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Japanese kids are collapsing on the playground

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posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 05:49 PM
Children are generally more susceptible to heat related illnesses than adults. They also don't know enough to be worried about the warning signs and miss them more often than not.

The hotter it gets the more you must limit activity and be aware of hydration requirements.

It has been hot before and it has been cold before. None of it was due to fossil fuel use or manmade disasters. The only new/unknown aspect of this is the vax some people forced on their children. Maybe that is playing a role in the way these children handle the heat, maybe it isn't. But I know that every time it gets hot outside it is not global warming. And every time it gets cold its not a coming ice age. Its just the nature of weather. The climate is always changing. There has never been a time when it wasn't.

posted on Jul, 15 2022 @ 11:27 PM

originally posted by: musicismagic
Yes , the summer is very hot here. The rice paddies are dry also.
Many parents have had their kid shot with the liquod that really now one knows whats in it.

Today the school near by closed.

Ambulances are on the school grounds.

I think it might be just be heat exhaustion ?

Your attempt to hide behind a faux rational mind by adding at the end that “ I think it might just be heat exhaustion ? “ is telling of your latent overall intent with this OP.
You started with the “ kids have the jab “ and no one knows what is in the vaccines.
It is as clear as bell that your real intent is that you believe the jabs are killing kids with the heat excuses as a last ditch effort at the end to appear objective in thought.
Japan is setting heat records & kids have to wear masks while playing outside… So lets start there ok .
This is the reason that many people & not just kids are falling ill to extreme heat that they are not accustomed to .
Why does everything have to be a conspiracy ?
Cheers & I mean no disrespect. Just my view on this thread .
I wont end this with a “ I could be wrong about your intent “ because that would go against my true intent of believing you fully believe these kids are falling out due to the jab .

posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 12:22 AM
Grew up in florida, dont think I ever saw a heat related injury from anyone except yankees that spend most of the year inside.

Could be HE, could be a reaction to medicine, could be a combination of the jabs, coupled with not as much exercise for 2 years.


posted on Jul, 16 2022 @ 11:54 AM
Remember when we used to play outside in masks, and slather toxic alcohol on our hands all day long ?

Me neither.

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