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Pfizer Quietly Admits it Will NEVER Manufacture FDA approved Vaccine

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posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 03:14 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: texasgirl
The point of this thread was the public believed the US “approved” Cominarty was already being sent to clinics for immediate use. That wasn’t the case. Everyone is still receiving the EUA one.

They are the same thing in different packaging.

If the vaccine is what caused your sisters death, the one in the comirnaty box would have also done the same.

The point is that she was swayed by it's apparent approval. Getting the approval stamp means it's safe, right? Well, it wasn't for her.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 03:31 PM

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: opethPA

The source does not make something true or false.

It's real easy. If something is true and you can verify it there's no need to torture over if the source is reliable. If you make due diligence general practice this is less problematic because you realize they're all emotional political hacks.

As of right now there are no vaccines that have been "approved" available. This has been verified by me personally long before this news that they aren't making more. They never were going to be without the childhood vax liability shield. To believe they didn't know they wouldn't proceed is kinda outlandish since I knew it a long time ago.

That makes all the obfuscating tantamount to fraud. They didn't intent to make it, they avoided outright fraud by having the press and officials say "it's approved get in line", then it's all water under the bridge.

You've been getting lied to constantly, proven via plenty of reliable sources of your choosing. When are you going to say enough is enough? Nothing they claim can be taken at face value and the longer people continue to defend them to save face the longer this charade goes on. How many lies does it take? When do they no longer get the benefit of the doubt?

If you have some source for the approved manufacture process being used and product available post the source and we can discuss.

A source that initially reports something like for like will not make something true or false.
A source relay that initially reports something like for like will not make something true or false.
When a source adds it's own perception, opinion, slant or bias to it then the truth of that topic is already gone when it comes from that same source or any other source that relays the modified version of facts.

So , I go back to my question...Why is the same standard applied to CNN, Wiki or whatever is considered a liberal site not applied to a self-defined conservative site like TGP?

What concept that you believe you have verified are you trying to make with this point, "As of right now there are no vaccines that have been "approved" available" I mean the fact that you can legally get any vaccine would , by logic, indicate that it is approved available. Maybe it's just getting lost in context, ideally though I hope you are willing to clarify this.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 03:43 PM
a reply to: texasgirl
That isn't what the CDC article linked says. They says they got new NDCs because the name and packaging was different. They have entries for Pfizer labeled (Original product formulation) and others (Tris-sucrose formulation), both EUA, so even those types of changes are noted.

The point is that she was swayed by it's apparent approval. Getting the approval stamp means it's safe, right? Well, it wasn't for her.

Sorry for your loss but we should all come to understand that nothing is safe for everyone and if the mRNA is what caused her death, even the vax in the new packaging was going to be bad for her.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 04:03 PM
a reply to: Nothin

In all seriousness, would you be able to drive across illegally somewhere?
You could pass for American, eh. okay that last prat wasn't serious.
I feel for my northern brothers.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 04:59 PM
in years past did you see hospitals fill up with flu patients to the point that people could not get their surgeries and cancer patients could not get their cancer treatments.....covid spread much quicker than the flu does so more people sick at once and it was new...people did not have immunity......the 2018-2019 flu season 28,000 died from the flu deaths from covid 103,000 that is quite the difference.....well at least the variant going around now spreads really fast but not many end up hospitalized so that is a good thing...I will end it there....again sorry about your sister

originally posted by: texasgirl

originally posted by: research100
thank for supplying those facts I like to know medical before making a judgement ....Again I am so sorry you lost your sister....I can't say 100% the vaxx didn't cause the heart attack....but the numbers don't exactly back it let me ask if trump had been successful on jan 6 with his coup and got a 2nd term HE would have been in office when the vaxx was approved...I have my own story

was friends with a family for many years my other friend they were were literally more like them ......this family thought covid was a big joke didn't want to wear vaxx ....well the offspring caught covid when visiting friends...he got it , it was like a flu for him and his mom and dad got it posted it was really awful they all had underlying medical ended up in the hospital.....a few weeks later the son wanted to call 911 his mom said she refused to go to the hospital so he couldn't call....she died....... a few months later the son killed himself.......a few months later the father died never did recover from covid never returned home.

It was terrible . very sad


Yes, it’s very sad but the flu does the same thing. The flu even kills kids.But did we all go hysterical, mask up and make everyone take a flu shot?

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 05:28 PM

originally posted by: opethPA

originally posted by: Ksihkehe
a reply to: opethPA

The source does not make something true or false.

It's real easy. If something is true and you can verify it there's no need to torture over if the source is reliable. If you make due diligence general practice this is less problematic because you realize they're all emotional political hacks.

As of right now there are no vaccines that have been "approved" available. This has been verified by me personally long before this news that they aren't making more. They never were going to be without the childhood vax liability shield. To believe they didn't know they wouldn't proceed is kinda outlandish since I knew it a long time ago.

That makes all the obfuscating tantamount to fraud. They didn't intent to make it, they avoided outright fraud by having the press and officials say "it's approved get in line", then it's all water under the bridge.

You've been getting lied to constantly, proven via plenty of reliable sources of your choosing. When are you going to say enough is enough? Nothing they claim can be taken at face value and the longer people continue to defend them to save face the longer this charade goes on. How many lies does it take? When do they no longer get the benefit of the doubt?

If you have some source for the approved manufacture process being used and product available post the source and we can discuss.

So , I go back to my question...Why is the same standard applied to CNN, Wiki or whatever is considered a liberal site not applied to a self-defined conservative site like TGP?

I do use the same standard. I don't have to discuss the source constantly. If it's true it's true. Do you have something that proves otherwise in this case? That would be the first way to disprove it. Find me somebody that claims they manufactured under their full FDA approval. I have not.

I bet you can't even find an unconfirmed source that claims they did. The most recent thing I heard about vaccine production was them throwing out many millions.

Are you claiming they're throwing away millions of doses while actively producing more? Does this make sense to you?

What concept that you believe you have verified are you trying to make with this point, "As of right now there are no vaccines that have been "approved" available" I mean the fact that you can legally get any vaccine would , by logic, indicate that it is approved available. Maybe it's just getting lost in context, ideally though I hope you are willing to clarify this.

EUA is not "approved", hence "authorization". It is allowed, not approved. Not that they would ever take responsibility, but it's specifically for something not approved for use by the FDA to be used during public health emergencies. It means everybody is off the hook for all responsibility. I suppose it could be for an approved drug for off-label use, but as we saw with Ivermectin clearly pharma would rather reformulate to maximize profits.

You cannot get the approved formulation. Manufacture for the EUA vaccines was for emergency use. They didn't even maintain consistent formulations between lots and batches during the EUA production. If not for it being a terrible therapeutic with limited practical benefit and elevated risks relative to all other vaccines, none of this would be a big deal. They hoped that people would just ignore the illegality of forcing an EUA vaccine on people by failing to mention that it never went into production under the full approval. They just let you all assume it was all good.

The inserts are old and don't have the most up to date information, meaning informed consent is compromised. There's far more than just a list of ingredients involved here. There are also medical ethics, industrial standards for manufacture, and just plain old being decent human beings.

It was blatantly a lie they foisted upon the public that the approved vaccine was available. This may not be a big deal to you, but those of us that lose trust when we're lied to aren't ignoring another attempt at deception. This isn't the first lie, we've easily outstripped Trump on lies in the past two years. The brainlet in the White House made the claim that you will not get sick or die if you take the vax. That, just by itself, should have been an impeachable offense and under other circumstances it's a serious crime.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 08:16 PM
a reply to: chris_stibrany

Longest unguarded border between two nations, so there are many little dirt-roads crossing here and there.
One is supposed to go check-in at the nearest border-service outpost.
Wonder if there's many cameras ?
Anywho : would rather not be in fugitive mode, if possible. Am not ready to go.

My guess is that what is coming : is coming everywhere.
Whether it be mountain camp in Canada or Tennessee, a seaside hacienda in Mexico, or a little lost village in Ecuador or the Philippines. The reach of Agenda-2030™ will be worldwide, and in every corner.

If one wants to know what to expect : all one need to do is take an honest look at what is happening today, their plans, and extrapolate.

There are more, many more, folks ready to defend those committing crimes against humanity, than those speaking-out about it.

Half of this thread is full of members bending-over backwards to support horrific crimes.
That is one of the most discouraging points.

When the Lockdowns™ started : we were about 25 members here questioning the move, whereas 25 thousand scared-peeps overloaded the stool-line in one week, in one city alone ! ( Vancouver. )

We are outnumbered by factors of thousands !
And they despise that we are making waves, and asking questions, rather that even consider the subject-matter of the questions.

It doesn't matter that Pfizer™ has a rap-sheet as long a roll of toilet-paper : they still accept everything they say and do as truthful and right.

That is happening worldwide somehow, and we even see it here with members who were formerly skeptics, now just wallowing in the glow of the post-Kool-Aid™ sugar-rush.

Sorry for the rant !
Have a great evening.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 11:51 AM

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


I am sure CNN is broadcasting this everywhere and everyday. Or are they still to busy talking about Tampon supplies?

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 11:53 AM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Assuming the sources are legit... wonder how long till they admit everything else they claimed was a lie as well.

Then wonder how long till things get violent.

Spent years getting ready for chaos, finally agree have a child and here comes chaos at 1000 mph, turns out that light at the end of the tunnel was a rocket propelled train.

now there is a decision. Accept Phizer as a legit source or any other?

The thing is even when Phizer admits this like they do and you tell people they will still disregard it.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Assuming the sources are legit... wonder how long till they admit everything else they claimed was a lie as well.

Then wonder how long till things get violent.

Spent years getting ready for chaos, finally agree have a child and here comes chaos at 1000 mph, turns out that light at the end of the tunnel was a rocket propelled train.

now there is a decision. Accept Phizer as a legit source or any other?

The thing is even when Phizer admits this like they do and you tell people they will still disregard it.

the ego is crazy isn't it? People don't like to admit they were wrong.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: research100
I am very sorry about your did not mention her age ,, whether she had any history of heart problems? other medical problems? obese? ( some people have a heart problem and don't know it) 221` million people in the usa have been vaxxed for the covid and 665, 000 people die in the usa each year (before covid happened) from heart attacks and this doesn't count in the other yearly deaths ...but if any of these deaths happen near to the time a person got vaxxed it is assumed it MUST be the vaxx so how do you know it was the vaxx ? you only mentioned Biden trump also told you to get vaxxed and he got vaxxed after getting covid so you should blame him as well..

now the heart attacks did go up a bit during covid and they found the reason was every time heart attack deaths went up there many patients in the hospitals with covid people having heart attack symptoms would stay away not wanting to get covid and hoping they weren't having a heart attack or that they could make it at home .......again that is terrible you lost your sister but if 221 million vaxxed and the vaxx causes heart attacks there should be many many more cases.....

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: research100

My sister died two weeks after her vaccine, you fool. Because it was supposedly “approved” and Biden told everyone to get vaccinated NOW she felt it was okay, that it must be safe. She immediately developed heart issues and passed away from a heart attack in her sleep.

The point of this thread was the public believed the US “approved” Cominarty was already being sent to clinics for immediate use. That wasn’t the case. Everyone is still receiving the EUA one.

The vac does cause heart attacks. The manufacturers even acknowledge this now. You sound like you’re about 18 months behind. You’re welcome to join the rest of us in June 2022 any time now.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 08:42 PM

originally posted by: jidnum

originally posted by: everyone

originally posted by: Irishhaf
Assuming the sources are legit... wonder how long till they admit everything else they claimed was a lie as well.

Then wonder how long till things get violent.

Spent years getting ready for chaos, finally agree have a child and here comes chaos at 1000 mph, turns out that light at the end of the tunnel was a rocket propelled train.

now there is a decision. Accept Phizer as a legit source or any other?

The thing is even when Phizer admits this like they do and you tell people they will still disregard it.

the ego is crazy isn't it? People don't like to admit they were wrong.

Yes my friend that is exactly one of the things that lie at the core of this problem. That and the hivemind/Borg/group/cult psychology.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 08:43 PM

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: research100

I voted for Trump but I knew the vax was BS and stayed away from it. He’s partly responsible but he wasn’t out there bullying people and trying to get it mandated. That’s on BIDEN.

That is for 100% fact yes.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:12 PM
a reply to: macaronicaesar

The same manufacturer that its other drugs also cause health issues which is itself ironic.

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