their throat so they shut up their inclusive bull# drivel for the sake of it, because in their #ty bubble of "inclusion" and "equality" they go so far to welcome them in their reigns.

And for what? Only because they have a stronger voice overall. So please spare me the "chastity belt" reference, okay?

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:29 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Okay... I'm sorry you had to grow up in a sexually sick environment. I'm guessing LGBTQwhatnot, isn't to blame here?
but hey let's keep doing the same and expect diffrent results...

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 02:51 AM
a reply to: Terpene

LGTBQ as a whole does not speak up or denounce the affiliation to MAP that a chunk of them does.

Therefor, LGBTQ is to blame and they also make my life more difficult by doing outrageous stuff in public.

If not for the picture they paint with CSD any other events, I would feel totally comfortable kissing women in public.

For people like me that do not play the victim card and do not define themselves with letters or by association, it's actually making things worse.

So your last sentence

let's keep doing the same and expect diffrent results..

Is something the LGBTQ crowd should adhere to. Act out in public "LGBTQ bashing back" and such... is doing a disservice to to anyone that just wants to live their lives.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 04:40 AM
Ever look into sharia law from middle eastern?

Doing it with children under age of 10 and doing it with animals?

Just sickening.

Age of consent is there for a reason. Or you in jail. GL.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 07:55 AM

originally posted by: incoserv
John Calhoun's Universe 25 experiment is instructional here. As the societal structure and "culture"within the colony collapsed, sexual promiscuity and perversion presented and increased exponentially.

That should be a lesson to us, but most humans are too stupid to get it.

No, you are really wrong about that study - you are interpreting it the way you want it to be interpreted.
Normal mice courtship and mating stopped for the entire population. In fact, the far majority had no interest and no interest in raising little mice.

What did happen is a percentage became very aggressive and violent in their behavior. It was not about creating little mice but to act out as aggressively as possible. The rest stopped being interested in mating.

Even when the non-aggressive mice were separated from the aggressive ones, they had no interest in mating.

In fact, the entire population died out because mating stopped.

So the moral of the story should be in a healthy society there is a normal desire for consensual non-violent mating - in collapsing society most don't want to mate and when it's done it's used as a form of violence.

edit on August 1st 2022 by Daughter2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

To stop people from having sex with children and animals. To outlaw forced sex (rape). To make sex trafficking illegal, as well as incest. In other words, to protect people and animals.

That's battery not sex - But deep down inside of every human is the animistic pack dynamic - The strong breed to pass on the best traits that is how nature intended us to be . The way we are now will eventually kill off the human race there are so many passing on genes that just should not be breeding .
edit on 1-8-2022 by Ravenwatcher because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 09:48 AM
a reply to: TDDAgain

Pretty sure your tourmenter never heard of lgbtq when you were 10, so propably our sexual culture didn't have a good solution to prevent it, but I'm glad you found a collective to project your traumas onto, it doesn't really help, but if it works for you.

I get that sex is the first socially instilled trauma blocking the very first chakra, and people can't usually see past these things once they get distorted. One builds a justification around that distortion, if it's a cultural thing it's all to easy to even feel good about it, as it seems to be legitimized by everyone else.

If LBTQ was to blame, sexual violence should have been a non issue before, but it was rampant long before, so the old way certainly did not solve the issue but created it in the first place. now you want to get all finger pointing at a collective that adresses an issue you have traumas with? It's kind of cute how common PTSD is, when it comes to sexuallity.
It is a problem and it needs addressing, I'm not condoning the virtue signaling but making it a taboo is not going to help protect further victims.
It has to be something that we as society can talk freely and openly without feeling embarrassed by everyone's judgment. It has to be brought into the light and I hate to say but the conservative way we treat sexuallity has not bared any fruit worth planting again.
Sometimes extremes are necessary to to find a middle ground between extremes, the unwillingness to rethink our ways to deal with sexuallity tells you that there are now extremes on both sides, and also which one is the reactionary extreme...

As I said our sex culture is nothing more than doing the same and expecting diffrent results... I guess you would see a need to rethink our approach on the issue, but then again it sounds that you think what happen to you 20 years ago was the best our culture could come up when it came to sexuallity.

posted on Aug, 1 2022 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Ravenwatcher

originally posted by: nugget1
a reply to: Ravenwatcher

To stop people from having sex with children and animals. To outlaw forced sex (rape). To make sex trafficking illegal, as well as incest. In other words, to protect people and animals.

But deep down inside of every human is the animistic pack dynamic - The strong breed to pass on the best traits that is how nature intended us to be. The way we are now will eventually kill off the human race there are so many passing on genes that just should not be breeding.

I agree with this.

Just because you can -- doesn't necessarily mean you should.

I think sometime in the future -- selective breeding (humans) will be preferred.

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