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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 06:54 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

ML, I'm getting vibes of King Leonidas in "300" from your final quote:

but asking these Questions with all of you is my great honor. 🦁

One of the telegram truthers (possibly StormRider) reckons that the CCP arrested a President Xi body double and the real one is still safe. It may have been a strategy to capture the CCP in the act of a coup?

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:01 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

@OveRcuREnteD... hopefully you're still keeping backups also, with a download space?

yes. PM for you..

QTSR Sept 25 1:20pm

Be sure to find time to smile and laugh. To take long walks my friends and enjoy the World and nature in its creation and Glory away from the constant changing news of the Social media and News outlets.... Be sure to find time to unplug and Exercise , invest time on things you cherish and love...,. >And will always be here supporting you in The Great Awakening world movement .. Congratulations Patriots, ANONS. World FREEDOM FIGHTERS for making it thus far and Sharing the Truth through your family, communities and country.

edit on 9/25/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 07:25 PM
Nearly a trillion dollar cluster 🙃🤪

Dystopian Down Under

Little by little the truth will out. This one even made it to The Atlantic.

The Atlantic

CDC Updates

The Covid response, explained...

Tipping toward Soylent Green...

California Becomes Fifth State to Legalize Human Composting

Or the Great Dying period.🙄

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 10:12 PM
Could be something... could be nothing...

In the twitterverse, #EnoughIsEnough is trending in the UK... could be the "GO" signal.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 2d673c No.158439 📁
Dec 23 2017 15:58:14 (EST)
_CONF_AW-CjF78-82(Z 00:00)_
Good Hunting!

edit on 25-9-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 25 2022 @ 11:07 PM
Chuck Grassley tweeted this video on Sat 24th at 16:56:46 Est

Time for #cornwatch

He ends the 28 second video by saying that the CORN IS WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF HARVESTING!


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6bfd78 No.7222066 📁
Jul 27 2019 19:54:54 (EST)
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.

[ 93 dk]

We have been taught that in some decode methods you drop any zeroes in numeric strings.
So consider that the 93 in the kill box could be 9/30... or Sept 30th - which is this coming Friday!
edit on 25-9-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:31 AM
Sorry but I've been out a lot over the weekend. Other than the iffy situation in China, was there anything that dropped on the 24th?

Stormrider was supposed to provide up evidence or something about Biden getting impeached, but has anything come of that yet?

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 03:19 AM
I ran across this the other day.

Don't know if it came up in earlier threads.

From their "about us"--

We are a group who have banded together to assist in the world’s awakening by reporting truth and exposing our fraudulent corporate government. We bring forth information that the mainstream media (MSM) refuses to report, and our news comes from high level “inside” intelligence sources.

The last report they produced was one day before the November 2020 election. Their first report was 2010, so this predates Q.

A fair amount of verbiage on their web site. FWIW. One wonders why they shut down in late 2020.


posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

A lot in your post to unwrap. The Spying caught my imagination.

Some of those satellites were always spying on us. I have a Psych book somewhere that showed this pic of Central Park in NY. They drill down for several times until we see a couple on a blanket. Then they drill down again to show the book the guy was reading, and you could make out words. I was absolutely flabbergasted to see that in 1982 or thereabouts. They could read license plates on cars then.

This new way is just a continuation of the plan we have been pawns of the whole time.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 07:32 AM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: apydomis

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: apydomis

They stand for their religion by standing against other religions.

Funny, I think of the Vietnam war being clearly a Buddhist vs Catholic war, but it was never cast that way to the public.

There is a model where religious inspired warriors are indeed noble. Some periods of British history, warrior monks, maybe even Crusaders are decent examples, where others were much more Dark, like Imperial Japan, Maoist China, et al.

Always there is that matter of perspective though...

They only use those terms if they can make the Christians look bad. Take the "Troubles" in Northern Ireland, for example. It's traditionally cast as Catholics vs. Protestants, but it's clearly a very classic case of ethnic strife. The people who are ethnically Irish are on one side, and those who are ethnically British are on the other. The British don't care to cast the conflict that way because they're the invaders/illegal aliens. Casting it in religious terms makes it (spoosedly) sound more noble.

(post by SMOKINGGUN2012 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 10:29 AM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Twitter to reinstate Trump ……….


OK, then......

My first thought is "Desperate attempt to join the winning team."
Q did say that certain platforms would collapse under the weight of their illegal actions.

edit on Mon Sep 26 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 10:34 AM
The second girl you ask to the dance will always know you never really wanted to go to the dance with her.

originally posted by: AndyFromMichigan

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Twitter to reinstate Trump ……….

OK, then......

My first thought is "Desperate attempt to join the winning team."
Q did say that certain platforms would collapse under the weight of their illegal actions.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 11:26 AM
For those interested in Military patches and Logos, this is interesting:

WHGrampa tweet shows

The National Intelligence Manager for Aviation office of the Air Force rolled out a new logo over the weekend ..


Go to tweet to see the images... which INCLUDE A UFO IN THE NEW LOGO for The National Intelligence Manager for Aviation office of the Air Force!
edit on 26-9-2022 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: Caled
Paul Offit is in panic mode.

I need lots and lots of popcorn for this one.
Offit- CNN

He is desperate. If he thinks that he can walk this back he is fooling himself. He was on the advisory boards approving those mRNA magic jabs. He must assume we all suddenly believe he has some moral conflicts. I can't wait to see Robert F. Kennedy Jr's reaction to this.
Best suggestion for him> RUN...

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 11:53 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I wonder if the "corn messaging" is referring to Bill Gates. Maybe his arrest is in two weeks?
Considering that he is obsessed with corn it just makes me wonder. His latest Gates Notes was about corn, he has a song about corn and I just came across another corn related drop.


Somewhat obvious, the yield of corn in 2000 is 29 bushels. In 2030 it is 48 bushels. 48-29= 17. He must be in his horrors.
He may believe that he is untouchable but if he has worries do you think he would head to sea in his yacht? That could be a water event.
Lately he has also been focusing on mosquitos. This is the reason why I think he may head for the "water".
Michael Bennett Yaucht Captain

Michael Bennet had a seafaring business called Mosquito Fleet!

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 12:16 PM
Media Buyoff
Call me surprised. The Biden administration spent $1 billion of our $ to have the media present a positive spin on the Covid magic jabs to convince us to take the jabs that we have paid for. Add this >
"Liberty Counsel said that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 'also recently admitted that it had withheld critical Covid-19 data from the public because the agency thought it would be "misinterpreted" and cause vaccine hesitancy since it weakens the case for booster shots in certain demographics."
Imagine withholding data about the breakthrough cases.
We also pay for that data to be collected and also pay for the CDC.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 01:10 PM
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has tested positive for Covid.
Olaf Tests Positive

He hasn't flogged Paxlovid>
Albert Bourla tested positive for Covid and he didn't either.
Albert Bourla Twitter

Something must be up. This is the perfect opportunity to promote Pfizer's new product line. Wouldn't it be something if they are taking the horse dewormer Ivermectin.

New book. "Uncontrolled Spread" by Scott Gottlieb former FDA Commissioner who is now on the Pfizer board.
His timing was extraordinary joining in 2019.
Scott Gottlieb Salary on Pfizer Board

He is on the board, has many contacts in the FDA and no one shared any information? Being on the board he knew, he knew that there were some serious issues with the mRNA jab and he said and did nothing. C.A.H.

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 01:47 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Re: Nigeria

Dunno about the "snake" angle, but the country angle is interesting.

According to a recent...

UN report on World Population Prospects 2022: Summary of Results (54 page PDF)

More than half of the projected increase in global population up to 2050 will be concentrated in just eight countries: the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and the United Republic of Tanzania. Disparate growth rates among the world’s largest countries will re-order their ranking by size.

Europe and Northern America is projected to reach its peak population size and to begin experiencing population decline in the late 2030s due to sustained low levels of fertility, which has been below 2 births per woman since the mid-1970s and, in some countries, high emigration rates.

Europe and Northern America had the oldest population in 2022, with almost 19 per cent aged 65 or over, followed by Australia and New Zealand (16.6 per cent). Both regions are continuing to age further. Projections indicate that by 2050 one in every four persons in Europe and Northern America could be aged 65 years or over.

Percentage of population aged 65 years or over for the world, SDG regions, and selected groups of countries, 2022, 2030 and 2050, according to the medium scenario:

Nigeria population is expected to surpass the USA by 2050. Poverty capital of the world Or Africa's super power by 2050?

Current world population: 7.976 Billion. Expected to hit 8 billion this November.

What is the global importance of Nigeria?

According to the World Bank Nigeria had the 31st largest GDP in 2018. It is the world’s 21st largest economy and has experienced recent rapid growth. According to the United Nations, it has the 7th largest population in the world. Nigeria is the 13th largest producer of oil according to the US Energy Information Administration.

Lagos, Nigeria’s largest city, is a thriving ‘world city’, with a strong financial and economic base.

Nigeria has the second-largest film industry in the world, ahead of the United States and behind India. Nigerian cinema is known as “Nollywood”.

Nigeria has one of the largest river systems in the world, including the Niger Delta, the third largest delta on Earth. Watch the water!

How One Company Destroyed An Entire Country:

posted on Sep, 26 2022 @ 02:50 PM
Grassley, Johnson demand answers on why FBI paid Igor Danchenko as a source during Trump-Russia probe

"The FBI, even in light of the extensive derogatory information attached to Danchenko, proceeded to pay him as a confidential human source three months later from March 2017 to October 2020 as part of Crossfire Hurricane," Grassley and Johnson wrote to Garland. "Therefore, while we were investigating the Justice Department’s and FBI’s misconduct with respect to Crossfire Hurricane, you maintained him on the government’s payroll."
They added: "This extraordinary fact pattern requires additional information from the Justice Department and FBI relating to why Danchenko was placed on the payroll and paid by the taxpayer to assist in the federal government’s flawed investigation into President Trump."

Deadline day: National Archives has until tomorrow to reveal if Trump has documents

edit on 9262022 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

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