posted on Aug, 7 2022 @ 02:01 AM
a reply to:
Can they feed their own people without Western food ?
Yes. Their people might not be happy doing without some Western foods they have become accustomed to, and they won't exactly be rolling in excess
food, but they can manage.
It's not like the Middle East, where most of the land is desert sands. China has a lot of agricultural capacity.
Lithography seem to be one that they dont yet fully know on technical side.
Not sure where the Diplomat got that notion,but it's a load of panda ka-ka. I order my circuit boards from China... I would order them from a US
manufacturer, but the cost is about three times as much. Circuit boards use lithography from start to finish, and require a lot of technical expertise
to ensure everything is aligned properly. So far I have had no problem with the Chinese boards.
The copper traces on semiconductors is not really lithography... it's based on it, but the copper traces are etched just like a circuit board. The
lithographs are just used to apply etch resist. Compared to a circuit board, semiconductors are much, much smaller but also much, much easier. Only
one mask is required instead of three or four or more. They probably do use US software and equipment; that doesn't mean anyone here can just shut
them down. The best the USA could do would be to stop updating software and selling equipment. Given China's recent forays into the robotics field, I
think they would be perfectly capable of making and programming their own equipment if they needed to.
China makes junk for us to buy not because they only know how to make junk. They make junk for us to buy because they know we'll buy it.