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Pfizer Quietly Admits it Will NEVER Manufacture FDA approved Vaccine

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posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 07:26 AM

originally posted by: SleeperHasAwakened
a reply to: ChiefD

Wikipedia is a known, crowd-sourced, openly public information forum where anyone, ANYONE, can edit content and articles on arbitrary subjects, with no way of confirming authenticity and factual basis, other than consensus of all the editors participating.

I like Wikipedia, and use it pretty often, but to consider Wikipedia as an authoritative "meta-source" on every subject for which there is a page, displays a rather naive trust of its editors..


Somebody who understands!

Just like all those "Fact Checker" sites

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 08:56 AM

originally posted by: ChiefD
a reply to: Lemon1234

Doesn’t apply because it’s blatantly false. This kind of stuff from these sketchy websites that are not news is total garbage.

You may not trust Gateway Pundit but this article actually has a link to the CDC website. Are you saying what CDC lists is blatanly false? Click the link and follow the CDC codes page. It says so on the CDC page.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


The Wikipedia page clearly states

Is that supposed to mean something?

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Problem is, they are psychopathic spouses who would rather torture you than let you go.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:33 AM
isn't that how you determine whether or not something is a fact or a lie you CHECK the source to see if it is reliable , check their history??? you are saying we shouldn't check just accept what is posted!!!!!!!! piffle! a reply to: network dude

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 09:53 AM
link they looked at 19 statement by gateway pundit

2 pants on fire....... 11 false...... 3 mostly false ...... 1 half true ...... 1 mostly true ...... 1 true ...... see the link for the specifics not a good record

where are the posters on here who claimed / absolutely insisted that everyone in the whole world who got the covid vaxx a year ago that we would all be dead by last winter??? well here we are 6 months later, you were dead wrong and owe us an apology

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


edit on 10-6-2022 by research100 because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2022 by research100 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:01 AM
Everytime these sorta things come to light... it just makes me hate humanity just a little bit more :/ which makes any sort of relationship or friendship come to a grinding halt and I look like the biggest d-bag in the world.

Life's an all around better place if we can try our best to ignore the truth. Pretend we love our government, we love the sheep, we will obey! And talk all mechanical[i bet if "gangsters" talk mechanical with the ebonics... they could sound like R2D2].

[Most mass killers in the U.S. derive from this demographic of free-thinking, narcissistic formalities... found out everything in the world is a fabrication of the truth; stress/paranoia boosted to the max.... time to go full Genghis Khan on your mom]

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:37 AM
a reply to: ChiefD

I can't argue with your point on the validity of this information as I was myself unable to find any corroborating sources other than a singular blog post with a quick google search.

I will hower ask you to posit a question.

Go to this link,

Pfizer - Our Medications

and ask yourself "Why are the only medications without 'View Prescribing Info' the covid-19 products?".

before you say "Well, those are new medications and they may just not have that information ready yet.", I will ask you to question "Why does the newly FDA approved medication (1/2022) CIBINQO have this prescibing information already?".

Use your mind, not your eyes or ears to think.

edit on 10-6-2022 by andr3w68 because: "k"

edit on 10-6-2022 by andr3w68 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: research100

My sister died two weeks after her vaccine, you fool. Because it was supposedly “approved” and Biden told everyone to get vaccinated NOW she felt it was okay, that it must be safe. She immediately developed heart issues and passed away from a heart attack in her sleep.

The point of this thread was the public believed the US “approved” Cominarty was already being sent to clinics for immediate use. That wasn’t the case. Everyone is still receiving the EUA one.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:14 AM

originally posted by: research100 they looked at 19 statement by gateway pundit

2 pants on fire....... 11 false...... 3 mostly false ...... 1 half true ...... 1 mostly true ...... 1 true ...... see the link for the specifics not a good record

where are the posters on here who claimed / absolutely insisted that everyone in the whole world who got the covid vaxx a year ago that we would all be dead by last winter??? well here we are 6 months later, you were dead wrong and owe us an apology

"" you say?

PolitiFact media bias rating is Lean Left.

PolitiFact has a Lean Left bias.

PolitiFact's Media Bias Rating is featured on the AllSides Fact Check Bias Chart™.

Fact checking sites display bias in what stories they choose to fact check, as well as how they interpret information. Often, fact check outlets will interpret information for the reader, drawing a conclusion rather than just giving the facts and allowing the reader to decide the meaning for themselves.


Numerous independent reviews by AllSides found that Politifact's bias is Lean Left.

In July 2021, PolitiFact issued a "fact check" with the headline "Biden, Harris distrusted Trump with COVID-19 vaccines, not the vaccines themselves." The piece argued that videos of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris expressing skepticism/hesitancy about a COVID-19 vaccine, should it be developed under Trump, did not constitute general vaccine hesitancy but rather, distrust of Trump. This "fact check" constitutes an interpretation of Biden and Harris' remarks, not a fact check. A fact check would have simply included the quotes from Biden and Harris, and allowed readers to interpret the meaning for themselves.

In a widely-criticized piece published April 2016, Politifact said it is false to describe a person by their biological sex if that person identifies with another sex. Assessing a presidential campaign ad by Ted Cruz, Politifact wrote that “it’s not accurate to say that transgender women are men.” Following criticism, the website issued an editor's note and then changed the article to state, "“it’s not entirely accurate for Cruz to define a transgender woman as ‘a grown man pretending to be a woman.’”

and most damning....

Coronavirus Lab Leak Theory

On May 17, 2021, amid calls for a deeper investigation of the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic started with a laboratory leak in Wuhan, China, Politifact removed a fact check from its database in which it had referred to the hypothesis as a "debunked conspiracy theory."

^^^ coming out prematurely and 'debunking' what is now widely accepted fact, that COVID-19 came from the level 4 bio research lab in Wuhan, China, and not a nearby butchers market (which I wrote a thread on in 2020 that queried, if the market was the source, why did it close for 3 days only and then reopen permanently??), should put a nail in the coffin for "Politifact" as a credible source of information.

Another "fact check" factory run by loyal Dem "journalists", who constitute probably 75-80% of the printed/cable/online MSM industry.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:23 AM

originally posted by: research100
isn't that how you determine whether or not something is a fact or a lie you CHECK the source to see if it is reliable , check their history??? you are saying we shouldn't check just accept what is posted!!!!!!!! piffle! a reply to: network dude

I don’t know what you’re on about but there’s a link to the CDC website (click on the highlighted Update) contained in his article. Did you not check the link that was posted?🤦🏼‍♀️

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:33 AM

originally posted by: ChiefD

Wikipedia is not the only website that says this. There are a number of other websites that track this, and The Gateway Pundit has always been known as a hoax website. Anyone with half a brain can see this. Doing some research before posting this garbage would do you some good.

I love the spin... " notorious experimental vaccine maker" They should have just said evil

I also like the spin of the OP's title "Pfizer Quietly Admits it Will NEVER Manufacture FDA approved Vaccine" Never is a long time, and with the first vaccine I agree that they have moved on to future vaccines that are similar to the original as to the direction they are going, so why get the first one FDA approved if it is now obsolete due to the variants?

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:39 AM

originally posted by: texasgirl
The point of this thread was the public believed the US “approved” Cominarty was already being sent to clinics for immediate use. That wasn’t the case. Everyone is still receiving the EUA one.

The difference is paperwork, no more or less studies are made. The first vaccines are obsolete now.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

They still mandate it to work at hospitals though.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 11:58 AM

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


So much for your source. The Wikipedia page clearly states that the Gateway Pundit is an American far-right fake news website. It is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

People need to check out the legitimacy of these sites before posting this crap. It’s ridiculous.

Right, and I trust wikipedia.

I suppose you also trust the bill gates funded media like NPR.

Wikipedia is not the only website that says this. There are a number of other websites that track this, and The Gateway Pundit has always been known as a hoax website. Anyone with half a brain can see this. Doing some research before posting this garbage would do you some good.

What has been REALLY easy is seeing all the lies told about the so called vaccines, and a paper trail 2 years long corroborating those lies one lie at a time in a long chain of deceit.

That (CON)ernati version has never been available, but that didn't stop the current administration from telling everyone it was the version everyone was getting when it was announced deceitfully, that this version was fully approved. And even if it was, it wasn't available, but they said it was the one everyone could get, even though if it was available, it hadn't even been shipped out to replace the original EUA version yet, and finally, never was.

It doesn't take even take half a brain to know that.

Only a total fool would listen to the current administration who already had a long trail of deceit and lies behind their every move. And fools of this caliber have zero credibility. (And they can never gain credibility back in this lifetime, no matter what they do.)

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:00 PM
I am very sorry about your did not mention her age ,, whether she had any history of heart problems? other medical problems? obese? ( some people have a heart problem and don't know it) 221` million people in the usa have been vaxxed for the covid and 665, 000 people die in the usa each year (before covid happened) from heart attacks and this doesn't count in the other yearly deaths ...but if any of these deaths happen near to the time a person got vaxxed it is assumed it MUST be the vaxx so how do you know it was the vaxx ? you only mentioned Biden trump also told you to get vaxxed and he got vaxxed after getting covid so you should blame him as well..

now the heart attacks did go up a bit during covid and they found the reason was every time heart attack deaths went up there many patients in the hospitals with covid people having heart attack symptoms would stay away not wanting to get covid and hoping they weren't having a heart attack or that they could make it at home .......again that is terrible you lost your sister but if 221 million vaxxed and the vaxx causes heart attacks there should be many many more cases.....

originally posted by: texasgirl
a reply to: research100

My sister died two weeks after her vaccine, you fool. Because it was supposedly “approved” and Biden told everyone to get vaccinated NOW she felt it was okay, that it must be safe. She immediately developed heart issues and passed away from a heart attack in her sleep.

The point of this thread was the public believed the US “approved” Cominarty was already being sent to clinics for immediate use. That wasn’t the case. Everyone is still receiving the EUA one.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:01 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

No the difference is legal. You can sue with corminaty. Hence why they never produced it but got it approved so they could do the bait and switch.

Yes it is obsolete like it was by the time they gave it to the very first person.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: Lemon1234

They still mandate it to work at hospitals though.

Yep, and the mandates were 100% wrong. Might as well have that as a cherry on top of a whole cake of wrongs.

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:08 PM
so this is the same vaccine that TRUMP got after he got covid...this is the same vaccine that TRUMP told you to get . how come you are not calling trump 0out on this?????????

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


So much for your source. The Wikipedia page clearly states that the Gateway Pundit is an American far-right fake news website. It is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

People need to check out the legitimacy of these sites before posting this crap. It’s ridiculous.

Right, and I trust wikipedia.

I suppose you also trust the bill gates funded media like NPR.

Wikipedia is not the only website that says this. There are a number of other websites that track this, and The Gateway Pundit has always been known as a hoax website. Anyone with half a brain can see this. Doing some research before posting this garbage would do you some good.

What has been REALLY easy is seeing all the lies told about the so called vaccines, and a paper trail 2 years long corroborating those lies one lie at a time in a long chain of deceit.

That (CON)ernati version has never been available, but that didn't stop the current administration from telling everyone it was the version everyone was getting when it was announced deceitfully, that this version was fully approved. And even if it was, it wasn't available, but they said it was the one everyone could get, even though if it was available, it hadn't even been shipped out to replace the original EUA version yet, and finally, never was.

It doesn't take even take half a brain to know that.

Only a total fool would listen to the current administration who already had a long trail of deceit and lies behind their every move. And fools of this caliber have zero credibility. (And they can never gain credibility back in this lifetime, no matter what they do.)

posted on Jun, 10 2022 @ 12:20 PM

originally posted by: research100
so this is the same vaccine that TRUMP got after he got covid...this is the same vaccine that TRUMP told you to get . how come you are not calling trump 0out on this?????????

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0

originally posted by: ChiefD

originally posted by: v1rtu0s0
Conspiracy theorists seem to have a crystal ball. Last year there were countless sources that revealed anyone who got an mRNA shot from Pfizer was getting the EUA Pfizer BionTech shot and not the FDA approved "corminaty." It was this corminaty Biden and the mainstream media pointed to when claiming you could now get an FDA approved mRNA vaccine. Many people saw the bait and switch from a mile away, and corminaty was never available in the United States. The biggest distinction between the two is a legal one, with an EUA vaccine you can't sue for vaccine injuries, and with corminaty, you could theoretically.

Now Pfizer admits they will never produce corminaty and instead mentions some new formulation. This, less than a year after approving corminaty. This is why they teach you to always read the fine print.

Earlier this week, the notorious experimental vaccine maker quietly submitted an update to the CDC, admitting that its originally licensed “Comirnaty” vaccine will never be distributed for use.

In other words, Pfizer has exclusively been supplying its version of the experimental vaccine that was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA – aka, zero Pfizer-branded vaccines given in the US have been “fully approved.”


So much for your source. The Wikipedia page clearly states that the Gateway Pundit is an American far-right fake news website. It is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.

People need to check out the legitimacy of these sites before posting this crap. It’s ridiculous.

Right, and I trust wikipedia.

I suppose you also trust the bill gates funded media like NPR.

Wikipedia is not the only website that says this. There are a number of other websites that track this, and The Gateway Pundit has always been known as a hoax website. Anyone with half a brain can see this. Doing some research before posting this garbage would do you some good.

What has been REALLY easy is seeing all the lies told about the so called vaccines, and a paper trail 2 years long corroborating those lies one lie at a time in a long chain of deceit.

That (CON)ernati version has never been available, but that didn't stop the current administration from telling everyone it was the version everyone was getting when it was announced deceitfully, that this version was fully approved. And even if it was, it wasn't available, but they said it was the one everyone could get, even though if it was available, it hadn't even been shipped out to replace the original EUA version yet, and finally, never was.

It doesn't take even take half a brain to know that.

Only a total fool would listen to the current administration who already had a long trail of deceit and lies behind their every move. And fools of this caliber have zero credibility. (And they can never gain credibility back in this lifetime, no matter what they do.)

Did the CDC “approve” it while Trump was in office? Those who were hesitant to get the jab were swayed by the approval. Biden had a press conference that very day stating it was approved and to get vaccinated NOW. That was deceitful.

My sister had no underlying health issues, ate healthy and took care of herself. She was not obese. She also never had Covid.

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