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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 31 2022 @ 11:55 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder

Top Secret Service official at heart of January 6 Trump row steps down

MSN reports he retires in "good standing".... OF COURSE he did. He is willing to go after DJT. That makes him a super hero to the BS media.

posted on Aug, 31 2022 @ 11:58 PM

originally posted by: Justoneman

originally posted by: carewemust
Q said we should trust FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Does anybody recall the context of that statement, why he said this?

No but in the end that will be a hammered nail in Q's coffin or a feather in the Q hat.

I cannot remember if I read it in this thread where the FBI agent that headed the raid on Mara Lago was escorted out of the FBI building.
If so then Wray looks to be a white hat (implied from wherever I read it)
But dmx said you have to trust everyone because it takes to much energy otherwise.
What you need to learn is to trust a thief to be a thief.
Trust a snake to be a snake. Trust a corrupt politian to be corrupt (paraphrase)

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:11 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Crossing fingers but the dice were not loaded after all in our metaphor.

You have hope the dice are not loaded but you can't say with any certainty if they are not.

The outcome people are hoping for requires faith in God because this is about "principalities" that rule this Earth that are of a spiritual nature.

You are suffering from a serious disconnect. The bible says things will get progressively worse until the second coming. There is no person or group of people that will bring down the "principalities". Not Q, not people who have uncovered the truth or anything else.

Your faith in the plan contradicts your the faith in god (assuming you are talking about the god of the bible).

That is actually one of the red flags I noticed in the drops. All the god talk while also proposing a plan that contradicts gods plan. Of course this was done by Q because they had to play to their audience.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:17 AM
a reply to: daskakik

All the god talk while also proposing a plan that contradicts gods plan.


Prove it or show some reasoning please.

Broad strokes leave streaks in your logic.

Now, tell me in simple english, what is God's plan?


posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:27 AM
EBS error?
From: blo August 31, 2022 at 9:24 PM PDT

An evacuation notice that popped up on television Wednesday telling residents to “immediately” evacuate Los Angeles was broadcast in error, a sheriff’s office said.

Viewers in Ventura County were watching TV when programming was interrupted to show the message: “Emergency alert system. A civil authority has issued an IMMEDIATE EVACUATION NOTICE for the following counties or areas.” The list included Los Angeles, Eastern North Pacific Ocean, and Port Conception to Guadalupe. It is not yet known how many viewers received the alert.

Two tweets — one in English and one in Spanish — were later posted by the Ventura Country Sheriff’s Department stating the message was sent in error.

The false alarm came as a series of wildfires erupted in California Wednesday, prompting a number of localized evacuations in northwestern Los Angeles county. It triggered concern on Twitter, with one user posting: "That was scary! I called the Sheriff’s Office to see what was going on. LA better get it together."

In 2017, a false alarm spurred widespread panic in Hawaii. Residents received a Saturday morning alert to their mobile phones sent that turned out to have been sent in error. It stated in capital letters: “Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill.”

Didn't we get a message about the Emergency Broadcast System being compromised? What gets me though it the part at the end of the report where they put in that thought-link to the missile alert from a few years ago. Was this a drill to see how many people would respond, or was it an "Accident" like the Hawaii one?

Just for fun remember this?

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: d5f1d4 No.337245 📁
Feb 11 2018 12:04:42 (EST)
Do people believe all recent resignations, plane crashes, plane re_routes, EMS/EBS activations, blackouts, etc are simply a coincidence?
Why did Sessions [at the beginning] emphasize investigations/proceedings are kept confidential?
Think magic.
What you see …….
Do you really believe nothing is being done?
Re_read past crumbs.
Who has the power?
Why was this emphasized in the beginning?
You have more than you know.

Pepperidge Farms remembered, Pepperidge Farms never forgets.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:37 AM

originally posted by: pheonix358
Prove it or show some reasoning please.

Already did.

You have not read the part in the bible about the anti-christ ruling the world?

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:45 AM
I believe this to be the game changer.

I also believe it has already been ruled and time was needed, and under the cover or the Roe v Wade decision, to secure the justices and their families into safe locations.
I could be wrong on this.
Dick Morris in his book says SCOTUS will take it up in the fall probably September and rule on it in January/February.

The Constitution gives the authority to the State Legislatures to organize, run,manage and enforce elections.
Not Sec. of State, A.G. or Governor.
It flips 2020

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:52 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: pheonix358
Prove it or show some reasoning please.

Already did.

You have not read the part in the bible about the anti-christ ruling the world?

So now you think you understand and that is why you are an Atheist? What is an anti Christ to a non believer but just another absurdity on a list of them?

For you see that you do not know God, believing or whatever you want to call this, is going to help in this matter. It has become a fight on a spiritual nature and you will have to put on your spiritual armor that we were told we were going to need as Christians.

THAT is why you see this from angles that won't add up when this is all over. The faith required is only that of a size of the mustard seed. But you have to have faith in the Trinity and allow the Holy spirit into your life to help with discernment. Discernment is important when you can display an understanding of somethings core issues. That is where we differ greatly.

edit on 1-9-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:56 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
In the post where I said I was an atheist I also mentioned I was raised christian. I know the stories. You don't have to believe them to understand the plot.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 12:58 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
In the post where I said I was an atheist I also mentioned I was raised christian. I know the stories. You don't have to believe them to understand the plot.

Choosing Atheism has set your path to dismissing facts IMO.

Missing facts are how we got into this mess in North America and probably in a lot of other places.

edit on 1-9-2022 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 01:07 AM
a reply to: Justoneman
That doesn't change what the bible says awaits humanity in the end times.

There is no mention of dark to light led by humans. Instead you have the AC come to power and rules over the entire earth. That is the complete opposite of Q saying they are going to take down the satanic cabal.

You can't have it both ways.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 01:22 AM

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
In the post where I said I was an atheist I also mentioned I was raised christian. I know the stories. You don't have to believe them to understand the plot.

Actually, yes you do.
It is why you never understood the parables or teachings leading you to rely not on faith, which biblically is "evidence of things unseen" (not blind faith as I am sure your secular beliefs will attempt to redefine . This leaves you only to rely upon your own understanding and nothing else spiritually.
You get only the secular view.
And since the Bible is required to be spiritually discerning in order to understand you only get to see the world view.
"In prophecy of scripture it is not left to your own understanding. For prophecy is written by men moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke from God. Nobody prophecies except from God"
So no.
By your own admission you read about God.
And you read about Q.
But you see no evidence of either.
Most likely your pre-suppositions are your stumbling blocks

This is another logical fallacy.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 01:25 AM
So who or what is "the scarlet woman" that the cabal rides into power only to throw her under the bus in the end?
What about the beautiful side of evil? Does it exist to you?
Or evil is always smelly and ugly?

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
That doesn't change what the bible says awaits humanity in the end times.

There is no mention of dark to light led by humans. Instead you have the AC come to power and rules over the entire earth. That is the complete opposite of Q saying they are going to take down the satanic cabal.

You can't have it both ways.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 01:27 AM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
And since the Bible is required to be spiritually discerning...

You do understand that there are other religions who say the same thing about their holy books?

You read about god and Q and you believe you see evidence of both. Maybe your pre-suppositions are your stumbling blocks.
edit on 1-9-2022 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 01:28 AM
a reply to: Nevercompromise
Doesn't matter who the players are or what they look and smell like. The plot in the bible doesn't jive with the plan laid out by Q.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 05:31 AM
THINK for Yourself
There's a War going on
For your Mind

Think About IT

edit on 912022 by MetalThunder because: What a Day

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 06:10 AM
I consider that.
But my changed life from what I was is down payment and builds my faith daily.
I hope you get as much with your decisions.
Living a life committed to skepticism might require more faith than what I need from my religion.

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
And since the Bible is required to be spiritually discerning...

You do understand that there are other religions who say the same thing about their holy books?

You read about god and Q and you believe you see evidence of both. Maybe your pre-suppositions are your stumbling blocks.

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 06:13 AM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Justoneman
Crossing fingers but the dice were not loaded after all in our metaphor.

You have hope the dice are not loaded but you can't say with any certainty if they are not.

The outcome people are hoping for requires faith in God because this is about "principalities" that rule this Earth that are of a spiritual nature.

You are suffering from a serious disconnect. The bible says things will get progressively worse until the second coming. There is no person or group of people that will bring down the "principalities". Not Q, not people who have uncovered the truth or anything else.

Your faith in the plan contradicts your the faith in god (assuming you are talking about the god of the bible).

That is actually one of the red flags I noticed in the drops. All the god talk while also proposing a plan that contradicts gods plan. Of course this was done by Q because they had to play to their audience.

You’ve said something remarkable!

If one is to fully believe the Bible prophecy in regards to anti Christ rule, earth cataclysms, and all the like that comes with it, how can one believe that the powers that be, whose plan is to usurp God and prevent his destruction of them and their power structure on earth, are of any MORE grandiosity or delusion than those that believe there’s a man made PLAN to stop any of it? 🪞

Q might be a channeled entity -I’ve entertained the idea, but I doubt he’s Jesus’ medium for direct communication to his army. And that would be the only other logical explanation if we reconcile this to biblical prophecy.

In 5 years I’ve found no logic in that.

Mirror mirror on the wall
It’s September, HAPPY FALL , YALL!

posted on Sep, 1 2022 @ 06:53 AM
Holy flipping cow. You do have a very good understanding of what I am sharing that I believe is the truth on many levels. I would not wish for anyone to miss out on the meaning of this whole thing because they don't believe in an evil spiritual power and a good spiritual power that guides us from a Quantum physics we are yet to grasp.

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
In the post where I said I was an atheist I also mentioned I was raised christian. I know the stories. You don't have to believe them to understand the plot.

Actually, yes you do.
It is why you never understood the parables or teachings leading you to rely not on faith, which biblically is "evidence of things unseen" (not blind faith as I am sure your secular beliefs will attempt to redefine . This leaves you only to rely upon your own understanding and nothing else spiritually.
You get only the secular view.
And since the Bible is required to be spiritually discerning in order to understand you only get to see the world view.
"In prophecy of scripture it is not left to your own understanding. For prophecy is written by men moved by the Holy Spirit, spoke from God. Nobody prophecies except from God"
So no.
By your own admission you read about God.
And you read about Q.
But you see no evidence of either.
Most likely your pre-suppositions are your stumbling blocks

This is another logical fallacy.

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