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Seventh COVID wave possible this fall, Tam tells MPs

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posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 04:06 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

When do the boosters for OTHER threats come out? Polio??

I've stepped over NO bodies. Just thousands and thousands of discarded masks. Medicos are the High Priests of todays society. In fact, high talk about vaccines (or else!) then boosters, has done NOTHING to buoy my confidence in our leaders, scientists and other elites that posture and sniff direction at us.

Fear mongering runs rampant.

The tests appear to be faulty at worst, rigged at best.

I see nothing but an agenda.

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: BiffTannen
a reply to: chr0naut

When do the boosters for OTHER threats come out? Polio??

Here's the CDC page on the polio vaccine. Note the recommended full course is for four doses. Polio Vaccination - CDC

Here's the CDC page on the MMR vaccine. Note the recommended full course is for two doses. Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) Vaccination: What Everyone Should Know - CDC

Here's the CDC page on the DTaP vaccine. Note the recommended full course is for more than six doses. Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis Vaccine Recommendations - CDC

Please feel free to research for yourself any other vaccines, and you will probably find that, contrary to what you may have been led to believe, it is quite normal that full vaccination requires multiple shots.

I've stepped over NO bodies.

The progression of COVID-19 is such that people don't just drop dead unexpectedly. In 1st world countries, most people who die of COVID-19 do so in tightly quarantined acute medical care facilities after extended illness.

Just thousands and thousands of discarded masks.

That just sounds like the people of Toronto are litterers.

Medicos are the High Priests of todays society. In fact, high talk about vaccines (or else!) then boosters, has done NOTHING to buoy my confidence in our leaders, scientists and other elites that posture and sniff direction at us.

Clearly, they have failed to adequately inform you about the basics, and you are instead seeming to be informed by those who also don't know.

(That's the problem with social media - it agglomerates and amplifies ignorance - they can shout with volume and enormous repetition.

I'm fairly sure that those leaders, scientists and others are actually putting a fair bit of effort and work into trying to help, otherwise, they would not even bother doing what they are doing and would just leave you to deal with everything for yourself.

Definitely, forcing some sort of mandate around vaccination is political suicide, so the politicians doing that are knowingly putting their job on the line for the good of others.

Fear mongering runs rampant.

You have less to fear if you are fully vaccinated. The reducing case-fatality-ratio clearly shows that fatality is vastly reduced in those who are fully vaccinated.

The tests appear to be faulty at worst, rigged at best.

Which tests? There are varying degrees of accuracy of the different test types but most tests are reasonable accurate and repeating the tests at intervals increases the confidence one can place in results.

I see nothing but an agenda.

An agenda to do what?

Was it to change or consolidate who is in political power? No sign of the pandemic having done, or of doing, that.

Was it to cause economic collapse? Most economies, across most of the planet are proceeding about the same, it has just been minor ripples, like always. In fact, in the USA during the lock-downs, bankruptcy fell to a five year low (probably because of government subsidies).

Was it to depopulate the world? There are better and more effective ways of doing that. We have had worse in history - and we chose to contribute to those things (like world wars) - and yet we survived them.

The 'plandemic' doom porn is just doom porn.

edit on 11/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 11 2022 @ 10:07 PM
Ride the wave!

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 09:26 AM
I have no fear of the virus mutating, but seeing people mutate in response has been absolutely terrifying. It's like being on the Titanic and telling the captain there's an iceberg straight ahead but he tells you "yes, that is what we are aiming for" and all the crew has the same idea.
Like living an episode from the Twilight Zone.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 10:22 AM
a reply to: chr0naut

So, the million plus dead US citizens with COVID as COD, all died of other causes, but never COVID-19?

That excuse was fairly absurd when there were few cases in the US. Now it's outright kooky to believe it still.

You are better than this, couple states adjusted their numbers over the last year and something like 20-30% drop in listed covid cases once they looked deeper than "Oh had covid, must be a covid death" so the hospital could get paid after the bloody govt shut them down from doing anything the govt considered elective.

This was all covered here quite extensively, the fed and the CDC had to set it up a certain way to boost the number of cases. Just like now with the push to get children vaccinated and boosted when they have a barely measurable risk, for kids without a major health issue.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 04:22 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: chr0naut

So, the million plus dead US citizens with COVID as COD, all died of other causes, but never COVID-19?

That excuse was fairly absurd when there were few cases in the US. Now it's outright kooky to believe it still.

You are better than this, couple states adjusted their numbers over the last year and something like 20-30% drop in listed covid cases once they looked deeper than "Oh had covid, must be a covid death" so the hospital could get paid after the bloody govt shut them down from doing anything the govt considered elective.

This was all covered here quite extensively, the fed and the CDC had to set it up a certain way to boost the number of cases. Just like now with the push to get children vaccinated and boosted when they have a barely measurable risk, for kids without a major health issue.

The numbers I quoted are the latest, well after those adjustments in 2020 had been added in.

Under the US medical system, medical care is withheld, and people die of preventable diseases, if the cost threshold is not met. Everything in the US medical system comes down to profit, and people are even legally allowed to gouge the system to maximize their personal wealth (as happened recently with Epipens).

That being said, hospitals incur costs for the care they provide; staffing costs, equipment, buildings, drugs, power and administrative costs. So it is natural that the care costs are calculated on a case basis, for budget allocation to cover existing care, and for resource planning for future care. Under the CARES plan, this all gets tied up into insurance to cover any peaks in variability and to allocate dollars based upon actual caseload. Although the possibility of someone 'gaming' that system is there, in three years of high observation from news media and government offices, there has not been a single case of it seen.

Fact Check: Hospitals get paid more if patients listed as COVID-19, on ventilators - USA Today.

And, of course, other countries with very good medical care that is fully subsidized and isn't tied only to profit, have similar numbers of casualties from COVID-19 per population unit and a similar case-fatality-ratio (the UK is an example).

Additionally, while kids are less affected by serious consequences of COVID-19, they are just as able as anyone else to transmit the virus. There are numerous studies that show that immunization reduces the duration, severity and transmission of COVID-19. This means that if we are to get a high enough coverage of the population to achieve herd immunity levels, we have to immunize everyone who is a potential host to the virus.

And there is also the fact that children do die of COVID-19, even though it is in lower numbers than the aged.

edit on 12/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 05:20 PM
a reply to: chr0naut

Last time I looked more kids died because of improperly used car seats than had died from covid.

Only a few states have adjusted things, most have not.

Hospitals were banned from "elective" surgeries, the biggest part of their income (you know how they pay the doctors and nurses) Elective surgeries like cancer treatments, back surgeries etc (as told to me by a neurosurgeon in georgia) Because the CDC said it was to risky.

Imagine that your date to start cancer treatments fell on the wrong side of a date and you get told sorry.

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 06:33 PM

originally posted by: Irishhaf
a reply to: chr0naut

Last time I looked more kids died because of improperly used car seats than had died from covid.

So, how many child deaths would you class as 'acceptable' before authorities should do something?

Only a few states have adjusted things, most have not.

Hospitals were banned from "elective" surgeries, the biggest part of their income (you know how they pay the doctors and nurses) Elective surgeries like cancer treatments, back surgeries etc (as told to me by a neurosurgeon in georgia) Because the CDC said it was to risky.

And in real life, hospitals were pushed hard to the line with sick patients (in hard quarantine, so the general public would not have seen them), and inadequate resources, and increasing numbers of sick doctors, nurses, and technicians.

Imagine that your date to start cancer treatments fell on the wrong side of a date and you get told sorry.

Imagine that surgeries deemed as 'elective' by definition are not those that are critical life-threatening situations.

edit on 12/6/2022 by chr0naut because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 12 2022 @ 06:40 PM

originally posted by: Asktheanimals
I have no fear of the virus mutating, but seeing people mutate in response has been absolutely terrifying. It's like being on the Titanic and telling the captain there's an iceberg straight ahead but he tells you "yes, that is what we are aiming for" and all the crew has the same idea.
Like living an episode from the Twilight Zone.

You should see those people that wear masks. Its qutie amusing to witness it in full plane.
I was walking without a mask as others were.

The one that had the mask she quickly put her goofy face cloth mask as she was walking passed me and few others that had no mask.

I could tell these are the people that believe anything that the media says or tells people that the people must obey their leaders because the media tells them so and their experts are always right and others are always wrong.

edit on 12-6-2022 by vNex92 because: (no reason given)

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