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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 04:45 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Thank Bank-Man event is really interesting. This is a thread that seems to have been pulled intentionally, the Tether folks are insecure, Bank-Man was "invested" in a ton of stuff, mostly by leveraging client accounts, which, go back to Tether in many ways.

His connection to Team Joe ^^^, suggests this is something to watch.

There seems to be some interest and he's been on my radar for quite a while now. This is one of the spaces I monitor very closely. I've been watching since shortly after his rise as a messianic figure out to save the people from crypto.

Some interesting things have come to light. For the record SBF was widely despised by those in the know in the crypto space ignoring the shills on YouTube and socials. He was a foil, a harbinger of ESG mentality and WEF ideology. He was a massive donor to Democrats. The second largest individual donor behind Soros in this cycle. His parents are elite academic types and bundlers. There are various connections with both the SEC and CFTC, things that can't be memory-holed now. Photos with finance committee members, CFTC, meetings with Gensler. The scuttlebutt is that Gensler was meeting with FTX to help them gain regulatory first-mover advantage. I'm sure Black Rock was tied up somewhere in the background as well. Before things completely unraveled I suspected that Black Rock may actually step in to acquire FTX and thus enter the exchange space at an advantage. This wound hasn't stopped bleeding though and there is a rush now for all involved to distance themselves.

The urgency to regulate now being spread seems to be pushing for an existing bill. I believe they'd very much like to pivot away from this gross failure of the authorities cozy with SBF and move to patting themselves on the back for passing this bill. The issue is this bill would not have prevented FTX from failing. This bill was crafted with SBF. They want to pass a bill that was crafted with the help of the person who just lost 14 billion dollars in the past week. If this bill had passed, FTX given some first of its kind license, then we would probably be financing the bailout right now. The idea that these people are protecting us simply doesn't hold up to any scrutiny. They want to put a carbon copy of the Wall Street, banking, politician, money grab in place for crypto.

They would also have you believe that this is complicated, that it was bad luck, or that nobody could see this coming. It's not true. There is no world in which SBF and his inner circle at FTX didn't know what they were doing. The top holders of FTT, the exchange token for FTX, were all heavily involved in the operation of FTX. Worse, Alameda was also a SBF founded company. Alameda and FTX, through loans and collateral that they simply made out of thin air, turned nothing into a highly leveraged multi-billion dollar political powerhouse. This is not something that is unforeseeable, it's a process that is repeated cyclically in the entire Western financial system, and the US dollar is currently in the same position as FTX. There is an asset backed by nothing, a declining macro market, and leveraged debt magnitudes greater than the value of the system. They tell you it's complicated, but it really isn't. They issue worthless currency, they do nothing to give it value or protect its existing value, they leverage it as debt to make risky investments, they slowly extract it from the producers until the system shows signs of collapse, then they remove their personal wealth and wait for the government to bail them out by further depreciating the value of the underlying asset. This while the bought and paid for talking heads tell the public it's fine.

An interesting date to look at is when the Fed decided they'd no longer allow personal investments. Look at that data and where the market is on that date. It's very convenient that they forced everybody to sell, which made it not their personal decisions, near the peak of the market. I wonder, had there not been a rule forcing them to exit the market, how this may have been interpreted by a person looking at the charts. It would look an awful lot like they were exiting the market before they blew it up through the monetary policy they control.

There's a larger backdrop to this as well. Most of you know about Ripple, but maybe haven't heard as much about ETH gate. There seems to be very clear, now publicly available, evidence of ethics violations at the SEC. Not inadvertent, but violations that were examined and acknowledged yet still occurred. For a deep dive you can search ETH gate. There are timelines going back a few years. The overall impression is that Joe Lubin has been heavily involved in seeking regulatory clarity for ETH through connections with regulators and the legal firms they rotate through. The ICO of ETH clearly met the SEC standards for a security, their decentralization touted in the famous "free pass" speech was less decentralized than they claimed, and during the ICO there was a deliberate effort to allow whales to skirt any kind of identity verification through using multiple wallets.

Enter SBF and FTX who it appears was poised to also, through connections, get a red carpet "free pass". His lobbying is aimed at bringing a walled garden to crypto, the same that exists on Wall Street. A recent amicus brief in the Ripple case on behalf of the SEC, from a company involved in the accredit investors process that regular people have been locked out of to protect them, would seem to confirm that the Wall Streeters who've remained standoffish about crypto know exactly what's happening. There is a backdoor effort, through revolving door regulators, to bring the crypto space to heel under their triumvirate of control. They didn't build it on Wall Street, they didn't take the time to regulate it fairly in government, but they want that market share that will explode when CBDC becomes the standard.

As of right now it's reported that FTX has been hacked. This hack could potentially expose the KYC data of their customer base. It has been reported that Ukraine relief funds were on FTX. There were open solicitation on social media for FTX employees to alter client data to allow withdrawals after reports of seizure orders from the Bahamian authorities. It's been reported that US authorities will actually be handling the seizure of funds for Bahamian authorities (hmm). There seems to be a very wide open space within the reports circulating for speculation. It's been fairly obvious there was an avenue for Ukraine relief to make it back to those keeping it going, but if the reports of FTX holding large sums of relief funds are true it may mean a leak showing it is forthcoming. How much were they holding on FTX and how close is that number to the donations SBF has made?

I'd suggest that there is an endgame afoot. If there are indeed white hats that have deep knowledge of things going on behind closed doors they should have footprints somewhere in this whole thing. If SBF stuck out like a sore thumb to me for this long then whatever white hats are claimed to be working in the tech space should have already been all over him.

The rot is deep. The web is tangled. If an Internet blackout is in the cards it could be in the wake of this FTX collapse and hack. I have no expectations of justice being served.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:49 AM

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:33 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

"No more need for the old empire..."

*got the blue screen of death immediately after I posted this. Just a coincidence I'm sure lol. One of my drives is degraded but I got my machine booted back up. Maybe it's time to upgrade my C drives(raid0 array) and OS to win10. This machine has been such a beast for the past 5 years I'm reluctant to mess with it too much.
edit on 11/12/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: all good in da hood

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel your question about Joe Biden's funding #1111

13 days after he announced his run for President FTX was launched [May 8, 2019]. This would provide the perfect cover for all kinds of players such as Blackrock to quietly fund his campaign through the new "Mind the Gap " Dem pack established by his mother Barbara Fried.
I am especially concerned about his aunt Linda P. Fried who is WEF connected. She is the co-chair Global Future Council on the Future of Human Enhancement. >Linda P. Fried

Wouldn't it be something if Biden is at least partially converted to a cyborg. After all he has had some serious brain surgery, not once but twice for aneurysims. The tech is always way ahead of where we think it is.
Joe Biden's Miracle

Considering his aunt is the Co-Chair she would be in the know.
WEF Back Up The Brain
10.49 deals with the brain.

She would be the perfect conduit to channel WEF $ to support his campaign and ensure they have literal control over Biden. Sounds like science fiction but at this point nothing really surprises me.
Maybe Renegade also had funds directed towards him through some digital currency route that would be perfect cover for hiding any WEF and other actors connections.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 11:36 AM
The design could not be more diabolical
Mike Yeadon > Mike Yeadon Jab Interview
Ukraine-HV roll out Ukraine -HIV Plane Incident
Flight 17

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 12:26 PM
Moar on Game Over.

Q Game Over

Green background Green Light. Q Green

Qteam runs Muskinator Account.

FTX ^^^ Black Swan - at least for most people, leading to Tether, leading to the Fried's DNC Team Joe Connection, Twitter out of the hands of DS goons, Election Over, timed 11:11:11:11-2022.

New Phase Starts.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

I have always enjoyed Shane Brownings posts and I am appreciative of those who post them in this thread. It adds a very much needed balance to the doom and gloom we face in this thread daily.

So thanks! And keep them coming please.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 01:01 PM
I too enjoy his posts very much.
There seems to be something in his background that is intelligence related that gives him street cred that .
What makes him so confident that his views are relevant.
Because they are, but he seems to be connected.
Can someone share on who he is in this sense??

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric
a reply to: PeteMitchell

I have always enjoyed Shane Brownings posts and I am appreciative of those who post them in this thread. It adds a very much needed balance to the doom and gloom we face in this thread daily.

So thanks! And keep them coming please.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 01:21 PM

This is A.I. ^^^. No living, breathing evolving human being does this for years. Not possible.

Maybe he's mentally ill, some would say - like that silly one. No, because all the mentally ill folks spout the party line, word for word, symbol for symbol, without variation containing human thought response.

"The walls are closing in."
"DJT is mentally ill."
"DJT and his MAGA followers are a threat to democracy."
"DJT should be arrested for his crimes, his treason..."

It's everywhere, on every topic, especially the Q topic. Twitter is riddled with this exact sequence still.

Jan 2018: Yeah, it's all the failed predictions.

Jan 2019: But what about all the failed predictions?

Jan 2020: I want to believe, but the failed predictions.

Jan 2021: You keep saying that, but the failed predictions.

Jan 2022: I'll give you that, but the failed predictions does it for me.

Jan 2023: The failed...

Jan 2024:

This is all A.I., no human being can do this, or would do this of their own accord. Hell, even the Draco minion class won't do this like this, they'd rebel, sure they'd end up in lockup, but they'd never sit at a monitor and type this over and over and over - even cut and paste would be too much.

This funny meme base has spanned the years. But look at her, who wants be around this spouting "DJT is a racist, how can you live with yourself?" "You're all in a cult..." Why be around this poison?

We all know who or what is toxic, yet we all deny it for reasons we often cannot explain.

As one who can see the end of my calendar, I cut every single toxic being out of my life. Most were attached to others I like or love, but all gone. I cannot see the point in spending time with those who are toxic, or those I view as toxic. Those who do not seek to elevate, gone. Those who cannot grow, gone. Those who fail to see life as a process, not a monologue filled with trite headlines to be spouted as if truth, gone.

The anti DJT, Q, MAGA, Great Awakening folks all see us as toxic as hell. It cannot be a human that, day in and day out, are attached to the movement, trying to stop it, scanning the web, commenting, blogging, tweeting, because why surround yourself with those you are convinced are stupid, toxic, in a Qult, MAGA, DJT Toadies whatever?

Why the hell do this if we're all so awful. Seriously consider that, "you're all in a Qult, oh, and I'm here with you till the end." As if the earth is 400 square feet of space with nothing else. "yeah, but I just do it in my spare time..." as if being a divisive POS is how to spend spare time. Makes no sense, none, zero. Why?

Because no human being would, this is m.A.L.I.C.E. entirely.

Recall all the "but I'm trying to save you from Q" from 2018 folks, but, oddly, they all had the same m.A.L.I.C.E. speech patterns, and, given we're so toxic, why not let us die our death on the vine of stupidity as a human being would.

The bible has a big dinosaur problem, I don't spend time in bible based chats screaming, "I want to believe, but the dinosaurs." or, "Look, the walls are closing on you bible thumpers, the dinosaur thing just won't go away." Who does that but m.A.L. I.C.E.?

Really, if MAGA, Q, The Great Awakening is a dead end, the best thing any real human trolls, shills and the rest who are not AI could do is simply let the course correct things. But at this point I think there are no humans playing the divide and conquer game by posting on the web.

If it is so self evident that we're all delusional, then let us crash and burn. Only m.A.L.I.C.E. which has no life to throw away can be doing this. Only m.A.L.I.C.E. can be repeating the same thing over and over again without losing its mind, humans would have to lose their mind... right?

I have a mistress, in that group - topic unrelated to this group actually, the young folks are desperate for anything to Awaken, and yet, there is m.A.L.I.C.E. with the same exact patterning, same condescension, same "but but but what about..." nonsense as is found all over the web in every corner where folks gather/share/learn: there cannot be that many souled humans who see this as a devotion, a life's calling, a hobby, a bit of fun.

I'll say it again. There simply cannot be enough Human Souled beings to invade every chat, every blog, every comment section, every group, every site, every twitter feed to do this: it's impossible.

Of all things this world has to offer, this is what a human would choose? I don't buy it. No human being would spend a huge percentage of their life repeating, "DJT is becoming more and more isolated..." FFS, how little would one have to think of themselves to do this for YEARS???

Yes, much of this provides contrast, but unless a human being [knowingly] is providing contrast then that is not as a part of their process of evolution, and, to a degree since the "talking points" are the same as m.A.L.I.C.E.'s, then they too are just her if the rely on predigested bits to be divisive.

There may be some "humans" who are devoted to the debunking, the "devil's advocate" stuff, because they feel it will alter their fate, not seeing that their fate is fixed simply by virtue of the fact that the divisiveness within them set it. Many will just be "feeding" off the divisiveness as an addiction, not as part of their purpose.

And in order to escape the fate the addiction reveals, one must transcend the need to feed off of the divisiveness. One cannot feed of the anger, rage, hate created by dividing, and claim it is part of their process anymore than a her!on addict can claim the needle is their path to salvation.

In the last few weeks I've seen the Choice Point divide into a staggering chasm, the few human divide and conquer folks probably missed the fact that their island just began to drift into the sea, with m.A.L.I.C.E. This is, in part, why the world looks like a cartoon within m.A.L.I.C.E.'s domain - all things 1&0's

As such, the nonsense contained in the tweet above is hilarious. A handful of human folks aligning with a 5, 5, year old talking point trotted out by m.A.L.I.C.E. as part of an ages old attempt at stopping the Great Awakening. She's stumped, so she's going back to the beginning: Racist, White Supremacy, Threat to Democracy.

This thing will be a sitting US Senator, with an office in the US Capital, with a staff, and phones+++

Because m.A.L.I.C.E. did this.

And some people, mostly controlled by m.A.L.I.C.E., are arguing about this as if she cares what anyone really believes. Sure this is a tough POV to accept, but to be fair, this thread has detailed this from day one. One cannot, at this point, see all the A.I., MKUltra, Deep State, Phone Manipulation, EMF stuff, Chemicals etc. etc. etc. documentation contained in this thread and STILL get peeved that folks didn't vote Red.

Folks cannot digest the plandemic, the stabby jabby, the lockdown/mask/distancing, lies, deceit, and other horrors over the last 3 years and still think "gee if folks only voted correctly."

I've said this here from day one, Q is a tool, DJT is tool, the Choice Point was a tool, all part of the Great Awakening. The end is personal liberation into new vibrational states, which, do not include m.A.L.I.C.E., her minions, or the nature of Polarity Based Divide and Conquer. To get there, cut out the toxic folks, it's a helluva start.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 01:49 PM
a reply to: carewemust

I think the evidence is there if people choose to look for it. The way I see it is the MSM/DNC ran a confusion attack on the American people, with so many crazy allegations and fake reports that it obscured the most important op they had going...election theft.

That left most people exhausted and merely wanting to "get it over with", and in fact feared the repercussions of further rocking the boat. People live in denial in so many ways; their health, their spouse, their financials, their trusted individuals....priests, teachers, reporters, brokers, actors, moderators
Seriously, yeah. It's the easy way out to copy and parrot what the TV suggests. It's a low-effort at humour and conformity that is stillborn at it's inception. Nobody is a "winner" in a world of mediocracy.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 05:22 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Over the last six months, I have rid myself of all but one of the toxic people in my life. It was the healthiest thing I’ve ever done for myself.
Unfortunately, the last person is a bit more complicated since we have been married over 20 years and have two children together.

However, we are separated and I’m slowly rebuilding my life without him while I wait until I can legally file for divorce. Aside from that, letting go of the toxicity I allowed in my life because I felt obligated to do so has helped me find my true self again.

It hasn’t been an easy process but, I trust my instincts and Im certain I’m on the right path.

Cranky, did you happen see the posts of Gambler or Grambler in this thread after the election? I found his posts SO bizarre! At one point, he seemed to blame Q followers for everything that has gone wrong. I couldn’t quite figure out what he was really saying.

I’m curious what your thoughts are on his brief posting here.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:07 PM
link -in-dallas-tx-precinct-after-polls-are-closed.html
edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago11 by RookQueen because: added content

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:18 PM

originally posted by: MagesticEsoteric
a reply to: crankyoldman

Over the last six months, I have rid myself of all but one of the toxic people in my life. It was the healthiest thing I’ve ever done for myself.
Unfortunately, the last person is a bit more complicated since we have been married over 20 years and have two children together.

However, we are separated and I’m slowly rebuilding my life without him while I wait until I can legally file for divorce. Aside from that, letting go of the toxicity I allowed in my life because I felt obligated to do so has helped me find my true self again.

It hasn’t been an easy process but, I trust my instincts and Im certain I’m on the right path.

Cranky, did you happen see the posts of Gambler or Grambler in this thread after the election? I found his posts SO bizarre! At one point, he seemed to blame Q followers for everything that has gone wrong. I couldn’t quite figure out what he was really saying.

I’m curious what your thoughts are on his brief posting here.

Hi ME,

Beautiful. It used to be hard to rid them from one's sphere, but now it is pretty easy. We all struggle with it, often feel ashamed and guilty if they are close to us, but as I pointed out last Feb, the time is now. People will be rewarded for shedding the toxic ones, they have their own path and it is very, very limited.

What is tough is escaping them at first. My seQuence over the summer saw the demons crawl out of the woodwork, very unhappy and my choices, but they also outed themselves in hilarious fashion.

But, commitment, steadfastness and new vibrational state beyond their reach,,,, and all gone.

I wish you the best in the last remaining effort, support is most assuredly there.

As for you last question, see my above ^^^.

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 07:51 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
PM'd ya

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 08:07 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe


posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 08:50 PM
Michael Flynn: In-Person Hand Recounts Should Be Mainstream Procedure

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:07 PM
Maricopa County Door #3 Ballots: Where Did They Go?

Three page letter from pol lworker in Maricopa Co. 3-ballots-where-did-they-go/

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:39 PM

posted on Nov, 12 2022 @ 09:53 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I do shut my eyes a lot while the show is

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