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UK Gov 'vaccinated' kids 4423% to die any cause & 13,633% die of COVID than 'Unvaccinated'

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posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:11 AM
a reply to: v1rtu0s0

They UK forced to health minsters to approve vaccinating healthy kids.
Scientists not backing Covid jabs for 12 to 15-year-olds

The JCVI said children were at such a low risk from the virus that jabs would offer only a marginal benefit.

Amazingly they actually stated there was no 'Insufficient evidence' yet the UK still went anyway. It shows that the western govs are corrupted.
edit on 30-7-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:52 AM

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: andr3w68

Oh gosh I wasn't lying lol, I don't know anyone with kids who are healthy, being advised to vaccinate their kids.
The overwhelming majority of kids vaccinated in the UK are kids who were on the clinically vulnerable list. Vaccinations for covid for healthy kids ain't a thing for healthy kids, and I don't hear of the government pushing it either.
Certainly no lies from me

Back 9+ months ago when the jabs were being pushed hard, the government were running ads on the radio that absolutely encouraged all parents to jab their kids, not just vulnerable ones. Probably had them on the Bullcrap Broadcasting Corporation and other channels too but not 100% sure as stopped watching the mainstream channels 2 years ago.

It was the usual poopaganda, said by a woman with a bit of a husky voice: "Getting your children vaccinated offers the best protection against covid19. If they get the virus they won't be able to go out with their friends or family. You don't want them to miss out during the festive period, do you? Go on, book in and don't let them be disappointed this christmas. Together we can beat this."

Going off memory obviously but there was definitely the 'missing out' line, as I distinctly remember me uttering "Oh f**k off!!" in disbelief.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 02:52 AM

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: ancientlight

Hi, I'm in the UK, the ONLY kids that have had any COVID vaccine, have been kids already under medical treatment for X condition, and deemed 'vulnerable'.
That's the official line here, and anecdotally, I don't know of a single parent who has even considered vaccines for kids, it is not a thing for healthy kids.

So while I remain unvaccinated myself, I'm not surprised that vaccinated UK kids have a high death rate, because ONLY really unwell kids got the vaccines.
*Edit, My conspiracy mind though of course assumes: Best place to trial an experimental kids drug, is on kids who are going to die prematurely anyway.

Not quite true, I personally know a family in England where their very healthy 12 year old got jabbed. I worry for him so much.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:21 AM

originally posted by: ancientlight
More proof that the 'vaccine' is worthless, not working, dangerous, a depopulation tool etc:

Or, alternatively, this is more proof that people misuse statistics they don't understand. Yes, that's it.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:36 AM
a reply to: Backagain

Please just stop! Where is Covid AIDS? Please just stop. Why in LA are there barely any sirens blasting? Living in a populated city. Your claim is BS!

As an outsider why are you attacking the OP as said person is just relating a story that was published by a large organization.

Why don't you write to that organization.

On the other side of the coin when you no longer track some thing the numbers dwindle and go away

L.A. County has cut back on COVID-19 contact tracing as supercontagious BA.5 surges

Deny Ignorance?

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 08:38 AM

originally posted by: igloo

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: andr3w68

Oh gosh I wasn't lying lol, I don't know anyone with kids who are healthy, being advised to vaccinate their kids.
The overwhelming majority of kids vaccinated in the UK are kids who were on the clinically vulnerable list. Vaccinations for covid for healthy kids ain't a thing for healthy kids, and I don't hear of the government pushing it either.
Certainly no lies from me

They sure are pushing it here in Canada.
That's the thing which surprise's me, same when I watch NZ & Australia news media online.
Vaccinations for covid (for kids) have been made available in UK, but not pushed at all now, the parents have to request it.
There was a high take up with older teens when venues made it a condition of entry in 2021, but since the majority now know the vaccines are useless as traditional vaccines lol, nobody except the most neurotic subject parents, are getting their kids jabbed now.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:00 AM

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: andr3w68

Oh gosh I wasn't lying lol, I don't know anyone with kids who are healthy, being advised to vaccinate their kids.
The overwhelming majority of kids vaccinated in the UK are kids who were on the clinically vulnerable list. Vaccinations for covid for healthy kids ain't a thing for healthy kids, and I don't hear of the government pushing it either.
Certainly no lies from me
Funny, the people who died with covid all had conditions which compromised their health and would have easily survived covid if not for their preexisiting ailments.

That’s what provided us the statistics to push for the vaccines lockdowns and mandates in the first place. So you’re saying even the amazing vaccine can’t protect the vulnerable people and those who weren’t vulnerable never needed it in the first place. Got it. I’ll let you catch up.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:01 AM
On first impression of table 6 of the data, seams like like jab is working. But when getting into what the person years field is about and how that relates to the rest of the data, it does raise some serious question. As this this stage it does look like not enough data to make a clear statistical measure with such low numbers. As a forecast with what data is available, its ringing alarm bells.

Unfortunately, the only way we are going to get a clear view is to measure the fallout once it it done and dusted. With safe and effective treatment getting suppressed, whatever numbers result have bad news all over it.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: angeltone

I’m in the U.K. too and earlier this year there was indeed a publicity push to get kids over 5 vaccinated (regardless of health status) . Msm ran stories about how it’s now available to kids that it protects them as well as vulnerable adults/old folk they come into contact with.

I don’t know how many parents went ahead with this, but I’ve been getting texts weekly, sometimes a couple a day telling me to book my booster. The criteria for who gets these texts is mysterious, since not everyone, regardless of vaccine status seems to get them - the point being that it’s equally difficult to asses how many parents might be getting these texts regarding their kids; just because some aren’t doesn’t mean other aren’t. If parents are getting equally bombarded with these reminders, then I guess that many have relented and gotten their kid vaxxed.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:21 AM
a reply to: Skepticape

So you’re saying even the amazing vaccine can’t protect the vulnerable people and those who weren’t vulnerable never needed it in the first place.

No, I believed ONLY people with underlying health conditions died from covid way back in 2020 when I woke up from a coma end of February, and I busted myself out 2 days before the first lockdown happened, coz I didn't wanna be trapped under 'emergency' NHS powers

2 years later, I've ignored all vaccine propaganda, I've had covid confimed 3 times by government swab tests, and nobody I know has died from it except from already sick people.

The whole thing was a scam as far as I'm concerned, and I think most people are realising now that it was a scam... I just hope it's not too late for people who foolishly trusted 'the experts' and took the experimental vaccines needlessly.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: angeltone

well they are still offering and being talked into it.
Any percent is to many!
Not new This article is more than 2 months old

Only 7% of primary schoolchildren in England have received a first dose of Covid vaccine six weeks after it was rolled out to all 5- to 11-year-olds, as parents grapple with the decision about whether to take up the offer.

That rate compares with 24% of 12- to 15-year-olds who had received a first dose in the first six weeks after they became eligible in September 2021.

The area with the largest vaccine take-up for 5- to 11-year-olds was Oxfordshire, with 12%, while Knowsley in Merseyside had the fewest, with 3%, according to the latest NHS vaccine data up to 8 May.
edit on 30-7-2022 by SeaWorthy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Oh gosh I don't deny the government propaganda continues lol, but I don't know a single parent who has listened to it since covid doesn't generally kill healthy kids.
Even adults who chose the vaccine during the initial hysteria days 2021, pretty much all regret it, and will never trust 'emergency' health authority advice again.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: SeaWorthy

Oh gosh I don't deny the government propaganda continues lol, but I don't know a single parent who has listened to it since covid doesn't generally kill healthy kids.
Even adults who chose the vaccine during the initial hysteria days 2021, pretty much all regret it, and will never trust 'emergency' health authority advice again.

Very glad to hear that! I hope you will help spread the word to "never"!!

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: angeltone

Even adults who chose the vaccine during the initial hysteria days 2021, pretty much all regret it, and will never trust 'emergency' health authority advice again.

That is very true , I find most people suffer from Vaccine regret .

People do not like being taken advantage of or to look like fools , Which is why we saw aggressive vaccine pushing by those who took the jab early .

They did not want to be alone in there stupidity.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 01:38 PM
Ah I see where we disagree. You think they died from covid and not their previous condition.

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: Skepticape

So you’re saying even the amazing vaccine can’t protect the vulnerable people and those who weren’t vulnerable never needed it in the first place.

No, I believed ONLY people with underlying health conditions died from covid way back in 2020 when I woke up from a coma end of February, and I busted myself out 2 days before the first lockdown happened, coz I didn't wanna be trapped under 'emergency' NHS powers

2 years later, I've ignored all vaccine propaganda, I've had covid confimed 3 times by government swab tests, and nobody I know has died from it except from already sick people.

The whole thing was a scam as far as I'm concerned, and I think most people are realising now that it was a scam... I just hope it's not too late for people who foolishly trusted 'the experts' and took the experimental vaccines needlessly.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: Skepticape
Ah I see where we disagree. You think they died from covid and not their previous condition.

originally posted by: angeltone
a reply to: Skepticape

So you’re saying even the amazing vaccine can’t protect the vulnerable people and those who weren’t vulnerable never needed it in the first place.

No, I believed ONLY people with underlying health conditions died from covid way back in 2020 when I woke up from a coma end of February, and I busted myself out 2 days before the first lockdown happened, coz I didn't wanna be trapped under 'emergency' NHS powers

2 years later, I've ignored all vaccine propaganda, I've had covid confimed 3 times by government swab tests, and nobody I know has died from it except from already sick people.

The whole thing was a scam as far as I'm concerned, and I think most people are realising now that it was a scam... I just hope it's not too late for people who foolishly trusted 'the experts' and took the experimental vaccines needlessly.

No, I just made the clear observation, prior to the first lockdown, that the ONLY people dying were already sick people, NOT healthy people.
That has been the case all way through this crazy fear campaign since 2020, and anyone vaccinating healthy kids now is frankly nuts, in my opinion.

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 06:03 PM
So you can’t explain any disagreement? Why do you keep saying no? The vaccine is BS and not protecting anyone. The sick don’t die of covid they die of what they were already sick from. Why are you saying no again? Come on dude.

a reply to: angeltone

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 06:27 PM

originally posted by: Skepticape
The sick don’t die of covid they die of what they were already sick from.

Obviously they can die of both things overwhelming their body. It isn't just one or the other. The observation made was accurate.

ETA: And, I guess nobody else noticed that the math used in the OP's source was wrong.
edit on 30-7-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 06:30 PM
Why speak for another poster? No obviously they cannot die of both. It is one or the other.

a reply to: daskakik

posted on Jul, 30 2022 @ 06:33 PM
If they had cancer that’s what killed them not covid. If they had a bullet wound that’s what killed them not covid. Covid don’t also kill them along with that wound. If they were obese and ha a heart condition their previous condition killed them not covid.

You really don’t follow?

a reply to: daskakik

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