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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
Found this interesting

The sudden collapse of crypto exchange “FTX” and its Bankruptcy filing today, has revealed that FTX presently suffers from $10-$50 BILLION in liabilities with almost ZERO assets . . . and among those liabilities, are “investments” made by . . . . UKRAINE . . . .

At this early hour, it __appears__ that tens-of-billions in American “Military Aid” to Ukraine, which was allegedly to be used to fight Russia, was cash that Ukraine DID NOT use to fight Russia, but instead invested into FTX! And, as you might guess from the Bankruptcy filing . . . . it now seems that all the money . . . is gone.

Yes, you read that correctly: Instead of using US Military Aid to fight Russia, Ukraine “invested” part or all of it, into FTX, and right now, it looks like all the money is gone.


Complete circle ...We've been robbed.... Talk about a pyramid scheme

"Appears" is pure speculation based on nothing but generating clicks.

They're speculating based on a tweet that I already posted. It says FTX was partnering with them to handle the crypto donations that came in. They were probably intended to be a fiat off-ramp back into the treasury while FTX kept the exchange fee.

This is typical salacious reporting from media that exploits Q followers.

Somebody more familiar with the military aid can correct me if I'm wrong, but I was led to believe most of the aid is not in ones and zeros money. It's loans on equipment, training, and other things.

FTX has substantial debt based on their exchange token valuation they used as collateral for risky investments and to prop up his other scams. Part of the 10-50 billion may be be from Ukraine, but it's not the totality nor much more than a small fraction.

I have no doubt that aid money is making it back to the US, but military aid money has no problem doing that on its own. There's no need to double wash money that's already unaccounted for and completely free of scrutiny.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

It has been stated last year by many sources that the i.r.s. and FED was being absorbed into Treasury and there was a 1 year of Treasury and FED working together as administration duties were transferred.
I am assuming that all was completed by Oct.1.

Time is up.
QFS is here.
All of DJT's trade agreements and treaties that go into full affect January 1, 2023 were based upon the new banking system.
The FED is dead

Ukraine and Astanya Khazikstan was going to be the world banking capital replant the City of London when the corporate charters ended.
But of course first they had to take out Russia.
That didn't go so well
edit on 13-11-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:44 AM
Launch of the Pandemic Fund
Call me suspicious but didn't the World Bank set up those plandemic preparedness bonds in 2017? Now they are setting up another plandemic fund.
Listening to Tedros he even states it is not a matter of if a pandemic will happen but when. Even Janet Yellon is there throwing $450 million into the pot.
Where is Bill Gates? He would never, ever miss an opportunity like this. Never. Interesting that the B&M Gates Foundation is a partner. This would finance his GERM Team.
According to Christopher Elias, Gates Foundation connected "The establishment of the FIF represent a strong committment from the global community to sustainably finance pandemic preparedness and response. Now is the time for governments and other donors to increase their investments in global health to ensure the world never again faces the devestation of a pandemic."
World Bank Sets Up First Pandemic Fund

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 11:46 AM
NUKE BOMBSHELL: House Freedom Caucus MEMO Details Plan to Elect Donald Trump Speaker of the House

National File has exclusively obtained a memorandum being circulated among members of the House Freedom Caucus (HFC) that considers alternatives to Kevin McCarthy after the Republican Party’s much anticipated red wave at the 2022 midterm elections fizzled into a pink trickle, potentially leaving Republicans with a single digit advantage over Pelosi’s Democrats.

The “Speaker Trump” HFC memo is a bold expression of NO-CONFIDENCE in Kevin McCarthy just days after his disastrous performance at the midterm elections.
The Trump memorandum sets forth a plan to elect President Donald J. Trump as Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Importantly, the document clearly articulates the legal and constitutional authority that the House MAY CHOOSE a non-member as House Speaker.
The memo derides McCarthy for his refusal to move forward with impeachment of Joe Biden.
The HFC memo sets forth a plan to return the House of Representatives to “regular order.”
The memo pushes for a commitment from GOP leaders to include the “Motion to Vacate the Chair” in the next rules package.
The memorandum also addresses the failure of GOP leadership to deliver on five key issues important to the American public during the current congressional session:

Chinese infiltration into U.S. government, commerce, industry and defense.
The utter lack of serious investigations into the Nov. 3, 2020 election operation.
The pervasive infringement of our First Amendment rights to free speech.
The hesitance to launch a Nuremburg 2.0 style military tribunal to hold those accountable for the millions of deaths during Covid-19 and in the aftermath, with the Pfizer fallout and Moderna Mutilation.
Congress’s refusal to investigate the truth behind Jan 6 deaths, and the treatment of J-6 political prisoners.

nationalfile.c... om/nuke-bombshell-house-freedom-caucus-memo-details-plan-to-elect-donald-trump-speaker-of-the-house/

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:22 PM
I found a very helpful link for those that have been harmed by the Covid jab.>Covid-19 Vaccine Injury Compensation-mctlaw

mctlaw still can't help jab injured people because of where it is currently placed [Countermeasures Compensation Program] but they do provide instructions on how to file a claim with the program.

Meanwhile Xavier Becerra, HHS has renewed the Public Health Emergency, so here we go into 2023.
Renewed Public Health Emergency

Exactly where/what is the emergency?
I suspect that there is something more going on here. The Perfect Storm.
The Perfect Storm
Having helped someone through the mess of applying for Medicaid all I can see is a looming nightmare. The system is so archaic, paper work dependent that states will never be able to process 80 million people within the allowed time. Then add in the loss of funding from the Federal gov't due to the Public Health Emergency and we have the perfect storm. 'Nearly 80 million people enrolled in Medicaid will have their eligibility re-determined, triggering a high risk of coverage losses..."

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Cavv, Guyfriday had the same question... Here's my explanation!

Guy, re the latest posts' Chan IDs being 000000 on most aggregators:

1) It is, apparently, a /qresearch quirk that when anons post via the TOR network, the Chan ID shows up as 000000 - at least initially,

2) However has populated the field with, presumably, the correct HEX value. I presume this is because they can translate posts from the TOR network better - or can see the TOR base data.

To add, for audit trail purposes:

Your post reminded me that I need to go back through the spreadsheet and update the "000000" ChanIDs logged as such before the explanation came out!
edit on 13-11-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Ksihkehe

Since Q exposed himself to me, and informed us how foreign aid gets funneled back to the same corrupt politicians who signed off on it, I wanted to go back and see when this all started.

Turns out, this came into its modern practice at the turn of the last century at the direction of the Rockerfellers and other magnates. They set up thousands upon thousands of semi-governmental organizations at all levels, including the 1313 group as a clearinghouse of bureaucracy to guide wealth and control back to themselves from everyone everywhere forever.

It's only become more entrenched and institutionalized over the past 100 years.

Who can bring an end to the endless?

God, and he will. The thing is we are not supposed to do it at all. We are to understand we are not just the flesh this Earth but God's creation with a soul that lives on. Do not be terrified Jesus said. Be patient. The things that kills your soul is infinitely more dangerous to you than things that what will tear the flesh to bits. We are to seek justice and keep the truth. I see that here with this thread.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

I am glad you posted this pic, it reminds me (again) of an image I saw on the wall of an underground complex in an American town explored by a small group of men. There was a Bitchute clip that showed the visit with tunnels, corridors and rooms below an underground car park. There was a strong Freemason link.

The card with Trump on it you posted doesn't show what the other end of the card illustrated in the clip I saw. Obviously, it's hidden up someone's sleeve in your pic.

It was Bernie Saunders.

He was the twin of Trump on the single card. It was a poster or illustration perhaps 6-7 feet tall and locked behind glass doors just visible round a corner that perhaps led to more of the complex being explored.

I have searched a few times for the clip so I could share it here but to no avail.

It just seemed really odd when I saw the illustration in the clip.

Could be nothing, could even have been a hoax.

edit on 13/11/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

edit on 13/11/2022 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks Rel!


posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 01:27 PM
There is a high possibility of more KU post(s) this evening... The trend when posting regularly, and key events were happening, was NO posts on Saturday but then important post(s) coming out evening EST time zone.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:05 PM
The Dangerous Relationships
Really good article. To high light a couple of issues.

McKinsey & Company >The Firm
What are the chances that The Firm was involved with the managing of the Covid plandemic?
Something about timing here...In December 2018 The Firm held a "lavish company retreat in China held adjacent to the Chinese government internment camps."
They seem to have had an unusual amount of influence in the defining and implementation of Covid policies. In 2001 they launched the public sector program on a pro bono basis which allowed them to gain access to providing advice without competition or public knowledge, perfect for the Covid plandemic.

Some more timing...Kevin Sneader became managing director on July 1, 2018. #4686 link? Did Kevin set his alarm?
Do we need more timing? What are the chances that David von der Leyen, son of Ursula, worked for McKinsey from 2015-2019.

The EU then used The Firm and their members to define and implement their Covid policies.
March 17, 2020 Infiltration of Consultancies on Public Health Policy..."tentacular and opaque phenomenon extending to entire areas of public policy and influencing in a manner that is opaque as ever."
Meanwhile The Firm was busy advising Big Pharma. They had 100% control of the narrative from both sides of the plan.

To make matters worse "the Commission refused to disclose most of their documents related to McKinsey's pro bono activities."
Not to leave us out. The Firm allows their partners and consultants to work for the government which just happens to include the FDA. This almost looks deliberate >They were involved with the re-opening of Miami-Dade County which was not clear but complex and chaotic.
I wonder if a FOIA request has been made to find out what they recommended as policies for the FDA/CDC and gang?
Infiltration not invasion.
For future events.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:13 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Despite all of the hand wringing here, the most obvious inflection point is after another fraudulent election....not necessarily via a sweeping Red Wave.

We are knee deep in the muck after their calvary has already charged past, are we going to break ranks and flee the battlefield?

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:45 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

a reply to: Ksihkehe

It has been stated last year by many sources that the i.r.s. and FED was being absorbed into Treasury and there was a 1 year of Treasury and FED working together as administration duties were transferred.
I am assuming that all was completed by Oct.1.

Time is up.
QFS is here.
All of DJT's trade agreements and treaties that go into full affect January 1, 2023 were based upon the new banking system.
The FED is dead

Yeah, you can assume whatever you want. I don't have to assume. I also know the difference between speculation and fabrication.

We're not going to have a bunch of back and forth where your side of the conversation is completely detached from what I say.

I will reiterate. FTX is not, was not, and never would be used for central bank settlement. You did not ever see a credible source claim that. To still be talking about the QFS when we already know exactly what the system is transitioning to is also lazy. DLT and ISO20022 are already things and the ISO standard is already being implemented. The central bank digital currency is in development and will be forthcoming as Fedcoin. The digital ledger will be interchangable with other nation's CBDC as well. It will provide near instant settlement globally and across currencies. This is publicly available information. It's not a secret and is widely discussed all over the place using the proper terminology.

No amount of trite Q mimicry refutes my very real information sourced from central banks, BIS, IMF, and dozens of financial experts.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 02:48 PM

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I hope it doesn't end like the first Battle of Bull Run. Too many spectators for any retreating army to run through, and most people these days are too out of shape to move out of the way.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:40 PM
Ukraine central bank says it is preparing banking system for blackouts

Ukraine's Central Bank said on Sunday it was preparing the country's banking system to work in emergency conditions in connection with possible blackouts.

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:49 PM

FTX CEO detained by authorities in Bahamas

He will be dead soon.......

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 03:52 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I'm sure this has nothing to do with what we think it does

Just a coincidence

posted on Nov, 13 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

FTX CEO detained by authorities in Bahamas

He will be dead soon.......

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