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Putin has doomed Russia

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posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:39 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

Now I remember the rhetoric after the end of the cold war, there were intelligence agency's and military contractors in the west whose lifeblood and fortunes had been made by keeping the cold war going and they were then very worried at the prospect of defence cut's.

Likewise in Russia many KGB agent's like Putin found themselves suddenly unemployed with him even for a time working as a taxi driver, losing there prestige and POWER and AUTHORITY being returned to the level of common citizens they had once looked down there noses at and along with them members of there former ruling party and the military now had no money, nowhere to go and were pitched into a nation that was falling apart, Putin and several others that became oligarch's though they often saw thing's very differently once they had the money worked to regain there power.

So you see it is pretty complex but this is not a war of people's it is a war of vested interests and Elites that need enemy's to be able to measure themselves against and to give them pretext to maintain power, despite rampant corruption in the west (only a fool would deny that it is endemic to our governments and there is so much bribery, vested interests and corruption that it is a can of worm's) due to the less wealthy economy of Russia and the fact it's NEO elite have taken so much of the wealth for themselves rather than investing it back into there nation to build it up as they should have Russia is arguably MORE corrupt as a consequence.

The people suffer everywhere but the ones suffering the most are the Ukrainians and then the Russians after them so who is winning from this, not the Russian people certainly even if they somehow won this conflict and definitely not the Ukrainian's whom were at peace until they were invaded.

As for Russian minority's in the Ukraine being persecuted, well I do believe that is true but it did not give Russia pretext for invasion either despite the Ukraine looking west Russia harmed it's own economy by not still pursuing an economic partnership with the Ukraine that would have benefitted both country's and given Russia a potentially very lucrative back door into the EU had the Ukraine joined it.

So basically I am saying NOT Russia but Putin has cut off Russia's nose to spite it's own face.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:50 PM
a reply to: TheGreazel

How you know all this ? are you Uri Geller ?

It seems you dont remember when Russia nearly broke and did collapse under his rule i suppose. As the Mainstream Woke News Media outlets had only reported positive things about Boris Yeltsin regime.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:51 PM
a reply to: peaceinoutz

If anyone is and would be starting WW3 that would be the US why are you treating the US innocent in these affairs in Ukraine?

The US is the one that started this mess in the first place with the regime change.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:53 PM
a reply to: xpert11

Putin's naked military aggression in Ukraine is a strategic blunder

The recent victories in Ukraine dont agree with that. What the US/West had being trying to push and pull is more of a blunder.

While ignoring that Russia is a part of BRICS more powerful than the G7.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 05:55 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
Didn't they say Russia was doomed from the sanctions as well?

Remind me again how all that's working out...

The sanctions are causing side effects for West/EU, US and the politicians, clown leaders that appeared are now worried what side effect that their new oil price cap is going to cause.

Only a fool wouldn't believe that the sanctions are hurting Europe.

Didn't they say Russia was doomed from the sanctions as well?

Yeah they had. Not only since than but since the early days they had being proclaiming the end of Russia and the end of Russia long before Putin came into power.

edit on 28-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 06:51 PM
Western sanction can't hurt Russia due to China's backing. China has 1.4 billion people. On the other hand, while the US has 330 million people, nearly half that by now is not white.

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:19 PM

originally posted by: Tarantula777

Russia has a very small population.

Russia does not have a very small population, maybe start over with that

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:22 PM

originally posted by: vNex92

The recent victories in Ukraine dont agree with that. What the US/West had being trying to push and pull is more of a blunder.

While ignoring that Russia is a part of BRICS more powerful than the G7.

Well following the map their "big" victory took them 3 weeks and isn't strategically important, but Russia threw it all in to it so they could finally say they got a win...

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:40 PM

originally posted by: taitekman
Western sanction can't hurt Russia due to China's backing. China has 1.4 billion people. On the other hand, while the US has 330 million people, nearly half that by now is not white.

Your point?

The US doesn't need Russia in anyway, EU needs to find different paths to their energy, or go back to buying Russia's, The EU screwed up over the last few decades putting all their eggs in Russia's basket. Also, don't be so quick to suggest China's backing. Russia is a pimple to China's economics compared to America. China is also having their own issues like the collapse of their real estate market. About 20 trillion in Chinese investments from their middle class is basically gone. Just one builder is 350 BILLION in debt with zero help in sight. By China's own calculations they can have a much older population of well under 500k in 50 years as no one is having kids even though the Government is frantic now and opened it up to all to have 3 kids. No one knows the level of debt China has as it has been dumping massive amounts of money into their economy since 2008 to keep that magical double digits growth that was really all fake. Then there is India next door that doesn't like China...

posted on Jun, 28 2022 @ 08:58 PM
a reply to: Tarantula777

The west has seriously underestimated Russia. As for missiles. Did you know we, the US are pretty much out of MANPADS and stingers to send? It is estimated that it will take 2 years to restock.

We can send tanks, artillery, and other systems. All of which require training and time. Time which Ukraine doesn't have a lot of. Ukraine's units are reporting an 80% loss of experienced personnel. That means the majority of their force are conscripts.

As for Russia's casualties. Where are you getting your numbers from? When they switched to long-range combat through artillery their loss ratio is reported to be at 1/25 to Ukraine's.

Ukraine has stated that they are experiencing up to a 1,000 casualties a day. Dead and wounded. That may even be low.

Yes, Russia would lose badly in a conventional war wit NATO. It will not come to that because that is when Russia will exercise the nuclear option. We were going to do the same thing if the Warsaw pact fell through. We had plans for it and made threats so this is nothing new.

I keep seeing reports that Russia is running out of missiles and then they launch 100 of them in one night. As for conventional ammo, they will not run out of that for years. MSM has kept it out of the news but early in Rus offensive they captured Europes 2nd largest ASP which was under Ukraines control. Something like 160,000 tons of ammunition. Enough to fight a full blown war with NATO back when they were the USSR for half a decade was stored in there.

I have only seen one western article that has really gone into that subject. By taking that ASP they decapitated Ukraine to an extent.

To give you an idea, if all the ammo stored in there went off at once it would dwarf the nuke we dropped on Hiroshima.

Western media and Western intelligence has been wrong far more than it has been right while trying to predict this conflict. My advice is to take a step back. Forget who you think is right or wrong and then broaden your sources of information which should include the despised Russian sources.

The fact is they are winning. They don't need to lie about it. Some of the sob stories or slice-of-life stories are likely complete BS. Their straight statistics are likely more accurate than anything MSM or Western Intel agencies will tell the public.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 12:23 AM

originally posted by: Tarantula777
Putin can't possibly win against the West.

Russia has a very small population. It is in its fourth year of decline and he is sending all those young men off to be slaughtered. Human resources alone are in short supply before we even consider the shortages they will soon face with all the military hardware too. Tanks have been ineffective. His soldiers are being lost and it is not sustainable to keep losing troops the way they are doing.

How long can Russia keep manufacturing missiles and their launchers? How long can he keep maintaining a very expensive airforce that is the only strength he has? Again he can't match the whole West in the air.

Russia has already lost over 30,000 troops. Imagine how many this will be in a year's time! Putin will not even have human resources to keep Russia going let alone fight a war that is costing him huge casualties.

I am looking at this objectively. If I was Putin with these odds I would not have done this. NATO already has 300,000 troops on stand by and the numbers are growing. It is no problem for NATO to put up an army of a million without affecting any state drastically.

Putin has done a Hitler. If NATO have to fight directly with all their land, sea and air power Russia will quickly be overpowered and starved of resources. Remember, this is just Ukraine that has held out against him. He has seriously bitten off more than he can chew.

The problem for the world and Russia is this: If Hitler could have had a button to press to take his enemies out with him when he lost and decided to commit suicide would he have pushed it? He was willing to watch his partner shot in the head so the answer is a firm yes. If Putin was placed in the same situation of the invader who loses, who does have a button to press, would he press it? I believe he would.

It would be up to those around him to either let him do it or stop him if they want to live. May be they would not let him do it? Who knows.

It is obvious when we look at all the resources figures that Russia is on borrowed time and can't sustain these kind of heavy losses. I feel bad for Russia. They could not escape this bleak doom Putin has brought upon them. On the bright side he and dictators like him will not be on this earth too much longer to ruin everything and hold it back in the barbaric past.

Why did you do it, Vlad? Would you destroy your own like this because your pride was wounded? You have indeed destroyed Russia and everything it has gained from doing business with the West. It will all be lost now and much more besides. It was always going to end like this for you. Did you not listen to the Christ you say you follow who told us the measure we use is measured out to us and they who live by the sword will perish by it? All you have earned from your life is to end up in history as just another Hitler monster. There will be no escape from that epitaph like there is no escape for Hitler. You are both entombed in your misdeeds and violence.

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I agree 200% with you , but Putin is probably sick with disease & he may be looking at putting Russia into such a corner that he will use a nuke & the citizens will call for a nuclear resolution .. the old last stand as Mother Russia vs the West …
I think Putin is itching to pull a big bomb out like the USA did to Japan.
We are getting close to mushrooms in Europe.
Our only hope is that some takes him out , before it’s over for everyone.
Easy out for Russia … They can blame everything on Putin & how he held all his full cabinet as hostages..etc . ?

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 06:02 AM
a reply to: turretless

For all, the economic and social issues populations are facing in the West. Russia is in a far worse position. Russia has no formal alliances and is facing international isolation. Nor will Russia's ties with African nations, China and India compensate for their handicaps.

Also, concerning China, the U.S. is facing a relative decline in global economic and military influence. But historically, the industrial revolution that empowered the British Empire was behind that kind of decline in France as a world power in the 19 century. So for all the technological and social changes that have occurred in the 150 years, there remain historical constants.

In the longer term, an EU military might replace the NATO alliance, leaving the U.S. free to focus on China, North Korea and Iran. But there is a nasty catch with that concept. An EU military's primary mission is to employ military force to prevent the next Brexit and not deter or defeat Russian military aggression.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 06:27 AM
a reply to: vNex92

Russia's recent territorial gains in Ukraine represent tactical or operational successes, but none of those successes undoes preexisting strategic issues. Putin's miscalculations concerning the war in Ukraine aren't magically vanishing. The war didn't end in three days, with the Ukrainian government fleeing, and the international community didn't continue their policy of appeasement towards Russia. Also, the institutional corruption, logistical handicaps, and military incompetence plaguing the Russian armed forces remain in place.

IMO concerning BRICS nations, India's balancing their historical ties with the Soviet Union and later Russia with their interests tied to global security warrants more attention. Also, perhaps in the same way Australia and New Zealand neglected the south and southwest Pacific, the U.S. does the same regarding Brazil and South America.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 07:00 AM
You want to talk about Hitler?

The western allies decimated the Germany economy after winning WW! through the Treaty of Versailles which essentially forced Germany under the National Socialists to move to autarky/isolationism and the use of domestic currency that could only be used within German borders. The Nazis essentially sanctions western enemies by refusing to trade with them at all... This worked out fantastically for the Nazis and they went from an economic basket case to the strongest economy in the world in a few short years and during the Great Depression. Here is Hitler gloating about it in a speech.

To take another instance where we are condemned: They claim to be fighting for the maintenance of the gold standard as the currency basis. That I can well believe, for the gold is in their hands. We, too, once had gold, but it was stolen and extorted from us. When I came to power, it was not malice which made me abandon the gold standard. Germany simply had no gold left. Consequently, quitting the gold standard presented no difficulties, for it is always easy to part with what one does not have. We had no gold. We had no foreign exchange. They had all been stolen and extorted from us during the previous fifteen years. But, my fellow countrymen, I did not regret it, for we have constructed our economic system on a wholly different basis. In our eyes, gold is not of value in itself. It is only an agent by which nations can be suppressed and dominated.

When I took over the government, I had only one hope on which to build, namely, the efficiency and ability of the German nation and the German workingman; the intelligence of our inventors, engineers, technicians, chemists, and so forth. I built on the strength which animates our economic system. One simple question faced me: Are we to perish because we have no gold; am I to believe in a phantom which spells our destruction? I championed the opposite opinion: Even though we have no gold, we have capacity for work.

The German capacity for work is our gold and our capital, and with this gold I can compete successfully with any power in the world. We want to live in houses which have to be built. Hence, the workers must build them, and the raw materials required must be procured by work. My whole economic system has been built up on the conception of work. We have solved our problems while, amazingly enough, the capitalist countries and their currencies have suffered bankruptcy.

Sterling can find no market today. Throw it at any one and he will step aside to avoid being hit. But our Reichsmark, which is backed by no gold, has remained stable. Why? It has no gold cover; it is backed by you and by your work. You have helped me to keep the mark stable. German currency, with no gold coverage, is worth more today than gold itself. It signifies unceasing production. This we owe to the German farmer, who has worked from daybreak till nightfall. This we owe to the German worker, who has given us his whole strength. The whole problem has been solved in one instant, as if by magic.

Step aside to avoid being hit. HA! That could be the USD if you arent careful. Russia is in a much better position than Germany after WW! because they can still trade with many nations including China. Nations like Israel and India are not exactly on board with the destroy Russia stuff either. Most of the third world 'NAM' nations are not anti-Russia.. Russia is not isolated.

Plus Russia has no intention of invading any NATO member nations do they? USA and friends will not defend Ukraine because they are not a NATO member... So what are you even talking about?

The big question is why doesnt Putin hurry up and defeat Ukraine? We all know that they could within days if they really wanted to. So why arent they? The answer is that they are in cahoots with USA.

Putin is not all that popular.... The Russian youth hate Putin...... Even the older Russians do not support him like they used to because as a tool of western capitalist ptb Putin has done things like raise retirement age etc. When a nation goes to war it increases nationalism.. Also all problems can be blamed on the nations enemies. War generally brings a nation together. Dissenters are considered to be traitors.

So this war helps USA with strengthening its NATO alliance which it has been trying to do for decades. It also helps Putin domestically. None of this helps China...

Western leaders have also wanted an excuse for inflation for a long time... Thanks Putin.

But yeah Putin is at war with a nation that is not in NATO. He is not going to war with the west. So what are you even talking about? And I dont think Russia is going to collapse. They have resources and they have nations they can trade with. Why would they collapse?

And if this is a Cold War then .... are nations like India and Israel with Russia? Are they neutral? The west can call itself the 'international community' but it doesnt make it true. There are a lot of other nations out there.

And everything it has gained from doing business with the west? Ever visit a cam site? Think Russia had that many sluts under communism? The poverty.. ( edit - things are good in Moscow.. The rest of Russia not so much. They are poor as %$%$. )

edit - If inflation gets any higher we may see unrest in the West... Pretty soon a lot of people wont be able to afford to drive their cars to work..
edit on 29-6-2022 by thelastman because: (no reason given)

edit - Also - many nations are looking at what USA is doing to Russia with sanctions and thinking to themselves - holy %$%$ - we need to diversify. In the end this could be the final nail in the USD as Reserve and the trigger that moves the world to a basket reserve...
edit on 29-6-2022 by thelastman because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2022 by thelastman because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2022 by thelastman because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 07:20 AM

originally posted by: xpert11
a reply to: turretless

Russia has no formal alliances and is facing international isolation.

I do not understand what kind of international isolation of Russia you are talking about.

President Putin:
On June 30 Vladimir Putin will hold talks with President of Indonesia Joko Widodo
On June 29, Vladimir Putin will be in Ashgabat for sixth Caspian Summit

June 28 - Meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
June 27 - Telephone conversation [TC] with President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro
June 25 - Meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
June 24 - BRICS+ meeting
June 23 - BRICS Summit
June 18 - Meeting with Member of Bosnia and Herzegovina Presidency Milorad Dodik
June 17 - Meeting with President of Armenia Vahagn Khachaturyan
June 17 - Meeting with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
June 15 - TC with President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa
June 15 - TC with President of China Xi Jinping
June 10 - Russia‒Turkmenistan talks
June 8 - TC with President of Iran Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi
June 3 - Meeting with African Union Chairperson, President of Senegal Macky Sall
June 1 - TC with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
May 31 - TC with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
May 30 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
May 29 - TC with Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic
May 28 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron and Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
May 27 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Austria Karl Nehammer
May 27 - Meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council
May 26 - TC with Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi
May 26 - First Eurasian Economic Forum
May 24 - TC with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev
May 23 - Meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
May 19 - TC with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
May 17 - TC with UAE President Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
May 16 - Conversation with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
May 16 - Talks with President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov
May 16 - Conversation with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
May 16 - Conversation with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
May 16 - Meeting with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
May 14 - TC with President of Finland Sauli Niinistö
May 13 - TC with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
May 13 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
May 5 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
May 3 - TC with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
May 3 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
April 29 - TC with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
April 28 - TC with President of Indonesia Joko Widodo
April 28 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
April 28 - TC with President of Angola Joao Lourenco
April 26 - Meeting with UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
April 26 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
April 22 - TC with European Council President Charles Michel
April 19 - Meeting with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
April 18 - TC with President of Algeria Abdelmadjid Tebboune
April 18 - TC with President of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas
April 16 - TC with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
April 12 - Meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
April 9 - TC with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
April 9 - TC with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
April 8 - TC with President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov
April 8 - TC with President of Tajikistan Emomali Rahmon
April 6 - TC with Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orban
April 6 - TC with President of Serbia Aleksandar Vucic
April 2 - TC with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
April 1 - TC with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
April 1 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
April 1 - TC with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
March 31 - TCs with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev and Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
March 31 - TC with Prime Minister of Norway Jonas Gahr Store
March 30 - TC with Prime Minister of Italy Mario Draghi
March 30 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
March 29 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
March 23 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 23 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
March 22 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
March 21 - TC with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev
March 19 - TC with Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel
March 18 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
March 18 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
March 17 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
March 16 - TC with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
March 15 - TC with President of the European Council Charles Michel
March 15 - TC with King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa of Bahrain
March 15 - TC with President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and President-Elect of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov
March 14 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 14 - TC with Prime Minister of Luxembourg Xavier Bettel
March 12 - TC with Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron
March 11 - TC with President of Finland Sauli Niinistö
March 11 - Meeting with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
March 10 - TC with President of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa
March 10 - TC with Olaf Scholz and Emmanuel Macron
March 9 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
March 9 - TC with President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi
March 9 - TC with African Union Chairperson, President of Senegal Macky Sall
March 8 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 7 - TC with European Council President Charles Michel
March 7 - TC with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi
March 6 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 6 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
March 6 - TC with President of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
March 5 - Meeting with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 4 - TC with Federal Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
March 4 - TC with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko
March 3 - TC with Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud
March 3 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
March 2 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
March 2 - TC with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi
March 2 - TC with President of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev
March 1 - TC with President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro
March 1 - TC with Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
February 28 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
February 27 - TC with Prime Minister of Israel Naftali Bennett
February 26 - TC with President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev
February 26 - TC with Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan
February 26 - TC with President of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Japarov
February 25 - TC with President of China Xi Jinping
February 25 - TC with President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev
February 25 - TC with President of Syria Bashar al-Assad
February 24 - TC with President of France Emmanuel Macron
February 24 - TC with Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi
February 24 - TC with President of Iran Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi
February 24 - Meeting with Prime Minister of Pakistan Imran Khan

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 09:53 AM

originally posted by: Tarantula777
Putin did INVADE Ukraine. Ukraine held a democratic election and he did not like the result so he is trying to destroy them. This whole war is about his wounded pride.


Registered: 6/5/2022

yeah, checks out. how much do they pay for spreading this propaganda?

or are you just brainwashed?

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 10:42 AM
At the part of the Caspian Summit, Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan agreed that the military forces of other states cannot be allowed into the Caspian Sea.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: turretless

On June 29, Vladimir Putin will be in Ashgabat for sixth Caspian Summit

On that summit Russia with other nations that are close to Russia and Kazakhstan had decided that other states cannot be allowed into the Caspian Sea.

Its not into the news but it would be soon.

Not the news that the US/NATO would like to hear.

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: xpert11

the U.S. does the same regarding Brazil and South America.

There are many nations that had being used as nothing more than interest vessel states for US in the past and many do not like the US there after what they did in South America.

The US only prefers the richer side of Brazil.
I still fail to see what the US had ever achieved for the poorer side of Brazil.

Russia's recent territorial gains in Ukraine represent tactical or operational successes, but none of those successes undoes preexisting strategic issues. Putin's miscalculations concerning the war in Ukraine aren't magically vanishing.

Russia's miscalculations concerning the war in Ukraine? has Russia made mistakes of course. But the US had made bigger mistakes.
As for fins and Sweden joining NATO.

Russia knew that they would joined them even if Russia took no action of any kind in Ukraine.
It was just matter of if but when.

The first mistake that the US has done is that they dont understand history or historical roots of Ukraine compared to Russia.

The US officials of Biden admin are still lingering onto a hope that a counter offensive of some kind is to occur later this year.
Yet Ukraine had made making mistakes and causalities because they are believing the advises of the US officials and those who are coming to assist them.

They are hoping that they would turn Ukraine into as Iraqi quagmire for Russia do they not think Russia knows this? its why Russia isnt withdrawing.

The US gov mistake was by starting the conflict in Ukraine 8 years ago with the regime changes in Ukraine.

Another thing that always i have an issue with why does the US always send its politicians like the senate democrats and republicans to other countries? than stating the following.

"We are all Syrians!"
We are all Ukrainians"

Imagine the outcry if Russian, Chinese state politicians had done this in other countries.

The US and its politicians needs this stop behavior.

edit on 29-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2022 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: thelastman

The big question is why doesnt Putin hurry up and defeat Ukraine? We all know that they could within days if they really wanted to. So why arent they? The answer is that they are in cahoots with USA.

Wishful thinking if you still believe that Russia would be still defeated in Ukraine.
The biggest mistake of the current US admin and before Trump admin was this their obsession and driven hate that they could military challenge and economically defeat Russia.

Those in chaoots in US go a lot deeper you have some crazy republicans along with democrats in the house and senate that want a full blown world war III.

By all means if a republican or RINO wins they can try if they prefer. But dont expect any difference that a republican would help heal your economy.

At least to be fair Trump tried to do something for the economy and the republicans refused to work with him and his admin.

For past four years of their control in house and senate what have they achieved? the RINOs in your nation need to be voted out.
Its why i prefer those liberty based candidates if they ever given a proper chance of winning.

edit on 29-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

edit on 29-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

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