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1 in 5000 injections lead to serious side effect.

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posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 07:17 AM
Dutch article:

The German Health Ministry said on Wednesday that one in 5,000 people will suffer from a serious side effect after a corona vaccine. Later, the ministry qualified the message somewhat: one in 5000 injections leads to a serious side effect.

The ministry advises people who suffer from side effects to report to a doctor and to report complaints to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, the German authority for vaccines and medicines.

“Wow. The German government has just admitted that 1 in 5,000 corona shots cause 'serious side effects'," tweeted former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. He adds that any other drug would normally have long since been withdrawn from the market.

Berenson also says that we should not compare the corona vaccines with the flu shot. “They are now even less effective and much more dangerous.”

“One in 5,000 will experience serious side effects, says the German Ministry of Health. That is hospitalization, permanent disability or death. A start of recognition, but health insurance company BKK came to a 10 times higher number,” notes Viruswaarheid lawyer Jeroen Pols.

Who would have known that this could happen. More and more news is coming to light. How long will it take for the covidians to admit the problems ahead.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 07:37 AM
The sister of a very close friend of mine had total organ failure and nearly died within 24 hours of getting the 3rd booster. The doctors are documenting everything and plan to submit it to the FDA, not that the government will care.

She was very healthy, although a Senior Citizen. Her Doctor said she had the heart of a 20 year old before her heart suddenly flooded with blood and nearly killed her just after the vaccine. Her liver and kidneys failed suddenly at the same time. The Doctors opened her up and said her heart was in good shape and couldn't figure out why it flooded when they drained excess blood, they were prepared to operate on it ASAP. She was in the ICU that was for ICU patients that were too sick for regular ICU for nearly a week, and then weeks in regular ICU. After nearly 2 months her organs were functioning normally.

Her children who were super over the top vaxxers who bugged her until she got the 3rd shot are now anti-vaxers. This incident has made many of our friends decide no more mRNA vaccines for them, ever.

I was going to be in a trial for RSV vaccine since I know it costs $6000 per shot for infants, as my grandson needed it because he was born with a very bad heart. That was a "regular" vaccine. I thought the trial was for adults for the same "regular" vaccine and wanted to do my part. When just before the trial I found out it was a "new" mRNA vaccine, I told them NO, I would not be in the trial. I don't think I'll ever willingly take an mRNA vaccine again with all the horrible side effects being reported and my friends complete system collapse after taking her 3rd one when she had 2 previously with no problems. I know now that not having a side effect from one, two or even three of them doesn't mean I won't have complete system failure and die within 24 hours of any or the same mRNA vaccine.

In answer to your question: It will take a child/parent/grandparent/spouse/close friend having a horrible life ending or nearly life ending side effect for the pro-vaxxers to see the light.

Even for the government and Democrats to see the light: They KNOW that the vaccine often causes myocarditis in young men. That is well known.

But the Biden administration is punishing National Guard members (young men) for not taking the vaccine by refusing to pay them until they get the vaccine.

AND the Biden administration KNOWS that many of them will end up with heart damage, and they don't give a rats behind.

edit on 7/21/22 by The2Billies because: format

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 08:11 AM
a reply to: Sander1976

The first shot almost killed my uncle.

Within hours his urine turned brown and as the hours passed by he got progressively worse symptoms until my aunt called an ambulance.

He was immediately admitted to the Intensive Care Unit.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 08:32 AM
In my opinion, we will start seeing most people telling stories about their experiences with adverse reactions coming from this. If anyone thought it was a good idea to "tell the human body to make cells its never made before" in the name of "safety" is either naive or just outright irrational.

To think it was "good science" for humans to create an injectable "vaccine" that instructs its own cells to make a spike protein, it would have otherwise NEVER made on its own, blow my mind.

Why would anyone think this was a good idea?
Oh that's right.
$40 Billion dollars.

We allegedly had isolated the virus. So why not make an attentuated virus vaccine? If anyone can answer that, I'd love to know. I haven't found the answer yet.

All I find are posts of unhealthy or obese people dying and their deaths being glorified on reddit. Bunch of pricks, the lot of those posters.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 08:47 AM
I am very upset with my son, a healthy young male in top physical shape, no an inch of fat in his body but muscle, he and his wife took the darn shots, I beg them no too, but he did anyway.

One year later, he was working when he felt a wave of dizziness, he felt like was going to pass out, he went to the convenient care and his blood pressure was high, an EKG was done and he showed animalities in his hart and was send to the ER, before the shoot he never had a health problems of any kind.

Now he have to see a cardiologist to see what is going on.

Yep is happening, but do no expect anybody taking any responsibilities for the damage to healthy individuals with the poison covid shots.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 09:27 AM

originally posted by: We allegedly had isolated the virus. So why not make an attentuated virus vaccine? If anyone can answer that, I'd love to know. I haven't found the answer yet.

Because they've tried it with at least two other coronaviruses, MERS and SARS, and it doesn't work.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: Sander1976
Dutch article:

The German Health Ministry said on Wednesday that one in 5,000 people will suffer from a serious side effect after a corona vaccine. Later, the ministry qualified the message somewhat: one in 5000 injections leads to a serious side effect.

The ministry advises people who suffer from side effects to report to a doctor and to report complaints to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, the German authority for vaccines and medicines.

“Wow. The German government has just admitted that 1 in 5,000 corona shots cause 'serious side effects'," tweeted former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson. He adds that any other drug would normally have long since been withdrawn from the market.

Berenson also says that we should not compare the corona vaccines with the flu shot. “They are now even less effective and much more dangerous.”

“One in 5,000 will experience serious side effects, says the German Ministry of Health. That is hospitalization, permanent disability or death. A start of recognition, but health insurance company BKK came to a 10 times higher number,” notes Viruswaarheid lawyer Jeroen Pols.

Who would have known that this could happen. More and more news is coming to light. How long will it take for the covidians to admit the problems ahead.

Brandon just tested positive for Covid. He is double boosted, and experiencing mild symptoms.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:17 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: We allegedly had isolated the virus. So why not make an attentuated virus vaccine? If anyone can answer that, I'd love to know. I haven't found the answer yet.

Because they've tried it with at least two other coronaviruses, MERS and SARS, and it doesn't work.

And boom.

You've just admitted that almost everything you've posted here is complete Bullsh!t.

Bravo. 👏
edit on 2172022 by Wide-Eyes because: Missed letter...

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:27 AM

originally posted by: LordAhriman

originally posted by: We allegedly had isolated the virus. So why not make an attentuated virus vaccine? If anyone can answer that, I'd love to know. I haven't found the answer yet.

Because they've tried it with at least two other coronaviruses, MERS and SARS, and it doesn't work.

Neither did the mRNA vaccine, but that didn't stop them from pushing that toxic bs.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:32 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:38 AM

originally posted by: Wide-Eyes
And boom.

You've just admitted that almost everything you've posted here is complete Bullsh!t.

Bravo. 👏

Yeah, I know fantasy is more fun than facts to you lot. LARP on.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: LordAhriman

Anything to say about the facts in, you know the actual OP?

(post by Wide-Eyes removed for a manners violation)

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:36 PM
So the rate of reported (not confirmed) serious adverse reactions is 0.02%

Far far lower than than rate of serious reactions to covid.

Good to know thanks

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:39 PM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So the rate of reported (not confirmed) serious adverse reactions is 0.02%

Far far lower than than rate of serious reactions to covid.

Good to know thanks

So covid affects younger people like the vaccine does ?

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:42 PM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: ScepticScot
So the rate of reported (not confirmed) serious adverse reactions is 0.02%

Far far lower than than rate of serious reactions to covid.

Good to know thanks

So covid affects younger people like the vaccine does ?

Can you quote where I said that?

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 12:50 PM

originally posted by: marg6043
I am very upset with my son, a healthy young male in top physical shape, no an inch of fat in his body but muscle, he and his wife took the darn shots, I beg them no too, but he did anyway.

One year later, he was working when he felt a wave of dizziness, he felt like was going to pass out, he went to the convenient care and his blood pressure was high, an EKG was done and he showed animalities in his hart and was send to the ER, before the shoot he never had a health problems of any kind.

Now he have to see a cardiologist to see what is going on.

Yep is happening, but do no expect anybody taking any responsibilities for the damage to healthy individuals with the poison covid shots.

Sounds like an unhealthy diet which he will be on if he is pure muscle combined with steroid abuse.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 01:34 PM
a reply to: Nexttimemaybe

None of the above, diet and clean lifestyle is what my son been doing all his life.

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: Sander1976

So now entire news articles are based on nothing more than a single tweet, by someone in New York, talking about some alleged (and unreferenced) 'German government' dictate?

Great journalism.

Can someone on ATS find the German Health Department source, to lend some legitimacy to the article?

edit on 21/7/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2022 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: chr0naut
a reply to: Sander1976

So now entire news articles are based on nothing more than a single tweet, by someone in New York, talking about some alleged (and unreferenced) 'German government' dictate?

Great journalism.

Can someone on ATS find the German Health Department source, to lend some legitimacy to the article?

It's from here I think.

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