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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:46 PM
I got mocked by someone for believing this is Donald's 2nd term and not Obama's 3rd term.
Everything seems designed to rally people in opposition with every trigger they can come up with.
Can you imagine driving around with bumper stickers. Or flags and signs in their yard promoting these campaign ideals?
Water cooler chat?

originally posted by: FlyingFox
Mark is always good for a pepe' talk.

It's almost like Biden's speech was a pep talk meant for US. Imma go put my Trump flag back up. Rally tomorrow is gonna be lit.

edit on 2-9-2022 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:49 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
What do you think?

3yr Delta....

edit on 2-9-2022 by FlyingFox because: I'm sure there's a good explanation....

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:52 PM

originally posted by: daskakik
Nice try but the bible says the rider's name is "King Of Kings, And Lord Of Lords" not just anyone that incarnated and got a Q clearance.

My friend,

You can't even bother to get basic details right. Revelation 19:16 doesn't say the riders name is "King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords". It just says that "a name" is written on his robe and his thigh. It doesn't say it is "his name".

You see, I can play your fake "skeptic" game too.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:53 PM
Today brought Podesta front and center ,this is exciting!!! He's the Boogeyman!! He'll be the first arrest,and putting him in charge of almost 4 billion dollars is thought provoking.A Clinton era player, notorious for pedophilia,pedo art, torture of children,Chester Bennington possibly being his son then dies, interesting times!!

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 02:59 PM

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
You can't even bother to get basic details right. Revelation 19:16 doesn't say the riders name is "King Of Kings, Lord Of Lords". It just says that "a name" is written on his robe and his thigh. It doesn't say it is "his name".

You see, I can play your fake "skeptic" game too.

Not fake skepticism, I honestly don't think that chapter is talking about Q.

You play it well, but you fail to realize that it is much more difficult for those trying to claim certainty than those trying to show uncertainty. Your argument here doesn't really prove anything one way or the other so it doesn't really refute anything.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:07 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
Has there ever been a full reveal as to what was found at Zorrow Ranch or was that covered up?

Has there been any reveal of what was found on any of Epstein’s properties?

The Ranch
The town house
And of course, the island.

All three raided.
What have we learned?

We saw some pictures from inside the apartment. A dentist’s chair. Some odd artworks. Not criminal evidence.

Any word of blackmail materials? Any word of tunnels under the island or a submarine dock?

Was there even any word that there had been tunnels and that they had been filled in? (As was discussed here). That would be easily detected.

In years past, this would be the kind of sensational story magazines like TIME or at least the tabloids would wallow in.

I have heard nothing.

Did our discussions here exaggerate what was happening at the island? Was it just as simple as naughty massages and under age prostitution? That seems unlikely. Supposedly we saw a photo of a bank of security monitors from cameras in hidden underground spaces.

No, I think Epstein and his operation were protected at the highest levels.

Now he’s supposedly dead and Maxwell is in prison. The names we know have been accounted for. Everything tied up with a nice bow. Sell the island and move on.

The operation became too public and was shut down as quietly as it could be. But I think the cover up is still 100% in place.
edit on 9/2/2022 by cimmerius because: Tweak

edit on 9/2/2022 by cimmerius because: Typo

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:08 PM
Let me help you understand your example better.
You would do well to use "debts and or transgression' for a fuller understanding of this part of prayer.
Learning to forgive is essential or we do not get it.
It is my biggest fear with cancel culture and the surveillance state. Even thought crimes now.
Learning to forgive others will soon be history.
Allowing people to learn from their mistakes and grow is the foundation that separates us from the angels and where we can become greater than them.
They were made to serve.
We were made to choose to serve.
It is through forgiveness we grow.

The unforging servant is a better example of the Lord's prayer. Not being skeptical. I have no idea how that can even be discussed

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
The irony is great.
Can you be careful with that thing.
You just smacked in the head with that log examining me

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
That speck you are observing(this teaching is meant for self reflection' selah' and not meant as a weapon to wield) looks like a plank from that magnifying skepticalvisions glass you use.

Correct, it was meant for you to practice some self reflection.

Think about your skepticism and see how easy it is and realize that it is also that easy for others, in regard to what they are skeptic of.

And you most certainly are exercising great faith in that religion you serve here.
You do not even feel compelled to be a proponent of your own beliefs, instead you just criticize others beliefs

Your logic is contradictory. How can I be exercising great faith here when I'm not even a proponent of my own beliefs?

Not my fault people can't see the fact that they are holding two beliefs that don't really go together.

The irony truly is great... a Christian is humble, not proudly pointing out others sins. From the point of view of Christ, you are judging yourself every time your pride makes you judge Dask. Christ set examples, like when He washed fishermen's feet. The way to win souls is not by hypocritically telling someone what they're doing wrong - it's by setting the example without judging, no matter how you are judged by others. The verse in the "Lord's prayer" that says "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us" is more accurately translated as "forgive us our sins in the same way that we forgive those who sin against us".

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: tallcool1
Thank for that TC1! I was raised Methodist until my parents divorced then was dragged to the Baptist Churches that my mother's siblings attended who preached hellfire and damnation. By 13 I was attending a small catholic school and attended religion classes once a week until graduation but by my senior year had decided I might end up an atheist. During some of my lowest times in life which I hit my knees because I could feel myself dying. I prayed to God to show me what I needed to read in the Bible to get back on my feet and to become the person that he wanted me to be. I read a little that night then more the next day and was suddenly understanding what I had been trying to read and understand for several years before. Oct 15, 2001, I knew I had been saved; I finally knew what that meant>the calling didn’t come from the pulpit it came from the personal relationship that I was having with my maker. I was Baptized in the Missionary Baptist Church but as I grew in my faith I started going to the denominational church. When I go, I go there now. I believe organized religion is not always good, or not for me at least. I don’t believe in religion, but I do have faith in my creator, and I call him God or Father.
I wish everyone could be save because it is something I have never felt in my life, but I know that you have to pray with a humble heart and some people won't do that, which is okay too.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: SouthernGift
What happened to Pepe the meme war frog 🐸
I thought Q was an entity channeled from the Chan’s

That would be in conflict with some parts of the Bible

This is a glitch in my “Q is affiliated with the God of the Bible” matrix of understanding.

Q reads more like the channeled stuff I’ve skimmed over but with a less emotional twist and more of a logical twist. Machine like rather than spirit like. But still reads like the channeled stuff.

That’s my throw in for the day. 😁

Ya know that Pepe/frog meme has some very dark origins circa 2007 timeframe. The irony is some of the very dark stuff Q was eluding to, was also distracting from at same time, because you know, 'double meanings' and when the Gestapo search engine algo's changed (2019?) and next to nobody in the Q crowd was able to find and/or take interest. This origin & possibly cover-up was in part orchestrated/funded in part by the Rothschild family and a specific Masonic off-shoot arm. Believe it or not. The info (& vids) is still out there if you know where to look. Much is left to the individual to decide upon. Ancient history, right? Always two-sides of the story, light & dark. No, I won't post it here as the thread will go supernova & spawn off on wild tangents into an abyss of no return that DTOM will not appreciate.

Onward to present...We're really starting spooky [red] season off early with President Satan discourse, huh?

Why did Biden hire Dario Argento (Deep Red) to direct his speech? Dark Brandon was always a typo for Dario Brandon, LOL. I disagree on the Antichrist part but anyways...

Though Dario would have never used that flimsy music and he wasn't a fan of Cronenberg's suggestion that his head blow up for shock value to hold the audience's attention for later PTSD effect.

General Hux's speech - Destruction Of Republic
Source: clip

Will the October Draconids be a reign [false flag] or (rain/natural-Fireballs) of terror like in the past...or a harmless big bright Sky Event like in the past?

ScreenCaps from a Randall Carlson (video) lecture.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:28 PM
Did you realize that according to scripture Yah answered the skeptic in claiming only the skeptic claims there is no God?
A clear and precise accusation towards those who are skeptics.
For now it is all I can think of that skeptics in the Bible.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
So you took a teaching that is about self inspection in order to discern how to judge the fruit of others and made it all about you and skepticism?

No, it is about anyone being able to self reflect, consider how easy it is for them to not believe in something, for example greek mythology, and realize that it is just as easy for other people to not believe in what they believe.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 03:44 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:11 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
None of that is true.
You jumped in about SRA.
What did Cathy O'Brien have to say about Jerry (yes I am very careful
I do know Tipper testified in her divorce proceedings that her husband would spend hours daily listening to heavy/acid rock while drinking the blood from live bats"
This was what is called "controlled opposition"
That topic scared the life out of the elite.
So glad to see it revisited in today's news.

You are trying to make me the topic and avoiding the topics you used. How come? You have been actively judging beliefs.
I examine fruit.
I am not attacking anyone. The topics seem to do that though.
Disagreeing with the use of logical fallacies
is not attacking someone. I consider it bad form in public discourse and a gigantuan wast of time and space.
So I chose now during the 7th inning stretch.
9 weeks to go.
Very soon.
Everything happening all at once as this gigantic ball of truth is going to engulf us all as it grows and grows until...POP.
And as for Constantine being pagan, a sun worshipper.
I cannot wait for the true canon to be released now that the whore of Babylon has been discarded, posing this entire time as the church.
The catacombs will be bringing an enlightening read.
Do you honestly believe that truth love and forgiveness will be changed? Or just truly elaborated upon?
Constantine was used in an attempt to hide and obscure those things written upon men's hearts during this dispensation but Ruach peels through it all to deliver truth to those that truly seek it.
Do you honestly feel I fear true religion? That the truth is scary?
I like word studies so your use of it is cool if you really want to deliver into it.
I have gone some into the Paleo Hebrew pictographs.
That is a cool study.
And as for back and forth.
You began it using false Christian controlled opposition examples to discredit talk of the source of SRA which is a lie.
You used yourself as a Christian using Bible verses to come at me and I never responded to you till at least the 2nd or third attempt by you to get me to respond.
There is no back and forth.
You baited me and used a ton of logical fallacies to do it (LF is a pet peive).
Oh btw.
I suggest the possibility that Tipper is a satanist and the live blood Al was drinking daily wasn't bat blood. But if she wanted to get that into the court maybe her people thought bat blood would be a good replacement. It is not like Al's team would contest the testimony because it wasn't bats blood he was drinking.
And how come you remember only this part of satanic panic?

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
How enlightening.
I never judged dask even in the slightest.
But I have certainly noticed your tells.
You think I am supposed to be weak and humble. How quaint and convenient you have polemics for your stance and apologetics for your own religion and ceremonies.
Do a word study you just used interpretations upon interpretations to find a dart.

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
The irony is great.
Can you be careful with that thing.
You just smacked in the head with that log examining me

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
That speck you are observing(this teaching is meant for self reflection' selah' and not meant as a weapon to wield) looks like a plank from that magnifying skepticalvisions glass you use.

Correct, it was meant for you to practice some self reflection.

Think about your skepticism and see how easy it is and realize that it is also that easy for others, in regard to what they are skeptic of.

And you most certainly are exercising great faith in that religion you serve here.
You do not even feel compelled to be a proponent of your own beliefs, instead you just criticize others beliefs

Your logic is contradictory. How can I be exercising great faith here when I'm not even a proponent of my own beliefs?

Not my fault people can't see the fact that they are holding two beliefs that don't really go together.

The irony truly is great... a Christian is humble, not proudly pointing out others sins. From the point of view of Christ, you are judging yourself every time your pride makes you judge Dask. Christ set examples, like when He washed fishermen's feet. The way to win souls is not by hypocritically telling someone what they're doing wrong - it's by setting the example without judging, no matter how you are judged by others. The verse in the "Lord's prayer" that says "forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us" is more accurately translated as "forgive us our sins in the same way that we forgive those who sin against us".

I don't have a religion. I have faith in God. I don't even believe in hell, since that's not what any of the 4 different words translated into hell actually mean... I'm just taking your hand-picked bible quotes and hand-picking other bible quotes back at you. Your posts seem to show a pattern of attacking those who disagree with what you're posting. You came into this thread seemingly looking down on anyone who disagrees with you, and now pulling bible verses out like you're some moral authority. I genuinely could care less what you think of me, and I'm sure you feel the same toward me, but you just keep attacking people. So I bit and got a very predictable response.

And to answer your reply to yourself, I think Jesus had some very good (and likely Buddhist influenced) teachings that are great lessons to people - to set an example and serve your fellow humans, so I try (and fail) to follow his teachings... but I don't consider myself a "disciple" and I don't believe he was THE son of God, he was a son of God like the rest of us. He just did it better than the rest of us. The books put together as The (official) Bible didn't even happen until 325AD - organized by the Emperor Constantine, who wasn't even baptized as a Christian until he was in his deathbed. But this really isn't the thread for religious discussions, and our little back and forth might be removed for thread drift.

Regardless of our disagreement here, I still starred your 2 posts directed at me. Whether we agree or not, I still like to engage in polite discussions about our differences. Having said that, I apologize for saying my opinion in a way that looked hostile. We all are, after all, just flawed humans.

Wow! I have no clue what the hell you're saying in this wall of words. I suppoz that maykes me dum!

You win! I bow to your supremacy. I just don't have the intelligence to understand the words coming out of your mouth, so I'll probably have to skip your posts, since I don't have as many neurons firing in my underdeveloped, fragile little brain.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:14 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

originally posted by: SouthernGift
What happened to Pepe the meme war frog 🐸
I thought Q was an entity channeled from the Chan’s

That would be in conflict with some parts of the Bible

This is a glitch in my “Q is affiliated with the God of the Bible” matrix of understanding.

Q reads more like the channeled stuff I’ve skimmed over but with a less emotional twist and more of a logical twist. Machine like rather than spirit like. But still reads like the channeled stuff.

That’s my throw in for the day. 😁

Ya know that Pepe/frog meme has some very dark origins circa 2007 timeframe. The irony is some of the very dark stuff Q was eluding to, was also distracting from at same time, because you know, 'double meanings' and when the Gestapo search engine algo's changed (2019?) and next to nobody in the Q crowd was able to find and/or take interest. This origin & possibly cover-up was in part orchestrated/funded in part by the Rothschild family and a specific Masonic off-shoot arm. Believe it or not. The info (& vids) is still out there if you know where to look. Much is left to the individual to decide upon. Ancient history, right? Always two-sides of the story, light & dark. No, I won't post it here as the thread will go supernova & spawn off on wild tangents into an abyss of no return that DTOM will not appreciate.

Onward to present...We're really starting spooky [red] season off early with President Satan discourse, huh?

Why did Biden hire Dario Argento (Deep Red) to direct his speech? Dark Brandon was always a typo for Dario Brandon, LOL. I disagree on the Antichrist part but anyways...

Though Dario would have never used that flimsy music and he wasn't a fan of Cronenberg's suggestion that his head blow up for shock value to hold the audience's attention for later PTSD effect.


Huh, don't want the thread going off on weird tangents ?
That is the only point of this thread for me.
Q and Trump, are actors in the beast system, like everyone in the public eye that we are allowed to see.
If you are an actor, congrats, you are pretty good !

edit on Fri Sep 2 2022 by DontTreadOnMe because: Trim Those Quotes

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:25 PM
Why do you think it is underdeveloped?
Too much Google?

Maybe you just googled sraa reply to: tallcool1

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:34 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Obliviously to the people who don't believe in the bible what you just posted means nothing.

My point wasn't about just skepticism towards the bible or of god. I was referring to skepticism in general. We are all skeptical of something.

edit on 2-9-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:46 PM

originally posted by: More1ThanAny1
Let it be known this started with you being completely confident about the words of the Bible, and using that ignorant confidence to refute the words of others. You were so certain of your uncertainty.

Apparently you don't realize how it works. The bible doesn't mention Q.

You had to twist what you posted to try and say that maybe, perhaps, it could be Q.

I'm going with the mention of the guy with "Lord of Lords" sewn into his undies isn't referring to Q.

edit on 2-9-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 04:59 PM
It would be a far more interesting tangent than the one we’ve got stirred right now



a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 05:01 PM
a reply to: daskakik

Behold, you've been reduced to a straw man logical fallacy.

Nobody said the Bible mentions Q. But that doesn't stop you from shoehorning everything into your little skeptic box.

You obviously don't realize how it works. Do you know how theories work? It seems you have absolutely no idea what is even happening here. You're lost in space.

To solve the puzzle of reality full of missing pieces, one must theorize which pieces belong together and which pieces don't. They must test the fit of each piece. While people have been working on this puzzle, placing pieces in attempt to check their fitment, you are just sitting back back and ridiculing every placement without ever attempting to help solve the puzzle.

Thank you unhelpful one.

posted on Sep, 2 2022 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: XtheMadnessNow

Ya know that Pepe/frog meme has some very dark origins circa 2007 timeframe. The irony is some of the very dark stuff Q was eluding to, was also distracting from at same time, because you know, 'double meanings' and when the Gestapo search engine algo's changed (2019?) and next to nobody in the Q crowd was able to find and/or take interest. This origin & possibly cover-up was in part orchestrated/funded in part by the Rothschild family and a specific Masonic off-shoot arm. Believe it or not. The info (& vids) is still out there if you know where to look. Much is left to the individual to decide upon. Ancient history, right? Always two-sides of the story, light & dark. No, I won't post it here as the thread will go supernova & spawn off on wild tangents into an abyss of no return that DTOM will not appreciate.


Well, there is this place I know where you could start a thread on it....
edit on 9 2 2022 by dashen because: Deny Everything

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