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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---SHALL WE PLAY A GAME ONCE MORE?--- -Part- --41--

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posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 05:56 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

That just ain't so.

Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges between the Earth's surface and the ionosphere

Right, but what if it means something else too. What if the storms are a reaction to something quantum going on the surface?

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 06:03 AM

originally posted by: Caled
Here is some interesting Emergency Alert System news:

"Emergency Alert System Flaws Could Let Attackers Transmit Fake Messages"

"The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has warned of critical security vulnerabilities in Emergency Alert System (EAS) encoder/decoder devices.

If left unpatched, the issues could allow an adversary to issue fraudulent emergency alerts over TV, radio, and cable networks."

That will make things interesting when the Emergency Alert Notification goes out...

Ok, that sounds like they are covering all the bases ahead of time for people like us. Someone in my office will surely say "did you see the report on false EAS alerts?" Just as sure as I am typing this now.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 07:40 AM
a reply to: Justoneman

The fluctuating Schumann resonances mean there was more/less lightning at a particular point in the day.
Not really any more mysterious than that.
edit on 8 9 2022 by dashen because: ⚡

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 08:48 AM

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:03 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: XtheMadnessNow

XtMN, bear in mind that the FBI raid of Mar-A-Lago SETS A PRECEDENT!

This will allow similar action on Bill Clinton, Obama, Bush, Carter, as well as other high politicians like Schumer, Pelosi, etc.

LOL. that made me chuckle. That had to be sarcasm, right?

You think the same Agencies that have hidden evidence, destroyed evidence, have had key witness that can bring down the system killed under their watch and protection, has ONLY prosecuted real whistle blowers, and has closed all the loopholes to make things go away for each one of them is going to now go after them. LOL yeah not a chance.

The fact that they are raiding trumps residence is interesting when you consider that anytime one of the 3 letter agency gets involved its typically to get rid of evidence and clean up things for the cabal . Will be interesting to see if this is another job for the cabal cleaners where things just disapear and go away.

edit on 04831America/ChicagoTue, 09 Aug 2022 09:04:12 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:06 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: Justoneman

The fluctuating Schumann resonances mean there was more/less lightning at a particular point in the day.
Not really any more mysterious than that.

but if you tie it to rainbows,unicorn farts , random numbers, and movie scripts it all ties in as long as you throw away what doesn't fit your bias and narrative.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:07 AM
a reply to: interupt42

I'm with you on this one kid.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:14 AM
a reply to: interupt42

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:20 AM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

So Kash is claiming the files in Question were already declassified by Trump, which he apparently had the authority to do as President ! So the plot thickens, what was it Trump declassified that is soooo important to get back ?

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:28 AM

originally posted by: dashen
a reply to: interupt42

Welcome to the internet where people posts in public open forums and get replies.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:32 AM
a reply to: interupt42


posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:50 AM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012

So Kash is claiming the files in Question were already declassified by Trump, which he apparently had the authority to do as President ! So the plot thickens, what was it Trump declassified that is soooo important to get back ?

it’s not a question of what the information was they demanded the return of the national archives files months ago I think it was and he held onto some of them so they raided his house to get the files back because he refused to return them now they were going to try and get him on two things one is that he refused to return them and number two is that they were classified which he says they weren’t so it’s going to be for the lawyers to argue in court

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 09:56 AM
posted on another board…………..

Back on July 24, the social media network founded by Trump put out a Tweet suggesting a big reveal of some kind on August 8th.

As in today, August 8th.

Hell of a coincidence, right?


Trump obviously KNEW that if he had something the FBI really wanted (say, some certain information he intended to reveal on or after Aug 8) that they would absolutely come for it. Think of it like bait.

Trump either relocated whatever it is they were after or left a copy in the safe and took the original(s).

Translation: he has them by the balls.

The show is probably only just beginning. He knew his fan base would go ape # over the raid, which he and his supporters say reveal the DOJ's true colors. All Trump has to do now is release the dirt he has.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: interupt42

So you find no benefit in collaborations that occur via the internet in forums like ATS or specifically in this Q thread ? If nothing else this thread has documented connections in a somewhat coherent manner, LOL, although I recognize that’s a matter of POV ! “ All roads lead to Rome ‘ presumes there are several ways to get there 😊 !

As fragmented as this thread can get, the common goal and synchronized “ Unity “ gives us a better perspective to navigate our own real world lives. A big reason we’re where we’re at is because the Big Picture is always broken down into pieces and not looked at in context. That’s what makes this thread meaningful , it’s been an in-depth view of our situation from every imaginable perspective, for myself, this shared Education is bigger than FB chat ( I quit years ago )
It’s a bummer you see it that way, but glad you’re still checking in !

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 10:47 AM
2 books written by the same person.

In "Baron Trumps marvellous underground journey (1893)", he lives in "Castle Trump", a wealthy aristocrat and is guided by "The Master of all Masters" called "Don"

In "Last President (1896)", there is an underdog that ran for President and no one believed he would win, but he did. He lived on 5th Ave in NYC (Trump Tower is actually at 5th Ave!). There were riots and protests all over the land as a result of his victory. His Secretary of Agriculture was even named "Lefay Pence".

These two books were written by the same person.

Illuminati card game from the 90's -

This card eerily depicts what looks like Donald trump and the card is named 'house keeping'. It reads "you may remove zap, paralysis or attribute freeze cards that are affecting your power structure. However preoccupied with your house-cleaning, you may draw no plots this turn.

Donald trump is not a good guy, this is all scripted. You're being led to the slaughterhouse.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

So you find no benefit in collaborations that occur via the internet in forums

No , I do find benefit in collaborations that occur via the internet in SOME forums

like ATS or specifically in this Q thread ?

So far the collaboration in this Q thread has led to nothing but people chasing their tail until it was to late and the deepstate handed us our arses on a platter with Joe biden, crashing the word economies, and forcing us to comply with putting an experimental jab into our bodies. Not to mention all the real whistle blowers that were prosecuted while key witness that could bring down the deepstate were suicided and evidence disappeared all under trumps swamp filled administration. The same trump administration that certified the 1 Trillion biden voters.

So while some of us here tried to say hey wtf Is trump doing hiring all these swamp creatures that keep turning on him. The Q'strs and trumpsters kept trying to turn a blind eye to it and trust session and trust the plan with weekly faux booms and call us democrats , bots or anything to dismiss the redflags.

Perhaps looking at the reality of what was going on early enough and calling out trump for his stupid hiring practices we might have cleaned up the swamp. Instead people kept chasing their tail until it was to late and the deepstate won with biden and q disappeared.

However it doesn't end there , as people became addicted to the Q drug and now 2 years later they try to associate anything or anyone that fits into their hopium belief that justice is still coming . The result of that is still the same: people chasing their tail while completely not focused on the real issue and hence no plan to really make a difference.

As I have mentioned before this Q movement has a lot of potential to change things , but unfortunately they are being herded chasing a fantasy that ties anything together to keep that fix of hopium going. The consequence is a missed opportunity to actually make a difference as likely designed by the real Q.

The Q movement has been great in keeping the people on the sidelines as the deepstate kept getting bigger and winning.

edit on 56831America/ChicagoTue, 09 Aug 2022 10:56:04 -0500000000p3142 by interupt42 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 10:55 AM

Doctor Jill Biden looks stunning in her toilet cleaning smock[ing].

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 11:09 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Doctor Jill Biden looks stunning in her toilet cleaning smock[ing].

Aside from the military still refusing to salute Biden, what is going on with those pictures? It looks like Biden has a belly that someone tried to photoshop out.

Also, the helicopter the Bidens are using in the last pic is visibly different from the one in the first 3 pics.

edit on 9-8-2022 by AndyFromMichigan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: interupt42
a reply to: MountainLaurel

So you find no benefit in collaborations that occur via the internet in forums

No , I do find benefit in collaborations that occur via the internet in SOME forums

like ATS or specifically in this Q thread ?

So far the collaboration in this Q thread has led to nothing but people chasing their tail until it was to late and the deepstate handed us our arses on a platter with Joe biden, crashing the word economies, and forcing us to comply with putting an experimental jab into our bodies. Not to mention all the real whistle blowers that were prosecuted while key witness that could bring down the deepstate were suicided and evidence disappeared all under trumps swamp filled administration. The same trump administration that certified the 1 Trillion biden voters.

So while some of us here tried to say hey wtf Is trump doing hiring all these swamp creatures that keep turning on him. The Q'strs and trumpsters kept trying to turn a blind eye to it and trust session and trust the plan with weekly faux booms and call us democrats , bots or anything to dismiss the redflags.

Perhaps looking at the reality of what was going on early enough and calling out trump for his stupid hiring practices we might have cleaned up the swamp. Instead people kept chasing their tail until it was to late and the deepstate won with biden and q disappeared.

However it doesn't end there , as people became addicted to the Q drug and now 2 years later they try to associate anything or anyone that fits into their hopium belief that justice is still coming . The result of that is still the same: people chasing their tail while completely not focused on the real issue and hence no plan to really make a difference.

As I have mentioned before this Q movement has a lot of potential to change things , but unfortunately they are being herded chasing a fantasy that ties anything together to keep that fix of hopium going. The consequence is a missed opportunity to actually make a difference as likely designed by the real Q.

The Q movement has been great in keeping the people on the sidelines as the deepstate kept getting bigger and winning.

Yet, you posted here over 5000 times over 4 years of your life you'll never get back. "Hopium" you love that word (trumpsters, that's funny too), isn't even yours, but oh how you love it. Why don't you still bitch and moan about how the lack net neutrality is ruining your business. What, since Joe was elected you gleefully snark, but seem to ignore your tax issues and your net issues in favor of still posting endlessly in a group you have total contempt for?

Your big complaint is that Qfolks "don't do anything" sort of Ray Epps like, yet all I see you doing is voluntarily posting in a forum you hate, over 5000 times - what exactly are you doing?

How's the progress on your whole Net Neutrality bill in your state going? Or did you give that up?

So, precisely what makes you any different? If folks who post here are Qtards, what does that make you with over 5000 posts, voluntarily I might add, saying the exact same thing over and over right here and elsewhere? I mean, what, you're the divine messenger of voice and reason, self appointed to guide the Qtards out of the forums and into the streets where, like BLM, they can make change?

Ah, the reveal. "I want to believe,,, but..." so your sort of a hopium person, you WANT to believe, but dang, that voice of reason is in charge, and dangit, it says "Qtards are tards" and must show them the light. That "I want to believe" hook is as transparent as air.

Funny how your altruism has a tonal change depending on, cough, certain factors, your tone with DJT in office was gloom, doom, hate, anger, but.but.but., yet, since Joe came in, it's all glee, hahaha, snark and fun. Says a lot, not about you, you defined yourself from second one as a person with all the time in world to spend on people you despise. Which, seems sort like a waste of life if you ask me - but you didn't ask me, you don't ask you dictate from your throne drinking your glass of Hopium, or does one smoke it, I can't remember.

Don't bother replying the last time you replied to me two years ago will suffice, it won't be different. Two years ago.

posted on Aug, 9 2022 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Re 88.
It's official. I am totally creeped out now.
When I got up this morning I flipped open to page 239 of "The New Normal" chapter of the book 'The Vaccine' I was mentioning yesterday. I had circled 88 and 105. I really have no idea why.

What are the chances that it took 88 days from when Sahin formed his team to start working on the mRNA jab to the first injection?

105-88= 17

The 105 represents the number of days from when the genome of the Covid-19 virus was first uploaded onto the internet [Jan. 11th] and the number of days for BioNTech to respond to the threat.

Is it possible that this book, Bourla's and Birx books could be submitted as evidence in a court of law? Other people helped write them but they had to sign off and approve what was written. This is public knowledge now. They have even gone on speaking tours which cements in their role in the plandemic and Crimes Against Humanity.

This probably falls under "These people are stupid."

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